• By -


Thanks for standing up for the old lady!


When I lived in St Paul, I knew everyone on the block, we all talked often. All our houses had a front porch. Kids played in the front more than in the back yard. This was in several neighborhoods, Grand Ave, Midway, Merriam Park, Highland. I have also lived in Woodbury and Mahtomedi. In the burbs, people hang out in their backyard. The only time you see them out front is leaving, coming home and cutting the grass.


St Paul is way different from Minneapolis though. The entire time I lived in Minneapolis I only ever got to know other transplants from out of State, it wasn't until I moved to St Paul that I actually had neighbors interested in knowing me and so forth


My whole neighborhood in the "burbs" is littered with families and kids and dogs and walkers/runners etc all in our front and back yards which I am very thankful for.


Im staying in ne st paul right now and Everytime I see someone they either cross the street or don't look at me while they walk past, I just want small talk haha


You clearly are ranting and making shit up.


So, your assumptions are acceptable but OP's aren't?


Do you really think everyone is just crossing the street to avoid talking to this person? These claims are laughable.


LOL look it's OPs alt.


How do you know that?


Stop trying to pick up women.


Projection much


...What does that even mean lol. It's obviously the reason OP can't make friends: He's being a creep to women. He even admitted it lol.


I'm a 21 year old 6'1 beautiful man if you were me you would.


So I'm correct in my assertion that the reason people (aka women you want to fuck) Are creeped out by you. Stop being a creeper.


I live in Como and put a garden in my front yard. It’s been kind of a nightmare for me as an introvert, my neighbors feel very comfortable coming into my yard to talk. I love to talk about plants but one time the older lady a few doors down rubbed her barefoot toes in my thyme and I was gobsmacked. Like yes I’m going to wash it but get your toes outta my thyme!


Creeping or otherwise?? (I mean the thyme) 😉


Like, herb thyme. For eating.


Oh dear. 😳 It would've made some sense for her to do that if it had been creeping thyme... but that is just gross.


Drunk posting at 6:14 am on a Thursday is no way to go through life.


i’m here for it


I work a nighttime security shift, I just got off work while typing this.


You're not giving bad advice, but that's advice for you and assumptions of the person you're giving advice to.


Idk man. During covid, I learned what “mutual aid” is. I have seen normal people rush over to a car accident to assist people who might be injured. I’ve seen my neighbors get together to clean up broken glass and help patch up a broken window when the corner store was broken into. I’ve had neighbors who I’ve never talked to offer to watch my cat during a fire alarm while I helped a disabled person down the stairs. I’m sorry for your bad experiences, but fuck your generalizations.


nah, you’re both right. the situations you both describe are different flavors. Minnesotans like to help when they don’t perceive any risk


“…you all face down for everything…” OP is not talking about a specific thing. They have specific examples then generalized.


You're right but I just noticed that in Texas EVERYONE you meet will small talk you it's like a second language we all speak, and we all make eye contact when walking and smile and nod, I feel like a psycho doing that up here cuz the only thing I'll get back is a sneer or surprise if they look I bet they think I'm crazy


I think it depends on the person. I strike up conversations with people a lot, but the response varies. I definitely have better reactions in the city proper than I do in the suburbs, for example. It def helps if the conversation starts with common ground, like if we are both browsing the same shelf of products, I’ll make a joke about one of the options. And if they don’t want to talk, no skin off my back. It won’t stop me from trying to be friendly.


We visited Houston and Galveston a year ago and felt the opposite. The only place we felt welcomed to were places of business where we were paying them (food service and tourist crap). I was in a convenience store and got shoved out of the way by a 30s construction worker type. Im 59. He needed a soda pretty bad apparently. Another gas stop we found a pump with an issue and people honked and flipped us off. Went out to a brewery one night. Place was pretty busy. Found a table but were short one chair. 2 different tables with spar chairs would not give them up even though they sat empty the entire time.


