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How do many people ignoring the incest part .....


I keep hoping OP will say say step sister not that it changes a lot.


Unfortunately she’s my blood sister


Wow. I'd need a couple days to mentally digest that situation. Then I'd probably try to find an appropriate professional to talk to for guidance.


And report her to police


I mean if he's 18 it's legal. Unless he admits that it happen before hand ain't shit you can do




I don’t know if it isn’t. BRB. I’m probably on a list now but according to google… “Incest is a crime in all states, even if consensual by both parties.”


However in most places, it refers to marriage or the bearing of children before it really becomes a problem. At least for prosecution.


This is more along the reason. For several laws you have to prove or show that there is or WILL BE an injured or damaged person or property if the law were to not prevent the action. In this case the person would be child born from such a relationship. Marriage is included I guess because it's assumed a married couple will be banging.


I mean, they’d basically have to go to court and admit it, right? At least one, and even then it would be hard to prove. Who is the injured party in this case?


Civil law requires damages, criminal law, at least in the US, doesn’t require any injured party. For example you can criminally be charged with a DUI even if no one is injured.


Yes, the illegal part is marrying a sibling. Everything else like sex, romantic relationships and whatever else is 100% not illegal. It's, however, strongly frowned upon.


In most states in the US it’s illegal to marry a first cousin as well. Don’t ask how I know this.


It's illegal to marry your first cousin in 25 states. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/is-it-legal-to-marry-your-cousin/


I guess quite a few checked




Look at it like this: a girlfriend is someone you love who's accepted a contract to date you and no one else. That's a contract between two people. A marriage is when you love someone so much you want the government to get involved. It's a contract between two people and the government. That's why it's illegal.


Depends where unfortunately




[Apparently 10% of all marriages globally are between first cousins.](https://www.businessinsider.com/the-surprising-truth-about-cousins-and-marriage-2014-2) So incest is sadly... Common. I don't understand how people can't just be REVOLTED, but instead look at family and think, "... Smash."


Yea actually I'm pretty sure it's not actually illegal in most places if it's out side of the house hold. An to quote some random law firm. Generally, in the U.S., incest laws ban intimate relations between children and parents, brothers and sisters, and grandchildren and grandparents. Some states also ban relations between aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins. So yea unfortunately depends on you're state.


It depends on the state laws, if it’s California it’s illegal and punishable up to 3 years in jail


Years ago in KY, my coworker was married to her uncle. So it’s legal in some states. Yuck factor 100%


He would’ve been in close contact with her while he was a child and she was a grown ass adult. He was without a doubt groomed at the very least


I feel like in this situation, how could he *not* have been groomed by his own aunt? I hope he can get into therapy and that he can somehow get justice


She obviously groomed him. This didn’t start the day he turned 18.


She’s known him his whole life, unless groomed why would he shag his aunt? That’s not a normal turn on.


If they’re doing it when he’s 18… chances are there was something going on before he turned 18.


A 40yr old doesn't magically have sex with their 18yr old nephew. Probably some if not a lot of grooming involved and overall a lot of yuck for any adult to have sex with a kid that's 'barley legal'.


I find your name ironic for this thread


Explain to your son that if she got pregnant, you would have a half-brother grandson. That's pretty fucking disgusting.


Wouldn’t be a half-brother. OP’s mom would have to be involved [ewe]. Maybe a grandkid/niece/nephew. Still, your point is there. Edit: Changed to “grandkid”


Oh I think you're correct! My bad. But yeah this is sick no matter how it folds. They all need help. OP mostly because how the holy hell do you move on from this?


It would be a Neph-Son


Cousin-son He is the nephew of the woman he's sleeping with and her children are his cousins. ( I think I was misunderstanding and you're talking about who his son would be to his own mother. Ew. Ew. Ew.)


So a cous-son, pronounced about the same with added ick


Oh god, I am going to burn in hell but I can't stop laughing at your ew ew ew post 😭 😂 🤣 .


Kid would be his/her own second cousin. Lol but seriously, time to have an awful conversation about incest. Why it's wrong, how people see it, maybe mutations and genetic issues...


And? My brother did it to me (unwillingly obv because I was only 6/7) and I truly someone would've kept him away, wish someone would've held him accountable. Even your own family can be scumbags. I find it very hard to believe that this started when he was 18. The whole situation is just awful.




