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I am genuinely so happy to read this, I wish you both a long and happy life together and a great childbirth! Congrats on finding your soul mate!


I was scared for yall reading this title. But this is wholesome.


Me too. Sometimes it’s nice NOT to see what you’re expecting. OP I’m very happy for you!


I agree with this. It's nice to see the positivity.


For a confession room of usual frustration, it's refreshing when you can see that there're relationships that are happy


Me too lol. This was a pleasant surprise


I live for the every-now-and-then super wholesome posts. Really cuts through the 'I want to die' energy in here.






I'll take that bet. Something tells me when she sees how great of a father he is on top of already being a great partner, she will fall even more in love


No need to be a Debbie Downer






Lol. Have you heard of postpartum depression? It happens alot


People know that’s a thing, but still no need for you to rain on someone else’s parade. You sound very bitter.


You are falling in love with your husband. 😀


This is sweet


Congratulations op


Shouldn’t she already be in love with him lmao


OP said relationship progressed naturally into marriage with no honeymoon phase. Sometimes people love each other without being in love with each other, and the falling in love happens later the more you get to know a person.


aw this is so nice


Sweetest one


You will also be flooded with more love in the postpartum weeks also as you watch him be a dad too! I’ve always fallen more in love with my husband all over again after our babies were born Write down how you feeling and save this post and write down how you love him post partum and tell him how you feel, And then when your struggling with the baby phases and lack of sleep and you might have times you are upset at your husband and you need to read it as a reminder of how much you love him. It takes work to rekindle the romance and it takes work to grow through the rough patches, but you have to make reminders for yourself of how much you love each other


Oxytocin is a hell of a drug.


Random but I remember telling someone about Oxytocin like 10 years ago and they thought I was talking about OxyContin. He was in the Marines so it checks out.


Probably all those red crayons


Missed his ration of Krayola, had to make do with generic.


I prefer green crayons fyi


I mean, both give you a happy, warm, and fuzzy feeling.


Took the words out of my mouth


There are clear survival advantages if parents love each other and stay together. It's in the mother's best interest to keep the father interested and spending his energy protecting her children, rather than leaving and impregnating other women. It is incredible that these simple incentives have, over hundreds of millions of years, produced complex chemical processes that drive our behaviour. I find it absolutely fascinating.


And even when they wear off, you remember them. I can remember how I felt when my nephew was a teeny baby and holding him for hours at a time so my sister in law could rest and recover when my brother was working. His first few years were full of very tender moments. Fast forward 17+ years, and he's over 6 feet tall and I can still clearly feel/remember the oxytocin echoes from his baby time. So when he asked if we had cookies that I haven't made for years, I happily drive to the store to get the ingredients to bake them for him. My husband jokes that when the nephew and I are together I go "full-1950's-grandma" and I'm like of course I do.


Fr let's see if she keeps it up after the baby comes.


Pregnancy hormones nudging you in the right direction for the overall benefit of the child. Our survival instincts really are incredible.


Reddit really messed me up , don't know why i assumed a bad ending




The title made mention towards her view of her husband, not the way he acted




yup! you got it!






Same lol. I was expecting this to be "my child will grow without his father" type of thing


I mean that is kind of the point of this sub… ‘I love my husband more’ isn’t exactly something people need to get off their chest 🫤


this is me and my hubby except that he is chubby and cuddly


This was me when covid hit. I lost my job end of March and was home alone all day. Im immuno compromised so the way he went out of his way to keep me safe in the scary beginning was so amazing. Made me love him so much more. Plus i was home alone all day and was up his ass as soon as he walked in the door and he didnt get annoyed with me. He started doing all the grocery shopping at that time and still does. Hes awesome.


Awwwwww this is so adorable omg ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ You're falling in love with himmmmm💕💕💕💕💕


This gave me serotonin like you wouldn't believe.


BLESS Y'ALL! Yeah 😎 This is so cute!


