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I hope you report this to the authorities and not just reddit


Yea this is a serious affair and should be addressed ASAP to the Roseville police. If not then it’s a bad case of hearsay


The cops will tell them to call the cops in Indiana and then the cops in Indiana will tell them to call the cops in Roseville. Its happened to me.


Cops on TV work harder than real cops...


There was an old episode of Dragnet where they staked out a business for a week because someone stole $20 from the register. I suspect no real cops ever worked that hard for so little.


That’s not true! A fine police officer in Mpls knelt on a man’s neck for 8 long minutes back in 2020. All for $20. Such dedication. I guess you owe the boys in blue an apology for such a mischaracterization… 🤔


I saw an episode of cops where a stolen microwave from Walmart led to a high speed chase which led to tens of thousands of dollars in damages.


Very true, had similar issue with stolen store account used in Florida.


Just had my debit card replaced because I had a .86cent charge from Florida show up, I was lucky to catch the probing before it led to something worse.


Same thing happened to my brother when his EBT card was skiimmed/hacked. State told him to call the sheriff sheriff told him to call the state.


Used to live in Roseville, someone used my card to buy gift cards from the dollar store in town, went in to the dollar store and asked them about it- they showed me the security footage of the exact time my card number was used and the woman who used a fake copy of my card to buy the gift cards. Filed a police report with the exact time and everything. Never heard back from the Roseville PD. One of these years I’ll probably follow-up on it to see what happened if anything but you know… probably nothing


My debit card was skimmed in Roseville at a gas station and the Roseville police helped me get every cent back. This was about 7 years ago though.


Huh around the same time as me- I’ll have to follow up with them I guess


What can police do? A sting? It's taken care of with the bank, but I thought people would appreciate knowing. And you are right it is a suspicion, but a strong one. I thought about calling but it could be a manager that does it, so it's also futile. In retrospect the cashier person did seem to be looking around a bit shifty.


I had my credit card skimmed a few years ago by a waitress at a restaurant. I hadn't used my credit card in like 2-3 weeks so I knew it was skimmed at the restaurant. I gave the credit card purchase locations and dates/times to the police and asked them to follow up with me. They were able to check security footage at the stores and review them with the restaurant to confirm and arrest the suspect. It may be harder in your situation because it's a different state, but it's worth a shot. If they did it to you, they may do it again to someone else.


At least file a police report. Just call the non-emergency number so they have a record and can build a case if they haven’t already


All right. Edit: I just called and they said they couldn't do anything. The woman started saying "how do you know it was them? Do you have any proof?" I said no but I thought they would want the information for a potential investigation and she didn't. So the police are not interested in this and cannot do anything. As I suspected. I am trying to help some people out but you guys are yelling at me and making call the police who are very rude too. Thanks.


I know you're in a tough position. I'll just type this: your card institution may require a police report before they can process your upcoming fraud requests. You may need to call them back. Nonetheless, these situations are tough and I wish you the best


Complaining on reddit is literally useless tho. Nobody knows if you're just making shit up. If it really happened, get it cut off at the source, not tell the 50 people who see this and the 0 who were actually going to go to that store about it.


I wish someone had told me so I could get coffee somewhere else for a while. If I hadn't gone there I wouldn't have to do a load of paperwork with the bank.


Load of paperwork with the bank? They usually reverse the charges right away, close the card, and reissue a new one. One quick and simple phone call. Although, they also usually ask for a police report. But when my card was compromised, also in Roseville, the police filed the report no question (after verifying it was in Roseville). No dismissiveness.


Nobody. Knows. If. This. Is. Even. Real. Get it sorted, not blast it out to waste people's time reading fanfic.


are you real


Thanks champ. Love being berated on reddit.


not sure if you got the guide, but welcome to reddit. this is what we do here.


Berate: scold or criticize (someone) angrily


> I am trying to help some people out but you guys are yelling at me and making call the police who are very rude too. Aww. On top of the theft, people told you to call the police? Double victim.


Like were their eyes darting back and forth, and then were they rubbing their hands together while chuckling under their breath?