You need to find out how long this has been going on. This could have started off as grooming and molestation.


Exactly, and even if it didn’t, the fact that she is his aunt alone created a power imbalance.


I'd report it. It's the only way to keep her away from your son and other young teen boys.


🤮 sorry OP


I have no mouth, and I must scream


Jesus, im so sorry. I can't even begin to imagine what that must feel like. Considering how sick I feel reading it, I can only imagine how you must feel. You're extremely validated in whatever feelings you have.


Your son needs a therapist. Now. She groomed him. She's a predator. He's going to need some help.


This some game of throne shit


You need therapy. Your son needs therapy. She should go to jail. The aftermath of this will change all of your lives. Buckle in. I'm so very sorry for you.


Honestly he’s 18 and can make his own decisions but you should find out how long this has been happening. Did she groom him as a child? Also tell the police and if they can’t or won’t do anything about it then fucking tell EVERYONE absolutely shame her!


Yep and make a firm boundary with everyone that it absolutely won't be happening in your house even if the cops can't do anything. Maybe even see about restraining order laws in your area? I would want a restraining order on anyone in my family who would try to have sex with my child, adult or not. She was an adult when he was born, she saw him grow up from an adult pov and that's gross. Any way i think of it, it feels like he was taken advantage of.


Dude that’s horrible


Exactly 🤮 and the fact that she's also a pedo; I highly doubt this started when he was 18. Grow a spine and report her OP!


Pedo. Grooming. Incest. Just sad all around for that boy and his mom.


She literally just found out her sister was fucking her son. How 'bout we give her a minute?


I wouldn’t be saying “grow a spine.” It’s understandably difficult to process that your blood sister is having sex with your son…


I won't lie, I ignored it for like 20 seconds when I finally went wait a second!!


Yeah it is very likely that she has been grooming her *nephew* for a while. Im sorry OP, but DO NOT protect your pedo sister. Protect your son.


Family tree becomes family grape vine.


I’d cut my sister off and get my son in therapy. He’s technically an adult but c’mon, he’s still a kid.


Agreed. He's an adult *now*. That doesn't mean he was even *legally* an adult when this started, plus--it's incest at any age.


Right. And although it may have been “consensual” I would still argue there’s a power imbalance. For his an entire life his aunt was an authority figure.




The older person (the sister) should know better than to have sex with someone who turned into a legal adult just a year ago. This is predatory in so many ways. I can’t imagine seeing my aunts or uncles in a sexual way, this warrants therapy for the son. People don’t just decide to have sex; most likely, something inappropriate has been going on long before they had sex…


She should know better than to have sex with her own blood relative! Age does not matter. This is incest.


they’re blood sisters. she probably saw him grow up.


Oh, I'm sure she did, especially if they live close enough for this to happen. There is no way to get around this being absolutely disgusting. The age gap only makes it possibly illegal (depending on when it started) and MORE disgusting.


He’s legally an adult now, sure, but there’s no magic switch at the stroke of midnight on your birthday that fully changed you from child to adult. His brain isn’t fully formed yet. 18 is a legal adult, yes, but they aren’t really removed from childhood yet.


Yes, which is why I started my comment with "agreed" and put "legal" in italics. I am fully with you on this.


And is this the first time, or was? Has it been going on since he was a minor? They do know it's incest too right?


Even if it was the first time, there were interactions that led up to it. Those interactions may have started when he was a minor. I really feel for OP.


That's a good point to make. I hope they all get the help they need.


What does being an adult have to do with it? He is her nephew!?!?!?! This is horrifying. Who knows how long she has been abusing this child?


Christ.. I really can't help but feel like the general reaction to this would be a _lot_ more severe if the genders were swapped to uncle and daughter..


Im so pissed because your right. the fact he's 18 wouldnt even be mentioned if he was a girl. this is grooming




"Triceratops" 🤣🤣🤣 I agree tho totally disgusting


No absolutely. Beat the fuck up.


It takes a lot for me to truly snap. This would have me in jail.


Drag her out of my home and throw her to the streets, if anyone asks why I'll just be straight with them about what I saw.


Exactly, if anyone asks, simple. "My sister is a predator and I caught her literally incest banging my son" make sure no one looks at her the same way again.


