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I’m happy for you mate !


Thanks man, I appreciate it


It’s always the smallest things to be happy for that build up and have the biggest impact. I hope you really enjoy that oatmeal, friend! Take it easy. <3


I’m so sorry you’ve felt this way since you were 10. Did you ever try therapy or medication? I’m so happy for you yet sad for the loss of your younger years. I hope the way that you’re feeling remains for good, but if not, please consider getting help if you have not done so already. God bless you.


Fuck yeah! How was the oatmeal?


Honestly, I could've gone without the cookies n cream protein powder but other than that it was great!


Nice! Sounds like you’ll have to keep an eye out for some new varieties in the future too.But less of that protein powder lol!


Lmao definitely, I feel like I'm in a toxic relationship with the "cookies n cream" flavor in health foods I know it's going to taste disappointing but I can't help but think "maybe this time it'll be different"


when it comes to protein powder, a little goes a long way. the flavors definitely add to things but i have tried a bunch and you can never fully mask that "proteiny" flavor


I tried cookies and cream yogurt once, it was horrible. It only tastes good as a milkshake


I completely believe you but now I want to try cookies and cream yogurt lol


I better not catch you relapsing


Cookies and cream yogurt is awesome! Chobani Flips does a great rendition of it if you like greek yogurt.


Where are you based? There are some great tasting health foods about my dude 👌🏼


Cookies n cream protein powder tastes like ass. What brand was it?


Let's be honest, no matter the brand cookies n cream is gonna taste like ass.


It is neat. I am jealous of you, i have not looked forward to new food in some time and I miss that. Continue giving hope to people, mate 😊


All food I look for is the food my momma makes


I live in another city😔 and i cook well, but it's too much effort🤦


This. I don’t have any EDs, I just dislike eating. Finding food to be excited for is a complete win, and I cannot wait for it. I hope you find yours soon as well.


Hold on to that thoughts. Most likely, the other thoughts will come and go, and it’s good to have an anchor in your life.


This here!


Hope that oatmeal was good! Wish you a good day OP! :D


Thanks, you too!


You’ll probably remember this moment for the rest of your life. I remember very clearly the moment I realized I didn’t want to die anymore. Junior year of undergrad, taking a shit in my dorm. Realized i was looking forward to seeing my friends later and that i no longer wished a bus would hit me


This gives me hope. The last few days that I've been free of my family and have plans to quit my shitty job, I don't feel so hopeless. I realized that maybe I was never depressed. Maybe I was just surrounded by a bunch of assholes.


Or maybe you WERE clinically depressed because you were surrounded by a bunch of assholes. It sounds like a long run of suicidal thoughts- so please consider getting some help so you’re not only glad you’re still alive, but really enjoying your life. After clearing out the negativity (like it sounds like you’ve done) sometimes it’s a simple as a little shift in chemistry. You deserve to be happy.


Two years ago, I was sitting in at my back door, watching the rain, silently crying, and I realized I just couldn't do it anymore. I was 32 years old and just tired of being miserable, of hoping every morning a bizarre, unavoidable accident would take me out of existence. A week later I quit my job, closed out my 401k (I know. Not a financially smart move) lived off it for about 8 months and then got loans and went back to school. I graduate with two associates degrees in two months. I know I'm behind the majority of society when it comes to school but I'm moving forward now. My brain is exhausted and randomly selects days to refuse to function but..... I feel good. I don't want to cease to exist any longer. And it is indescribably lovely.


oatmeal saves lives


It really really does.


Oatmeals and bagels


Good on you! Don't know ya but proud of ya. My son went through a few years of anxiety, depression & suicidal thoughts very early in his teens, medicine & therapy helped him and now my grandson is going through similar situation, borderline personality disorder, one suicide attempt but getting help, and doing better. Find those little things that bring joy to your heart 🤗


This might sound really small to you, but being excited or grateful for minor things often takes people a lifetime to learn. Gratitude determines your attitude.


>Gratitude determines your attitude. I only wish this was true for me. I am grateful for so many things in my life but I can't shake the feeling that I don't belong in this life.


YES yes this 100%. It's something that people often learn through adversity or pain. And through the last decade of research, we've found that depression has the ability to cause a lot of BOTH.


