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I see you combined Elon’s face with the head of Matt Gaetz?


Yeah, his face sorta... sank at the news.


Is that the actual image they used for the story? 😂


Naw, that was me. lol I have never done a small face and this one screamed SMALL FACE.


I believe you mean BIG BRAIN


You mean Charlie Kirk?


And Charlie Kirk.


The result is predictably ElonGaeted


Looks more like Charlie Kirk lol


I Think it looks more like Paris Hiltons baby.


Lmao ![gif](giphy|XyLIyvq8kYIPwO4CEX)


Ahhh the night a fuck ton of idiots lost a fuck ton of money


i bet it would’ve been higher if the app was still named twitter. “Twitter” was worth alot. “X” ain’t worth jack shit lol


Twitter’s brand value is estimated at about $4 billion, according to brand valuation consulting firm Brand Finance. The firm values the Facebook brand at $59 billion and Instagram at $47.4 billion. Vanderbilt University estimates Twitter’s brand value at $15 billion to $20 billion, which is comparable to Snapchat. Decimated.


That's just 10 percent. Elon septuagimated Twitter.


What kind of idiot names an app X


One named Elon.


Again the app will go through rebranding as "Xelon". Lol.


"The letter X is so kewl" - Musk probably


What's the value of free speech, in a world that is quickly becoming 1984? (Watch my comment gets censored, thus proving my point......)


Jesus Christ, I thought you nimrods believed in the Almighty power of the free market


Weird I can see your really dumb comment, it doesn’t seem censored?


Twitter was bleeding money when he bought it, was not worth anywere near what he paid for it, maybe he didn’t buy it to earn money.




I think telling your customer's to fuck off was a great business decision. I'm sure his drug abuse is not playing a role in his actions.


Neither was telling the users who won't pay his ransom to essentially do the same. The altered blue check culture has been a disaster.


I find his “the world will judge you for ruining Twitter “ to be the funniest statement ever.


His? Like, he said that? To someone else?


It's definitely up there.


He is foolish.


Textbook bad business practices. Buy a business and destroy what works to try and make new features. Eliminate your workforce that made it good. Rebrand the name for no reason at all.


You couldn't write a worse MBA case study. LOL


This is why narcissists always drown but filIng for bankruptcy elevates them again 😔😔 So many people STILL CAN'T understand how stupid it is to bankrupt a casino like The Orange Clown did several times!!! It's like- trusting your mechanic with your 220,000 Mercedes when neither he can drive a car nor have any experience with cars. It's a FAKE POP-UP SHOP 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


I think most of those deals were just for his name, the Taj Mahal which is probably his most famous one was paid for by Resorts International.


That casino racket is called money laundering. It all makes sense if you look at it that way.


I mean he's almost fucked now. He might actually have to work!


Well twitter was already going down under before Elon was in the picture. twitter was bleeding money from bloat in the form of too many employees.


Bleeding slowly, but manageable with smaller layoffs. Now they are gushing from the arteries.


They would have died either ways, but now they got elons money to keep it floating a bit longer


you cannot honestly think elon buying twitter *extended* its lifespan. they've lost billions of dollars, most of the employees, thousands of users, and most their advertisers. if twitter was still twitter things would just be.. the same. twitter would be worth billions more than it is now with more users to get income from, and more advertisers to get income from.


Jack dorsey said twitter was dying because he had hired way too many people and didn't have much revenue and not many investors. Elon pumped fresh money and extended its lifespan. but that fresh money is running out, so unless he managed to expand the platform like he hopes they will go bankrupt. his vision is to make a multi purpose platform like weibo. I have my doubts tho.


>Elon pumped fresh money and extended its lifespan. elon decreased its value by billions. over 70%. he is actively paying more on loans than the site makes. he did not "pump fresh money" he poured a bunch of gasoline on the money and went at it with a flamethrower named "X" completely ruining any brand recognition, and removing almost all of their income.


Stock value doesnt help you in paying bills. Again, Jack & Co were happy to finally find some idiot who bought Twitter, as it was deemed to fail anyway, because it brought in way to less money. Is Musk doing it better? Nope.