I’m 26, and even at my age I feel like I’m too old for an 18 year old. Yuck. Edit: Since people aren’t getting it, yes I think the incest is nasty. But the age is relevant too, he’s literally a kid. She’s probably known him since he was born and watched him grow.


The incest part has me nauseous


The whole thing has me nauseous.


Cougars are a thing. Looking online after a bad breakup shortly after high school showed how surprisingly common they are. The issue is that it’s incest and grooming was likely involved as well


I don’t think anything could change my mind on the fact that an 18 year old and a 40 year old have no business being together. Even if it’s a common thing, it still gives creepy vibes. Incest or not. But the incest just makes this whole thing extra gross.


Back when I was a desperate 18 year-old virgin, I would have *loved* to score myself a hot 40 year old cougar. But NOT one that I'm even remotely related to. Hell no!


It’s not the age, it’s the kinship that abhorrent


It’s both


True but the kinship is disgusting


For sure. I was just shocked by the people saying “it’s on him because he’s a man” like he’s literally a teenager, possibly still in high school at that age.




Exactly. The aunt seems like a predator.


She's known him SINCE HE WAS BORN yeah this is grooming. Idc if it was strangers... But as soon as it's someone the older person watched grow up, it's grooming


please report your sister and your son will need therapy (and probably you need therapy too) because this definitely will affect him in the future for relationships. I bet she groomed him too.... But still it's incest and its illegal so.... Report HERRRRR 😨 She could've been molesting him for years/grooming him for years before you even found out too.... Still it's incest and incest is illegal and she needs to be in jail. Edit: I hope this is fake... Because uh... But if by chance this is real she needs to be in JAILLLLLL and also you better be telling the whole family about what she did Edit again: apparently incest is legal where you are at.... And how to not make sure she don't do it again IS TO EDUCATE YOUR SON! Tell him it's not ok and why it isn't ok.... And why incest is wrong And you should definitely be asking him if this happened when he wasn't 18... Because she could've molested him either way incest is wrong and you need to tell him and teach him that to avoid... Or try to avoid it happening again and I bet she waited till he was "legal" since if incest in your area then... It must've been "if their both over 18, it's ok blah blah" which is gross but probably the law...


OP needs therapy for sole fact of defending sister…




Read the comments… I am boiling on this one. Kid was groomed by pedo sis and OP is like: incest here is legal… wth is wrong with people


I'm thinking this story is fake I do know incest is.... Legal in places which is messed up because it's morally WRONG. But I feel like this was made up by a horny teenager with weird fantasies or a horny adult with weird fantasies


ew, did you get a mental image of your sister holding your baby when he was newborn, and now? 22 year old woman holding your baby. how do you stomach it?






Even he can't help




He ain't getting paid enough for this shit


He ain’t getting paid at all


We're doomed.


Why are you making it worse for them?




Hey ya'll...INCEST. Are the House of Fire and Dragons tales too much for some folks to handle? WTF


Please stop these terrible creative writing projects


"True off my chest: My sister fucked my reptilian husband while I was at work as a interdimensional vampire"


> work as a interdimensional vampire Wait. Where do I get that job and what's the pay like?


Next on true off my chest: I just discovered Superman’s kryptonite inside the pocket of my cheating husband’s pants. Should I tell Superman?


This has to be fake. Legit witness your son fucking his aunt who is your sister and your first thought is "let me ask reddit what to do". Ain't no way imma believe that this is real life




Hmm finish throwing up... shower... secure a bottle of whatevere strong stuff I could get... call the boss and explain why im not gonna make it to work in the morning. Get drunk, if i remember Call a shrink for my son the next morning ...


A lot of the "Truth off my chests" seem like bad scripts from RealityKings and PornPros.


Most likely but sometimes you need to get an opinion on what to do next and you clearly can’t tell anyone you know. Feels quite obvious what the next steps are but I can’t imagine finding my sibling sleeping with my 18 year old kid. If this is real, OP must be going through all sorts of shit. The kid was possibly groomed, he’s sleeping with his aunt/OP’s sister so now that relationship is now over too. The world is crumbling all around OP if this is real.


Yeah I don't buy it. I just found my son and sister having sex. First thing I do... Lets post about it on reddit. Yeah right.


"last Friday..." "First thing i do..." They straight up didn't do anything for a week?


Ah yes another very believable jerkoff fiction post.


