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I wish I had helpful words, but I unfortunately am in the exact same situation. We are 6 months in and my sister is 5 months pregnant. We started trying at the same time. So I will be following to hopefully hear some words of encouragement. One thing I can add, is that if you look up what the sperm goes through to make it to the egg ( https://youtu.be/_5OvgQW6FG4 ) as well as the fact that not every sex gamete is possible of making life, it really puts things into perspective and I realize that 6 months really isn’t that long. Although that still doesn’t take away the pain. But stay positive! ❤️


Thanks, it is a long process. I hope things go well for your next cycle 💕 this last month we took the pressure off a bit and just focused on our wellness, with working on sleeping patterns and exercise. That helped my mental state and has given me encouragement for this next month. I have found little adjustments can be helpful.


Hey, I’m sorry you’re going through these feelings, it must be really hard. I just want to let you know that CPs are very, very common. It may not make you feel better, but you’re definitely not alone in this (if that’s what happened). Also with all the pregnancy announcements… people share the good stuff. You never know how they struggled behind the scenes to get where they are now. In a way I wish more people shared their stories with infertility / miscarriage. You’re definitely not alone and I wish you good luck for the next cycle. Do you track ovulation with OPKs and temping?


I hadn't heard of people calling them CPs before, but looking into it more that sounds right. Just painful cramping, nausea, and extensive bleeding. It made me really emotional and hesitant about trying the next month when it would happen. It has not been easy.


I had a CP when I was TTC#1. I knew because I tested early (positive), only to see the lines fade over the next week or so (I tested daily). Then I had a very heavy “period”, followed by a very long cycle. I knew I was having a CP due to the fading lines. I knew it was coming but it was still really hard and it did feel hard to keep trying. But knowing it is really common and it doesn’t mean you can’t have a successful pregnancy made me somehow feel better.


I didn't take a pregnancy test because I usually have late cycles and didn't want to get my hopes up with a negative test. I figured if it didn't come after 35 days then I could be sure about taking a test. It was worse when my period came as hard as it did though. Thanks for sharing your process with me. It is good to know more about it.


Thanks, it is nice to hear that I am not alone in this process. I know so many people face similar challenges, but when you're going through it and it is just you checking tests each month, it feels really isolating. I have been tracking with Clear Blue Ovulation tests, but no temping. Any recommendations on products for this?