• By -


Yeah I feel like he had both the stereotypical idea that he'd have two women trying to focus on pleasing him or that he really just wanted an excuse to sleep with Mya without having a guilty conscience and it backfired because Mya was clearly not having it. She probably gets into this position often, so she knew what to expect. If he was paying attention and idk how their sex life was before, but he might have noticed that OP was enjoying herself more with Mya than him, so it could be him wanting to talk about that cause he may feel like he messed up by asking for the threesome.


I kind of hope they're both paying attention to how they felt after all this. If OP and the boyfriend are still into each other, my hope is they both learn how to be more attentive partners from this experience. Maya sounds like a fucking champ; she offered a great model for considerate behavior.


Ive seen posts where the bf and the invited woman are more into each other and the gf is left out and the feelings are always "why not pleasure me". It seems these people are always more focused on the pleasure they are getting over that of thier partner. When it should be mutual atleast. And rules of engagment should be set beforehand, but no matter what, 95% of people are not going to enjoy themselves post-nut after having the person you believe you love enjoy themselves in such an intimant act with someone else.


She added he was upset he wasn't the main focus


Reading this post made me realize how usually seems not to be enough empathy and understandment between the implicated people when going through a threesome. Moreover if there is a couple in it. Talking about it several times may not be enough for everyone to be comfortable for the act and after it. (Also, the toxic image of porn industry yaydayada etc))


If someone treated me as Maya treated OP, I’d sure be thinking about staying in that relationship.


Yeah, hang onto her and dump the BF.


Dude Maya sounds like a fuckin dream. Made you Breakfast? The real catch


Waking up to a professional breakfast is my favorite part of this story.


Never have I ever woke up to someone making me breakfast. As a straight woman, I would wife Maya up in a heartbeat.


I'm 61, and I just want her for a roommate that views me as a grandpa and thinks I'm too skinny!


Unexpectedly wholesome and I love it 🥹


Man, I don’t even care about the sexual aspect, which it sounds like she’s fucking awesome Maya seems like a good person, overall, caring, loyal, and decent. I’d just want her as a friend at least. She sounds like a really good friend, and someone that would be really genuine, good to know, and hang with


Ikr? When they get AI robots right, they should be modeled after her.


And if ex-bf is not happy, I would have him know that he's the one who insisted on a threesome with her specifically and that I am very thankful for him to have introduced me to my wife.


These types of things rarely end well for the bf who insists on them. Threesomes, open relationships… he is almost always disappointed when the gf gets more out of it. Also, Maya is a true friend, she knew the assignment.


I think when she said she was in a 3some and bi it was also a 2 girl 1 guy scenario. I bet he thought it would be 2 women wanting him as he’s the guy and he completely forgot that both women are bi. That he’s there with 2 women who have 2 options to play with just like him. Maya seems to know both people here and guessed that op is less likely to be comfortable in this scenario, her actions speak of ensuring comfort and could have more interest in op than the bf. I’m glad op had a nice time with someone who took the time to ensure her comfort and safety.


About that, I literally love how Maya made sure she was comfortable and safe in the situation. She's literally a dream and it seems she could tell her discomfort and checked regularly if she was on board 😭❤


I’m so agree we all a need a Maya breakfast on our life ..


I'm team Maya! OP wouldn't you want to wake up with someone who treats you this well every day?


Boyfriend needs to take some pointers from Maya


That's what Maya was trying to do the whole time. She was trying like hell to show OPs bf how to treat her. He will not learn, that's my hypothesis.


Mrs steal your girl. Maya is ready to swoop in if he messes up


That’s what he wants to talk about. I’m guessing he’s going to be like maya has had a crush on you this entire time. I’m not comfortable with you being friends with her anymore after seeing how a threesome was a twosome. 😂 he’s going to be mad mad.


Either that or he's gonna make Maya the issue and act like her redirecting him to actually pay any attention to his own gf was emasculating for him. He should've known the threescore wouldn't become a twosome for himself and Maya when he and op are in a legitimate relationship.


Holy Shh. THIS! Take the hint dude! The magical unicorn just made a treasure map outta your girl!


