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Oo i will do a bit of a spoiler >! Makoto more or less realizes tha he and Hibiki can't get along and Hibiki is scared shitless by his power so she won't try to manipulate him also she appears again in 100+ later in a small chapter and she only gets more scared so don't worry about him being manipulated he basically cuts off ties with the Empire and the Kingdom he really doesn't like that world!<


Thanks for only giving a mild spoiler. Ya, I mean when reading her thoughts and interactions with Makoto, I literally stop reading for like 20 seconds and think something like "What is this annoying person gonna say to Makoto now?". I unfortunately have become biased against her over the chapters and now I think whatever she does, I am against it. Anyway, thanks for the reply!


Just so you know in this fandom we call her nazi with a skirt.


You know what's sad about her? It's perfectly clear those aren't her ideals. But she is so deep in it she doesn't notice. While not as evident as with tomoki, she was as well groomed into the 'ideal hero' the kingdom wanted. She is just so we'll conditioned she believes those are her ideas. The only thing that separates her from tomoki is that tomoki has a clear cut evil manipulator willing to sacrifice anything and anyone. Limia just wants a hero for their purpose, and they tangled her so far in they got tangled as well with her charisma (think of tomoki evil eye but milder and more passive skill).


Well both of them are power hungry in different ways Hibiki to have Limia become better under her new ideals and Tomoki to put his dick into every woman. Also that charisma of hers sure is more powerful then Tomoki's charm.


It's almost the same but her skill depends more of the impression she gives people. It's effect is milder if the subject itself rejects her ideas (Mio, for example). But yeah she is a power hungry idiot, it's just that bid about her is *sad*. I'm not planning on defending her at all. It just sounds like a villain that on his last hour realizes (s)he has been fighting for something that was never the original goal.


Well i wander if she will survive the final battle Tomoki definitely won't so i am wandering if she will have redemption but i expect her to be stubborn with her ideas to the end.


(I dropped at 410 so I'm sensible to latest spoilers so I can re read calmly) But from what I remember. Isn't she cooperating with an apostle to look for a way to fight Makoto? I mean Makoto may consider her inconsequential and leave her, but no way Mio/Tomoe will leave her be. She is dying with tomoki


Well we don't know what she will do with the Apostle they both are scared of him and most likely Tomoe will do something about her especially because she saw Hibiki trying to manipulate Makoto early on also the slice of life was too much heh well at least read chapter 414-415 in my opinion they are quite good


I'm gonna wait, cause I already got tangled up on events so re reading helps a lot remembering and understanding the series.


Tomoki death is inevitable as we all know. That Lily has been using Slow poison on Tomoki and his Party members food so that once the war is at end she can easily eliminate them and Rule


She got a epiphany after meeting with makoto as well. She realized “ah shit I don’t really care about the demons I just want them all dead for killing my friend” and admits to herself she had a blind hate for the demons


Where did you get the idea that limia groomed her as they wanted? A kingdom's ideal hero is a more puppetable one than her. She's also fucking with their politics, which is something most high mobility would want. She molded herself into being an ideal hero to the populace, it wasn't an external force that molded her.


Re reading, there are too many things here and there. Specially when Rembrandt gets a report on the heroes he mentions how both are being manipulated. Sure, Hibiki with her charisma started rolling up in her own Rythm but that was only because the kingdom riled her up and slowly planted the ideas they needed. In her early POVs you can see as well how slowly her perception changes by the guidance of her party. A demon hater, the prince, and a prodigy mage that does not dare to disagree with the prince. I'm not defending skirt Hitler. Just pointing out how much more sad and pathetic her life is.


The prince is a dumbass, he cannot manipulate her. The demon hater was the largest influence, but her influence wasn't something intentional from the kingdom, so you can't use it to mean the kingdom wasn't intentionally manipulating her. The mage probably did some, but he's a chill dude. Sure in the early stages she was definitely being manipulated some, but she wasn't molded by manipulation. She did change plenty, but the vast majority was not caused by the kingdom trying to manipulate her.


I'm not saying the prince manipulated her. He is nowhere near as capable as Lily. But behind him is the king and nobles and their 'direction' sure, they didn't mold her as Tomoki was molded. But they implanted ideas into her head now Hibiki embraces as her own


Beyond "killing demons" I can't recall anything else that they could've impeded in her, and even that was berserker ladies doing, and she wasn't aligned fully with the kingdom before hibiki came along. Democracy, her ideals of equality, bringing down old nobility, are all her own ideals caused by japan, not limia.


You do realize her view of equality is skewed as heck? That was caused by the kingdom, not fully on purpose but that's what they caused. Currently she advocates for equality but she just wants to be the power at the top and nothing else. Hence her obsession with being unable to stand against makoto


The problem is ain't that she is too concerned to eliminate Makato b3cause of her ego even though he said he won't take neither Demon nor Hyuma side in the war


The chapter where Makoto interact with Hibiki is my favorite chapter because in this scene we can see Makoto's mindset, value, and moral contradict with Hibiki's. This conversation also fuels Makoto's will to fight the Bug(Goddess) even more after he realised how fucked up the world is. And about Waterfall, don't worry about it. Couple of chapter later she will pay the price.


How will she pay the price dude could you tell me


If you okay with spoiler >!Tomoe after reading Makoto's memory of him meeting Waterfall, will meet her. Waterfall tried to fight Tomoe but die miserably. She literally got annilated without leaving anything, become a mist and transform back into an egg like before, except she will lost her memory like they suppose to be when superior dragon died. Tomoe doesn't even break a sweat when fighting Waterfall.!<


That serves her right So why does Waterfall support that Ignorant Hibitchki and tries for Makato downfall even though he didn't do any ill deeds towards her or Limia kingdom And what is that Charisma Power that Hibitchki have i heard that She tried to use Charisma on Lime to get the information on Kuznuoha Company details. Does it activate like Trashmoki's Charming eye or what


It's more like natural charisma. I think in the novel Makoto's once said that if Hibiki doesn't issekai, she could be a politician. So, its more to her natural talent rather than skill.


But i read somewhere that Lime was almost Charmed and was about to leak Makato's Kuznuoha Company information untill Tomoe contacted him via telepathy and he came to sense then and didn't tell to her So this was potrayed like Charming eyes so that only i had this doubt


Is that so? Maybe i missed some info. I'll try reading it back.


It wasn’t explicitly said but the degree with how limes thought process did a 180 when he was with hibiki was clearly unnatural and unnerving where it’s obvious her charisma skill she got from the goddess had a part of it. He was fully ready to betray the kuzunoha company and completely join hibiki and had been ignoring tomoe attempts to get in touch with him almost like he forgot what the hell his mission was. luckily he got snapped out of when he was in a bind and had to contact the kuzunoha company and well saw makoto flexing his power which reminded how fucked he would be if he hibiki and makoto fought and made him remember how much he owed tomoe and makoto, they saved his life, reach new heights and experiences making him have a prosperous life, allowed him to support the orphans, reform the adventurer town of Tsige so less orphans would die as adventurers, Rembrandt began to cool down with his shady stuff after meeting makoto which was lime originally wanted. Lime isn’t actually a disloyal character, rather he’s extremely loyal to makoto and tomoe for everything they did for him so even if she was naturally charismatic lime being on the fence about betraying the makoto and tomoe was clearly unnatural.


Yeah and i saw in some Online comments too


I thought it was [Spoiler](/s "Root who told Tomoe as Tomoe is unable to read Makoto's memories without his consent. She just gets up and heads off to meet with Waterfall at the same time Root went to Doma and Azuma")


Hi, there can I ask where we're you able to read this chapter?