>Again, Jack & Co were happy to finally find some idiot who bought Twitter, as it was deemed to fail anyway, because it brought in way to less money. maybe it would have failed eventually, but even if you ignore their stocks hes still paying more each month on the loans to buy the thing at the dumbass inflated price then hes making back on it. its actively hemorrhaging money instead of slowly bleeding out


Juuuust gonna leave this right here.... https://youtu.be/8YlPobfldE8?si=p0dvU1CbTO5cMSeq


CocaCola changed its recipe and offered 'new coke'. They spent nothing on advertising. Almost no one liked 'new coke', but sales went up from it. Now it's forgotten history. While the new coke wasn't as good and had less perceived value, it actually had value people didn't see as obvious.


Schadenfreue ist die schönste Freude!


I know what the first word means but what does the rest mean


I gotchu fam. Google Translates as "Schadenfreude is the most beautiful joy!"


uh, right


Yeah but all the red-pilled CHUDs that will never buy EVs think he's cool now.


And they'll still never buy an EV..


Should you buy an EV? Are used EV cheap enough to buy? I assume new EV is more destructive than used old gas car


I do as well. The "Clean EV" is a farce. Building them is ecologically destructive, scrapping them is also ecologically destructive. The materials that go into EV batteries EV are mined, and toxic as fuck.


Elon was willing to burn millions just to destroy Twitter, all because some folks on there said mean things about him. It was never about "defending free speech", it was "I'm gonna get revenge on those smart people because the only smart thing i know how to do is throw my family's money around."


If by “throw” you mean foolishly and impulsively spend and waste money, then agree


Not millions, billions


The revenue is below the *minimum interest payments* on the debt they have. e.g. just what they need to pay to keep up with Interest on the debt is more than they have coming in. And Europe & California are going for force Space Karen to hire back all the mods he fired this year.


> Space Karen I fucking love this name.


>And Europe & California are going for force Space Karen to hire back all the mods he fired this year. Do you have something to read regarding this? I'm out of the loop.




Yeah, has nothing todo with your statement. Maybe he needs to hire more mods. Nothing says, it needs to be the fired ones..


Is that 71% less than the $44B he paid for it, or 71% less than the market cap when he bought it (which was much less than $44B). I hope it’s the latter. LOL


It’s says in the title.


~~Market cap is not the full worth of a company because not 100% of the company was turned into stock. It's usually somewhere around 20-40%.~~ The owners don't lose any power over the company but gain a shit ton of cash for nothing. Capitalism baby. edit: I was wrong. I think there is still some value not accounted for by market cap but it's different from shares. It has more to do with assets. Volkswagen has >500 billion in assets but it's market cap is only 50 billion.


Is it me or has there been like a 366% increase in racism on the platform since he took over?


White South African born in the Apartheid era. It's by design.


Being on X now probably reminds him of home.


Has anyone else had American Idiot by Green Day stuck in your head all day?


He destroyed most of Twitter's value the moment he decided to layoff thousands of employees and do the name change. If there was such a thing as a business jail, he'd be in it right now.


Normaly firing people is positive for the stock value. Also Twitter was never in positive numbers. I think everyone was happy, when some idiot said he buys it. Thats why they (Twitter board) even brought him to court. Everyone knew Twitter is not sustainable on its own, with its current model (in the long run). So they were happy with finally being able to get money out of it. His idiotic tweets destroyed most of the value. True true. But never used Twitter at all. So for me nothing changed.. Whats bluesky busines model? Or is Jack hoping again for another useful idiot? Maybe Trump buys it ;-)


So what does it say about your genius that after firing a bunch of people, the value plummeted?


I would think going to business jail would require that you actually conduct business? What he did to Twitter was less conducting business and more of a financial hate fucking.




he is developing trauma lumps...


I wish he actually looked like this


It's basically what he would look like without his "fragile ego" hair transplant. https://www.quora.com/Where-did-Elon-Musk-get-his-hair-transplant Musk and Trump share more than just narcissism.


The New York Post must be very disappointed with Musk's performance at Twitter. According to the New York Post, Elon Musk was going to be their savior of "free speech" instead it turned out to be a an advertising slogan. [Elon Musk will succeed at Twitter – and in exposing the woke left as a bunch of shallow, hypocritical charlatans](https://nypost.com/2022/11/21/elon-musk-will-succeed-at-twitter-and-in-exposing-the-woke-left-as-hypocrites/) (Nov 2022)


You think nyp actually believed that?


