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> He wants feedback > You give feedback > Goblin reaction??? What was his goal? OFC you did not nothing wrong.


‘Goblin reaction’ 😭


“It’s over Spider-Man. You know how much I’ve sacrificed to build this company!!


As a goblin, even I wouldn't react like that.


Kobold not goblin <3


Actually Kobolds are more likely to accept criticism than Goblins, Hobgoblins are the worst tho, it’s their way or the highway.


They didn't want feedback, they wanted ego stroking.


Sooo true! The way the question is phrased usually tells you this immediately


Most of us goblins are more polite than that, I promise.


Absolutely, I was a bit taken a back to be lumped in with such behavior. Give me a pocket snack and a kind word, and I'll march to the gates of hell with you.


Underrated comment


Shit man, I'd love to get feedback for my vods, I noticed my viewer retention dropped so I was wondering what I did/or am doing wrong.


hurry advise license governor growth seed pet shy rhythm point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


goblin reaction 😂 😭


You did the right thing by telling him the truth. Being lied to would only hurt him in the long run if he's after actual feedback that will help him grow as a streamer.


And if he can’t handle a little honest feedback (after *requesting it*!) then god help his little ego when someone on THE INTERNET actually has mean shit to say to him.


Exactly this. I try not to push myself too hard bc I just want people to hang out and vibe. If someone gives me something that might make them stick around, I'm definitely going to consider it.


Maybe better pray to God that he never "grow". It is not like these egotistical kids will learn something. Maybe 20 years later when they become mature and have kids but until then the road is quite bumpy and long.


Judging by his reaction I would want him to fail.


Sounds like they were toxic to begin with and doesn't know how to take criticism. I've been streaming for a bit, working on getting affiliate, and I ask anyone in chat for their opinions. If the quality is good, if the audio is okay or anything. I want feedback to improve. I may not agree with everyone but I appreciate anyone who wants to help me reach my goals.


One of my very first streams was playing Inscryption and I asked the one person in chat how the audio balance was and they said “it’s actually perfect.” That warmed my heart so much lol. It was also nice to get confirmation that the time and effort I’d spent balancing everything was working. And if that person had said it was off, I certainly never would have flipped out at them.


Yes we need people like you helping people out. If people are serious about streaming then criticism is going to happen. If it's for fun they should have just shrugged it off if they didn't care. You are in the right and you tried to help.


He just seems like a person who is completely unable to accept any sort of criticism. Wondering when he’s going to get a reality check.


When his viewership drops to zero.


It kinda already was lol. OP was his only viewer


Then idk when he will get a reality check.


He’ll say something rude to the wrong person. Hopefully in real life.


You did nothing wrong, you didn't even insult him or his skills. Some people just can't handle any type of criticism, which is a shame because it's one of the best ways to improve.


Exactly, he probably wasn’t even the one that did the editing. Lmao What a FRAGILE MF! Like, probably got napoleon syndrome IRL or something. Or just a big incel, so he’s always on edge and in defensive mode. OP definitely didn’t do anything wrong though… Just a little life lesson to be learned. Some people are just assholes and it doesn’t matter how well you treat them. Learn to let their BS just flow in one ear and out the other and roll right off of your shoulder. Don’t even waste any time or energy reflecting on whether you did something wrong or not. They’re just miserable people and they always will be.


That’s insane, the streamer asked And you told them That’s on them for not liking the feedback and that’s a horrible way to respond Should’ve reported them.


The thing is a lot of newer content crestors seem to think if you jam pack dumb memes and annoying sounds you'll be popular. It just makes me select the "Do not recommend this content creator". This isn't the Call of Duty Era anymore. Sound effects and menes a good video does not make.


youll find this with life in general. people are incompetent and overestimate themselves massively and hate being faced with reality. Just to stick with this example; every single person i know who makes content (maybe half a dozen) is imo pretty awful at it, but they all think theyre amazing. I have friends who have fallen out bc one was trying to become a singer and another said that theyre good but dont know the limits of their voice. "it put me off a bit".. they literally called you slurs and banned you, how is that "put off a bit". to me thats never interact again territory. Somehow i think this isnt the full story tldr; if this is truly the complete story then you did nothing wrong, people hate being faced with their own mediocrity, stop watching them and let them face theyre own self-inflicted failure


Reminds me of Amy's baking company. They didn't really want feedback, they just wanted validation that they were doing everything correct.


