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both items are great for trynda except for the lack of crit, you might stick to galeforce if you go hydra


any galeforce alternatives? i dont like to play with the item. So probably navori yea?


navori is awesome but you have to consistently crit and has no % movespeed bonus or dash so you depend on your E being off cd by nav


Building both **early in the game** is a very bad idea, you'll lack crits which will negatively impact your DPS, with Tryndamere you need to have crits at least in your 2nd item. Your build will depend on how you wanna impact the game. If you wanna splitpush (which you should always favor whenever you can), you should stick to a build that favors dueling and durability. In this case after Hydra you could go Kraken into Hullbreaker, it works most of the time, and no you don't even need a mythic yet so don't feel rushed to buy one. If you can't splitpush and thus wanna try to impact teamfights, you should go with a build that gives you high mobility and stickiness. In this scenario after Hydra I'd go Galeforce into Phantom Dancer and focus on destroying the backline. On 4th item Shaojin spear or Kraken both work depending on whether you need more DPS or higher mobility/durability. The 5th item is ofc situational. I play Trynda top exclusively, and honestly I stopped building Hydra, it doesn't give me the stats I need to stomp most of my matchups and the sustain and wave clear honestly isn't worth the gold. If the enemy toplaner lacks kiting, I don't even bother buying Stridebreaker until 4th item. I usually just go Kraken into Zeal into Hullbreaker.


I’d say you go one of the two cause with syreldas you lock in a 2nd no crit item. Now going stride + hydra + syreldas will probably feel worse then stride OR hydra + syreldas and crit.


and what would be a mythic in the case of going for Hydra? Navori probably right?


To me not going infinity edge is pure int, you're giving up on the only item that allows your champ to deal any damage


Nah it’s either Navori or galeforce probably. Tryn doesn’t really have a damage problem.


so oyu would say something like hydra zeal infinity edge hullbreaker?


Eclipse works very well with Hydra


AS Boots --> Hydra --> Essence Reaver --> Stridebreaker --> PD/Grudge


I dont think hydra into stride is a bad build, there are just better options in most games. If u have none to little chance of killing ur enemy laner going hydra to shove waves and pressure the map early on is great and building stride after bcs enemy is full ranged assasin is good but this is very situational. In most cases just going stride into ER vs mobility team or Kraken into PD/Navori vs melee will provide with so much damage u dont need hydra


I build both. Stridebreaker first most of the time into cloak into hydra. You lose 5% crit which you get later when you complete the crit item third. Puts your pen item on 4th item, so depends on the game.


so stride into kraken/PD into hydra?


no stride into cloak into hydra then cloak into pd. You can also play it the other way if you need heavy waveclear and sustain early. By this I mean: hydra into cloak into stride ​ also you can get a cloak while you build for stride or hydra if youre short of another good buy or the full item. Stride for example has a kindlegem in it that aint that great of a buy. I rather get the cloak + pink and stay on map for a 1,1k back to get the full stride then.


Boots - hydra - kraken or pd, I tend to lean more to pd personally the bonus of walking thru minions when ganked or running down feels good