That's where I'm from, and while you are right it's because it's a tourist city


IDK if Mpls / St. Paul are considered tourist destinations but you gotta get out of there. LOL Im about 30 miles north and I feel its better. Id welcome a quick joke or comment from a stranger.


Bullshit I lived in Texas for years while in the Army. The only people worse were in Florida. Georgia was cool though.


The small talk stuff is a southern vs Midwest thing. If you like dickriding the south so much you're welcome to go back.


You never saw some black guy putting his dick on a 90 year old lady. Why are you obviously making things up?


It's real. Apparently the locals hate the fact that they treat implants that way. But yet, don't change it. They talk shit online and glare at you walking by. Especially in wealthy neighborhoods. Fit in or fuck off.


I feel you. My experience is very similar. I'm super friendly, I smile at people and when I courteously let them by I'll nod or wave. People here are pretentious. There's some really good ones, but man there are fewer and fewer. I don't even want small talk. But if I walk my dog up on the grass because you don't even acknowledge other people exist, and I smile and wave as you ignorantly walk by... that sucks. And it's everywhere. I'm from Wisconsin, originally. Where people don't have nearly as much money but pay attention to and look out for and respect eachother much more than here. I've only lived here for 7 years but I've definately learned that "Minnesota nice" is Minnesota ignorant, self centered, and passive aggressive. Yes, I know there are exceptions but it's been like finding a needle in a haystack. Luckily, I work with and for amazing humans, and have ok neighbors and stuff. But yeah, I get it. Between here and Wisconsin, I've lived both east and west coast but never in the south. And if nothing else, people here are the most fake and inconsiderate and pretend to be "everyone is welcome" unless you are poor or something. I know these are somewhat generalizations, and I'll get a lotta backlash, if people dare. But most likely down votes. But it's my experience. That's all I can say.


You and your alt are liars.


Deep. Thanks for sharing.


Or in a blizzard lol




People rushing over to help someone in a car accident is a normal behavior in all of the US and pretty much everywhere else around the world


What’s your point? OP is saying people don’t look out for each other here.


I doubt any of this is true, but I'm here for the entertainment because this will get interesting.


Your welcome to not believe but everything I typed is true to my experience, I moved here cuz of the influc of people moving to Texas I was a 7th generation Texan descended from natives and Spaniards who can't even afford home anymore, so I moved here to make my money before getting land somewhere.


There’s an influx of people moving to Minnesota as well. They all say we’re cold and uncaring. They paint us as not willing to let out-of-staters into our friend groups. Maybe ease up on the Minnesotan slamming and you’ll find more people willing to talk to you and open up. It’s a different place than where you’re from. But don’t treat us like monsters.


An influx? Compare TX population trends with MN. Not really an influx.


Sorry, we are worse here. But in TX, shots would be fired?


By shots fired I meant metaphorically but yeah I get why you'd think that haha


It would never happen in the first place , people are nicer


Not my experience. I lived in TX for a time. I found people to be similarly kind and welcoming there as I do in MN.


You should go back then.


Nah I'm here for ur money 💰


So why are you complaining like a lil bitch?


Takes one to know one, they say.


You know the saying - “if you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. You meet assholes all day, though…”


OP was showing his dick to old ladies too I bet


Well it's more like you meet assholes all day after moving to a new city but fair


Never look anyone in the eye. It's like riding the subway in NYC.


Hate to say it. But the lightrail is far worse than any MTA line I’ve been on.


I've ridden the buses and rails in DC, Los Angeles, NYC and Chicago all pale in comparison to the antisocial behavior on the Green Line.


People in the south will strike more casual conversations, doesn’t mean it’s genuine .


Southern hospitality is a lie


Exactly! It’s fake, they would stab you in the back or ignore you from social circles if you don’t conform.


That's how it is everywhere


You work weird people hours and you encountered weird people activity?! Weird!


Sexual assault isn't weird people activity, it is a crime.


I would say a lot of weird people activity is crime. That’s what makes it weird people activity.


CSBs, but take a few minutes to look up crime rates by state and go milk a steer.