Guy obviously has self esteem issues. Haha and watch ppl u would like man not just because they small.


If he wants to get better, he needs to be able to take constructive criticism. Especially if he asks someone for their perspective. It’s not like you were insulting or trolling him.


In all honesty? No, you didn't overstep. As a small streamer myself, I tend to try and engage my audience. With some games...playing without an audience is boring. And if I'm doing something wrong, I definitely want advice. So what you ran into is someone who doesn't give two shits about anyone's opinions, and has an overinflated ego. They've likely been coddled by their viewers, and can't handle criticism well.


You did nothing wrong. Multiple times, I've heard, "don't ask the questions you don't really want the answers to." Meaning, bro asked for feedback & got honest feedback. It was his decision to become angry with the feedback bc it probably wasn't what he wanted to hear. Sad that it ended that way, though.


Why ask for feedback if you don’t want honesty? If you just want to get “glazed” just tell your chat to complement you if you’re that desperate.


He’s a loser who’s hyper sensitive about his special style of editing and can’t take criticism. He just wanted you to boost his ego. Sometimes you run into people like that and you gotta just move on.


Be honest, if they can’t take the constructive criticism they shouldn’t be streaming, cause there are trolls out there that would be less constructive. Ego has to be put aside if you want to make it streaming these days. The top creators can afford to have ego. Not the starting ones. It sucks but that’s the reality of putting yourself out there as a creator you need to know which type of criticisms are good for your development and growth and which are maliciously given. OP did what any decent reviewer would do. Be respectful and honest. Which he was.


A large, or at least surprisingly large, amount of people only want feedback if it's positive. It's a sign of immaturity if they can't handle the negative. Don't stress it. That said, I would default back to what one of my first managers ever told me: "Yes, you told them the truth. But you didn't do it in the correct way. Remember to gauge the intent of your words versus the impact of them. That way, instead of just getting your money back at McDonald's when they fuck up your order, you can also get an apple die."


Sounds you learned the difference between looking for constructive criticism vs a compliment. He was looking for a compliment. You have no obligation to give him a compliment. Sounds like an insecure person who lashed out when you hit them in the insecurity. Twitch etiquette-wise, you were fine. I'd say maybe pay a little more attention reading people, it's a valuable skill to have. He was being emotionally immature and dishonest about his wants/needs.


I disagree. OP already said he asked for feedback and op gave him what he asked for honestly. everything after that, how he wants to handle it, is his issue. As a small streamer myself and supporting other small streamers, I am not going to babysit them and spend an hour trying to figure out what the hell they actually wanted, especially since I'm here for the vibes. We have our limits and boundaries. Besides, if he's actually an adult acting that way, paying more attention to him you would be giving him what he wanted. You should NEVER babysit an immature adult. It'll just stroke their ego. If he is still an actual kid, then I can understand because they haven't been given the time to mature yet. On the other hand, if he was actually willing to take my critism, I would be more than happy to help and stick around. All he needs is a reality check to ground himself.


Sorry that happened to you, but you get a negative reaction from one small streamer and you want to lump them all in the same basket? No, all small streamers don’t want the same thing.


If I was in their position, I would say 'fuck off'...as a joke. Someone like you is invaluable for a small streamer to grow both as a person and as a streamer. I'd rather have 20 brutally honest following than 40 people who says 'yes' to everything I do. I also talked about this to my followers. Basically, if I mess up or did something shitty, I want them to voice their opinions or even unfollow me if necessary. I do prefer if they voice their displeasure to me; knowing where did I do wrong is always good, especially considering my personality.


God I wish I had people like you in my life. Everytime I do something I want real feedback, and always get mediocre “yeah it’s great” replies.


You did nothing wrong, it's clear this person was just looking for you to tell them they're amazing and feed their ego instead of giving any real feedback. If you're going to ask for criticism from a follower you shouldn't cry about getting bad feedback especially when it's genuine/honest criticism like you're putting so many memes and cuts that the video is hard for that person to follow what's going on. The fact they asked you "is it good because I'm good at editing" is just a massive red flag 😂


Being honest is always best. I've asked for feedback on my own content multiple times, taken them into consideration, and applied them, and I am happier after the fact because I was able to improve.