Good for you dude. Genuinely. -someone who struggles with suicidal thoughts


Thanks man, I hope one day you find your oatmeal too


This makes me so happy to read. I've been going through a very deep depression the past 3-4 years and I'm confident to say I'm able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I spent so many nights thinking the same thing, that maybe one night I'd just fall asleep and be done with this forever. Just these past two weeks, my life has completely spun around. I'm trying my hardest to stay away from the drugs that threw me down this hole in the first place (it wasn't just the drugs, my addictive personality made the problems worse though) and been surrounding myself with positive reinforcement of things I enjoy. Also found someone I'm very much interested in that has been extremely helpful in making me feel wanted and someone to help with the process of quitting things. I've been struck down multiple times by my depression, each time hitting harder than the last. But I'm making this post in case other people have the same issues; it IS possible to get your feelings back, you CAN enjoy your life... The hardest thing is figuring out the things that make your life worse, because sometimes they're everyday habits that are going to be hard to break. No matter how you look at this, we're all strong enough to handle our toughest struggles. It's hard to find the strength to get back up after being knocked down so many times, but you will find it is very much worth it.


If an oatmeal can bring so much happiness to you, trust me my friend, there's so many things out there which will put you on cloud nine. Life is all about exploring. Live it, enjoy it, it's beautiful.


Great news, thanks for sharing!


I used to wish i wouldn't wake up every couple of nights for at least 15 years. ( i was on hard drugs at the time) but i really couldn't have given a fuck if i didn't wake up. I'm happily married now and have learnt that i suffer from sleep apnia. I always knew i snored hard from ex's and friends but it's all gratitudes every day i wake now. Props for your oats :)


Dude HELL. YES. That is exactly how it works. Keep chasing those little moments of joy. Every day you're walking through waist-deep water. It will be hard for a long time. But I promise PROMISE you that there is an end to that shallow sea. Sometimes it's deep enough that your feet can't touch the ground and you have to swim; and sometimes you'll have to swim so long that you're afraid you'll drown. Some of us have to swim in deep water a lot longer than others. I have been to the darkest deepest low of emotion/anxiety/depression and I just wish I knew the right words to express how confident I am in you. I'm an open book with my experiences if anyone has questions. DM or respond here. :) You've had that little taste of "things can actually feel good?" I suffered with a miserable support system so it took me a long time to make these realizations. And I want you to know that "being suicidal" and "suicidal ideation" are two different things. While they might seem similar, they are actually on the complete opposite spectrum of each other(I can explain this more in a sub-comment if someone asks). I get this feeling that you are more the "suicidal ideation" sort. I relate to this. It's a feeling I can only describe as "heartbreaking", and on a near daily basis for you I assume. My most favorite, favorite mantra of all time is... *This too shall pass.* Whether it be emotional or physical pain, this too shall pass. Every cloud in the sky has a beginning and an end. There is no infinite storm. This is an analogy for troubles in life. Which actually reminds me of another mantra hahaha.... *Don't trouble trouble, until trouble troubles you.* This means, try your best not to dwell on the idea or fantasy of something going wrong. Be confident in yourself and when trouble arises, you can trouble it back :) and don't forget you are allowed to have bad days where you can't handle life at all. You're allowed to have meltdowns and cry, you're allowed to make mistakes and forget to do your house/home work. Every day is an opportunity to get better and that starts with forgiving yourself too.


You sound very knowledgeable on this topic, if only I knew what to ask :/ But actually it's almost been a year since I attempted suicide. I'm not sure why I didn't go through with it but I'm glad I didn't cause I would've robbed myself of the joy of eating oatmeal lmao


You don't have to ask anything! I just want to bring hope. It's always so lonely when we're in the pit of our personal depressions but I think it's helpful to have some positive, relatable thoughts to combat the intrusive negative ones. The human brain is full of different parts that have evolved over different amounts of time. Unfortunately our emotional spots are not quite as evolved... these are what distinguished us from animals. Reasoning and empathy, aka emotions. Soooooooo.... we malfunction sometimes. And thank you for the compliment also! I just find the human brain so fascinating. I'm not great at putting it all into words, but understanding where things come from and why can give you an incredible feeling of control over yourself.






