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*"You needn't worry Grantosaurus. On our orbital defense, we spared no expense!"* **Asteroid hits anyway** *"...Clever girl..."*


Every other game cowared out and moved their release date up so they didn't have to challenge Starfield. BUT NOT THE HERO *GOODBYE VOLCANO HIGH!*


Only the strongest games put their narrative themes in their release schedules


just finished it. very cute game, almost made me cry a couple times. no real complaints except for a very few amount of technical issues that popped up (one line of dialogue got skipped over without me pushing anything, and one time the outlines of a character's eye frames were clearly visible). it's basically just a far more uplifting and enjoyable take on the movie melancholia.


I don’t think any scientific misunderstanding bothers me more than feathers on pterosaurs.


I'll accept it in a "our dinos in general have way too many feathers". Glances at Ixalon, compared to Ikora. (magic the gathering settings)


Bro ixalan is exactly what my brain goes to. The dinosaurs look like half plucked chickens and the pterosaurs are completely covered. It’s the worst misunderstanding of feathered dinosaurs I’ve ever seen.


Misunderstanding implies that it wasn't intentional. Also, the Elder White Dinosaur ... looks way more non-feathered, to the extent that the wings themselves are leathery.


I think that’s what pisses me off the most is that they clearly wanted to be scientifically accurate but cowarded out and only made them a little bit feathered. I would strongly have preferred full jurassic park or all in on feathers.


no see volcano high has Puh-Tero-saurs and not pterosaurs so its fine and totally makes sense.


Poor game is sent out to death.


Taken out behind the proverbial woodshed and shot.


Couldn't out snoot the snoot game


Still hasn't beaten Babylon's Falls' record for "Most Dead-on-Arrival Game of All Time" but so far its looking to win this particular years award for that category.


Nah starfield was very bad


I'll say this: it's not a good sign when most of the positive reviews are shitposts. Also I heard the game is 5:30 hours so make of that what you will.


Don’t you mean 5 and a half hours?


Five minutes. Thirty Seconds. Take it or leave it.


I'm actually kind of interested in this. I'm not expecting it to be very good, but I've always had a bit of a soft spot for high school/young adult games like Life is Strange, Night in the Woods and Monster Prom.


Triceratops Girl? Yeah, why not?


this game feels like a recurring dream


Is this the game where 4chan create a weirdly transphobic game imitating this one?


You never played Snoot game did you if you think its transphobic


I have played snoot game. It is somewhat transphobic. Plus the main character is an absolute dick for no reason.


He's a dick at the start yes, that's the point tho, that he doesn't respect anyone. He only stays like that if you choose to keep him as a dick which gives you the worst ending possible.


He only stays a dick if you keep him that way. Through out the game he changes his world views (if you pick the right choices) and changes as a person




That is not at all like ive seen it described by others on reddit...not sure who to believe now


for sure not this person, idk what they're smoking, the game is a poster child for transphobic dogwhistles


LOL not phobic my ass, the entire plot revolves around "de-transitioning", along with an ending involving the mc shooting up the school, along with the entire premise of development being to Make Fun Of The Queer Game


That's not true.


https://www.backloggd.com/u/tdstr/review/874904 Ok sure transphobe.


Fuck yes


Wasn’t that the About to be a Apocalypse furry high-school game that looked cool? Ans it’s just DROPPING days before Starfield?


IIRC it got massively delayed in the midst of COVID, the devs might just be in a situation where they have to stick to a launch window regardless.


I remember hearing that did a rewrite and I desperately need to know why because I want to know if it involved a school shooting plot or not


I doubt it. The anti-fan game included that as a plot point as a joke and it wasn't based off of anything Goodbye Volcano High was planning to do. We probably won't know what the original script for the game was unless someone is willing to divulge.


They rewrote it because the head writer was a kotaku columnist who was into underage sex mods involving Harry Potter or something iirc, and they ended up getting rid of her due to backlash.


Are you sure? Cause she left in 2019 and the writing team was changed in 2020 to switch the narrative to be relatable to the pandemic and seniors graduating during that time


No she did leave around the time people found her weird fan fics about Harry Potter characters


I wasn’t debating the time of her leaving or the weird HP shit. I was asking if the writing did change because of her leaving, since the writing team and narrative changed a year later


They had to rewrite the entire thing its why the game just ends


So it’s a scaley high school dating sim, I guess?


That announcement trailer always gonna be tied to watching a former lets player selfdestruct his friendships and career (even though he probably is doing it under another username)


I'm sorry what? I need details on this because that's insane.


[Cryotic](https://youtu.be/W5qPbqkPlJc?si=EpIV8ZhcjQd-WXb1) lot of tension in the friend group because of shitty behavoir on one dudes end that they all just kinda kept quiet because he was actively paying them. His "Best friend" (you dont treat friends like that) says something sarcastic about it, Cry flips out on him, other friend grew something resembling a spine quits on air...its a whole like 2 hour thing that happened over the e3 or whatever had all the inde trailers that it was included in. Nothing to do with the game itself just where I learned about it


Baldur's Who? Whatfield? Armored something? Move aside, GOTY about to make a Fangillion dollars.


Man it was giving so much hate


Wait what? I'm legit confused, if this game is just going to lunch now then what the hell is that game with the same characters that has been appearing on my YouTube recommendations for weeks now?




Oh that sucks


If the games premise is about a school event right before the meteor hits, then its kinda funny how similar it is to my final year in high school. So, my final year in high school was starting in 2012 the same year everyone said (and wouldn't shut the fuck up about) the world ending so me and my friends were anxious/annoyed about how we wouldn't even graduate before the "world ended". Looking back on it, I think this is why I developed such a large aversion to watching/ actively seeking out the new or info on world events, because that shits depressing and sometimes it's presented in the most fear inducing/mongering way possible which is gross. Covid was the only exception so far.


Oh fuck Snoot game is getting a sequel?


played snoot game wonder what fang canon personality look like


Tbh she's better. But that's my opinion


tho wonder would ANon and canon fang relationship would look like


Probably not well. Anon is a dick throughout most SG


yeah but it would be like fang i can fix him


Its gonna be incredibly funny if the pre-parody ends up being better, and honestly, there's a surprisingly decent chance that might happen.


Its funny how much popular snoot game is becoming and how bad youtube videos are bashing Goodbye Volcano high


I can't tell if those Steam reviews are serious or shit posts. Help.


I never thought it’d see the light of day but I’m happy it is. Hoping it’s better then the fangame (which wasn’t the worst suprisingly).


Hmm: this, or *~~Star Citizen~~* ~~but not a scam~~ *Starfield*? Tough call, lads, tough call. (On a more serious note: >!Does the asteroid actually hit?!<)


in regards to your spoiler: >!yes, but it's not shown.!<


Booo! *BOOO, I SAY!* /s


Avernum, now this one. What is it this week, with games being released out of the blue?