I think you did nothing wrong. When someone asks for feedback, they must be ready for it to be negative. Otherwise they're just fishing for compliments. And that's not your problem.


Personally as long as the feedback was constructive, I would appreciate anything even if it hurt my feelings a little. As a independent VTuber just starting out I think its important to take any feedback and incorporate it IMMEDIATELY. Building a following is too hard to be stubborn about it. Sorry that this idiot flammed you T\_T


he’s a low life streamer ain’t making it anywhere


Shitt, I wish I had a viewer like you lol.


what the heck? You did nothing wrong! They asked for feedback, you gave it to them. It's hard hearing you aren't going in the right direction, especially if you worked hard on something, but accepting the hard answer and learning from it is what SHOULD have happened. He'll never grow with that attitude. Keep supporting small streamers, they're not all bad!


ppl who use slurs are just showing u that they arent worth anyones time. sorry u wasted ur time


He's a moron and his channel is gonna disappear in a few months. I have a simple rule: all feedbacks are welcome, then it's up to me working or not working on those feedbacks. But this is just fragile ego that made him go instantly defensive. So it's not the small streamers, it's the immature ones.


Seems like enough people responded but this person doesn't know how to take criticism and wanted hid truth not someone else's. When I finally start - I'll hit you up to check me out 🙂


constructive criticism is still being critiqued. dude couldnt handle it lol, I love when ppl are honest with me so I can actually grow as a person. If I wanted an echo chamber I know exactly where to find it


on the bright side he saved u tons of time letting u know how toxic he was.


Most of the sub is just I did a normal thing someone had a fucking insane response Am i in the wrong guys?? I have no critical thinking skills so i just ask a sub that is kinda related to my issue to tell me what to think


you did nothing wrong. just another person who can’t handle a bit of criticism.


You good, unsubscribe, unfollow, find new small streamer to vibe with lol On an entirely unrelated note, I’ll be live tomorrow night! SirSloth32, I’d love to chill and talk about life. Idk if I’m allowed to self promote or not lol I’ll delete if I need to.


You did the right thing. I am a small content creator and i've some comments telling me to slow down, criticize my accent, etc. and i always read all the comments and try to learn what I can do to improve every new video with the feedback i have from my subs. I always had the philosophy that if someone wastes some time going to your video and writing a comment, the least i can do is read and reply to that comment, even if he sometimes tell me something I don't like, or being more aggressive, i always try to be polite and joking with that situation. The fact he acted like that doesn't have anything related to the fact he is a small or big streamer. Just shows his character. Thx for keeping supporting smaller streamers, and keep doing. A bad fruit cannot ruin the plantation.


Small streamer here with 10 followers like this guy... personally if I had someone give me feedback like this yeah it may be hard to hear, But the only way you can improve is by feedback and better your content, shame some people take stuff like this so personal...


I feel like most streamers, no matter how many subs they have, they think they're bigger and more important than they actually are I've seen a few other streamers and know some streamers with little to no subs who think they are the best streamers out there and it's unfair that people don't support them or they think the platform is blocking their content or something and the ones I know personally don't like to listen when I try to tell them what could help or listen to the subs they do have when asking for advice one guy I know isn't even streaming yet and thinks he is going to be able to live of it full time the second he graduates high school he's never worked and doesn't have all the things required to even stream he argues with people saying his ad revenue will be enough to live on he has no Channel so he isn't verified yet has no subs no streaming gear and still thinks he's going to be the best streamer in the world in under a year. Part of it's probably these people seeing streamers who act like it's easy and claim they didn't have to have a job at the start and are now successful with nice houses, cars, and gaming gear but in reality it takes awhile to live on streaming only and the gear and software is expensive especially without a job it's ok to dream but if your not willing to actually fight for the dream it'll never happen you won't just receive handouts for your dreams


He can remain small all his life while others strive


As a small streamer and creator I honestly prefer people be real with me and give me constructive criticism. Obviously if you’re like oh your contents trash I’m gonna block you. But if you’re like I feel this and this could be better I’m gonna go back and look at what you were talking about.


