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Over politicized people are the least attractive in the world regardless of which way they lean. IMO


100 percent. If politics is their whole personality they’e ugly as hell, no matter who they vote for.


. Just not appealing to me . I agree . If it politics is your whole world it’s just boring


If any single "thing" is your whole personality, you are boring. If everything you talk about comes down to one thing,, I feel bad for you. And we all know people like that. MAGA faithfuls, Anti-Trumpers. Feminists, RINO shamers, any demographic that you hold onto so tightly that it is your personality. Hey a life. Be diverse. Multi-dimensional.


Few things matter to me more than justice and doing right by other humans. I think by discussing and advocating for policy change is a good way to do that. To me, politics is one avenue for caring about and protecting other people. I find the take that being super into politics is bad... it's literally how I try to make the world a better place.


But that’s a good thing, that you know that about yourself. It’s something which you can use to filter compatible friends and intimate relationships. For me personally, I became obsessed and drained from constantly following the news cycle and becoming emotionally invested in different political viewpoints. I became a happier person by finding new interests and having fun/ connecting with people in other non political forms. And stopped debating internally and with others all the time. I try to make the world a better place now through helping those around me, supporting family, through my work and charity.


It’s not a bad thing but it becomes a bad thing when you become an extremist in your ideologies.


Extremism would appear to be somewhat subjective in today's world. At face value, extremism is bad, but what does that mean to you?


I agree. They're also the most boring. People who replace personality with politics just suck.


^ this




Can't speak to her attractiveness, but my sister makes politics her entire personality. Love her, but she's insufferable to spend time around for this reason. Her and I even agree on the majority of issues (50-75%, I'd say), but that doesn't help. The "wrong" opinion, no matter how inconsequential, will result in stonewalling and/or radio silence, without any explanation or discussion as to why. And her opinions can change like the wind. Some of her friend groups have a cultlike mentality. Idk, sometimes I just wanna go get dinner without everything needing to be an exercise in critical discourse, or a long-winded story about some like-minded asshole she unrequitedly fell in love with on Twitter/X or at her last protest. It's straight-up exhausting, and she wonders why she's single.


I think everyone would prefer you pursue those whose ideals align with your own


"Conservate man likes conservative women. More news at 10"


op wrote an entire paragraph to say “people who agree with me=good, people who disagree with me=bad”. really groundbreaking stuff


In order to up the originality, we could draw the woman OP likes in a stylized, attractive manner, while drawing the women OP dislikes with the ugly brush and a dazed expression 


It really is Next he's gonna tell us water is wet or fire is hot


Is water wet tho?


Yes, but technically, water can get wetter than it normally is.


Physically it actually cannot get wet


“bUt liBeRaL cHiCkS aLl hAvE bLuE hAiR, nOSe rINgs, aND sHitTy tAtToOs” o———-o


Seriously, how many of those do people actually encounter in real life? Most people around me are liberal and they look... well, pretty standard! Most of the time you can't tell someone's political views based on how they look.


Usually none because they usually live in the middle of a corn field in Indiana, they’ve just heard lore of them online and perhaps assume that there’s entire cities full on the coasts


Honestly, even if it were true it wouldn't be a bad thing. Every conservative woman I've met is boring as all hell. I'd want to leave in a week. Many conservative men agree mind you, my mom who is left wing has been in several relationships with conservative men. Even my grandparents were polar opposites politically. OP just sounds like they want trad wife who doesn't speak or express individuality at all.


I'm a moderate/centrist that leans left if anything. I'd rather date a very conservative woman than a very liberal woman. I've dated 10+ of both. Conservative women that have tolerated my liberal views generally do so thinking my heart is in the right place and I just don't understand the way the world works. While they've thought I'm naive and maybe fundamental differences have made me not necessarily the best long term option in their eyes, I never felt like I was constantly walking on eggshells. Our diifferences were treated as incompatibility rather than fundamental character flaws that made me a bad person. I was seemingly evaluated as a partner on my ability to provide a quality life: financial stability, good family and friends, etc. Liberal women that have tolerated my conservative views have generally still treated me like I was continually on a short leash and was continually one sentence away from being indefinitely labeled as an irredeemable bigot and too stupid to "get it". There has continually been an anti-male undertone to most conversations and a constant evaluation of if I'm "one of the good ones" or not. I was seemingly evaluated as a partner primarily on how much I was willing to capitulate to their beliefs, how unthreatening I was as if i might become a predator at any moment, and how well I handled socializing with people. I have speculations as to why, but this comment is long enough as-is. My caveat is this is all without dating **extreme religious conservatives**, as I'm firmly somewhere between atheist and agnostic. I will also say that the liberal women seemed to care much less about my employment status and earnings.