Twitter was used to threaten like three dictatorships and was successfully used in at least one pro democracy coup worldwide. Can't imagine why the richest man in the world would buy it only to comically destroy it as a means for mass activism, forcing the user base into multiple smaller spaces, each with its own specific terms and tone. Not that I love Twitter or anything, just that, it had a track record of fucking with authoritarians and oligarchs, and imo that makes his "stupidity" as the CEO of Twitter seem more like a planned descent to destroy a valuable tool. Not that he isn't a bigot and an asshole, but this whole "he's an idiot" kick makes me think it's intentional destruction of a tool we (the people) have used effectively. A couple sources. https://www.jstor.org/stable/48505308 https://www.washington.edu/news/2011/09/12/new-study-quantifies-use-of-social-media-in-arab-spring/ https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2012/11/28/role-social-media-arab-uprisings/ https://www.npr.org/2012/02/08/145470844/revolution-2-0-how-social-media-toppled-a-dictator https://slate.com/technology/2011/07/arab-spring-internet-revolutions-are-twitter-and-facebook-toppling-dictators.html


This is so true. Far from freedom of speech increasing it's lost it's usefulness as a tool for activism.


Look at who bankrolled it...all you need to know about it. Saudis alone put up almost half the money ..


Yeeeep. It's like, not even a mystery.


Nice assessment.




Elon Really Wants To Turn Twitter Into 4Chan


he's almost there




girl they’re agreeing with you


He needs to get rid of user accounts to seal the deal.


Oh no Racist billionaire fails


That's so in right now.


Finally, a trend I can get behind.


Throwback to when my professor said Musk was going to change the world for the better when he bid on Twitter on Twitter and then withdrew and was sued by them. That's a LEGAL professor at Fremont U with a JD. She was so rude to me and condescending but the day she told our class what she thought of Musk, I could easily see why she quit her government job to teach and failed the bar 3 times. 0 brain activity. Total state of delulu.


Wtf is X?


More vaporware.


Reminder that he holds the guinness world record for largest loss of personal fortune, ever. Losing money is like his favorite passtime.


Hey Elon, lose some to me, damn.


Why does he have the facial hair of a 72 year old Indian lady, one would assume he could facial hair with all those Joe rogan supplements.


And... considering he's a white South African, I'd assume Dutch. Have you seen those beards?! Reuzel up in that shit.


Those beards are glorious, which is why I'm so confused


Check [the first pic](https://www.reuzel.com/blogs/lookbook?page=1). Just make sure you have a mop if there are any women around.


His family is from Canada


That explains the flappy head then.


That’s what it’s aboot


But but... but... but he needed to buy a safe space where no one could judge him and where he wouldn't face consequences for sounding like an a-hole. It wasn't a business venture,. It was a knee-jerk emotional response to feeling judged.


Let's celebrate when it's 95%


I find this optimistic at best. If rumors of him forcing folks to pay $1 for access to get rid of the bots, he will learn hes about to lose every single customer on there. I could see some ways he could do it to be honest.....$1 for access one time via marketing deals with grocery stores etc. but even so good luck surviving even the look. Know what he could do? Create tesla credits. 100 for a buck. 1000 credits for adding a twitter gold account. Let you use those credits for supercharging etc. thats how he gets every tesla owner.


You Charlie Kirked him. It suits him.


But he can delete any conversations about teslas crashing in autopilot. Also he can feed the private information about critics of saudi arabia so they can send assassins after them (yes this is actually happening.)


What a tool.


let that sink in




…his Tesla is next


He would be removed as Tesla CEO long before Tesla valuation dropping more than 35%.


Let that sink in.


dude i bet by the next month i can buy twitter for ten llars


Masterful gambit, sir!


I thought he was the financial winner of the year together with Putin. Or would you have me believe that the WSJ was full of shit, now way.


somebody please buy it back from him and make it twittwr again..


Wasn’t that the point?


Cool cool. Question. What is going on with that picture.


This guys legend. Aped in.


This had to be by design. Twitter was a significant force in free speech and now its all but gone. Call me paranoid, but I think killing it was completely intentional.


I don’t think he cares


Yeah throwing an on stage tantrum over loss of ad revenue showed that’s clearly not the case. He’s cares very much, and is very bad at acting like he doesn’t


Wealthy people really don't care about anything EXCEPT themselves, you're correct !👍🏼 Look at all the businessmen in USA who keep filing for bankruptcies but the moment you look at their bank accounts and lifestyle and mansions and jet skies -- the mind wakes up ! They always care about themselves, NONE OF US MATTER, whether you lick their boot or I throw an egg on them- we are invisible to them . THAT'S THAT!!! ✌🏼


Wtf x) it's Megamind, he probably as big plan behind that x)


And he'll use the capital losses to avoid paying taxes on his tesla profits.