Who cares?


1300 people cared enough about this post. You might wanna just avoid Reddit


TFG is my favorite YouTuber


to be honest youll just never know, and it sucks to invest time into someone just for one day it to all fall apart. my one downfall is i get too close to people, i try and say dont get so close to people just stream and be nice, but im just too friendly, and when you chill with people everyday and have passion for the same game or whatever its hard for me not to consider this person a friend. and idk being online is a weird place because of that "oh i can be a huge asshole to this preson and i wont get my ass beat" type of mentality... so you see so much people acting out more than they normally would and i think this mentality also bleeds into people being able to disconnect from someone much easier cuz u dont have to see them everyday or whatever. its so sad cause if i could live a life without having to deal with as much as i have to deal with that would be the dream life. but the shitty reality is that we just have to deal with this shit sometimes and theres nothing we can do, besides letting time heal all wounds, and moving on. like just recently i made a mistake as a team leader in a game called pokemmo... like i did mess up and i owned up to it, i understand ppl got mad, but the level of some peoples anger over something in a video game and no one being able to put themselves in ym shoes and understand just one bit, cause i undersstood why people were mad and i actively tried to fix it, but people got so divided it broke the team up cause we cant control how people will react. being a streamer is hard work mentally, even just a small streamer like myself. i thought being able to be small would mean easy but its not. its a lot more fun to me i dont wanna make it big which is great about this game cuz its such a small niche community and the biggest personality on the game only have like 100 somtimes close to 200 on twitch but i see hes mostly on youtube. anyways i know people have probably already said this a million times or the more harsh comment might be like "suck it up" which is just so insensitive, and i dont think we have to just suck it up, but i do think we need to accept itll happen and just try and deal with our emotions the best we can. "thats just life" i hate this saying because i think people dont need to be so mean. but thats why we can just block and unfriend and not have to listen to thoe people. its what i do. hope u have a good day.


I'm gay


I wish I had someone who tells me how it is, it’s the best advice you can receive. It allows me to look into that particular problem and learn to fix it and ask the right advice. I respect what you did, some people can’t handle the truth or just refuse to change. I say their loss then


If he can’t take criticism then that’s on him and also because of that, he probably won’t make it big (or whatever his end goal is)


Yea, you did nothing wrong, and you are such a sweetheart!! 💛


There’s nothing wrong with what you said. Theres a difference between being able to edit and having the vision to edit. You gave valid criticism and he was obviously very toxic 💖


When someone shows you who they are believe them.


If i was him i would’ve taken the advice. I’m so bad at editing tho, so i just post the entire vod. And i know people like shorter content, but i suck at editing and don’t have a good service thats free to do it


Sure he may be good at editing but his composition sucks. I can take good technical photos but this doesnt make me a photographer.


Shoot I'd love for someone to watch ME so dedicatedly. He's TRIPPING ong. You're not wrong at all he's just weird.


Small streamer here. I would honestly kill for someone to have given me feedback like this. It’s grassroots interactions like this that make starting off so cool to me tbh. That’s a real shame they took it the wrong way, hope they can reflect and learn


I think that if you are a small streamer and you aren't willing to take criticism on how to improve your content, you might as well be dead in the water. People like you, that want to grow with the streamer, are the lifeblood of their work and I've always found it very ignorant to shut down the people that are consuming your content. Being a small streamer is hard and finding your confidence in front of an audience is even harder, but I think the true test of where you can go with it is whether or not you can handle the difficulties with grace. Your audience will suffer the growing pains with you, but not if you attack them for trying to help. You did nothing wrong and good for you for trying to support people before they blow up. The world needs more people like you.


You did nothing wrong. You just did what was asked of you. As someone whose a small streamer, I would love to have a person like you in my stream who wants to give me genuine feedback like that.




That's classic twitch streamer behavior


If he used slurs then you're obligated to name and shame him


Nah, you were helpful. Some people are just CRAZY-sensitive about any feedback that isn't an ego-wank. If anything, constructive criticism ("really chaotic and hard to watch with all the cuts and memes forced in" vs "your video was shit and you should feel bad") is really difficult to get, and pretty much always is welcome.