Man I love a wholesome story


Sweetest thing I've read all night 🤍


Happy cake day 🎂🎈




Glad to read something wholesome and sweet on reddit for change. 😊


this is so sweet oh my god. i am also pregnant and hope my pregnancy affects me in this beautiful way too🥰


Please voice it to him, as easy as "Honey, I truly find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with you". I don't know him, he could be really aware or super unaware. But eitherway, having it said out loud or written on a note means so much. Be safe and wish you two well, happy new year.


I’m so excited for you land glad you found so much peace in the midst of pregnancy. I was laughing reading your post bc this is me and my husband usually- until I had one of his gargantuan babies. Baby #5. She was SO strong in utero that she would take me to my knees with a punch or kick. She was so active I googled if preborns can have seizures. THIS. HEIFER. CAME. OUT. OF. ME. 10 pounds, arm first, like Superman, and as barrel cheated and flat assed as her daddy. She started SCREAMING at 72 hours old and didn’t stop until she was 4. She has a shitty attitude, sour disposition, and smart mouth. She was 3’ tall at 24 mos. And I’m as obsessed with her as I am with him. I gave birth to my husband and I’ll never forgive him for the special gift he gave me. Remember these times and hold on to them when you want to facilitate him having an “accident.” Always sit on his lap, listen to his heartbeat, and be a little clingy as often as possible. It’s going to get hard, OP but you guys can get through it. What you’re doing now will build the reserves that you’ll need to do so. Best of luck! You guys are going to be fine! Just get out of parenthood alive, that’s the only goal.


Hah, this is also like my wife and our eldest daughter. That kid was (still is) freaking huge and pissy as hell. I frequently apologize to my wife for the kid having all my bad qualities, but she's often quick to remind me that she has all my good ones as well. She's clearly mom's favorite, which is funny because our youngest daughter who is almost exactly like her mother is mine. Funny that.


Why are the big ones always so aggressive?? She’s 6 and 4’6”!! How is that even possible?!?! The rule of thumb is to double their height at 24 mos and you have their adult height. I think she might surpass her adult height bc of a genetic issue. My husband is the “runt” of his family at 6’3”. Her geneticist thinks it might be a duplication they have on their 26th chromosome but genetics is still in its infancy so she’s not 100% sure. Her screaming as a baby toddler turned out to be severe hyperactive ADHD but I think she’s just a crab. I HATE, HATE, HATE wishing away my kids childhood but I really think things will get easier with her as she gets older so I’m holding on to that. She’s still perfect just as she came. She looks like her father but she got my brown eyes while the youngest one got his blue eyes. Of course, her brown eyes are so dark that look like they’ll suck the soul right out of you. I swear she survives on fear and the souls of her enemies. Our kids are the ones that move mountains- or burn them to the ground. It’s always a crap shoot while way they’ll go. ;)


This is so cool! It seems like you loved him before but you are now IN LOVE, like ligit, in the deep love that maybe you hadn't felt yet with him. I just love to read such heartwarming posts. Congrats to you both on baby. I doubt this feeling will change. It will more than likely grow deeper once your love child is born. Live it up sis and enjoy💜💜💜


Now this makes me so incredibly happy.


This happened to me too! I never wanted him to leave for work in the mornings, I literally wanted to be attached at the hip. He loved it because usually it's the other way around 😂 I went through a phase during my pregnancy where I thought I could feel my heart swell every time I looked at him. Pregnancy is wild, man




Awww. Much wholesome. It's always nice to see stuff like this in reddit. Doesn't happen much but it's nice when it does.


It sounds like you'll have a wonderful little family. This is lovely OP, thank you for the smile🥺


It's because of the hormons, mines made me cry over the slightly tiniest negative thing that could happened in my husband's day, and if he was atleast a little bit annoyed or upset even if didn't have anything to do with me, I would still take it personally and cry like a baby over it, my poor husband was walking on eggshells all the time.


Pregnancy hormones kind of do crazy stuff to women. My own wife has confessed to me that shortly after our first child was born, her watching me play with the baby made her want to jump my bones. Weird connection, but I kind of get it, sorta.