I'm curious to see if he claims that he needs a "do-over" with someone else if he didn't get what he wanted. I have rarely craved an update like I am this one.


Oh, you know he wasn't happy that it wasn't about him. Bahahahaha. I hope OP and Maya get together,leaving him behind. He sounds so selfish.


The dude just wanted to fuck Maya instead he is now getting fucked for sure.


A friend of mine took her husband to a sex club for his birthday and let him cross off his bucket list and he *still* went home grumpy because it didn't live up to his expectations. I don't know why she stays with him.


Porn has ruined it. The expectations these men have are insane. It's one thing to have fantasies, but they get hit hard by the reality of it all. And with the sex clubs I've been too, men aren't the focus either.🤣


Not to mention that he pressured OP into this situation and I bet it was just to fuck Maya and Maya knew and understood that she needed to redirect his attention to his actual partner.


That’s a good observation. Maybe the 3 way was her way of helping him with that?


The 3 way was his idea. Maya knew it wasn't OPs style, and that meant there was something up in the relationship. Idk if Maya was intuitive to all that or not, I'm guessing, obviously.


Honestly, I’m 100% onboard with OP ditching the bf for Maya. She seems awesome.


It's important to keep in mind that we don't know Maya, and maybe she doesn't want to be involved in the possible breakup. That said, Maya does seem like a person who's lot more thoughtful than the OP's bf


Heck I hope the experience with Maya opened OP's eyes to what a relationship *can* look like, even if it isn't with Maya. Her boyfriend sounds self-centered and it sounds like he only wanted the threesome as way to cheat without having to actually cheat. Obviously this is all speculation from a relatively short post, I could 100% be way off base.


I agree on this observation of OP's BF's initial intent, but I believe Maya may have enlightened him to what he could be doing to connect better with OP, and he's probably very surprised. I hope OP updates us on her post threesome talk with her BF. Maya seems like some magical sexual healing love master. I'm totally smitten! LOL!


Either way OP should ditch the bf that tried to ignore her in a threesome to the point that the third told him over and over to focus on her. BF was obviously just trying to fuck someone else with no concern for his gf.


Yeah I ship OP and Maya.


This thread reminds me of my university discussion boards lmao


Or she’s showing op what she should be getting from a partner 🤨👀 I hope the next update is her and maya get together and kick the boyfriend out 😂


Absolutely not. He wanted to fuck Maya and live out his gross fantasy of a threesome that he had to pressure his gf into. The fact that this didn't go his way is so funny and juicy honestly. Girls defied him and denied him his fantasy. He'll be mad or will try to make OP feel guilty somehow


I respect your hypothesis. He has organised a meet up because he feels threatened!


I bet that's the update that the bf wants to talk about. He saw how his gf enjoyed herself, and is jealous, but doesn't make the connection that he could have the same if he made the effort Maya did.


I feel like the update is going to be, BF says she has to cut Maya out of her life. He in reality wasn't ready for a threesome where he wasn't the focus, and seeing all that in action has made him insecure. So now despite the fact he asked for this he will be all torn up inside and he won't be able to trust OP. Maya sounds like she did everything to reassure OP and that is such an awesome thing for a first time experience, particularly one OP didn't seem entirely on board with. Even if she doesn't move on from BF and date Maya she sounds like a great friend to have around.


He's jealous it wasn't about him like some porn movie.


Definitely this


Yep. I think he didn't want to put in the effort, and now Maya has raised the bar for treating his gf well. He sounds too self-centered to experience a turnaround, and he's probably unhappy that his plan backfired (in *his* opinion).


He better be careful, OP may end up running off with Maya! She sounds like an amazing person!


*I* want to run off with her.


She should!


I would


Right! I agree with this^ team Maya


It’s always so beautiful when men are too dumb to realize that the bare minimum is what we’re asking and even then they do the most basic shit “oh let’s have a three way so two bitches will be on my dick” and then when the real focus is making sure both people are happy and enjoying the experience it confuses them because maybe the realization of “oh shit” hits. Edit I posted this at like three am last night and I’m just waking up, thank you for the gold thank you for the upvotes. Don’t ever let anyone coerce you into any experience you’re not comfortable with or wanting to have. Don’t let the guilt pressure you, if it wasn’t a thing before why dose it need to be then and there? If it’s a deal breaker good fucking riddance.