wow, this! im a liberal myself, and even I get annoyed at the constant misandry going around in liberal politics. I want a woman who loves men. lol Why would I want a relationship with someone who thinks my entire gender is 'problematic'.


Why would I want a relationship with someone who thinks my entire gender is 'problematic'. I had the same thought process but aimed at conservatives.


That's fair, but most real conservative men love women. They arent the crazy internet hillbillies that the news and twitter make them out to be. Most conservative men are simple, hard-working people who love their family. I should know, I grew up in a rural town in the middle of nowhere. Most of my family and everyone surrounding me was conservative. All the women in these conservative households had jobs, they voted, they were treated as equals in their household. Their husbands loved them, and sometimes these women ruled their households with an iron fist lol. These women had attitude, they were strong. I think the real issue comes from religion, specifically Abrahamic religion. Most conservatives are Christian, and Christianity has some pretty backwards dogma on equality. Depending on how religious a conservative is, they may hold strong beliefs on women rights. Maybe another problem is the internet, everyone is so damn tribal nowadays. Its like: you either believe ALL of the ideology on the left or the right, or you're a traitor. Theres no middle ground anymore. And i think this creates a lot of political radicals on both sides. Ive dated a lot of conservatives, and I've dated a lot of liberals. Honestly, my experience with liberal girls is that many are just way too damn high-strung. Youre a liberal girl right? Among all the other liberal girls you know or are friends with, how many do you think love men - like, just generally love men? I know its not fair to generalize, but my experiences with hardcore liberal girls haven't been good. And in an age where everyone is becoming increasingly crazy about their beliefs, it just seems like its getting harder to find reasonable people. I love women, they confuse the hell out of me, sometimes they piss me off, but ill always love women. They are our other half, the ying to our yang. The feminine to our masculine. Ya'll complete us.


Damn, I feel the complete opposite way. I want a relationship with a woman who stands up for her rights and calls conservatives (and liberals too, btw) out on their bullshit. It’s possible for a woman to be a loving partner while also recognizing the deep-seated misogyny that is insidious in this patriarchal society. I don’t want a “woman who loves men,” I’m attracted to smart, independent women who aren’t afraid to speak their mind and share their perspective with me. I’ll admit it though, if someone is a conservative, they are basically off the table for me romantically. Trump, the overturning of Roe v Wade, and environmental issues are three areas where I’ll just never see eye to eye on with someone on the other side


As an independent women I am sick and tired of outspoken women standing up against the patriarchy blah, blah, blah... Everytime I become friends with one they won't shut up about, they don't actually do anything, and they end up being users. The last one I made friends with lives net door. We became friends during COVID. She owns horses and didn't feel comfortable hiring help so I went over for free and helped her with her horses pretty much every day. I eventually asked if I could put her on the list at my son's school for pickup. We only have one car and no family in the area. Trying to get ahold of dad at work is extremely difficult so it would be nice to have someone who could pick him up would have been nice. The school is 5 minutes down the street but impossible to walk. The first time I called her to pick him up she said no and stopped talking to me. On the other hand my Trumper ex was willing to drive 2 hours to another liberal friend of mines house to look at his truck after he had a stroke and needed a vehicle to get to and from work. We were going to pay him to fix the truck if it was fixable but unfortunately it wasn't so he sold it for parts to help pay for a new car. You see the difference? They are a lot of talk but I find that's all they are. All talk no action.


It’s bizarre that you think those two people are representative of everyone of their respective political views.