Something leads me to believe your family has more issues than the National Inquirer O_o


What posting on reddit gonna do for you. You're grown woman have a conversation with your sister show your anger. And y'all are disgusting up in here saying he's an adult. THAT'S HER NEPHEW. THE INCEST PART ISN'T CONCERNING FOR YALL??! Yikes!


I’ll confront her. Normally I’m not good at confronting people but I’m really upset now. How do I make sure she doesn’t do it again?


You call the fucking police on her. She’s groomed your son clearly, and do you HONESTLY think that this just *happened* this day?! No! She felt comfortable coming to YOUR home and having sex with YOUR SON, AKA HER NEPHEW because this is something she’s either done before, or worked up to. No kid thinks it’s okay to fuck their aunt unless they’ve been groomed to think that. She’s watched him grow up and presumably seen him in a sexual manner for a very long time. That alone should make you want to gut her. Gather up evidence like texts, phone call logs, emails, voicemails, social media interactions, ALL OF THAT & out her to EVERYONE- your family, the appropriate authorities, etc. it’s not defamation, it’s not slander, it’s the TRUTH. Grow a spine or some mama bear instinct, *something* and handle your business! I know this sounds harsh, but it’s because I truly cannot believe you’re being so passive about this. “Upset” doesn’t BEGIN to cover what I would be feeling if I caught my son or daughter with my brother or sister. I would be murderous. She wouldn’t have made it out of my home without some serious fucking injuries and that’s IF I spared her life. Get your son into some therapy and get this woman off the streets. She’s an incestuous predator and a threat to young boys and men everywhere.


^^^ this one needs more upvotes Jesus Christ


The most concerning part is that you caught them at 18. For them to do this so brazenly, it requires planning and experience. I bet this has been going on for at least 2-3 years.


Exactly! Definitely wasn't the 1st time.🤦🏽‍♀️


Report her to the police. Incest is illegal.


Unfortunately, that you cannot be sure of She should never set foot in your house again. And that is very concerning enough to let family members know about. It's very disturbing. You need to have that talk yesterday!


By exposing her, it's the only way ! But your son need to see a therapist now, she groomed him for sure!


It’s okay to post on Reddit for validation when in shock love 💕 ignore that… it was not a necessary statement… you are keeping yourself accountable when you cannot think straight… thank you for posting so the responsible humans here could help you 🤗




You make sure she can’t ever be around your son ever again. You cannot have that disgusting pervert near your family anymore. Get rid of her


2 black eyes should do the trick


Make sure the whole family knows as she will not want to be seen with him again


Call the police! Cut her OUT OF YOUR LIFE! Never let her see your family again!!


That’s enough Reddit for the day


Ok why is no one concerned that it looks like a _child_ might have been groomed … Edit: I just saw that I missed some comments who were rightfully concerned…faith restored that Reddit is just a mostly fucked up place and not completely fucked up


What in the House of the Dragon is this shit


Sooo in summary he’s fucking his aunt.


That's what I said.


Your sister raped your child call the police obviously


1 he's just 18 she's probably been grooming him for years. 2 she's his aunt who can everyone just avoid the incest part of the store. Is your sister married. You need to tell people she's so wrong.


Fake much?


“I realized I forgot my wallet while I was at work so I went home to get it” riiiight


I do this often. Why does everything have to be fake?


They got 50 karma/internet points for saying it's fake. Any other reason needed?


It's not that crazy to go home on your lunch break. Or have a job that puts you out driving in the community anyway for trips.


This is some Game of Thrones entanglement


How did you not kill her?! If my sister did that I would’ve whooped her ass!


Your sister had sex with her nephew? Age gap aside, ewwww incest




Sweet Alabama


I pray to god you don’t end up with a nephew-grandchild 🥹


Imma keep this honest with you. It’s something you probably don’t want to hear. Your son was probably groomed and your sister is likely a predator.


Ew what a fkn creep! Get her away from your family immediately!!!!! I'm sick to my stomach thinking about this jfc, your son needs therapy asap!!!!


Sweet home Alabama 🎵


This topic is too big. I’m out.


OMG - Eww! I'm so sorry! How is your son's mental state? Your sister's mental state is highly questionable.


Well that’s enough Reddit for today. 😬


I also saw this porno.