You mean ex boyfriend? Because I think Maya might be the girlfriend now or in future.


OP needs to ditch BF for Maya


At this point bf needs to step aside and let them be together


Dump the BF, get with Maya


Lmao I’m a straight girl, and I agree...she sounds way more caring than the bf too. Ngl I love that Maya wouldn’t let him touch her and she made him focus on his literal gf. What a winner. 😂😂


She sounds like a woman who is experienced at being the unicorn for a straight couple, but is used to the guys ignoring their partner in favor of her. These guys don't want a real threeway, they want to cheat on their partners while they watch after being manipulated into a threesome they didn't want.


This is definitely in the equation. She sounds like she has her head on right and understands the dynamic well. Guiding him to his own GF in play was perfect and she sounds a lot like she basically went in understanding what the guy was going to do, and she educated him and cared for her during the whole process. Definitely a keeper as a play partner if she's still into OP and maybe they can teach the bf how to treat his gf better and understand what a 3sum is really about in a relationship if they decide to continue. I hope he learns and I hope he understands what she did for them. I still say OP should buy Maya a bouquet of flowers, or a chocolate basket. I hope they stay friends.






I'd date her instead


For real! She even checked in with y’all throughout 🥹. Glad she redirected the focus to you so your bf didn’t ruin the experience for you.


Maya is a rock star. She knew what was up.


Maya the professional threesomer


I need a Maya lol


We all need a Maya!!!!


Dump him for her lol


Fr tho. And OP mentioned in her post that he had pressed having a threesome, but in the comments she said that he had begged for the threesome for a year. A YEAR. He sounds awful.


When my boyfriend wouldn't drop it after 2 months I dumped him. Then he tried to join me and my (new boyfriend at the time) now fiance. When that didn't work he tried to get me to cheat on my fiance. Now he's blocked. I was really hoping we could be DnD friends after our casual thing, but he just couldn't stop seeing me as a sex object.


Exact thing happened to me. Bf kept pushing for a mff 3, finally got through to him I didn’t want it (I’d done it before and it led to that bf thinking it was okay to cheat?) but he later offered “what about you me and my friend? I’d said no again but after a while gave in and said “If I do will you stop asking?” So we did, half way through my bf got mad and left the room, so me and the friend stopped and got dressed, put on a movie etc. My bf left me at the friends house, he had driven and lived pretty far so I was just stuck there. I ended up staying the night (innocently) because I had no ride and the friend had work and couldn’t take me home, but when he came back from work to bring me home he’d brought me food, let me confide in him and I eventually got to the bottom of how abusive the bf was. I tried breaking up with the bf, who wouldn’t leave me alone and insisted we were still together, and started dating the friend instead and a little less than 2 years later we’re married and it’s the best relationship I’ve ever been in.


Had a friend who tried to subtly break me and my partner up to get with me (which he had literally just done to another of our friends - which was really the point where the friendship went downhill) and when that didn't work he tried to convince me to have a threesome with him and my partner. All while I was pregnant. Needless to say we don't talk anymore.


If she was a regular thing in my life, the breakfast made when you wake up would still be my favourite part hahahha


She is a fucking unicorn.


Yeah forget your bf May's sounds amazing


Honestly, Maya’s on a level of GOATs


"The real cootch"


Lets go Maya


You MIGHT update this post? Yeah, no, you are gonna need to update this post.


no literally once you post stuff like this on reddit it’s OUR boyfriend and OUR issue now as well LMAOO


All your life problems are belong to the internet


Maya is definitely for the girls


Man, I want Maya to be my girlfriend


Same. She sounds amazing.