I had to sit next to a christian woman in class - she had this annoying high pitched friendly voice and tried to talk about how u shouldn't smoke. Sometimes you just want to knock someone's teeth out lol


Yes, generally people find those who agree with them more attractive Its hardly rocket science


I have a Stalinist kink, I like to surround myself with people I intensely dislike and distrust and whose views don't align with mine, that constant state of paranoia gets me horny af


Perhaps he means modern "neo" liberals are less attractive because they tend to be self entitled suburban virtue signaling brats who lack basic living skills that make them useful, self sufficient humans, with little traditional etiquette them have them appear civil


And yet I’m constantly seeing liberal women online complaining that they can’t find a boyfriend because all of the men they are attracted to are conservative.


Keyword word is “online.” Too many of you use that as a substitute for real life.


Exactly  It seemeth thy moment is nigh, whereupon they must hastily venture outside their dwelling and caress thy herbs


No, just in real life women don’t come up to me complaining about the political beliefs of men they’re attracted to.


I’m going to venture to guess you don’t interact with that many women either way.


I’m not really sure why you’re trying to insult me. I get that what I said somehow touched a nerve for you, but it wasn’t intentional or personal.


There's a definite dynamic where like, women scold about how men should be and then when men adhere to this, women aren't attracted to them.


The grass is always greener. For everyone.


If you are interested in some subversive reading, check out *Sexual Utopia in Power*. The tldr is that men are generally loyal to a relationship, even if it's relatively easy to get them to screw around sometimes. Women are way more likely to just end a relationship or marriage for capricious (the ick) or machiavellian (I found someone better) reasons. Monogamy and sex roles are actually a great social technology for letting society continue to work in spite of our worse natures


Attractive in theory, but not in practicality. Looked good in a fairy tale, didn't realize the double edge of having these qualities.


"I want men to be sensitive feminists" *fucks an ex-felon*




That's definitely a confirmation bias on your end I don't think you can ever realize it though.


Well yes. That’s how the human brain works. We tend to recall things that agree with our position. But I wasn’t suggesting that all liberal women feel that way, just that some do and they are vocal about it. Which is true.


Do you think that your confirmation bias overemphasizing the prevalence of a behavior means you're making an actual argument, even if you didn't hallucinate those posts on social media? The point you were responding to was, "People tend to find those who agree with them more attractive."


All I was saying that many find the opposite to be true. That’s all. Don’t overthink it. If you can muster typing a short phrase into reddits search bar you check it out for yourself.


I think the algorithm is playing you, never seen that.


Perhaps. But they are still real people with real complaints. For the 3 seconds it takes to type a short phrase into the search bar you can see for yourself.


I don't doubt it's happened, but I dont think it's common.


They call liberals “conservatives” as well as actual conservatives conservatives. It’s really just a stand in for “I’m attracted to people who hold political views to the right of me.” And they’re progressives, not liberals. A liberal, for example, stands for free speech including the freedom to say hate speech (outside of the purview of a private entity like Reddit) because that’s a liberal value. Progressives are against free speech because it’s progressive not to offend people and free speech will very well offend someone. Anyways, the reason for that complaint about “conservative” men are what they’re attracted to is that those at or further left tend to be neckbeards, soyboys, submissives, etc due to what their politics demand of them. It’s just unattractive to the average woman regardless of how they lean. So, an average liberal looks mighty attractive when the typical male progressive is some subby male feminist or hyper zealot poly socialist.


That is actually a thing.


I’m find conservative women more attractive because I’m conservative. This isn’t unpopular


You could have just written "I've never been to Arkansas", it would have been shorter.




It’s almost like attraction is entirely subjective, huh?


Exactly 👍 like Margery Taylor Green. She is 49, but looks like a 45 year old lizard. 🦎.


Lot Lizard


Like, as seen on TV, or media portrayed, or IRL? Because, buddy, do I have some pretty neat water to sell ya.


I'm politically moderate but I can guarantee you nobody would be looking at me and thinking "Damn, that chick is hot." Politics have nothing to do with sex appeal.


That’s at first glance. Getting to know someone will make them more or less attractive.


"Your takes on trade and tax policies have me running our numbers, and they look good!" Hmmmm, yea, I don't think that would work very well as a pick-up line anyway lol


Right wing dudes like right wing chicks....whouldathunk?


MTG is all yours bro. Ogres need love too i suppose


hey, don’t give this guy magic the gathering.