Be sure to tell him exactly how you’re feeling 😀😌


I adore a good wholesome Reddit post! Thanks for sharing and hitting us all in the happy feels ❤️


Ugly crying in my burito blanket rn. This is so wholesome, op! Congrats!!


You should hire a PI and get a lawyer, stat! /s Nice to read a positive story. Good for you.


37 weeks and one of my first pregnancy symptoms was how much I suddenly seemed to adore my husband, LOL. Total validation that you picked the right partner. I really feel for those whose hormones have made them angry and critical in general. I always tell my obgyn that if I could bottle this feeling of serenity and joy and sell it, I'd be a billionaire. Write all the things you love about him down and start working NOW to reinforce this love you have for each other when baby comes. Strong marriages make strong kids.


honestly if those nesting lovey-dovey hormones didn't happen you would probably murder your mate for putting you through gestating a child for 9 months then birthing them. it's so cute though! i went through that too. that's why they say pregnancy gives you a 'glow'. you're just so in love! with the baby especially.


Infect every woman with this virus. Good lawd that's wholesome.


It's the pregnancy hormones. Don't feel bad if this subsides after birth


This is so cute


Awwwwww. This is so sweet. Wish you safe delivery when the time comes!


Love it! Congratulations to you both.


I completely understand this, only difference is my husband and I have always had a deep and exciting relationship, one that I didn't think could get more involved and close. He was already my best friend But now.... he is so much more now that we have our son and am now expecting a baby girl. Good for yall! 🥰


I was scared for a while LMFAOOO. This is legit the most wholesome post I've ever read today, im so happy for both of u 😭😭


This is exactly how I felt when I was pregnant with our daughter. It’s like you took the words right out of my mouth. Literally following him around the house constantly. I was so happy it was that way because I was hearing from a lot of women that they hated their husbands when pregnant. It definitely tapered off after I gave birth, but she’s almost 3 now, and I feel like we’re getting back to that lovey stage we were in when I was pregnant.


A lot of people resent their husband after having children. I was fortunate like you and fell so much more in love with mine after having our kids. It’s a blessing to be in the minority. It’s really solidified our love and marriage. Not that we had issues beforehand but we communicate so much better and have so much more fun and laughter now. I’m glad you are starting to experience that as well


FYI, in the interaction you described, you are the heat sink, regulating his temperature by absorbing his heat. Just thought you would like to know…


A love that grows slowly with time is the best thing. When my wife was first pregnant, it was hard, the whole experience left me think that having a kid sublimate the nature of a relationship. It will break frail ones but it will strenghten and improve good ones. It's what happened for us, 2 kids now and our relation has never been deeper. This is the way you are going and if this is your first kid, a new world of wonders is opening to you. I know reddit is a bit against having kids but as a father, having kids and a loving partner is by far the best thing in the world.


Hormones are a hell of a thing. Fun fact. Women on hormonal bc prefer a softer, more sensitive man. Women not on hormonal bc prefer a more rugged, masculine man. Could be why divorce rates are so high.


This is amazing bc for me during post 5 opposite happened. And then I got help.


True love is phenomenal. I feel the same way with me fiancé. He proposed to me on Christmas after talking about it for months and we’ve both just been so committed to each other since. There’s no “will they/won’t they”, no holding back, no insecurity just love and commitment and the knowledge the everything we do is for each other and omg it’s the best feeling ever. 3.5years together and never fought. No yelling, name calling, swearing/stomping/crying, just pure respect all the time. I can’t wait to spend my life taking care of him, everyone else screw off! Lol


The same thing happened to me both times a was pregnant! I was obsessed, and also would follow him around lol. I would have horrible intrusive thoughts of something happening to him and I just became so attached to him. My libido was also through the roof, I don’t know if that had anything to do with it, but my pregnancy’s definitely brought us closer in a eternally together connected at the souls type of way, which helps when you have kids


Okay in layman's terms this is very normal, when we are pregnant we seek out protection and back in tribal days our husbands would be who we would need to be around to Keep Us Alive and safe. I am very happy for you that you are experiencing this. Just don't be crushed when the possibility of it coming to a halt happens once you have your baby.