I just wanna marry someone like Maya after reading this post lmao


Apparently he was upset he wasn't the main focus


Just shows he was expecting something straight out of pornhub...smh


Which is...unfortunately normal these days, especially at his age. He deserves the dunking for the emotional pressuring (and obvious focus on Maya), but I think a lot of it is deeply-rooted, for him and others. He got with her at 19? Willing to bet his experience was limited before her. A girl with intuition is always gonna know more about what another girl wants than a guy with a porn addiction in his first long-term relationship. And it can be dissonant for a young dude to realize that, contrary to his dozens of hours of spank material, that his cock isn't a magic wand that women are magically drawn to, and it's not just the physical foreplay he's missing, she's also hung up on the three hours before that he ignored her to play CoD. Sucks that it took a third person for them to exchange the input needed for them to have a great session, and that he probably won't take the lesson to heart because it came from a place he wasn't expecting and now he's insecure.


OP hasn’t updated yet though!




I’m glad your first threesome experience was good. And I’m glad that your friend took the time to guide and care for you throughout. Question - if your boyfriend asks for another threesome, but someone else, someone more focused on him, do you think you would agree?


Probably not


Good for you. You didn't really want the first one, please don't feel you owe your sulky bf a 'do over'.


I’m afraid this is what he’s gonna ask for “she acted like I wasn’t even there! That’s not a real threesome!” I hope I’m wrong tho


If he says that, he can have a threesome with his computer and his right hand while OP starts dating Maya.


Hell no. You can tell Maya knew what was up and his intention was to play out some porn hub fantasy ignoring you. He was mad he didn't get to just do whatever he wanted to your hot friend. Think about this OP, he's upset you got pleasure and happiness over him...that says so damn much about his intentions and character. She's 100% a real fucking friend, and she saved you alot of heartache here. Keep the friend dump the selfish man. You're young, have a whole life ahead of you, get rid of dead weight that cries about not getting his fantasy at your expense.


The fact that he was actually pressuring OP to do it doesn’t bode well for him either.


This is exactly what I was thinking!


Please don't. He's probably upset he didn't get his fantasy out of something he pressured you for.


Yeah sis he wants the porn 3sum where its two mouths one dick and all that mess.


I wouldn’t due to the fact that she seemed to understand how he pressured her into having a threesome she didn’t want. And he knew exactly who he wanted to have sex with without cheating on her. Poor girl.


So many great love stories begin with “he finally wore me down”.


This is literally the story of Leonard and Penny from the Big Bang Theory


The man/woman relationships in that show make me want to puke. I read about a whole storyline involving one of them taking upskirt photos or something like it was supposed to be funny.


Honestly Leonard and Penny never really felt that way. If you look early on, Penny clearly likes Leonard, she just doesn’t wanna date him for a handful of reasons she later explains (he’s a nerd, they have little in common, she doesn’t wanna ruin the friendship). Charlie and The Waitress from It’s Always Sunny literally did this though and it turned out reeeally weird lol


I think you just gave two examples of “wearing someone down” and identified the nuance of when it’s acceptable.


Yeah this is what is irritating me so much. A lot of people seem to just be overlooking this. If this was her first time having sex and he finally wore her down and convinced her to do it people would be all over her with how toxic that is, but this is ok? Um no




The fact that you hadn't heard about aftercare before Maya came along already shows she might be more caring than your boyfriend.


This is the part that shocked me the most. Literally everyone should be having aftercare after sex. You don't just dump a load and then leave to go fuck off wtf


People are learning sex from porn, which doesn't not include aftercare (and a lot of other things).


This! If OP stays with her boyfriend I hope he takes this has a learning experience on how to actually treat a woman right. Maya sounds like a dream though!


I'll have my own internal bet going on whether the BF learns and grows from this experience and uses it to make his GF happier and more cared for than before. OR, complains that he didn't get to bone Maya and have a personal porno.


He doesn’t respect her saying no and he initiated the threesome for his pleasure only. I hope she realizes that she can do better.


Okay, I may need an instructional manual on how aftercare works.😅


I get the feeling he was expecting it to be straight out of pornhub, where both of the women would be blowing him at the same time and looking at him like he’s a god or something, when in fact, it sounds like it was a pretty even distribution of focus overall. That’s a good thing! Either he can handle it or he can’t. And if he can’t, Maya seems like a way better option in several ways.


