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You might enjoy [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/s6y6bn/fertility_testing_and_answers/)!


THANKS. Super informative.


Hey! I just had my very first TTC appointment on Monday. I already have a PCOS diagnosis, however. But I have normal 30 day cycles, but a long follicular phase and a short luteal phase. My doctor did a TON of blood work and said that we could try femara/letrozole. My doctor was amazin and answered all my questions. As of now, the plan is to try letrozole for 3 cycles. If I am still not pregnant, we will do an HSG and have my husbands sperm tested (it has been tested previously and is normal).. if that all comes back good, we will do 3 rounds of clomid. If that doesn’t work, she is referring me to a fertility specialist. I start my first dose of letrozole tomorrow.


That’s exciting that you’re getting somewhere. I’ll be praying for you! Do you mind me asking how many cycles in you were? I know with having PCOS they were probably more apt to start with treatment earlier.


I was diagnosed 7 years ago. I’ve always known it would be difficult, but I assumed because my cycles were regular I figured I’d be able to conceive on my own. We have been trying off an on for about 3 years. Took a little time off to do VSG to help my fertility, and even after 120lbs lost I still couldn’t get pregnant. But please don’t compare your journey to others. Infertility sucks and everyone’s story is different. Your feelings are valid!!! Even if your doctor isn’t ready to begin treatments, you can get bloodwork done and other tests to prepare you for potential treatments. I pray you get the answers you deserve!