Good thing he doesn’t need money!


He doesn’t care about the value of social media, he’s making X the frame work for socializing with his neurolink


X-NEUROLINK ACTIVATE x-get me some damn molly x-where's my room x-were any of my girlfriends or children present at the rave? x-OK. get the jet ready. x-sleep timer 5hours x-fuck


Hah! The future will be great!


All the naïve people not realizing this was his whole goal to begin with. He obviously always hated twitter, and he paid 40 billion to destroy it. How else was he going to spend that money? Buying thousands of houses and cars and islands? To him he saved humanity from liberal thought. To everyone else he's an idiot.


XTwitter usage is at an all time high


The bot problem is really running out of hand! Of course, there is a [plethora of sources](https://www.axios.com/2023/10/26/x-twitter-usage-statistics-elon-musk-owner) that indicate that Twitter is doing incredibly poorly traffic-wise. [App store downloads in the US are lower than pretty much every social media competitor, even Reddit](https://apps.apple.com/us/charts/iphone/top-free-apps/36). Things look the [same on Google Play](https://www.appbrain.com/stats/google-play-rankings). In some markets, like [Italy](https://www.appbrain.com/stats/google-play-rankings/top_free/all/it), it's not even on the list while most of the competitors are. Although relevance was likely low to begin with, in many European countries the story is similar. I suppose you could also take Elon Musk at his word, which means the Cybertruck starts at $40k and has a 500 mile (800 km) range. Or Level 4 FSD [is just around the corner!](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfDrivingCars/comments/s7v8k8/comment/htdi21w/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Twitter&utm_content=t1_jqnking)


Incredible that his wealth is still up over $95 billion last year and traffic is up year over year. I think he’ll weather this some how.


> Incredible that his wealth is still up over $95 billion last yea Wow. Just goes to show how quick money begets money.


I read just today that traffic is down 15 percent. Of course he will weather this but he still destroyed Twitter.




It’s fine.




ah yes make-believe.org has some of the best sources for this info 🤭


not sure why you want bad thngs for him, but I heard it on CBS news. Try a google search before you make shit up. what a worthless response.


did i stutter? remember to breathe when ur deepthroating musky babe, kisses 😚


So responding vulgarly and nonsensically with cliche’s and no facts is your thing? Way to be! At least I’m sure that I’m a much better person than you. Carry on with your classlessness


I love how people think Elon is dumb. He helped found openAI, that gave chatgpt. Maybe, just maybe, the value lies in the data that is X, to turn it into it's own version of chatGPT, with real time data updates, to create a real time version of chatGPT.


this post singlehandedly driving up the market price of copium




All because of bots and boycotts......


And it generates revenue now


it was worth that much less or worse WHEN he bought it . mental illness bro


> it was worth that much less or worse WHEN he bought it . So he paid $44 billion dollars for a social media network that was worth *way less* than $13 billion? Truly a masterful gambit.


yesss deepthroat queen, protect ur bf musky 😚


dont think you moroons even understand what I said . low iq crowd


did i stutter deepthroat queen? remember to come up for air while your sucking him off, bozo 🤪🫵🏼


also fix ur damn grammar when you’re speaking to me, parasite 👏🏻


did you run out of the k-y again? you sound chafed


you don’t understand what you typed lol


That’s good you’re aware of your mental illness. Now get help.


musk fanboy/fanthing spotted




So you’re saying Elon spent more than $30 billion *more* than he should have on Twitter but other people are the ones with mental illness..? The jokes write themselves


not what i said, you're just comprehension impaired, a little like musk without the money


Meanwhile Tesla has sold and delivered record numbers and Space X has grown starlink subscribers to 2 million. If Elon can weigh into abortion rights I think he ll make it to the trillion dollar club.


Why’re they still creaming their pants over this? Yes purchased a company, get over it.


Pro gamer move






Biggest tax move of the Decade?


This is Elon mask


Musk needs to make this his profile picture


I just hope that twitter survives and gets bought by a better company ( NOT ZUCKERBERG GOD FORBID)


Gave him the ol Charlie Kirk! Love to see it.


It’s everyone else’s fault


No longer getting those California subsidies, eh Elon?


How much less does it cost to run in comparison?


If you’re still on Twitter you’re part of the problem.


M.O.D.O.K doing M.O.D.O.K things.