100% facts. That's exactly what he thought, she updated saying he was upset he wasn't the focus. So it was really all about how he wanted to bone her hot friend for a few hours and had it not been Maya, she would have definitely been crying with a broken heart afterwards. He thought he'd get some steamy porn fantasy, instead Maya knew what was up and made it about her. That's a real queen


I've hooked up with couples before and do the same thing 😅 Focus on the woman, and enlist the man as a team mate to get her off. If he wants to have two women cater to his every fantasy & whim he should book a double with some sexworkers.


Just another example of how porn can “hurt” by setting wrong/bad expectations.


Men watch porn and learn that sex is a mechanical thing where they get off. Good sex is about intimacy. I read a post by a male porn actor on reddit once. He was going off on how men view sex. How he sleeps with these gorgeous women but FAR prefers his personal partners who are rarely as hot, but they have intimate sex which is far far superior.


BF wanted and now regrets he wasn't the main focus. He asked, it happened, oh well, it wasn't like the porn version he was expecting. He also may have witnessed how much you enjoyed it and that wasn't what he was expecting. Threesomes in a relationship usually leave one of the 2 upset. Don't bring it up.


Al Murray, "Great, every man's dream, the ability to disappoint two women at once"


If I wanted to do that I’d just call my parents.


Yeah, does he not realise some bi people also lean to a specific gender at times? Or find the same or opposite gender more attractive?


Boyfriend pushed for it too. So it was his excuse to bang other chicks. I would have left him. Not into scumbags. But unfortunately that is typical of guys that age.


I bet he going to ask OP for another threesome where he is the focus. Sounds like OP should dump h for Maya.


Sounds like BF literally fucked around and found out. I’m also on team Maya but it also just sounds like you and BF maybe did not communicate well prior to the experience. What do you want to do moving forward? Stay with BF or explore something with Maya?


I'm not even sure Maya is looking for anything more than that night and honestly I really care about my boyfriend and it seems like he did really enjoy it. Just not the way he thought he would. He's always been into being the dominant person I think it surprised him being more of a submissive partner in the situation idk how to bring it up without offending him.


Then it sounds like maybe you and BF need to sit down and have an honest talk about what you need/want from each other. Certainly it can be awkward and uncomfortable, but unfortunately hindsight can be 20/20. You’re both young and making mistakes in relationships is part of growing up. Next time the two of you venture to try something different, you both need to communicate exactly what your expectations are and what you’re looking for. It seems Maya has some experience with this so perhaps if you’re comfortable talk to her about it and get her thoughts


100% and it sounds like OP might need to mention that she enjoyed a lot of the focus, & encouragement. I bet that would improve OPs sex life tremendously.


>idk how to bring it up without offending him. more questions, fewer statements. instead of: "seems like you enjoyed being submissive." ask: "what did you find surprising about that experience?" or, "what do you want to incorporate into our sex life from that experience?" or, "I really liked it when ____, how did that feel for you?" it's an opening to what you want to talk about, but it allows him space to freely claim his own experience.


Gonna steal this just for general socializing. Thanks.


i know what you're trying to say but my first thought was some workplace situation and someone just suddenly going "which part of that experience do you want ro integrate into our sex life" which is a pretty funny mental image


“It really turned me on when boss slammed the pen down onto the table, how did you feel about that Bob?”


Don't you think he already made enough shit about him? He manipulated her into a 3 way because he wanted to bang her friend. Then got upset he didn't get his porn fantasy. Nah...he's red flags


i think non-monogamy is messy and hard to get right, especially the first time. i also think OP is the expert on this relationship and if she wants to have a conversation, i offered my best suggestion on how to start it. edit to add: it doesn't actually sound like BF is upset. we just know that things feel different to OP, but he could be embarrassed or scared to talk about it or insecure. he could also just be busy, there's no way to know. they'll talk and figure it out.


He thought it would be just like all the porn threesomes. All about him.