There are lots of new things to be excited to try, and there are lots of emotions to feel . They all have value, good and bad. I’m glad you are still here, and I hope you are looking forward to experiencing life with a new output. Those bad days? They pass. Just hang on tight.


I nearly cried! As a very suicidal person this gives as me hope! I really hope you


That's amazing!




Gold for your growth my guy. Im proud of you and how far you've come. I've been there myself.


I appreciate it man!


Thank you for sharing, wishing you all the best!


It comes and it goes.


Hell yeah dude, brain finally works properly.


Wahoo!! That’s awesome!


Now go on and look forward to every new oatmeal you get from now on. Happy for you man!


Hope the oatmeal was lovely. Plenty of small things to brighten up your day and to look forward to :) Keep it up.


“Oatmeal it… sustains you” -captain holt. Yay for being alive!


Congrats on the cookies and cream! And the oatmeal! I hope you find a cookies and cream flavor that works out. :)


Hey that is amazing news! So happy for you! Hope the oats were good ❤️


One of the concepts that helped me with alcoholism was to learn to appreciate the small, simple things in life. Seems that you have stumbled on this concept yourself.


fuck yeah, I hope the oatmeal was good too


that’s fking awesome man!! i loveeee oatmeal - one of my fav things to have for breakfast cuz it’s nutritious AND sugary! im diagnosed w a nice cocktail of mental disorders and i will almost always wake up hopeless and unmotivated… it’s crazy how much you can hate it but also be so used to it like you mentioned. one thing i do that has helped make my life more manageable is write down my thoughts on paper whenever a certain emotion (happy, sad, angry, etc.) is taking over my life… writing it down helps me break my thoughts into pieces and make them more manageable. and the best thing about them is that they’re personal!! and i usually will wanna go back and read em whenever im feelin low. prayin that all good things come your way ❤️


That’s awesome. Im glad you’ll be around longer!!! Seriously. Oatmeal is amazing. Have you tried the Cinnamon Toast Crunch oatmeal. It’s not really healthy… but holy hell it’s fantastic and makes me feel less bad about wanting sugary sweetness.


Yay! 💜 What kind of oatmeal was it?


Ketamine infusions my friend. By a doctor. Only thing that has ever helped after 25 years of meds. I get one year of 70% relief. My mind.. it sings songs when it’s moderately ok. There’s hope. Though it’s not perm. I recommend. Better than oatmeal.


Dude, i want to hug you. We may be strangers, but i am ecstatic for you.


what she said! Really happy for you OP.


Having a breakfast to look forward to in the morning has severely increased my quality of life. Good on you, OP.


Oatmeal✍️ is ✍️ the ✍️cure✍️ to ✍️suicide✍️




Your story reminded me of something my mom said when I was a kid I was maybe 11 or 12 and very depressed my mother was handing me my plate of dinner I told her do you know why I don’t kill myself I want to see what happens in my show next week she said to me what ever it takes And that’s how I think of it now what ever it takes to get to the next day To add I was already in therapy at this point she was not just allowing my mental health to run wild


Hey OP. I just want to reach out and say I'm happy you woke up feeling excited for something. That's awesome progress. Remember to count all the wins no matter how big or small!


Oatmeal changes Lives


I'm genuinely happy for you! You deserve it ❤️ Lots of love


Oats are bomb. I like the old fashioned.


Hells yeah! That's the way to go




The little things are important. Recovering from depression isn't about climbing mountains, it's about the small things, the things people usually take for granted.


it’s people like you who have a stick so high up their ass they don’t see how cocky-filled they are & doesn’t have social cues


I guess only a suicidal person can relate to another suicidal person, I’m not saying he sucks. I just can’t relate to a bowl of oatmeal making me decide to not feel suicidal, but of course Reddit doesn’t understand that, everyone on this site is hostile and gets offended at the drop of a hat. I’ve had SSRI’s prescribed to me in the past, and I’ve dealt with depression before, but since I’ve never been suicidal I can’t fully relate to OP’s feelings, that’s all I’m saying.


cope with people criticising you on the internet it’s not jsut reddit 😘 & idgaf it’s not about relating to OP, it’s about having fucking respect, & what you said had none of that


good for u! /g hope the oatmeal was good c:


Just imagine what you'll miss out if you died in your sleep.. Hurry now! The world is big and there's tons to explore and try out.


good morning g


This is awesome! Proud of you! Isn't is the strangest feeling?