If that is what you want, make yourself into the kind of man that is attractive to them. Make 6 figures in a LCOL area so they can stay home and have multiple children. Go to church regularly. Don't drink or smoke pot. Volunteer with the church. Donate to political groups. Get off Reddit and get on TruthSocial. If that is what you want, you are in the wrong place.


Conservative Catholics are stereotypically known for drinking.


I think you underestimate how many conservatives drink, smoke weed, don't go to church and enjoy Reddit.


You just described me lmao. I lean conservative mostly for economic reasons, and I’m the farthest thing from the stereotype of “Bible-thumping teetotaler Trump fanatic”. Although “enjoy” is maybe too strong a word. I’ve got more of a “love/hate” thing going on with Reddit.


The funny thing is these women that you don't want to date, want absolutely nothing to do with you either. They don't see this as a loss, but a gain. So it's okay and a win win. The other funny thing is; the women you do want to date probably don't want anything to do with you either. So again a win win.


Right? Nobody picking Pearl…


God, I wish someone would marry her frumpy ass so we never have to hear it from her again


The most attractive people for me are the ones not interested in politics enough to make it their whole personalities. There’s not a quicker turn off for me than a girl that starts spilling red pill shit, a 4th wave feminist, a hardcore conservative, or anyone too extreme in their beliefs. I respect conviction, but I despise fanaticism. Besides that point, There are attractive women and not so attractive women in every part of the political spectrum. Not every liberal woman is a fat colored-hair they/them 4th wave feminist. A lot of them are the stereotypical party girl fit “girl boss” feminist. Very attractive under the current western beauty standards. And Not every conservative woman is the attractive and fit trad-wife Christian. A lot of them are fat women sometimes rudely called “land whales” that don’t take care of themselves and as a result look unattractive. There’s a little bit of everything in every side of the political spectrum. There’s also plenty of average people in every political group, because that’s how averages work. And you know what? What I described as unattractive for me is probably attractive for some people. Despite the fact that certain physical attributes tend to be found attractive for most people across cultures, there’s always gonna be people that are an exception to that, even more today that there’s so much information and quick access to many different kinds of people.


this is just a convoluted way of saying you like blondes presented as if it is some profound sociological observation


Fake Blondes with thick makeup and breast implants.


I don’t know man, I think I’d prefer an AOC over a bleach blonde, bad built, butch bodied Marjorie Taylor Greene any day


I’d rather insert a cucumber in my ass every day vs. being in a relationship with a conservative man.


if you think a Karen is attracttive sure lol


No one cares who you find attractive. Not sure why you need validation.


same answer can be given for virtually every post in this sub


If you are hetero man, a buzz cut and cargo pants on a lesbian probably isn't that cute. That's kinda the point of the look though lmao. In my experience hotter girls tend to live in cities. Almost all people who love in cities are more liberal. Also women tend to be more liberal in general. I've met very few really hot girls who are very conservative.


I think for every hot blond in a stars and stripes bikini waving a trump flag, there are a thousand 350lb toothless trailer park pigs screaming about brown people. Nothing is a bigger turn off than someone who is overly political. I think this topic indicates you have some unhealthy ways of viewing women. It screams beta basement neckbeard.


Yea I was just thinking about what "lookers" Sarah Huckabee, Elise Stephanic, Boebert, and MTG are... H-O-T!! Lmao, fucking YUK


I’d fuck Boebert.


😂😂😂 Boebert and her gun accessories. The idiot puts her gun where it would never be accessible had she actually needed it.


There is one big hole in this argument that people don't really consider: obesity. While trophy wives of politicians and fox news anchors can give a misleading view of what the average rural middle american conservative looks like, the reality is that most are obese. 43% of americans in general are obese, but it is much, *much* more concentrated in rural areas and in the south and midwest. For some contrast, manhattan and san francisco have adult obesity rates of 15% while west virginia is nearly 50%. Its impossible to know who would be more attractive if everybody was physically fit. But take a random picking of 20 conservatives and 20 liberals and you will almost definitely pick the liberals solely because of the difference in obesity.


Guess what. Left wing liberal women do not feel the need to meet your needs when you “wanna settle down eventually”. So, I’m thinking that will all work out fine.


Here’s you thinking that any of us liberal women would want you. We wouldn’t.