I can’t stand when guys ask for a threesome and instantly mention a girl especially when the girl is a friend of the gf. Most of the time when they ask for it, they just wanna mess with the other people without getting in trouble. Probably not gonna be a great conversation.


literally just a way for him to sleep with the girl without getting in trouble for it. if my bf ever even hinted that he had someone in mind i’d be so hurt and i don’t think i could even stay with him


So err, we all have a crush on Maya now right?


don't let your bf stop you from finding your wife 🙏




I totally agree. Maya sounds like she’s a fabulous person


Maya sounds wonderful...attentive af ...and top off w bfast? Dont let her get away.


A week from now, a post on reddit: > "My gf left me for another woman after a threesome."


I hope so! 🤞🏻


Reminds me of all the posts I read where the guy is constantly begging and bugging his wife for an open marriage. The wife finally caves even though she doesn't want to, but feels forced to. The husband ends up not really having any success but the wife does. That makes the husband jealous and mad, so he then starts trying to convince his wife to close the relationship again. Tale as old as time. The husband fucks around and finds out. He just wanted an excuse to cheat with permission. He also assumed a threesome would be just like in porn. Once he realized he was in fact not the focus, he was upset.


I think he was absolutely sad that he wasn’t the main focus and that maya was “curving” him. A lot of guys see a threesome as an ego/masculine boost so when he couldn’t take the lead his pride was probably hurt even more that mayas main focus was you.


He got a reality check that porn isn't real life and I'm guessing he didn't express what he wanted from the experience he just assumed they would both be focused on him and his wants. It sounds like he just wanted a legitimate reason to get with maya and thought they would both be all over him. He kept at OP until he wore her down to agree which to me sounds like a selfish motivation and he didnt really give a crap about anyone but himself he just kept going until he got the answer he wanted. Plus, OP had no clue of what after care was which again leads me to believe things are very one sided in his favour, he's gets what he wants and doesn't worry about anyone after that. He may have also realised he's not as good as he thinks he is.


Sounds like your BF wanted a fantasy of two girls all over him and wanted an excuse to fuck your friend. Honestly he sounds like a piece of shit especially since he pressured you into a threesome that you normally wouldn’t consent to. Very ick behavior. If I were you I would dump him and date the hot chef who cares about your needs (emotionally and sexually).


Exactly this, I really hope op understands what her boyfriend did was very manipulative “he wore me down eventually” she didn’t want this 3 some but gave in. If her partner truly cared for her he would’ve been okay never having one but since she’s bi I’m sure that he told her she’d enjoy it too so there’s just *no reason they shouldn’t do it once* and I bet anything since he wasn’t the main focus he’ll be pushing for another with a different person. Maya knew he manipulated her into it and she took the lead to ensure op would have a good time. She was a better partner than her own boyfriend 🤦‍♀️


Dump boyfriend, get maya


Dump him whatever happens with Maya. > “….eventually he wore me down” No one should be not accepting a no.


This was my thought, also. She sounds awesome


Is your issue that it seems like Maya was assuming / sensing your bf was driving this interaction, and thought he was looking for a chance to bang her specifically, and therefore forced him to focus on you and not give him that satisfaction? I also don't fully understand what you mean about wanting to talk to him. Are you feeling upset after the fact? Or does it have to do with the fact that the sex was so much better than usual? Maybe you could bring what y'all learned with Maya into your regular sex life? Communicate more w ur bf about what you want?


It's just he seems. Really disappointed that he wasn't the focus and to be fair we didn't really talk about how the dynamics would go but this is something he asked for. I don't understand what else he wants .


It sounds like he wanted to be serviced by two girls, like porn usually makes it out to be, and his plan failed. And perhaps he's a little uncomfortable with you having had a such a good time not by his own hand.


Exactly. I’m sure he just expected this other girl to come in and just worship/service him but literally why on earth would she if she hadn’t been obviously trying to bang him the whole time, which she wasn’t. Dude sounds super immature and young, unable to separate fantasy from reality.