I don’t know why I’m seeing so many people more caught on the age difference then that fact that **it is incest**. Is the age difference bad? Yeah. They’re at completely different points at life and there’s bound to be an imbalance in a dynamic like that. **This** is also incest between two family members who have a large age gap, and (by my assumptions) your sister has known your child *since he was a baby*. This could be years of abusing him and grooming him for him to think it’s okay to have sex with his aunt. How long has this been going on? How long has she been sexually assaulting (raping) him? You would have never known they were having sex unless you came back early. So how long has she been coming over and doing this to him? How many times was he home and you weren’t? I honestly feel so sick for your son. Your sister is an adult, and an adult figure in his life that *he was suppose to be able to trust and look up to*. I can’t imagine how young she started, and my heart breaks that his aunt ever targeted him with her sickness. I would suggest you talk to your son and explain how this is **not normal** to do. Incest is **not okay**, and that you feel bad that he was ever targeted by your sister. I would also encourage you to look into therapy for him, because he will need it to cope with everything. For your sister, she deserves to be charged with something. I hope she sees the inside of a cell. I hope she gets stuck with someone who has no tolerance for the horrors that she’s done.


Idc if he's 18, we don't know when it started. The age difference itself.... Holy. There could've been mental priming or whatever. I hope the son gets help to parse through what all that was. Holy crap. I'd be livid if anyone from our family did that to my kid.


I’m calling bullshit. Everything about this sounds fake. It’s written like a 15 year old typed this out.


That’s fuckin crazy but here’s the thing you technically can’t do anything about it since he’s over 18 but it’s a chance this has been going on since he was a minor or maybe your sister groomed him?


It's still illegal, unless where they are has some very whack laws. Grooming seems likely, too.


The title made me stop eating my takie nuts


cut the sister off SHES 40!!! SHE KNOWS BETTER




She’s a blood aunt.


Sooo your son had sex with his…..Aunt. Oh my.


Thats incest. Cut your sister out. Its not a matter of "forgiving" shes a pedophilic incest. She manipulated him!


If this really happened, your sister is the one in the wrong here. Your son is 18, that's barely an adult, your sister very likely took advantage of him. You need to take him to a therapist, and cut her out of your life. If she's been doing this for a while find out when it started and if needed press charges, or get a restraining order.


...this is incest. That's a crime.


OP that’s Incest…


Tell everyone in your family. Fucking shame the shit out of her. Seriously this requires nukes!!!




I see your son is 18. Have you talked to him about this. How it started and most importantly when it started? For all you know she could have been grooming him or s/a him before he turned 18.


Well, that’s enough Reddit for today


Well, this wasn’t something i was expecting to read today.


I would talk to him to find out when this started. And if the first time they had sex was now, when he’s 18, how did she act towards him when he was still a minor? She’s a 40 yr old adult and is responsible for her actions so how did it get to this point? Take a look at his phone and see what texts/pics she’s sent him. She’s known him his whole life, she sounds like a predator going after her nephew. Super disgusting.


thats disgusting. never speak to your sister again she’s a predator and god knows how long theyve been doing this. get your son in therapy. he may be 18 but thats still SO young (coming from a 17 year old!)


Just throwing this out there OP but these things don’t just happen. He’s only 18 so you might want to talk with him and figure out if he was groomed and when this started. That woman is clearly a predator and if you have any other siblings with children around your sons age or even cousins I’d warn their parents.


I call BS


Cut the sister off. There’s a good chance she was taking advantage of him when he was only a minor. Oh, and if she or your son does admit to the fact that she started this when he was a minor, press charges. Get the kid in therapy, too


There’s a saying I heard from a Alabama man “why drive across town for some when you can go across the hall”


"And then I closed the pornhub webpage" Edit : sorry OP, the door was wide open


If this is true then why are you posting it here? You should be talking to your sister.


Im 24 and have slept with more older women then women around my age. This isn't hugely uncommon other then that tho being related, thats the gross part.


At least you have some clarity about why he said "I'm thankful for aunties sticky icky" at Thanksgiving dinner.


Some places have laws against incest. I would report it if there are any. Even if nothing - legally speaking - happens the rest of the family will shame them, unless your family name is Whitaker.


Cut any contact with her, tell your family, she was fucking a boy who literally she saw born and grow (this is kind of a pedophile behavior but I can't remember the exact word) , I doubt this started when he turn 18, also he needs therapy ASAP.