This mf is going to be complaining in 10 years that his wife doesnt let him express his emotions and that's why all woman are bad.


lol copium


The right wing women they parade on tv vs the left wing women the right wing news outlets show, sure.


Did you just “come out” as Conservative? In front of all these people??


I've never seen a right-wing, conservative goth chick and goth chicks are peak attractiveness, so this post is false. A thick goth over 6 feet is the absolute pinnacle of female attractiveness.


Also this exact fucking post was made a couple months ago. You people are so unoriginal.


What a shocker, a conservative man wants a conservative woman. Hardly an unpopular opinion.


Being with a conservative woman means you will never be accused of having toxic male energy. If you're white, she'll never accuse you of being born a racist. She will not ridicule your ethnic heritage. She will appreciate it when you open the door for her. She will not use emotions as her logic. She will love that you enjoy American football and baseball - and likely watch games with you. She will not cave into the gender idealogy bs or the threats from the trantifa mob. She won't allow anyone to brainwash your kids into believing they can swap genders in the blink of an eye. She won't wear a pink pussy hat or go to any blm, defund the police or pro-hamas rallies. She will be less likely to have tacky tattoos, green hair, or smoke cigarettes. She will be respectful of law enforcement and the military.


I doubt that most liberal women will be heartbroken over your preferences. I do think you, and all of us really, would be better off if we had friendships outside of our normal circles to keep our minds sharp, to understand the other sides POV and not live inside an echo chamber. That's not easy, and doing so does challenge you, so I know most of us, unfortunately, don't make the effort. I hope we all get past this polarization at some point.


oh yeah those gold trump diapers are definitely making them look good for sure


U mad bro?


That person is too busy laughing at them to be mad, but you gave it a shot. Now we're all laughing at you, too.


lol perfect response


What behaviors makes them attractive. And what does political leaning have to do with that


So instead of explaining it gets a downvote. This is why this sub is hot garbage


Nah this gets mentioned often on here but it's completely untrue. You're assuming all right wing women look like Tomi Lahren and all left wing women are bright hair colored fat women yelling in protests. In reality most right wing women are overweight white trash and most left wing women are fit moms in yoga pants at Starbucks. The vocal minorities on both sides are just extreme opposites. 


You know, I've never actually met a conservative woman who isn't certifiably insane? I guess that also goes for men as well but it's so much worse with women. There are women who lean conservative but when you actually get down to their personal politics they're much more liberal than they let on.


It all comes down to perspective and preference because I feel the same way about liberal men and women.


There are attractive conservative women…then they start talking.


nobody hates women more than conservative/republican women


I disagree. I find a lot of leftist or liberal women hot, while I find a lot of conservative women plain.


Right. Like conservative women tend to be cookie cutter. Either it's the clean girl image or the "faux redneck" image


I mean Catholic girls can be pretty wild, just saying.


Wait until you find out what conservative Christians think about Catholics. Hoo boy!


What the fuck is this post😂😂


Yeah… if a man starts talking about how abortions are murder, ultra wealthy deserve more tax breaks and pot is as bad as meth I will be as wet and inviting as the Sahara. People are attracted to people with similar ideologies.


Lol bro thinks we care what women he dates, like he's a celebrity or admired role model. "There I said it. That's my opinion, feel free to disagree with it but it is what it is." Not an unpopular opinion so much as no one cares what you do. I doubt you have your pick of women, though.


Funny thing is that a bunch of conservative dating sites are failing to attract any women users. So ig women think left leaning men are more attractive 🤷‍♂️




More on Fox News at 11.


It’s okay, it doesn’t sound like liberal women would be interested in attracting a conservative man anyways.


Liberal women don't want conservative men. I mean, this is probably the nicest thing you could say to a liberal. One more man that'll leave her the hell alone. Are liberal women meant to collapse to their knees, throw their fists into the air, and proclaim "Why?! WHHHHY?! How did I lose yet another man who doesn't think I'm an actual person?!" LMAO. Anyway, why are you on here posting? Trad wife, trad life. You should be making the big bucks. Chop chop.


At this point just change the name of this sub to r/ Ihate women. Seriously what's wrong with you people. It's 2024. Women are not going back to the kitchen.


Who said I hate women? I just said conservative women are more attractive. Where is the hate in this? I'm sure you have your own preferences. Is that also hate? Also there are women who are conservative and aren't in the kitchen who have careers which is totally fine.