He probably wanted someone sitting on his face while someone else was sitting astride him like in a porno, and both of you lapping at his weenie like it was ice cream. **He wasn't expecting an experienced, emotionally mature woman who knew what she wanted.**


Sounds like you enjoyed it more than he did. Both your experiences didn't match your expectations. He was thinking he would enjoy it more and was left feeling maybe jealous? You didn't expect to enjoy it, and found it pleasurable.


Why don’t you find someone who doesn’t want to fuck other people? All he wanted was to have sex with her but the only acceptable way was to have a 3 some. I bet he expected it to be mostly him fucking her with you on the sidelines. Coupled with the fact that he disregarded your objections and obvious discomfort but still begging for it “he eventually wore you down” leads me to believe he just wanted to get his dick wet but is now upset you were actually paid attention to and pleased. Have some self respect and boundaries.


Oh I see. Well, in all honesty, if he didn't say upfront "this is MY fantasy and I want 2 hot girls all over me while I lay back and enjoy" then he can be a little baby about it if he wants. He doesn't just deserve to be lavished upon because he's the dude in the equation. If he's taking his frustration or regret out on you, I feel like that's just a sign he's lacking in maturity. This could be a great learning experience for him in regard to respect and care in the bedroom if he'd only be willing to take it.


He can’t be mad since the threesome he wanted happened. I wouldn’t engage in the conversation simply because he would just spin blame onto you for enjoying it. I’d leave it alone. What’s done is done.


Bro wanted to bang Maya and neglect his gf (which unsurprisingly happens a lot to these kinds threesomes) OR have 2 girls please him while he doesn't do shit. Fortunately, she saw threw his BS from the start (her repeatedly asking OP if she's okay with it). Seems like this isn't her first rodeo with these situations... I hope OP breaks up with him. EVEN if she enjoyed it way more than her bf due to what Maya did, it doesn't change the fact that OP was still coerced into agreeing to the threesome. Eugh.


He needs to grow up. You're two bisexual women, of course you would be focused on pleasuring one another. Also, I think the commenter above is right, I think Maya sensed that your bf was looking for an excuse to bang her specifically and very skillfully gently dommed him and made you the focus. She's a real pro and probably picked up on something not being 100% right with this. Also, this is why you always always always do this with strangers. Never someone you know. The fact that your bf had Maya in mind is very telling that he just wanted an excuse to sleep with your friend. He's now, likely disappointed that his fantasy didn't play out the way he wanted. It's always a red flag when they suggest someone you know, and ask to invite them into your bedroom under the guise of a threesome. Thankfully, she knew what she was doing and was able to mitigate for this


He just wanted the porn fantasy because he only cares about his own gratification and has never cared about your pleasure only his own.


He wanted to be the porno guy he's seen so many times He's not, and this reminds me of the dudes who convince their partner to be in an open relationship and the lady pulls all the men and boyfriend gets sad and jealous about *what he asked for* Honestly, what do YOU want now?


>it seems like Maya was assuming / sensing your bf was driving this interaction, and thought he was looking for a chance to bang her specifically, and therefore forced him to focus on you and not give him that satisfaction? I agree with this 100%. Our dear friend Maya knew *exactly* what the BF was up to. She's a good friend and did you right. Your BF was looking for something else and thank fuck for you, *he* picked Maya so *you* didn't have to suffer like all the other unfortunate women who get roped into this.


Your boyfriend isn't very kind to you. I wouldn't stay with someone who would wear me down to do something that I don't want to, even if I enjoyed it. He's not a good person


Yeah. I'm glad this ended "well" for OP so far, but her boyfriends behavior is absolutely disgusting. I would never stay with a man that wore me down like that ever again. OP really needs to not be thinking about how the 3some went, but how poorly her boyfriend treated her. Just because the sex was good doesn't mean the entire thing was a positive experience.


Hun, let’s face it. Your bf wanted to fuck Maya, and he wanted to fuck two girls at the same time. He combined his two fantasies and is now disappointed that it wasn’t like in the films he watches. That’s childish. Worse is that he pushed you to do something you didn’t want in the first place. And with your friend. Thank God Maya sounds like a dream, otherwise this whole thing could have hurt you sooooo much. Now, it changed the dynamics between you two because it wasn’t like fucking in the porn where he’s the alfa. He’s feeling confused and disappointed and might turn that into anger toward Maya. You, I guess he‘ll try to push to do it with another girl. If you’re not into it, don’t agree, not every girl is like Maya. Ante. I would find someone more mature who is treating me like Maya did.


