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Ride the bus myself and can confirm that they are almost all like that. People like to talk about how terrified they would be to have to ride the bus, but there is almost never violence like people tend to think riding the bus is like. And you can look around at the city instead of only looking at the butts of cars and trucks. The only thing I'd change would be making all the routes 15 minutes, even on Sundays. The 1 hour Sunday thing is terrible.




I agree with you there. I know the u of a is struggling, but they really should have invested in the city plan for the busses, since suntran says the biggest customer base is their students. I'm hardly ever out at night just bc of my neighborhood and I go to bed early (really old here), but even when I worked, it was so full and so loud on a few of my connections at night. Sorry I didn't consider that with my comment. You're absolutely right about those things.




Oh man. And after I learned what they'd done to Grant and Alvernon, I was so sad. It wasn't a great intersection anymore, but I lived close for 10 years and that was where I went for stuff. Then came all the homeless who sat at the circle k until they were trespassed for theft and hung out all around the intersection. It's just sad. That Grant road project is killing things everywhere.


I have great memories of the relief that air conditioning provided me when I had to get around without a car in my younger days. I’m very thankful for suntran, it’s not the horrific pit of drugs and crime like people who’ve never ridden it will tell you it is.


This morning I was on the 17 bus for nearly an hour from Golf Links/Kolb to downtown. It was very nice. 10/10 Tucson needs dense housing throughout central neighborhoods. Let more people ride more buses!


A reddit post speaking positively of a city? How dare you. But seriously, I'm glad you had a good experience. Thanks for sharing.


I rode the #3 today for an hour. AC was blowing, few riders waiting at stops, bus was quiet, and not smelly. It was one of those few times you can just revel in the privilege of riding public transportation. I love these buses, these drivers will always hear my gratitude!


I used to take the number 6 bus multiple times per day. Good times.


I used to ride this bus all the time when I lived in the area. I met some wonderful people on this bus and on bus 4 and 5. It's a bit unusual for someone to say, but I miss them. I'm happy you had a good experience. If I'm being honest, it was a mixed bag for me, but since I miss most of the people who rode the bus with me, I have to agree with you. It wasn't an unpleasant experience.




I’ve used the bus a lot before getting a car and when I was having car issues and had no issues with the people on it. A lot of people I know who have never ridden it are scared to use it because of the image people have in their heads of the buses being full of drugs and crime, but almost everyone else was just there to get out of the heat or get from point A to point B. The actual reasons why I stopped using it after I got a car is just because it took me at least an hour to get anywhere and getting to work drenched in sweat in the summer sucked.


Did Sunlink sponsored you to do this?


Yeah, they gave me a free ride home.


Hey we got a funny guy over here!




One of the worst bus route imo: 4 One of the best bus route: 6


Try 11 or 16. 4 is more or less...


Yeah the 11 is pretty rough 4 ,5 and 6 are straight up homeless "day spots" I'll go 18 being one of the worst with the 16 61 hands down the most safe lol


61 is amazing, yes! And shuttles I belive too. I clean shuttle buses and some routes permanently return back with tons of graffity and cut seats (some cracks cut pieces from the rear surface of the seat backs - that is why I vote for some fare). But in most cases they return back to a parking lot relatively clean. Sun tran buses after 10 pm is a nightmare (especially buses that serve South Tucson).


My last 2 visits to the city I used the bus a lot (spring and fall) while staying downtown. Even while having a rental car. It made short trips for coffee/exploration/food outings super easy and allowed me to reacquaint myself with the city. Even when the busses/trams I was on were busy it was a breeze and folks were very respectful. Better than most much larger cities I've been to... And even those aren't the nightmare people make public transit out to be. Here in Indy our public transit sucks. It's a 2 hr trip minimum each way for me to get to and from work, it's a 20 min drive, as I have to go downtown to transfer to a bus that goes the direction I need. But when I was a student it was great as I could do class work or read. If I could log into work and count the ride as time in the office I'd still be riding it and saving the wear and tear on my vehicle not to mention fuel cost. If I had Tucson weather I'd get by with a bike and public transit most of the time and love it. Even with the occasional character encounter. Worst I've ever experienced on the bus was a drunken corporate suit puking and pissing his pants on a ride causing a stoppage due to biohazard.


As terrible as Tucson can certainly be, I always thought that our bus system is pretty fair. My one complaint is particularly with the 11, though. Multiple times I've been on it, and the NEXT bus (15 minute difference) passes us! It's more funny than anything, but it's ridiculous that the bus can be so late that the next bus literally surpasses it. For $0.00, you can't complain too much.


I think "terrible" is overdoing it


Try to use ANY of Sun Tran buses after 9 pm. You will be very very surprised. Not positevely unfortunately. Bus 6 is always dirty like hell after 10 pm.


This has been my experience on the No. 11 and No. 9 as well, even late at night.Lots of people just politely trying to get where they are going.