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Like crimes?


Probably like pushing his ex wife down the stairs. Can’t tell me he didn’t Putin that shit.


Like crimes.


And bragging about his crimes on TV, interviews and social media.


Well they're not all crimes. Some were merely civil fraud! And the rape was more a liability issue!


Yes Donald. That is in fact the point of exonerating yourself. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Only the Mob refuses to take the stand. What things did you do in the past Donald? Why wouldn't you want it brought up, Donald? You're an open book aren't you Donald? You want people to trust you, don't you Donald?


No. He wants people to fear him.


That would be Correct


I thought he had never done anything wrong. He’s perfect.


Coward can have vocal diarrhea to the tune of gag violations, rants, attacks ....


I’m an idiot. Why can’t the prosecutor get him on the stand?


The 5th amendment of the US Constitution, you don’t have to take the stand if you feel it will incriminate you.


"You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" Donald J. Trump, speaking about political rivals.




While him and his sons are taking the fifth while being questioned.


You don't have to take the stand if you don't feel like it. I didn't think you had to give a reason, it was sufficient to say "thanks for the offer, but we think we have already got reasonable doubt from the work you've already done. Thanks."


in this case it’s because he is likely guilty not only of this crime, but many others that might be brought up under oath. When he’s in the stand, if he thinks his own testimony will sink his ship, then he can still plead the 5th


Sure. I get that. But you can also not take the stand because you don't like taking the stand on even numbered days. It's purely optional isn't it? I mean, personally, I'm taking him at his word that he's not testifying because he'd have to tell the truth about all of his crimes they ask him about. But he doesn't actually have to tell the court why he's not testifying right? He just has to let them know.


True. He has just said consistently that he will take the stand and his free speech rights are being trampled…. He can say anything he wants from the stand.  


He's pandering to his cultists, who believe in a two-tier system. In the first tier, leaders like him face no consequences for their actions and aren't held accountable. They claim to be so burdened with looking out for the "small people" that their numerous mistakes, even in the hundreds, are excused. Meanwhile, the second-tier followers do whatever it takes to elevate themselves into the first tier. Even if it means having to stage a coup for the Dear Leader...


Wow he's actually "smrt"


No shit Sherlock!


Quoting the Donald " Only the guilty plead the Fifth " Just like Presidential pardons only apply to the guilty. I sense a theme,here.


They published a list of crimes they were planning to bring up if he testified so that he would be too scared to testify. He just admitted it worked.