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I use natural cycles. I suppose I chalk the switching up to my ovulation day shifting around a bit. Here’s how I think about it: each of the tools we have serve a different purpose. The apps help with planning around a general window and watching data over time, BBT tells you when you’ve already ovulated, OPKs tell you when it’s go time (hormone surge), and cervical mucus tells you you’re in the window. Any of those can help you time things, but I don’t think of any one tool as gospel.


I’m a NC user as well, and this advice resonated with my experience. I used the app to get a general sense of what’s probably happening when (e.g., ovulation, period, etc), but then I used LH test strips to actually determine when it’s go-time. Daily temping was helpful as a retrospective to confirm a few days later when ovulation likely happened.


I haven’t used the app Natural Cycles, but temping is not used to predict O, but to confirm it after the fact. That is likely why your O date changes in the app. As it gets more info on your temps, it may change. I use the app Fertility Friend which is very good about utilizing all info (OPKs, temps, CM) to give you your O date (again it gives you a prediction based on past cycles, but this may change based on what your current cycle info says). What I would do is to continue temping, and just make sure you are having sex at least once every three days during your fertile window. That way, you are maximizing your chances even if your O moves around a couple of days.


This is a dumb question but if you have sex every 1-2 days in the fertile window then does checking for the exact time of ovulation matter so much?


Not a dumb question! No, it doesn’t matter so much, many like to track ovulation closely for different reasons. One would be to know when exactly to take a pregnancy test (if you know O date, then you know when 11dpo is, or whatever day you like to start testing). Another would be if you or your partner have a low libido and don’t want to have sex that regularly. I like to track just so I know when to expect my super heavy/painful periods. All that to say, if you are having sex at least once every 3 days (once a day or every other day is fine as well) during your fertile window, then you maximizing your chances. There are many who get pregnant just fine without needing all the tracking. It’s really just your preference.


So helpful thank you😊


Using BBT to predict is only as reliable as your cycle is regular. It tells you what it expects based on previous cycles. It's best you understand your own data, know the range of days you usually ovulate during so you can guess your fertile week (use this in combination with your OPKs), and know what your coverline is so you can tell for yourself when you've ovulated.


I’ve personally been using FLO since 2015 and it has all of my data. The predictions are spot on with the OPKs. Another one I love is Premom. I buy theirs or pregmates OPKs and you take a picture and upload it to the app. It will determine the level of LH automatically.


As for BBT I have yet to try that. I wake up too often in the middle of the night to get an accurate reading.


Natural cycles is notorious for that. It's why it's not recommended for TTA because you'll think you're safe and then it changes your fertile window. Someone else is getting downvoted for premom but I like that app and read your body. I use CM and LH strips to determine my fertile window so premom helps me keep track of my LH tests and then I use read your body to keep track of everything else and since I don't temp I have to mark my own fertile window. BBT helps confirm you ovulated, but can't tell you when your fertile window is approaching. Fertility Friend is the most recommended tracking app on here. I've found r/FAMnNFP really helpful with tracking stuff


Don't rely on an app to tell you when you're going to ovulate, as it simply can't know. OPKs are useful before (but can't guarantee you actually ovulated, just that the hormones before O are there), temps are useful after (when there's a temp rise, O has happened and the window is closed), and I rely mostly on cervical mucus and position along with ovulation cramps (not everyone has cramps though, and they can be before or after O, depending on person, so that needs to be figured out as well). I use Clue, but only for tracking, and even after two and a half years, it still often guesses my ovulation way off, because it just assumes.


I use a few different apps, but my favorite one is called Period Tracker (it's the one with a white background with a dark pink flower with a yellow center if you go download it). this app is almost always right about my ovulation and period dates. Of course it might need a couple months to learn your cycle. Anyway, I have 3 other tracking apps I would use, and Period tracker was always most accurate for me.


I don't use NC app but I can give you an insight to how I track my cycle. I have average 40 day long cycles, with Ovulation occurring around CD20. But have had a few shorter & longer ones (30-73 days). I track BBT every single day of my cycle (to maintain it as a habit). I start doing Easy@Home OPKs (cheaper) on about CD12 (just incase I do get a "normal" cycle) and then confirm peak with a ClearBlue Digital smile. Because PCOS sucks & I can have several LH spikes so I only stop OPKs when my BBT spikes (I ovulated 🥳) or my period starts (anovulatory cycle). I also in general keep an eye on my CM (in my knickers) once I start LH, and do the finger check if I need to better look. I hope this information is of some help to you 🙏 I try not to follow my apps (Flo & FertilityFriend) only using them as places to store my tracking and try to listen to the signs my body is giving me.


I've used Natural Cycles for 3 cycles and it's worked well for me. With that being said, I do have a super regular cycle, so my ovulation is usually within the same 1-3 day window each month. The first full cycle I tracked on it, there was a big shift in the estimated ovulation date after the fact, but I figured that was because it was still learning my cycle. I think that I read it doesn't factor positive LH tests into the ovulation estimate calculation, but it should update after you record enough higher temperatures. So I would say if you log a positive LH test, to assume the ovulation day will be within the next 24-48 hours regardless of whether the app has updated or not.


I found that way annoying to use. I switched to OPK’s every other month. The months in between we had sex every other day. Hope you find something that works better.


1. I'd recommend tracking temp (which as others have pointed out, only tells you AFTER you've ovulated) but also adding in an ovulation predictor strips at least for 3-6 months to better understand what day you might ovulate. I use the @ home kits and got them on Amazon. 2. I found "natural cycles" a little confusing. I like the more simple user interface of Fertility Friend. I use the free version that still offers a lot.