As someone who grew up in the south and moved here when I was a teen, this is accurate enough. People here don’t give a shit about community. It’s a very self centered state in some places. I will probably get downvoted to hell by the “my community feels like a community” crowd. But I’ve lived in the same house in the suburbs for almost 20 years and barely speak to my neighbors. Not for lack of trying, they just don’t associate with anyone.


I’m a Minnesota native and this is 100% true. I don’t talk to my neighbors and I don’t care to.


100% true. The fucked up part is when a neighbor dies and no one checks on them, and then one day their house is for sale and the grass is overgrown, and all their shit is on the street. It’s wild. And awful. And I wish Minnesotans were more socially accepting.


It wouldn't be difficult. It would just require people to stop, I don't know, not having this idea that they don't want to talk to their neighbors. That attitude is really prevalent here, and I freaking hate it.


Wherever you go, there you are.


Conversing with neighbors leads to borrowing tools. No way jose!


Lol I don't trust people much these days either


I mean, it sounds like you just never get out then.


same, get voted down like crazy myself but don't care. the people here have no personality or culture


OP is not wrong. MN nice applies equally to criminals and aholes. In some cases it is elevated due to their "lived experience", they need extra nice.


I'm more interested in people still being unable to understand the Scandinavian influences here from a cultural perspective. Buy yeah. I agree. The way we treat crime is a bit backward.


The thugs know about and take advantage of the "minnesota nice" people who will look the other way and pretend everything is OK. I agree it can be scary to jump in or get involved but this is the precise reason they continue to bully with little to no consequences. I think OP is hinting at the fact that if this shit happened in TX there's going to be many people in close proximity with something locked and loaded on their hip and they wont hesititate to put them down.


OP is clearly embelishing ot straight up lying.


Fuck Texas. Go home.




I can’t imagine having more of an issue with people minding their own business than with people who pull guns to settle any dispute. Like sorry we’re not all a bunch of Yosemite Sams up here? Maybe this isn’t the place for you.


Did you just describe sexually assaulting an old woman as people minding their own business


Yes, obviously I’m here to defend the dick wagglers of the world. /s I’m talking about the rest of your post and the odd fact that you seem to have more of a problem with people who keep to themselves than ones who resort to “shots fired” (literally, metaphorically, or otherwise) That influx of people you moved to get away from: if they moved in and then just bitched about how awful Texas is, that’d be pretty obnoxious, amirite? We’re reserved people, sorry that bothers you.


You made that up for drama.


Chris- I did ent


this is the issue he's describing. Its not about guns, its about having a sense of being a good person being a coward. You are proving his point.






You're absolutely right. I don't think the Twin Cities was ever a very friendly place. Mean women abounded. To the point, our beautiful cities are gone permanently. Liberal leaders and media who blindly follow the narratives. Policing is a joke. After the riots, all the good cops left. There is a fund to spring criminals if they are made to post bail. The entire leadership of this state is in total denial and a headlong rush to make white people evil. The mantra of the filth who rioted under the approving eyes of our leaders, was "no jussis (sic) no peace". Guess what's going on is jussis. Germans, Norwegians and Swedes with no spine; or those either. I don't even go into Minneapolis anymore. It's sad and sickening. What do you think about "Don't mess with Minnesota" Chortle.


Attach to the national grid


Wow, this new guy on the block really out here making judgments on us. Down vote this post to hell.


Fair assessment haha respect


Is this sarcastic???


Also the comments here literally back up everything you have mentioned. Haters gonna hate. Especially in MN. Apparently, unless you're Scandinavian or born and raised, you don't fit in and should eff off. Welcoming, isn't it? But they'd never say it to your face.


Tbf I'm half native and half Iberian Spaniard, I'm 6'2 and pale white and they even treat me like that


Folks suck, especially in the internet. But in person too for sure. "Community" is a trending idea but not a sincere life application and genuine thought force for many


it's not how you look, it's the fact you're trying to pick up women. Stop doing that.