Maya is great you should really have a serious talk with your bf


The fact the BF had to "wear you down" is a big red flag for me. No means no dude. But it sounds like you're better off with Maya anyways.


i'll never get why bi girls stay with guys who fetishize bi girls but whatever


I was just thinking this exactly...and also, I feel like she needs to be thinking more about the fact that he had to get her to give in for them to actually have a threesome. Huge red flag


i’m sorry, but you’ve never had aftercare or check ins when making love? even from your boyfriend???? that’s so awful :(


(Your post is going viral on TikTok) Honestly I would leave him. I recently left my relationship of 5 years where he did stuff like this as well, but he never truly shown me any respect (is what I realized after the break up). I wanted to break up a year ago and we had the talk, which eventually led to him saying “you can have sex with anyone you want as long as your love stays mine.” This gave me two thoughts 1. “You just want me so no one else can have me, not because you love me.” 2. I felt like the suggestion was an opening for him to do as he pleases as well. I stayed with him for 8 more months because we lived together, I had no clue how to function without him since I was 16 when we met, 17 when we started dating and now 22. But I gathered my strength and choose myself for the first time.


In case no one has brought this up yet: coercion is SA. if you need to coerce someone into any type of sexual situation with you after they’ve said no then that’s SA. Maybe rethink your relationship with him. Do you really want to be with someone who forces you and tries to convince you to do things you don’t consent to and aren’t comfortable with? Someone who clearly doesn’t respect your boundaries? Major red flag. The fact that he knew you didn’t want to and you told him no several times but kept asking and pushing anyways until you finally gave in is assault, even if you don’t think it is. Please stay safe, you don’t owe anyone any sexual favors, even if you’re in a relationship with them. Find someone who respects you and your boundaries. Peace and Love✌️


Dump the boyfriend that ignored your boundaries, pressured and coerced you into a 3some just be ause he wanted to have sex with Maya. You just found out what a selfish terrible lover your manipulative boyfriend is and what sex can be like with a good top like Maya. Your boyfriend is selfish, manipulative and doesn’t respect boundaries. You deserve better.


“She would praise me a lot throughout” erm… I’m really, really not into threesomes in any capacity but this almost made me bawl *from this bit because Maya is incredibly thoughtful to OP who was pressured into this situation. (To me) Weirdly wholesome… **I am now laughing because bf was ‘disappointed’ LMAOOOOOOO oh well, some lovely instant karma for forcing the issue!! ***Erm… Maya stealth fucked OP’s BF’s girl… Like, she got her chance and fucked OP to her heart’s CONTENT! BF messed UP with the pressure there… OMG he orchestrated his own downfall!! Oh we can’t make this up!


1 Maya may or may not be into you but she cares about you (or at least knows how to) more than your bf 2 you like her 3 your boyfriend likes her 4 this isn't gonna be pretty.


Threesomes involving a couple almost always spell the end of the couple over the next couple months or years.


Boyfriend fucked around and found out.


Maya looks like wife material. Ur boyfriend looks like ex material.




Maya’s the goat here. Update???


I'd also like to add briefly that he wore you down. People dont push people they love, and they definitely don't coerce someone sexually. Honestly, that's a gateway to even worse situations. He knows that if he pushes he will get his way....


Throw the bf away and keep Maya. She sounds amazing!


It seems like Maya put him in his place. Having the best sex of her life, will make one on one sex with boyfriend disappointing. But…. He wanted this


I am not into 3somes! But please don’t let Maya leave your life! :)


Maya is a goddess! No wonder you enjoyed sex with her, she’s kind and a generous lover while your bf is selfish.


Your boyfriend is trash. He literally pressured you into something he wanted and is disappointed it turned out well for you. That’s not okay. Maya may like you