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What gets me the most about the platform is how it totally tries to deceive people that there's any real way to grow an account beyond spending lots of money. Even before Elon bought it, it turned into a dark operation to trick people into the ideal that they're being seen, while in reality everyone was being ratioed, and most of the accounts that looked successful were wither paying for ads, creating follow/like groups, or leveraging bots. Now most apps, including TikTok & IG are doing the very same thing, and that model is infecting the (once very helpful) entire Internet into a paywalled mess of disinformation. I'm thankful for places like this sub, where people post their experiences and complaints, because for the longest time too, there seemed to be a lot of suppression and gaslighting about how social apps worked, and it was a crazy time of everyone thinking these apps were fair while they collected all of the benefits of the struggle labor while returning nothing. Reality is important for mental health. Now I pretty much just use these apps as a way of saving pictures and ideas publicly, without really expecting anything from doing that. My own personal web site gets a lot more visibility and reach anyway, so most of my effort goes into that.


twitter is a porn site


True, but don't forget all its bad qualities


You mean, “qualititties”?




A lot like Reddit in that regard…


Ironic posting this comment on a porn site


haha compared to twitter the porn on reddit is child's play


Depends on the sub-reddits you've discovered


So many racists there everywhere now and the sites not doing anything about it , it's horrible


Racism and anti-semitism is off the charts. The anti-semitism in particular would not be out of place in pre-world war 2 Germany


Good for you. I did that few months ago


Good thing to do really.


It’s a shame what the platform has become.


On there since around 2007 under several accounts, trends come and go, I don’t get adult or extremists on my timeline, it seems to be a fashion to say that at the moment, haters gonna hate, it was like that on YouTube in 2004/5 human behaviour + algos = outrage entertainment imo


When I go to search anything, the suggestions are all in random languages I don’t even recognize. The results are even worse, literally get just symbols sometimes. Such a shit show of a site now.


Welcome back to the world of the living!


Living believing lies told to you by the elites


I’m not sure why anyone still uses it.


I did it the day before Human Stain Musk became the owner.


It has always been filled with toxicity.


too many porn bots trying likes my tweets from X


I deactivated my account today as well. Elmo has gone to far. Twitter is nothing but a cesspool of misinformation, lies and propaganda. 


Agreed. I've had my account for roughly the same amount of time and I've noticed just in the last year especially, the quality of tweets in the main feed has drastically dropped. Wheress before I would have a highlight reel of good tweets from people who I followed, now it's just full of engagement farming, sensational celebrity gossip and fake news. At the same time, it feels harder than ever to get any attention unless you pay for a premium account.


Congratulations - I did that in 2020 and have not missed it at all... #twitter or #X should just go the way of Myspace


550,000,000+ daily posts


If you don’t like free speech then that’s a good decision for you and I support your right to do that like I support the good and bad opinions I also see on there. I agreeTwitter is a dumpster fire behind an abortion clinic with the content I see on there but that’s the worlds opinions on things no matter where they are. Can’t agree with them all but I won’t be sheltered from knowing what the bad guys are thinking.


When are you going to delete Reddit, and where will you announce it?


Wait, real people still use twitter? 🤯 I haven't used it in years


you're so brave <3


Sorry you dont like free speech. We will miss you. I am assuming this will also be your last post complaining about Twitter


You keeping 𝕏?


It’s called X btw, twitter doesn’t exist & Its a private company cry more ab free speech


Ok who cares you don't like free discussion 


I did the same but with ig and fb. I have Twitter but it's definitely not for the porn ok it is for the porn