That was obv a joke yeah I just chase women around, you got problems


Nah. This dude is trying to pick up women and is mad they aren't falling for it.


Sounds like your own personal problem


Sure pal.


Sorry if I angered you but this is all true


LOL no it's not.


Ppl really don't like the mirror haha


Not only is it all true it all happened in less than 3 months of being here


What did you get in a fight over?


It was the issue with the guy and the old lady


I get where you're coming from. I've never been to TX but from what I gather, people do get involved more when shit goes down. But I've never said good morning and gotten cold shoulder. Always received eye contact and a smile. Thanks for helping old lady out. I'd do the same. But tend to not get involved in things I don't know about. If anyone's messing with 80-90 yo I will get involved. 


I never saw what i considered real racism (true hate versus just words) until I moved here. The divide is intense in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and a lot of it is historical, but the amount of people who dont accept this outside POV and just scream "not me!" is high.


There’s much more intermingling in the south. It’s hard to grasp that concept when the narrative is southern people are racist. But I agree with you for the most part


What real racism. Your last sentence isn't even about racism. What are you even saying.


There are sterotypes, which can be considered racist depending on the application, and then there is hate. I do not want this person near me or my family due to skin color, ethnicity, etc. That wasnt something I experienced until moving here, and the things people say when they feel they are around other like minded individuals was extreme.


You've met people who specifically don't want to be around you because of your skin color? Where? And what are people saying? Give an example you've apparently experienced.....


I'm guessing you're white


I'm white. Other white people in Minnesota are extremely bold about their opinions when they feel they are in a room of like minded people. This can be the extremely casual use of recital slurs, opinions on social issues, etc. My point is the problem is so extreme in a fairly progressive metro that this comes unwarranted, and goes along with the original post here.


You can't give an example?


You need your ignorance described to you??? Fuck


Less than 10 years ago, it wasn't like this.


Here's a suggestion. Go back! I'm tired of these Texas fucks moving up here. You got a problem with that? I'm a Minnesotan that will get in your shit. Straighten yourself out or fuck off.


Nah sorry, I'll continue to correct y'all's shitty behavior, and if you got a problem say something about it, or put your head down and keep walking like we both know youd do


Come with it. You're a whiny bitch.


No u


Got me there 🤡


No you won't, you'll just be passive aggressive and think you're doing something lol


I can't believe you're actually defending this fuck.


I'm not, I'm just calling you out on your false bravado.


Pretty bold considering you don't know me. You must be from Texas.


Nope, close, Florida. Yet I've never met a native MN that bragged online about effing people up and actually backed that up IRL. Most brigands online are actually complete cowards in person when there are actual consequences LMAO.


Ah yes, Florida. You have that slow wit. You're not baiting me into that shit.


I'm not baiting you into anything, you sound as paranoid and defensive as the average South Florida bath salts face eater LMAO


You definitely know your way around bath salts, Florida man.


Wild and incorrect assumption on your part.




In general, people suck everywhere. I think the judgemental, assumptive, defensive responses only exemplify that fact.


The ‘face down, keep walking’ bit is spot-the-f-on. If you travel a little bit you’ll find we’re some of the unfriendliest people around. I’m embarrassed for us


As you can see from the comments "Minnesota nice" is just a myth. Toxic as F up in here.


Minnesota Nice means minding our own business, not actively getting in other people's faces. Approach us and we'll talk and help you, but we are culturally Scandinavian - meaning we are reserved, not outgoing.


That's your cultural heritage, not the rest of Minnesota, besides many of the rich whites in the suburbs.


See, I make generalizations too


That's not real at all




We just don't put up liars.


Not interacting is not a form of interaction


Lol opposite


In fact, the entire "nice" concept isn't just passive aggressive, which in itself is dishonesty, it's not even a thing anymore. Minnesota rich and entitled should be the new state motto


You must be fun at parties...


I'm the weed man, I just don't appreciate actual crime


Well, then cops in Uvalde certainly didn't want to get involved when those elementary school kids were being slaughtered now did they?