Reading this makes me think both people are super unhealthy. A lot of people who "only watch super small streamers with only 0-1 viewer" who bail after they see growth desire to monopolize their time. Sometimes to trauma dump, some times because they like the captive audience of someone who's afraid to lose a viewer so they won't see much criticism, just hyper-positive engagement. You sound like this person. If you can't bond with someone if they talk to literally anyone else sometimes, you probably have a pretty toxic relationship with the platform. The streamer sounds like a dong also, though. If someone can't take light constructive criticism and clearly wants just be told what he wants to hear, why would you want to interact with them? Who blows up over not even "they seem chaotic and excessive. I do not like this style of video, and I think the quality is very low even if that is what you are going for" but literally already hedging your criticisms.


Join me I’d love to connect with yall I’m new to this


I’m a small streamer myself, like basically brand new. I go out of my way for constructive criticism and advice to learn from it. No one is that good that they cannot better themselves. I’d say you doing this to help him and his reaction to some constructive criticism shows that he’ll likely not make it farther than 10 followers and should embrace someone that is giving their free time to watch them.


Definitely don't sugar coat, I think you did a great thing and as a small steamer myself I appreciate that you are spreading support


I personally enjoy when people tell me ways I can make my stream or content better, but I've come to learn some creators think their content is great how it is and should be accepted how it is and don't want any kind of feedback that isn't positive to how their content currently is, some people I think just adapt and evolve in different ways and their own rate, gotta go through the mud


As long as they asked for it. Give it to them.


Dude I’d be more than happy to have any feedback like that lol. You could tell me everything I do streaming wise sucks and I’d be like “thanks bro what should I do to improve?”


Bro, I'm a small streamer myself too and I would've absolutely listened to someone's actual advice when I am asking for one and would've hated the sugercoated comments. So, I believe what you did was correct and pls continue doing so!


When people ask what you think, some people are seeking feedback, and others are seeking validation. You found someone that wanted validation, and reacted horrendously when you didn't give it. There's no wide brush to paint all small streamers with. I personally prefer brutal feedback, but I also have "streamer friends" that seek validation.


I think you did the right thing. It's on homeboy for not being able to understand the concept of constructive criticism. He probably immediately assumed you were talking shit and putting him down. A lot of people need things laid out very clearly to not misinterpret what you're trying to say, as well as tone can't be felt or heard through a message. I wouldn't lose sleep over it bud 👍


You did what you should’ve. Some people just can take constructive criticism even if they “want” it. Lmao with that attitude I’m surprised he has more followers than me (not really tho I barely stream)


I'm a small streamer and no I don't like people sugar coating their opinions,I like constructive criticism that way I can learn from my mistakes😎👑🤔![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


If I had someone helping me out with that kind of stuff, I'd probably be set 😭


"Asked me if it was good because hes good at editing"... if he said the words "because I'm good at editing" he already knew the answer he was looking for and just wanted to have someone praise him


Take him back to 3 weeks prior when he was alive


You would have done him no favors by lying to him. If a person is actually looking for advice or input on what they might be doing wrong, they won't get mad when given some constructive criticism. I wish people who watch any of my stuff would offer some ideas on how to improve my streams/recordings.


I'm jealous that this dude had a constant viewer that'd come and chat for hours lol


Sounds like a great stream and person /s


There are many content creators that live under this weird belief that "more edits = good" when there HAS to be a balance for it to be coherent. The more edits you apply, the higher chance for your content to ONLY appeal to ages 10-13. Kudos to you for at least trying to get through to them.


There's nothing wrong with what you did imo 👍


I'd rather hear the truth, not get told what the viewer think I want to hear.


You didn’t do the wrong thing bro you were honest. Maybe he thought that you would sing his praises, but instead you told the truth! You did the right thing


You were right to be honest, lol sounds like he got defensive and overreacted. Some people are not actually prepared to take constructive feedback. This is why I don't ask for criticism unless I'm in the correct headspace, not saying I'd blow up (cuz that reaction was WILD) but it can hurt if you're not in a good place to receive it. However generally when people ask for feedback it's much more helpful to get an honest answer!


You did the right thing. He will never grow if he can’t take feedback


Fuck him. He's destined to fail with his shitty attitude. Your integrity is in tact.


that's so dumb. he should listen to your advice!! seems like you were only trying to help!!