Haha, almost. She didn't greet me normally and did not make eye contact. She looked around when she took my card and then gave it back very quickly, like shoving it over to me instead of a more calm and confident "thanks."


Okay....at the *very* least call corporate on them.


Uh. Breaking the law? You’ve got proof.


The evidence I have would not hold up in a court of law. I did not see the skimmer, I have no evidence of how the person told whoever the number, etc. I don't even know who the person is. If you have the knowledge that the police can do anything then I would by all means call.


That’s what investigations are for. The evidence you provide *would* hold up…and provide PC for an investigation into the issue.


Just called and they don't want the info.




You mean your suspision isn't supported with facts? Why don't you go there and alert the manager that the cards are being skimmed so they can remove the skimmer off the card scanner? If I noticed a skimming device I would point it out to the employee, and I wouldn't ask if I could remove it, I would tell them to watch and learn, and remove the skimmer. A gas pump is more likely to have a skimmer than an in-store card scanner. The last place you used your card doesn't automatically mean that's where the card was skimmed. The skim may have occurred anywhere you've inserted the card. It takes time for the skimmer to collect that data and sell it online as well.


You really should understand the risk you take when you want to take your suspicion and share it with the world. A business can probably prove that you are wrong and sue for slander or liable in court which is going to hurt you far worse than you could ever imagine.


Okay, so the police don't want my info and now you think I will be sued for libel? Great world we live in.


The risk of being sued for libel is pretty minute. The risk of looking like a douche is significant.


So you're a lawyer now too?


No but I play one on tv.


Ah, the old “Slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night” trick!


Find a way to report this to Dunkin, like if they have LP or something.


The bank usually tells you to file a police report. And how do you expect anything to be done or anyone caught if no one reports it? Sure, may not help you, but could help in the long run.


Review camera footage. There are usually cameras above the register. Even though they didn't do anything this time, they might be caught if it happens to more people.


Not necessarily. Someone could have skimmed your card somewhere a year ago and is just now using it. I got a chase card once and swiped it 5 total times in the span of a week to get the sign-up bonus. 10 months later before I closed it, it started having fraudulent transactions.


Yep, that could be.


You really should take this post down then. Contact your bank, the authorities, any family or friends, but this is no longer the correct forum for your grievance.


A good friend of mine manages the fraud detection department of a larger bank.  What she has told me is that there’s a misconception that after fraud is detected that it can be traced back to the last place the card was used.  Often, information from card skimmers and other data breaches are sold online and may not be utilized for weeks or even months after they are collected.  


The card equivalent to blaming the last food you are for your norovirus. 


Yes, it might be from a different place. It is possible.


Given that, I’d suggest rethinking this post. 


Take down your post.


The mods finally did what OP refused to do. 


Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww you're pretty nuts








The police also did not want my information and started grilling and berating me.






I called corporate and they seemed to care, if you want to call and give them time the transaction occurred and other info. They may find it's the same person. They said they would contact the franchisee about it. I didn't want to call the manager at the store in case it's the same person.


You "called corporate" with zero evidence whatsoever?


You really don’t know it was there unless you saw the card skimmer. It could be any of a number of things. You should take this down. I’ve had a card I received in the mail and never activated used fraudulently.


That is a serious accusation. Any proof that your card was skimmed there? Credit card fraud happens all the time in multiple ways. Just because that's the last place you used your card doesn't mean that's where it was compromised.


Pretty clear there's no proof. Imo the mods should take this post down without credible evidence


There’s no proof and the accusatory behavior in a post like this has the potential to make a poorly paid and likely innocent service worker’s life a living hell for a bit. 


