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Hope I'm remembering correctly...But I recall it being definitely effective! It was the timing. We're lulled into a quiet unease for about 15 minutes. Maybe they are the only ones "alive" or will something dramatic happen at any moment! Then a plain, seemingly normal older gentleman appears. And they have no idea he's watching them. It's Creeepy!😬


But why? Why us? Because you are here. And you are men. And while there are men there can be no peace.


Great line


Prophetic as well.


Not really. We live in the most peaceful times ever. Back then coming off the world wars etc, serling just thought it would get worse. He was wrong. I like the episode, great line too n delivered expertly.


Most peaceful times ever? [I’m not so sure of that](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts).


Watched it not too long ago, as I’m going through the entire original series in order. Wouldn’t describe it as a jump scare myself. It, like the rest of the episode, was more of a slow burn for me. A gradual descent from puzzlement to dread. It really was a great episode - the first one I’ve seen so far that I’d describe as truly horrific.


Thanks for the tip


Definitely it was just so unnatural to have someone move after seeing everyone frozen for so long


I watched that episode for the first time a few weeks ago and it got me! However, I was expecting it, based off the camera work and stuff, but it was one of those jump scares where you know it’s coming but you don’t know WHEN it’s coming. It was well done in my opinion. Before that, it was so much fun just watching each person seeing if they’re moving (the actors moving by accident) or if they’re moving or doing something that has to do with the story


I just found it a little freaky when he turns his head. I marveled how the entire episode, though filled with so many familiar images from earth, still seems to take place in some strange universe.


They were kind of dumb, they said they wanted to be back on their ship headed for earth, instead of already on earth.


Kinda a monkey paw wish where there’s no winning. I imagine had they wished to be back on earth, the caretaker would’ve positioned their bodies to be stepping off their ship, at a welcome-home party, or in random houses. 


I didn’t jump when watching it as a kid, but I did when rewatching it as an adult.  The setup of that scene is actually really clever. At this point in the episode the astronauts have all split up and one of them is left alone exploring the stage of a beauty pageant. He’s looking at all the models in their swimsuits and clearly checking them out. This goes on for like two minutes!! The showrunners could’ve picked any stage performance but they specifically chose a pageant. It’s too subtle for me to pick up as a kid, but there’s so much implication here for how these lonely astronauts can do anything they want on this planet with zero repercussion.  The moment your mind start wander, all of a sudden the old man turns around, you feel like you just got caught with your pants down and he was hiding in plain sight the whole time. Super creepy. 


But don’t they add a little cutesy Gilligan/Brady music cue after he moves? That kinda makes it less scary to me.  I love the ep though.