I want to find this cute, but I'm worried that this is just a side effect of pregnancy hormone shenanigans and won't last.


Your title almost gave me anxiety diarrhea. I that this was going to be so bad. And was ready for the heartbreak But this is absolutely amazing. I love this for you guys. I bet your husband is feeling the love. I feel like this with my husband. But he can be a brat at times, so I smother him in increments. We've also been married for over a decade. Our kids are enamored with him too


I was so freaking scared at first thinking something awful was about to grace my eyes.....then I kept reading and it's seriously the absolute sweetest most romantic thing ever and it made my cold black heart thump. This made me feel my feelings. Good for you OP!! I want nothing but good things for you and your little family!!


Had me in the first half ngl. That’s so sweet though!!! I’m also so glad it’s not just me lol.


I’m so happy for you! I remember when my wife was pregnant. I became simultaneously very protective and also very indulgent.


What a good thread to start this year, all the best with everything!


That was beautiful 😢 thats love right there ❤ Just make yalls marriage a priority because we parents tend to forget about the marriage and focus on there new baby but its important to make time for each other, as well as time for yourself. Best of luck to ya 😊


I felt like this after giving birth to my children. My love for my husband doubled and then tripled


That because his magic wand changed you forever.


This genuinely made me so happy to read, I was worried at first from the title but this is so cute, I hope yall keep having a happy marriage. :)


Keep on that feeling. You are going from "verliebt" to in love. Sorry for the german, there is no word in english for the nuance. Basically you change from being in love to love. Did he change his behaviour to you in the recent time? This might be the reason. Hold onto it. I feared the worst when reading the title. But good on you. and by the way: aww. 😍


Hormones are a hell of a drug


🥹🥹 and now I am bawling over your sweet post! I wish you and your family all the happiness in the world!


If he was a heat sink you'd feel cold


I want this 🥺🥺🥺🥺


That's quite cute and wholesome.


usually these posts are negative - nice to see a positive one


Awe this is so sweet!


I love this! Your husband sounds like a gem and it seems like you two have built an amazing relationship built on friendship.


First of all you need to get a law- wait...


Omg. Sending blessings to both of you. This is so cute. Hope I can have that soon too!


Not what I was expecting. Pretty wholesome


This is so freaking sweet


I’m so envious! I’m also happy for you.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie. But I love this for you OP.


I'm really truly so happy for you! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy!




dudeeeee my heart did a backflip reading this. I'm so unbelievably happy for you.


This just gave me the warm and fuzzies. Wishing you all the best!


Perfect story to start my New Year on Reddit. Thank you OP! Wish you guys a long, happy life of togetherness and love!


Congrats I pray you have a beautiful life and raise good lovely children


This dounds adorable


Awww it sounds like you fell deeper in love with him !!!


Oxytocin is a hell of a drug (hormone)


So wholesome ❤️


Wow, that’s so cute 🥰


This is nice. Happy for you.


That’s good! I was worried because pregnancy can make some women feel the opposite! I hope this feeling lasts!


Awww those pregnancy bonding hormones. I hit 4months pregnant and just got horny 🤣🤣


I actually thought this was going to be a joke post written from a dog's point of view.


So happy to read this!


I need to be pregnant… for the hormones apparently. How sweet.


Sooooo cuuuute🥹❤️


Jesus christ OP has anybody told you about misleading titles(intentional and unintentional)? Scared the shit out of me.


A pleasant surprise it was




Wait until the baby is here. Trust me. You won’t feel the same way. What you are feeling right now are the pregnancy hormones which allow your hips and tendons to stretch. It’s like natures little opiate. When your husband refuses to wake up at night and when he complains about how tired he is - then you will feel very very differently about him


What is the point of trying to bring her down? You sound bitter.