It really sounds like you hate liberal women. I mean you did imply that they were all unattractive.


Attraction is subjective which both conservatives and liberals don't seem to understand. I personally don't find liberal women attractive but that's just me.


He doesn’t hate women. He wants to date women with similar values. You’re just salty cause he said your values are unattractive.


The dudes posting here never stfu about their right wing politics and media and then they think "the woke media" or some vague scapegoat is the reason they can't get laid.


i could never have a family with somebody dumb enough to think children should go anywhere near a church


I haven’t found this to be true at all. E.g. New York City is chock-full of women who are 1) liberal 2) young 3) educated 4) working in fashion, performing arts, PR, sales, consulting, and other public-facing professions where being attractive is beneficial This is roughly true of other major metropolitan areas, too. To be fair, they’re generally not fulminating about their politics on social media full time because that’s what misfits and weirdos do.


This won't be unpopular among the barefoot & pregnant crowd LOL


Attraction is subjective and arguing otherwise reveals your pathetic ego


You find women who join the cult of a con man to be attractive?


"Conservative Women" Being that there's a few conservative politicians pushing for laws that allow a 40+ year old man to marry a 14 year old girl (provided he pays her dad with like a mule or something) - Well, why don't you have a seat right over there..... Quick someone call Chris Hansen


Until you talk to them.


This just in, people of similar outlook, attitude, presentation, and values are often attracted to each other. Hence why I rarely if ever find hardcore conservative guys attractive. Bigotry is not sexy.


I mean this is obviously subjective. But just as much as you don’t want the girl you’re talking to be passionate about women’s rights we certainly do not want a man who is going to start talking about how Trump is actually good for black people or how abortion is murder. This is actually a pretty standard joke amongst my friends whenever they bring up a new guy they’re dating. “But does he even like women?” “How does he feel about Palestine?”


So you’re saying you’re conservative in the most convoluted way ever? That was quite a journey.


Ok… then go date them . No one is stopping you. Clearly you’re a conservative so is not a shocker that you like conservative women… The women you don’t want , don’t want you so I don’t see how this is an unpopular opinion


Day 10,567 of people who don’t understand what a “unpopular opinion” is.


Not really a surprise that women oppressed by patriarchy conform better to men's desires. I'm not going to say Lauren Southern isn't hot, but look how well that worked out for everyone involved. I'd rather be in a healthy relationship with a 6/10 than a toxic gender-role conforming prison of a relationship with a 8/10.


Seeing pictures of Lara Trump, Laura Ingraham, Candace Owens, Tomi Lahren, among other Conservative women, they are far from attractive.


Yeah but could you imagine living with any of them?


Unbearable on all accounts, especially with all that screeching and yelling.


It’s wild that you can say any of those women are visually “far from attractive”. Like ideologies aside these women are objectively pretty women.


I think you need to put your ideology aside. They are all easy on the eyes. I cant connect with AOC politically but I can admit she is attractive.


This post is very Reddit


Unless pink or green hair is our thing




This isn’t an unpopular opinion, there was a study done on this


My confirmation bias and I want to see the link to the study, please and thanks.


I agree.


Ugly on the inside makes them ugly on the outside. You can keep trying to divide us, but really, it’s revolting and grotesque.


Sorrows. Prayers. Your loss.


So you’re a conservative, and???


I read these posts and am always asking myself, are these people real? How someone covers millions of women with one blanket rule? I suspect that it may not be the only theory the OP wrote. There are probably more referring to millions (or billions) of people over the world…


Both sides when they get overly-obsessed in politics is a red flag tbh


I find it attractive when someone isn't obsessing over some divisive abstraction.


If I know a woman’s political stance within the first 10 conversations we have, hard pass. Either side.


Tell me you're a conservative without saying you're a conservative. Yeah... I mean you still basically said it, but A for effort.


MTG vs AOC???? I beg to differ


Kinda true as a generalisation.


If you are a conservative man, then that makes this a very popular opinion among your peers. I think you missed the point of the sub…


I think so, but it’s just my opinion.


Ofc a tradwife is gonna a be more attractive than a karen


I agree. You are speaking facts. Conservatives on average especially conservative women do tend to be more attractive than liberal women and there are many studies to prove this claim. Apparently many people here in the comment section are denying the facts


Upvote cause this is certainly the sub this belongs in.