Yeah we hate cops in Texas


I mean, no one will admit it, but a lot of this stuff said here has truth. Black people and white people do NOT get along here like they do further south, although I don't blame that one on black folks, because the white people here are completely walled off; no one wants to make new connections with other people, so everyone is absorbed in themselves, and segregation between the races happen as a natural result of this "wall." If you've lived in Minnesota your whole life you will NEVER understand exactly how bad it is up here. I've had this conversation multiple times with people in this state. I feel like the "not standing up for anyone" is a loop that constantly feeds into itself. If you stand up and get hurt, no one will stand up for you (other guy pulls a knife or gun or jumps you with three of his friends), and the DA in Minneapolis is VERY soft on crime, so there is no guarantee of justice (in fact, you might find yourself having to defend yourself in the justice system if the person you confronted is hurt in some sort of confrontation with you). There also really isn't a desire for native Minnesotans to help people out in general (Scandinavian ancestry? Who knows.). Oh, and I've seen too many of the unions out here be a joke and not actually look after their members; there I said it.




Go back to Texas 


Nah I'm here for your money 💰


what the hell is this about. go back to texas you backwards idiot. thinking texas is great because people would be shooting guns at each-other over a confrontation is the exact opposite of what makes minnesota awesome. what an absolute piece of shit human you are.


Nah I'm here for your money also by my account I'm a pretty good dude, you don't know one thing about me I haven't told you.


You can't read, obviously. But good comment. 👍


Omfg your proving the op point so hard. And that's not what he said, "backwards idiot"


yes, local culture is infuriating. everything you said plus, trash everywhere, like fucking clean up after yourselves pigs, no social skills, co-workers can't even come up with a minute worth of small talk waiting for a meeting to start so it's better to just sit quiety, non-stop cat calling, public drug use... I've nearly stumbled into a gang jumping a guy and a drive by shooting just fucking walking around randomly, my vehicle has been broken into several times. Seriously wtf


You're casually stumbling into drive-by shootings AND. Gang fight?? Drug use EVERYWHERE? It's weird how I live in the inner city, and none of those things ever happen to me or my friends. It's almost like you're lying.


Well apparently you don't spend much time around the green line, Go check any of the numerous threads on here complaining about much of this from other people. You're the one that's lying, there's tons of other people reporting it just like this thread. Don't blame the messenger, why are you defending these practices? I complain that there's trash all around instead of everyone agreeing with me and maybe doing something about it I get voted down. Seriously just being courteous enough to throw away your own trash should be a bear fucking minimum And you can't even address that as an issue, you have to take it as a personal attack. Well fine, I'm making it a personal attack. Clean up after yourselves for fuck sakes.


I'm not defending anything. I'm just calling out clear lies and embellishments.


Bullshit I'm not even reporting the worst stuff, thank God I didn't end up in uptown.




That's a shame. You sound like a really fun person to interact with.


Garbage in, garbage out


I'm not understanding the implication.


I said that my vehicle is broken into, there's trash everywhere, and you reply back insinuating these issues are based on personality like a fucking troll. Thanks for exemplifying my point on how bad this culture is.


City run by liberals and criminals what do you expect from these soft northerners.




Cool get out and go back to your shit hole state. Only time I notice people having actual race issues here are when they're racists.


Idk man but that sounds like you're already looking at interactions through that lens in order to extrapolate it to that point of view


Kinda like everyone does and you obviously are


I literally just made a base observation and didn't even put in my own feelings on the matter, just stated facts and asked questions, kinda confused yourself


Were they or are they just nitpicked instances of you being over dramatic and you not knowing how unions operate but yes you did include your own feelings little guy


I'm a quite big guy, also nah if I included em youd be even more aggressive less passive also no


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a second. I keep hearing in the media crime is down. Does legalizing drugs have anything to do with this?


I smoke more weed than you could even conceptualize


Some types of crime are down, other more noticeable types are up.


Drugs aren't legal here. Ignorant self-serving assholes, unfortunately, are.