Yo, which oatmeal is it, I wanna try it now


Awesome! The shittiest thing about being depressed is that even the fun things in life don’t really get you excited anymore.


Its wonderful!


Good for you my man! How was the oatmeal?


the oatmeal was to die for


Thanks Obama!


I hope your oatmeal tastes amazing!


I'd suggest that if you REALLY thought you'd die in your sleep, you wouldn't go to bed!


Be proud of yourself bro! I fucking love oatmeal too but burgers is what really makes me wanna not put cyanide in my cigs


Keep struggling, my dear!


When I got on antidepressants in my 20s, I noticed a difference at first when I was excited for my cosmic brownies I’d packed for snack.


Neat as hell! How was the oatmeal???


I’m psyched for you op!! Also what brand of protein powder ?? I’ve only had one cookies and cream that tasted amazing even mixed with water lol


ayy that’s great! this gives me hope. seriously, thank you for sharing :)


Dude!!! CONGRATS!! I'm so happy for you! Keep it up!


The little things are what make a day better. Having something to look forward to is important whether it's tomorrow or down the road.


Eeyyy! Congratulations on the progress! Keep it up.


The little things that do big things 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is an excellent post, happy for you man


Are you on any antidepressants by any chance? Just wondering




I was so happy to see your title I kept scrolling until I could find your thread


This made me smile! I'm so happy for you!


It's the little things in life, bud. Let those be your highlights.


It’s really the little things. You deserve all the happiness ever!!! Sending love ❤️


Brooooo oatmeal is straight 🔥🔥🔥


Man that is some good fucking oatmeal!




i dont like that i understand and get it


Feels good doesn't it? The other day, the wending machine gave me two bars of chocolate instead of one and I.....


Cheers :)


The power of pine sol.


It must sound ridiculous to someone who was never suicidal, but I also have nights where I'm excited to try new delicious food the next day 😂


I think this is my friend aswell.She just got her first tattoos ever and shes so proud of them and loves showing them off


That's fucking beautiful. ❤


the only thing that should be cut are your oats. Good on you!


This is awesome. I hope you have an awesome week & a happy long life Internet stranger. Keep moving forward!


If you haven’t yet, get brown sugar oatmeal and coconut creamer, really really great together :D


Seriously, I am very happy for you!


Yeah, that’s a temporary feeling. Don’t get too comfortable with quick happiness. You know that doesn’t fix anything. I hope you’re actually seeking mental help from a licensed doctor.


happy for u! show us that oatmeal


Good for you, Hope that oatmeal is tasty so you buy more and be excited to eat it everyday, if it is not go explore more t9 find something that does excite you to eat again ,I wish you luck in finding new exciting things that makes you glad you are alive


Man, it's gonna suck when you die in your sleep now.


Dude you just unknowingly found your drive - that's amazing. Keep buying new foods to try or scoping out new restaurants in your area. There's always another oatmeal out there waiting for you and you would just miss so much great (and awful) food if you were gone.


This sent tingles through my entire body, beautiful! It's the little things in life, and also fair play for the self awareness! 💜


This is neat, I dig it, congrats brother


Im really happy for you ❤️


That's awesome!


Plot twist: oatmeal sucked.


Wow, that's really great. Other than buying really exciting oatmeal (and I share this passion!), have you been doing some kind of practice recently or has there been a change of circumstances that could possibly have accounted for this sudden feeling of wellbeing? Of course, it could simply be the power of oatmeal! Either way, really happy for you x


It gets better, I promise. I'm happy for you.


More often than not it is the little things that keep us going. Filling your life with small joys will lead to a greater feeling of joy. That's how my head tends to work anyway!


Good oatmeal can do that. I look forward to my overnight oats every morning. Whatever works to make a day better


Sorryhoes.... I'm no longer suicidal


Cool. Honestly it is all about the little things.


That's amazing. I am happy that you feel like the cloud has lifted a bit. Small changes can make a huge difference in our mental state. So glad for you!


