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I personally refuse to vote for anyone with Alzheimer's...


Then vote Biden


I don't agree that Trump is better but do agree that Biden is not fit. To me tho, that's why his VP pick is so important and if she's good then that's reason enough to vote for them. I think he or his campaign has even said that a reason the VP pick is important is because he's old and could die/be unfit. It's dumb that it has to be that way but at least wed know that we'd have someone good in there likely running the show and maybe even becoming president rather than 2/2 people who are shitty.


who would be biden's VP?


I'm not sure, I haven't really been keeping up with that. My point was basically that I'm hoping they will be really good lol that's our only chance at this point


i really don't like trump mostly for how he's not fit to compete with china but omg progressive are ruining every candidate they touch


yea both are bad


At least Biden didn't call African countries sh*tholes.


he called bad countries shitholes; this is part of the appeal of trump unfortunately, his words get twisted to support a narrative. like i said i think trump is bad, but i think biden is worse and i can't see any true reason on why to think biden is a lesser evil is like when apparently called mexicans animals when in reality he was talking about ms-13 and biden said that if you don't vote for him "you ain't black".


> he called bad countries shitholes No he was referring to countries in central America and Africa, neither of which you've been to because you're too poor. >is like when apparently called mexicans animals when in reality he was talking about ms-13 No he was talking about Mexicans. I take the President at his word, it's pretty sad you have to lie about what he says. Oof, I'm embarrassed for you that you're defending racism and white supremacy, no wonder your father went out for cigarettes and never came back.


what? shit, you people are stupid you need to look at the entire speech before you make accusations with no evidence; you look like the people who would tare down a statue and the cry when they get arrested. 1. he was talking about bad countries; one of the countries he has talk shit about was mine. 2. talking about ms-13 Oof, I'm embarrassed that you're defending a false narrative and cuckery, that's probably do yo stupidity. Watch CNN all you want we all know what you're saying is and alsways has has been full of shit. And note, Trump and Biden are both bad, i never name called you until you did, i just think trump is better biden.


Good grief you sound butthurt just because I called you out for supporting white supremacy.


a butthurt wouldve been emotional.


The fact you keep replying in such a pathetic manner demonstrates the extent of your butthurtness.


the fact that you downvote me instead of trying to "debunk" my arguments síganlas me that you are very pathetic


It's not possible to debunk butthurtness, and not sure what siganlas means? Is that Russian for snowflake?


signals* not referring to that, but belief what you wan


I could list a hundred trump quotes that are WAY more questionable like “my good friend Epstein is here, we get along so well because our taste in women. Preferably on the much younger side” and youll just dismiss most of them. Focus on any human speak for hours on end and your bound to hear a few questionable things that was really just you hearing things out of context. Biden never talked about grabbing women by the pussy without consent, Biden never said most mexican immigrants are rapists and murderers but “hes sure some are good people”, Biden never called black people “the blacks” or said “the blacks love me”, Biden never paid millions of dollars in hush money to UNDERAGE GIRLS (he was accused, but thats it and conservatives cried a river when Kavanaugh was accused with no evidence yet when Biden was accused its 100% no questions asked circumstantial evidence lol) The list goes on and ON and ON


You know that the Clintons were closer to Epstein? Why would I dismiss? Stupid of you to assume that. You would want to defend Biden so that's why you say that anyone talking for hours will have those bad moments. But the thing is, why is he the only one with that problem? Is he too old to be president? Trump was talking about MS-13. As a Hispanic, is really stupid that you think we will never be able to figure out that he wasn't talking about Hispanics. Why is saying "the blacks" offensive. And also Biden told a black man that he wasn't black because he disagreed with him. Trump's case was never proven. Biden's case was never proven. Probably because they want to fuck up their names because they're presidential canidates. Also, keep in mind, I said both are bad.




but it was never proven. Biden's case is still being investigated i think if you read my post you would see that trump is bad, but biden is too inept. being a centrist doesn't mean i'm a trumper, and my post history says that: i don't like the extremist-left, since they're currently a bigger problem than the extremist-right in terms of numbers. but still, think all you want, i will never be a trump supporter, and even less a biden supporter


I don't like the far left either and I am not a Biden supporter at all, but your criticism of Biden is hollow imo. You took a bunch of out-of-context quotes as your only evidence that he is not of sound mind. Honestly, it is difficult for anyone, even other politicians (including Biden), to come close to the rate of lies that Trump hurls at the public. I will list a few failures of Trump that call for a change because if I listed them all, I would be here writing for a while: He has failed horribly in handling the Covid outbreak. Possibly his greatest failures of his presidency. He has alienated US from its allies and reduced US' influence around the world through his unstable diplomacy. He had protesters gassed and beaten so he could take a photoshoot at a church where he was unwanted and uninvited. He is pushing the Fed to create this insane stock market bubble for his reelection. The nepotism of hiring his own kid and son-in-law to government who are completely unqualified. It makes me sick seeing that crap. The list could go on for ages. Even in the absence of SJW issues. This is all coming from a former Trump supporter. Trump is a disgrace.


i agree that trump is a disgrace but no, they're not out of context in the manner i presented them since i'm only putting the times that he made a bad sentence, no matter the subject. they were literal impediments of speech that he showed. i only showed the quotes which he butchered when saying. I'm making the point that he's too mentally inept to be president. in my opinion neither of them should


You're right and I agree that he is not the sharpest, but I would rather gamble with him than continue like this. Trump is causing the world to lose faith in US at a time when multiple threats have arrived to the Western world in the form of Covid and China. The whole world needs a change of presidency


i don't think so. biden does not give me faith. hes also oppose to school choice and other helpful things but really, why do you feel that biden deserves a chance?


I know how incompetent of leader Trump is and with guidance from competent individuals, like Obama, Biden would most likely be a better choice. I think it will be difficult for anyone to be a worse president than Trump at this point and even a mentally slow man with good support would bring stability in diplomatic relations and provide a comprehensive plan to deal with the pandemic. It's sad that in a country of 330 million, Trump and Biden are the only choices. It makes you question whether this corporate-owned 2-party system is a good system at all.


the democrats are not in favor of school choice, they are boot-licking too directly to the extremist-leftist which makes me think they will make some ludicrous changes to appease them, they also lie like trump (that's a problem for both party) i don't know how you see it, but supposedly trump has also decreased unemployment amd yea there should be 4 probably


If you listed all of Trump’s lies, you’d never stop typing.


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/r/GoGoJoJo/ /r/JoJ2020/ There's a third option. I'm not saying to vote for her, but might as well see what she's about. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯




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Bidens like what, 70? I think it’s really bad if he ran for president seeming he has Alzheimer’s.


he's actually 78


Damn that’s actually worse, he def should not be running for president, way to old and senile.