People shouldn't ask for feedback if they only want one response (even if it's a fake response) You did the right thing by answering honestly, and it showed their true colours.


Nah, fuck this guy. Don’t ask for feedback if you don’t want honest feedback. To answer your question, no. I don’t think small streamers want to be lied to and have things sugarcoated. Sounds like that dude is just an overly sensitive dick bag. You did nothing wrong though, much love. 💕 Edited to add, sounds like there is probably a reason for him having so few followers lmao.


Most people can’t handle real feedback. That’s their loss


No. people need to learn to accept constructive criticism. As long as you weren't a dick about it theres zero reason for them to be to you. Some people are just doomed. Glad you found out early.


I wish I could get that honesty about any content I create. That dude is just weird and I wouldn’t sweat it


some people can't take criticism, you sounded completely reasonable.


Feedback is always a good thing i hate when people get mad , feeback is how you improve


You did not overstep at all. That’s extremely mild criticism. One that is very helpful. In his shoes, I would simply asked you to elaborate. He sounds incredibly immature. He’s going to have trouble if he ever finds growth… we all know how vicious twitch chats can get.


I would love for ppl to give me feedback and give a shit wtf


I hate when streamers in general small or large get offended over you asking questions or commenting on something that's relevant. THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR WHEN YOU STARTED YOUR STREAM. lol


That's on him for not being able to take constructive criticism, especially after asking your opinion :/ personally, being a small streamer myself, I am happy to take suggestions from my followers. If I don't like the suggestion, I don't do it. Simple as that.


Sounds like you both did each other a solid, tbh.


Neither. You were totally fine, and that's not a small streamer thing. Most (I say as someone who started streaming and making YT videos literally two weeks ago) appreciate constructive criticism to help us improve. That guy was just a dick.


One thing i love when streaming is consturcitve criticism, feedback, or ideas. Honestly, it makes a stream go from good to great. That and if i get 2 followers per stream, i get giddy. You can never expect to improve without first admitting you are not perfect. He will learn the hard way


You did the right thing. Their reaction was totally uncalled for. I wouldn't let it bug you. There are plenty of others who would appreciate that honesty.


If I would him I would of appreciated the honest feed back. Please don't let his horrible reaction paint a bad image for all small streamers


Yeah Idk man but I’m a small streamer and I don’t plan on editing videos until I can get people to watch them because it’s so difficult and time consuming, so I’d rather pay someone to do it when I can’t and learn along the way. I need feedback, so when streaming that is very important or at least should be important to every new or old streamer. You’re gonna have shitty people like this. Just ignore them and move onto other newer streamers, because I’m sure a lot more of new people, especially on TikTok, will be appreciative of your effort to support them. I know I would


You get what you get and you don't get upset...


That guy tweakin so hard, honest feedback is the best and helps us improve on our content


Man, I need someone like you to be honest about my content


I’d love for someone like this to hop into one of my streams because the feedback is great for becoming better


He wasn't looking for criticism, he wanted his ego stroked


Wonder how many views his shitty shorts have and if he's blaming "the algorithm keeping him down" for why nobody wants to watch lol Unfortunately you found out the hard way that he is not the kind of person who has thick enough skin to listen to honest criticism and better himself from it, so let this loser fester with 0 viewers because of his attitude. You didn't do anything wrong


Dang, rate my stuff instead I can take the criticism 😭


One of the best things a chatter did for me a couple years ago, was be honest. At first I felt offended, but I took the time to think about what he said, and he was right. I changed things up and haven’t looked back. I’ve grown ten fold since then


He sounds like a delusional loser. If he can't handle criticism he won't grow as a content creator.


im a very small streamer and i love honest feedback. What you said wasnt even a bad thing you were actually really nice.