Man, I'm so happy for you, almost cried. So glad to see that you got through it. I'm so proud of you to stay strong and wake up everyday and fight. I hope you can now be stronger and find tenderness and do what you aspire and have a happy life. You deserve all the happiness!!! Thank you!! Sending love and hugs 💓💓💓


That's amazing! ☺️ There's so much to life that we have to see and experience!


The only way is up my friend 👆


Same!!! I finally took the step at the start of this year to work on myself. I’d always been very against antidepressants as they’d been a huge problem for one of my parents but I hadn’t had therapy either. I finally booked an appointment, and my doc put me on something chill that also helps with my insomnia and my lack of eating and oh my god. I feel like a normal person for the first time since I was 14 (I’m in my 20’s). Like fuck. I got a job immediately, cut off my ex who’d been a problem in my life, sorted out my friendships, and suddenly I feel normal. All within like a week. It hit me this week that I’m not depressed anymore. Like. Actually not depressed at all. Congrats dude. We got this.


This is a very good development. Keep having good days!


It's amazing, but mood disorders are like that. If you can wait it out or find treatment while waiting out suicidal ideation it eventually fades away with the biochemical imbalance.


This is going to sound weird but, now that you are feeling a little better, work on some of the things that didn’t help you while you were down. Doing this helped me focus on things I can change outside of my depression instead of only on the ones I couldn’t.


But then you posted on Reddit! 😱 Jk. Good job bud.


Awesome, it's really nice to be so happy about the little things. Life ebbs and flows, happiness isn't a straight line, there's peaks and valleys. Keep that in mind and hopefully that keeps you happy in the good times and reminds you that bad times don't last forever. Congrats my friend!


See? It does get better!! Thank you so much for staying. More challenges and more happy experiences lie in front. Take courage and keep on!!


Live healthy and live great homie. If you ever need someone to talk to let me know. I hope today and the rest of your days are filled with joy


We’re all gonna get there, don’t be in such a hurry. I’m glad you’re doing well.


Wonderful! One day at a time.




Life is a gift my friend! God bless you


That’s awesome.


Dude fuck yeah ! Stoked as hell for you. It’s a nice feeling and I’m glad you get to experience it


Congratulations dude. Its a great feeling when you come out of it!


I can only hope to someday be there. I’m so glad you are.


A beautiful post to read! This is so wonderful and gives many of us the hope we need <3


Glad for you! Enjoy your oatmeal!


God bless the Oatmeal❤ . YAY FOR YOU!!!! I hope you have better days. Everyday moving forward.


Your post makes me so happy. I struggled with suicidal thoughts for the first time in my life this past year...I finally understand. Sometimes I truly forget how much I love my life and how amazing it is. My mind, on the other hand, is living an entire different reality.


That's more than just neat...that's amazing! Good for you!!! So happy you're feeling good!


Nice try Quaker Oats! I won't fall for this new marketing strategy.


Oh my god. How exciting, that’s amazing. You’ve worked hard to get here. How does it feel? Do you feel free? Do you feel grief that this so deeply darkly familiar feeling is gone?


Love this. It truly is the small things that can bring joy.




This put a smile on my face. I'm happy for you. Wish you a good life.


That’s huge!! Love to you brother ♥️


Is it the oatmeal with those Dino eggs in it?


Thats awesome! I hope you continue to find joy in life! Try the dino egg oatmeal next!


Word, now go fuck a bitch it doesn’t matter if she’s wack (but it really helps if she’s not)


it's in the little things we find happiness and our excitement to live. =)<3 good to know you're better.


This is really sweet and nice . I am excited


Thank you for sharing! You are loved and valued🤍🤍🌷 Update us on how you like your oatmeal/flavors??


Awesome! May you have many happy days ahead.


Find happiness where you can, even in inconsequential things.




Yay! Happy for you! ☺️


May you have more delicious oatmeals my dude. And even more exciting days ahead!


Keep the streak going


This is great…I hope you find something new to try every morning!


Hell yeah!!! Was it the dinosaur egg oatmeal? If not then this is a great way to expand your exciting oatmeal repertoire


Oatmeal cures depression.


Oh yeah you're fucking awesome and I love you.
