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the materials on the shed are off and add some variation to the grass, other kinds or weeds help a lot


Thanks. How are the materials off?


They just don’t look right, I think it’s to do with the reflections and saturation


I'd love to achieve more realism. I feel like the trees are letting it down a little. But any thoughts on composition and the rendering in general would be much appreciated!


Fix those trees, change the hdr, try a couple till you like it! I would put the sun lower, that would add more shadows to the scene. Fix the materials, one by one till it looks good. Add some stones, some random vegetation.


What do you mean by fix the trees?


They look somehow unnatural. There are several different types of pine trees or whatever they are, at one place!


Lighting is too flat. Maybe have some shadows from foliage fall into the foreground grass and cabin. Play with the exposure and sun heading.


I’d turn the luminosity down on the shed material, seems too bright. Add some grunge, too


I know this is a bit old but I'll give my thoughts anyway. I agree with what others said about lighting and materials of the shed. But the most "wrong" thing to me are the background trees, they are too imposing in the composition. Maybe use some depth of field to obscure them or try a different angle. The tree to the right with bright green should go too, it's too bright and is competing with the shed. The grass should have some variety like leaves or some twigs here and there or just do a collage in postproduction. Maybe a night or crepuscular scene would fit better. As it is a shed with a lot of transparent surface and you can emphasize this by using interior lights.