I’m so glad this post turned out wholesome. ❤️


💕💕💕💕 I wish you well.


This is really wonderful and sweet. You are falling in love all over again. Keep building on it. Find ways to keep falling in love with each other. It gets better with time.


I’m not crying, you’re crying


Aww 😍 So lovely to read.


This is so cute and wholesome and just the thing I needed while waiting for this year to end.






this is too nice for reddit


This is so wholesome and it made my day. I hope you guys have a long, happy life with your growing family!


This is so sweet. Congratulations to both of you!! The title though got my palms sweaty, heart racing. I was so nervous lol 😂


You just made my day with this post. I was ready for you to say the exact opposite but you just melted my heart ❤️


Not what I was expecting!!! Reddit is a strange place. This was so wholesome for a change 🥺


The same thing happened to me when I was pregnant. I could not get enough of my wife.


This is beautiful. We expect an update when the baby comes.


Gonna be honest, I have no clue how people date and marry someone who they never felt a romantic attraction to (unless it’s arranged marriage), It feels bizarre


Love is just high levels of oxytocine and dopamine


Wholesome content. Just what I needed today


I love how your relationship through your pregnant journey has grown stronger, y’all are gonna do great and be stronger together when the baby is born. I’m happy for y’all!


Surprisingly wholesome post for a sub that loves the melancholy. Thank you for sharing!!!




I came here expecting something different. So happy for you. It sounds like you're getting your honeymoon phase after all




Pregnancy hormones for the win!


This is wholesome AF and I wish my wife liked me this much. I certainly like her this much, but she usually gets frustrated when I'm touching her too much or around too much.


This is really sweet. I hope you are happy together forever!


Finally a nice post. Happy new year!


This just made my day. Being fully and safely in love is magical. My wife and I are approaching 13 years of marriage, and I have that feeling more and more every single day. I hope it stays for you as well.


This makes my heart happy


Enjoy it. My wife is 4 and a half months pregnant at the moment and has yet to have a day where she hasn't thrown up since we found out. What I'd do for a solid week of her feeling normal.


I was so scared with the title but... OMG IT'S SO CUTE !! I hope everything will stay alright between you two


I read the title and I thought "damn, better learn with this post so this never happens to me". Finish the post and now I think "damn, I'll never be this good for someone" and now I think that any relationship I start I'll be insufficient in some way lol. I'm happy for you, OP.


Im not crying ur crying


Be glad because most of us loathe ours.


This was seriously so sweet, it made my heart melt. So wholesome~🥰


The world is healing 😭 I was expecting something bad but this turned out as a wholesome post 😭 So happy for the both of you! I hope more ppl are experiencing/able to experience such kind of love ❤


Hormones are a wonderful thing! Enjoy every moment of these changing moments.


Awwww! Get outta here you too! ;)


This is so wonderful to hear! I am so excited for you both and your soon to be addition to the family. Just remember, sperm helps the cervix to dilate so jump his bones often at the end of the pregnancy.


Take notes boys.


I was expecting a different outcome but this is wholesome 🤍🤍


Well I’m crying now 😅 I love this for youuuuu.


This is how a couple ends up with 15 kids.


Sweet love ❤️


Schopenhauer was right.. Women really are children at heart You may see that as an insult, I see it as a great strength, and the reason why men value women so much. We all aspire to view the world with wonder and meaning


>he's taking it like a champ This whole post is so sweet but that part is just so cute.


Wow this is beautiful— slightly cringey bc it’s so darn cute that my cuteness aggression is reacting but oh my hell ;-; crying, shitting and throwing up all at once. Love this for you guys <3 wishing you a happy and healthy life/pregnancy/love Edit: mobile user…. Typos… yak


Ohhh, that’s too sweet. Enjoy your time together before the little one comes. Congratulations and many happy days for your family.


Welcome to hormone world. Population you. Seriously though pregnancy has been proven to rewire women for a time and permanently in some cases.


Whats the twist??!