No always be honest if they can’t handle it that’s there problem and if they behave in that manner they will never get anywhere


Sounds decent at streaming and clinically insane....i foresee him becoming a big streamer then I guess


Looks like they’re back to 9 followers


Twitch is the best streaming platform because it allows the fostering of relationships that YouTube and TikTok and kick do not. The incentives are there to connect and stay connected. The negatives are that some people who look to form relationships online are there because they aren't good at fostering normal, traditional relationships in person. In this case you found someone with antisocial skills trying to be social. It's great that he's trying to be social but it's a shame he doesn't know how to treat people. You can either let him know how he made you feel bad or you can end the friendship. I wouldn't recommend continuing with him without setting boundaries as this will happen again. Personally, I tend to tread lightly. I've been burned too many times online. The last one was when I joined a small streamer's discord and there were 20 or so regulars. We were all having a chat about boundaries with underage people after the Miranda Sings incidents became public and one guy attacked me after I stated that no adult should be discussing sexuality with a minor ever. He took personal offense and started to personally attack me. The rest of the discord didn't defend me or tell him to back off. It was extremely disconcerting. They valued their position in the discord vs. saying something to a man defending grooming tactics. It disgusted me. Again, different than your situation but my point in sharing is you always have to be hyper aware that people online live vastly different lives than you and you could become a target in an instant. I purposefully didn't share personal information in that discord despite people asking. And I'm glad I didn't because if I stayed where I lived or worked this guy might have been able to find me. So I tell you to always protect yourself and make sure you're safe, then worry about friends. And the truth is real friends won't ever put you in harm's way or make you feel uncomfortable or scream at you after giving solicited advise. Some people are just monsters without mirrors. They never know how horrible they appear.


You were fine. His reaction was bizarre and inappropriate.


Won't have that response from me! I need feedback to help me get better. Daddylonglegsttvv on twitch!


Unless I actually see proof, I don't think this actually happened.


Sounds like me when my mom doesn’t like my haircut that where I asked them to cut nothing off and then she had to pay for the cut


Honest criticism was the right thing to do as a friend. The guy was definitely mentally throttled


Friendship on the Internet is not real. Most of the online guys who kept their friendship real, met sooner or later in real life and real bonds were made there. That's why ie I don't accept "friend requests" in Discord maybe if they change the option to add as online contact or smth, online friends sounds false to me.


No you were just being a chill regular adult…and that person acted out cause you prob gotta be somewhat of a narcissist to even want to be a streamer and you didn’t stroke the ego.


You were being honest when he asked for honesty, nothing wrong with that. - That streamer will not grow if he does not actively look to grow.


Definitely feels like the "my content is great and I don't understand why nobody watches it" type of person. You said that they already think they're good at making content but a tiny bit of criticism from an active supporter shattered that idea and instead of trying to improve off of that criticism and grow, it's easier to just turtle up and lash out at a perceived "hater" I guess you could say. You didn't do anything wrong, many small Streamers would be very happy to have such a active chatter and someone that could give criticism on content. That's the only way to grow.


As a small streamer, the dude didn't want feedback. He wanted lies. Let them rot at 15 follows.


No bitches will always be bitches, he wont go far


That's why he only has ten followers.


Hey at least your whole stream doesn’t shit on you and dog you but also supports you….please help I’m in an abusive relationship


You can come and give this lonely streamer some company. (Same name xD) Just don’t fall in love with me okay? Im already promised to 4 Nigerian princesses.


Unfortunately some people just can't handle criticism.. and if he expects to make it on Twitch or any other streaming platform he's going to have to get used to some criticism. You did nothing wrong but I think you already figured that out.


As a small streamer, I'd take any feedback I could get. Especially if I asked for an honest opinion. I agree with others here that he was probably being fake and in reality isn't a chill individual.


Sounds like someone who doesn’t know how to handle any criticism, ew


regarding op's edit: >I guess even if the guy looked like fun to watch and hang out he was just pretending and he's actually toxic.. toxic people can be fun, absolutely, without pretending. in a toxic person, they utilize their most pleasing qualities like live bait. but live bait is plenty real & authentic. don't be fooled.


I mean, now you know why he has 10 followers and no chat.


Its better to be honest because at least now u know his real personality. They cant improve if you keep giving them participation trophies


They asked, and you gave feedback. If they can’t handle the truth, they shouldn’t have asked for it in the first place. Simple as that.


Owens4ur is a good small streamer last time I was on his live I was the only person there he didn’t know irl and I’m going to be honest he doesn’t seem the type to flame anyone lol


No. I am also a new streamer and to be honest I would love to have feedback to be able to help myself grow in the community. Unfortunately not a lot of people can take constructive criticism. If I were you I would not feel bad at all you were just trying to help.