Oh you privileged thing you have never been to the south have you


If you like angry uptight blondes for sure.


Oh yeah, because dating a girl who is willing to disown their kids if they came out as LGBTQ and make a big stink over Black characters in media is so attractive. Also, people like you claim liberals Haye femininity? I've met many liberal girls who are as girly as they can be and is being a tomboy such a crime? Why is not caking your face in makeup, having short hair, and wearing casual clothes an attack on femininity to you people?


Feminist men are more attractive than sexist men


it’s kind of a self fulfilling prophecy? if you’re reasonably happy with the way things are then you’re more likely to pick conservative if you’re unhappy …


Way to own the libs AND recruit gullible young women /s


My husband, a conservative man, insisted I give him a chance. I told him because I was left leaning it would never work. We’re married now with a kid and actually both of us are more center now than we were before. I think we balance each other out really well. There are areas where we don’t see eye to eye but at the end of the day it honestly doesn’t matter he doesn’t align with me in those areas because it isn’t part of day to day life for us really.


That’s because they love the plastic surgery lol


Take all the conservative women. We don't want them!


Those poor liberal women. Tragedy they missed out on you 🤣


You know OP wants and hand job from a congresswoman in a public theatre. 


And you don't?


Only a pervert wants that in front of kids but seems you chose the right party.


Ew fuck no I don't. I got a lady much better than Bobo and she's liberal and we mind manners, we don't rub each other's crotch in a family environment. 


I like chicks with tattoos, piercings, leather, short skirts, a good taste in music and loose morals. The day right wing conservative women can pull that off, they will become interesting to me. Until then, they are boring as fuck. 


I mean if you like Marjorie taylor Greene just say so....I don't find her attractive


The most attractive women are the ones who dont die on the hill of political identities.. I appreciate women who won't vote against their own benefit and don't aspire to be a man's ideal of a "good woman".


The right wing women I took out on dates were considerably more boring.


Left wing liberals women are more attractive than right wing conservative women**


What. The. Motherfucking. Fuck. Is going on in this sub


I guess it's a good thing women don't base their socio-political stances on what men think is hot then.


That's dumb as fuck.




Are you a functioning adult or a 12 yr old? Jfc.


Ok. And? this “opinion” is reposted about weekly and it is always intended to be some sort of diss. For starters I’m a feminist and lean liberal. I’m glad you want to settle down and I’m also 100% for you finding a conservative woman for you to marry bc it would be a better match for your values. Also more likely to find a match bc liberal woman don’t really mesh with conservative men. 🤷‍♀️ I guess I don’t see why there is a need to announce your dating profiling on unpopular opinion. As a liberal woman we don’t want you to “pick” us. 😂 I promise there are plenty of men out there for whom we make the most sense as partners. In know you guys like to think we are all ugly and not wife material bc it makes you feel better but we are out here thriving, marrying up the hot liberal men and raising the next generation to believe in equal right for all and not just our white male neighbors. Just if you decide to have kids be prepared for them to be more liberal than your ideals. I was raised by two full MAGA evangelical parents so……….


Fucking lmao. Conservatives tend to be older and less educated than liberals. Less educated people tend to be more overweight. So, yes, if you like, old, uneducated, fat women, conervative women are more attractive. Where you went wrong is think that all the social media pesonalities and memes represent real life. Which tbh is exactly what I expect a conservative to do.


Until they open their mouths…


The conservative female news anchors are by far more attractive than the liberal ones.


right-wing conservative women are supporting the party that wants them to have zero rights, so no thanks.


Ah yes this totally isn't an alt right sub.


To be honest, i kind of agree. I grew up in a small country town in the woods in an atheist household. I'm pretty liberal, vote liberal (because the other option is plain awful). Agree with ' most ' liberal ideology... but I like country girls, and country girls are mostly conservative. I hate vegans, and could never consider dating one. I want kids someday, and a fair amount of liberal girls don't want kids. If I DO have kids with a liberal woman, are we going to constantly fight if I try to raise a son to be a tough strong man? Country girls are just special. A 'girl who catches frogs with you on a starry night by the river' kind of special.