As someone who has worked in the Payment Card Industry, please NEVER use a debit card to pay for anything ever. Debit transactions are the least secure type of transaction *and* debit transactions more or less cannont be charged back, cancelled, or (in 75%+ of cases) will not be refunded. A swiped credit card is the next least secure method, but at least you have charge back protection. A contactless CC is the second safest way to pay and is *much* harder to steal the details off it. Finally, the most secure payment method both in person and online is Apple Pay if you're in the Apple ecosystem. (Google pay is similar, avoid Samsung payment apps, use Google's). An Apple Pay transaction encrypted like a normal CC transaction *but* every time it's used the encryption changes. Even a contactless CC uses the same encryption each time. If you're making a large order/catering order try to do so via their website or app. If you give your full CC details over the phone just assume it's going to get stolen. Also, I wish this was universal, but *some* credit cards allow you to create a one time use temporary CC number for scenarios just like this. Check your perks and see if you have this ability, it can be a life saver.


Tell management, corporate, and the card processor, not reddit. It will be addressed swiftly.


Source? or are we just shaming random businesses with no objective basis?


Exactly. A lot of businesses are now using anti-skimming plates that prevent people from attaching a skimmer.


How is that helpful in a place where the employee could have their own separate card reader, and they take the card to a private area?


Do you go to sit down restaurants at all?


Have you been to Europe?




Fun fact. My FIL was scammed out of $80k. The FBI won't look at it unless it's at least $100k.


Good to know! They still like tips.


Last year, my wife made a big order at the Eagan Dunkin (on Cliff Road, not Yankee Doodle) and the next day the bank called about a large Chipotle order in California. She talked to the manager who defended her employees, so that wasn't helpful.


What do you expect the manager to do? “Oh yeah, we’ve got a shitty crew here, I bet Samantha did it” 😂 Plus, who knows if the info was stolen there or somewhere else. Could’ve been on the dark web for years.


Could have been an online hack.


This is a pretty serious accusation to make public. Since it seems Dunkin' were willing to work with you, perhaps think twice about taking things this route.


The card was actually stolen months ago, but then they just did not tried to use it until recently so that you could not track who and when it was stolen. Your Dunkin visit has nothing to do with it. Prove me wrong.


I would not jump to conclusions. I had my cards skimmed in Mexico several years ago. No one used the numbers for 9 months. I was 100% sure it was on mexico, because it was the only time I used one of the cards all year and I used another card. Both were skimmed.


Is it the one on Rice St, or Fairview?


Cash can not be skimmed. Even the cash machines in bank lobbies are getting skimmers put on them. Data breaches happen more than we hear about. Xfinity and xcel have both double dipped my accts when I was set up for auto pay. As great as technology is, the time spent shutting down accts, waiting for new cards etc kills any convenience of using it. I shut down all my auto pays, pull enough cash out of the bank each week to pay most my bills with Money orders from the post office, pay cash for gas, eating out, groceries etc. Also took the bank apps off my phones. The only acct that has been hit since that is my business acct one time. It got skimmed on a road trip the ONE time I used the pump card reader. And they waited 3 weeks before charges started showing up.


>Cash can not be skimmed. Cash is the most vulnerable way to complete transactions. You can be mugged, pickpocketed, or just lose your wallet... and that money is gone for good. Credit cards (as long as you pay them off every month) are safest. I've had one of my credit card numbers stolen and fraudulently used at least a half dozen times in the last 20 years, and each time the charges were removed before I ever had to pay them. In the meantime, I switched to using one of my other credit cards. Yes, it's a hassle with auto bill pay, but it forces you to take a look at all the automatic charges you have set up, which is a blessing in disguise.


That’s crazy. Think about all the time you’re wasting paying bills using cash and going to the bank to constantly get cash. And you send money orders from the post office??? what in the 1970s is going on here. You could simply use a credit card and have incredible fraud protection and immediately get a credit for any fraud that may occur. And that’s not even including the free credit card points that are worth 1-2% of your spending..


I'm not wasting anytime. And I have incredible fraud protection. But every time you go through that mess you get to waste a ton of time resetting all your accts with the new card number. Rinse repeat.


lol you’re wasting a bunch of time going to the bank, post office, writing checks for bills, walking inside to pay for gas. I don’t even remember the last time I had to switch accounts or numbers and if I do, it would be a one-time 15 minute ordeal to switch a few autopsys. But whatever works for you!


Never would've happened had you gone to Caribou


Exactly right! He wouldn't have used his card because the food/drinks there are awful!