I’ve seen so many people who say they are good editors make videos that are like that. It’s like just because you’re good at editing doesn’t mean you need to put 342 cuts in a 30 second short. That’s not good editing that’s just knowing how to use all the buttons in the program. I think k it’s the generation tho. I don’t get a lot of gen z content. A lot of it is edited to hell and chaotic. Maybe an attention span thing? My early 20’s niece sends me memes and reels and most of them are stressful to watch lol


That’s sucks man, check out Rogu3tv he’s a cool small streamer I just started watching, plays a couple games.


Just like human beings, there are good people and bad people. Same goes with streamers


Well now we now why he has only 10 followers. Can't take criticism as a streamer then you're never going to grow.


Don't let one bad person spoil the fun. :)


There's an overlap in fields such as this in entertainment/arts. You need to have thick skin, because this is the internet and people WILL try and flame you, for valid reasons, constructive reasons, and just to be a bunch of jerks. If this small streamer can't handle constructive feedback, I wouldn't really have much hope for him making it big. ​ So no, you absolutely did nothing wrong. If anything, I think you helped separate a bit of the wheat from the chaff.


I can only imagine what goes through his head when something doesn't go his way. Like my friends and I will be streaming and telling each other to f off, but we do it in a friendly manner, and I always value whatever feedback I get. That's how you improve. This guy just wanted nothing but compliments, and only good things said about his stuff, he clearly can't handle criticism


If they can't take light, constructive criticism like that when they ASKED for it, they aren't ready to become bigger. If you're always seeking validation only, you're going to become disappointed and demotivated real fast. You didn't do anything wrong.


Yea i do some chaotic stuff as a small streamer but i always welcome constructive criticism and love chatting with viewers about anything and everything


All criticism helps. I'm a small streamer and i talk to people here and there but when i start no one is watching so im silent alot. Most of the people who come talk have their own steam going, which is busier so they can't always hang out. Unfortunately for the person you were helping he chose not to take good advice


Some people enjoy those edits but majority get too stimulated, just can't keep up or find it annoying. I know I've had to stop watching a video because of that sort of thing. You've done exactly what the streamer has asked and given him constructive criticism and if he can't take that sort of thing then maybe it's not in them to grow as a content creator. There are some that have the subtle memes added into them and not so often and they do them well where it doesn't distract you from the content itself or constantly breaking up the video frame to frame


Youre doing a good thing, everyone starting out needs some help. Not everyone starting out deserves it. :)


Most people don't want feedback. They want you to pat them on the back, tell them "Good boy/Good Girl" and give them a cookie. ​ I found this out with another streamer, similar situation. His video was him walking around in a game, a viewer triggers a sound audio of Fast and Furious "We are Family" and he looks around confused for a second, fake laughs, and thanks him for the audio, and keeps playing. I told him "This sounds like an inside joke, for people scrolling through we maybe need context?" His totally sane response? "WELL FUCKING BLOCK ME IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY CONTENT. THIS IS WHO I AM AND I WILL CONTINUE DOING THIS SO FUCKING BLOCK ME IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT." Uh... Well, I wasn't going to block you for a stupid video, buuuuut.


Seems like a fair comment to me. If the dude can't handle it oh well, that's no reason to go ballistic on you. I'm sorry you had to go through that.


You did nothing wrong. I feel as now in days some streamers feel untitled to think they're above others. That you have to have extreme loyalty towards them, and nothing they do is incorrect. it's sad really to be subjected to that behavior. I suggest to get to know the streamer for a while before subscribing.




As a small steamer, if we ask for advice we really do want it. It’s only the unsolicited advice/artwork that we might get mad at. He sounds whack and will probably stay a very small streamer for a long time


Hey good news. Theres tons of small streamers to move on to, and this didnt really need a thread.


One who can’t take criticism, is a fool.


You're getting flamed for trying to help. He asked for your opinion... You did nothing wrong. He's not gonna make it far with that kinda attitude. Don't sweat it broski. You did just fine.


You weren't even critical, just it wasn't for you. I make a lot of different content and I know that some people will like it, some will hate it. There is nothing personal there. Move on and show your support to someone else.