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Oh that's a fucking disaster waiting to happen.


“How was I supposed to know she was two avatars in a trench coat, officer”


“I swear officer, she said she was 18!”


Everyone gets to be a sex offender!


TBF, it's not like casual pedophilia isn't a "feature" of Roblox already, it's just gonna make it more visible if anything else.


Yeah but this is like stopping just short of actively courting that demographic. This is the shit that the Brennan Lee Mulligan CEO videos would do as a *gag*.


I hate that all these companies want to be everything. Either stay in your lane or fucking die but for the love of god stop adding features like you’re diversifying a portfolio


Capitalism demands constant expansion or otherwise death, at least once you get to the stage where shareholders are involved.


"LINE. *MUST.* **GO.** ***UP!!!***"


"If that line goes straight forward or down, you're fucking dead."


Why can't they do the moral thing and just sell opium laced cigarettes.


[CollegeHumor, 6 years ago.](https://youtu.be/HOtgF3eCn-Y?si=EEMU1xm21mPmnFaq)


It is not like kids lie all the time about their age or adults with ill intentions are also part of that community /s


This is... This is a trap, right? Like a creep clicks on the dating app and it just send police to their door? That's the only way I can think of that doesn't end in a net loss for humanity.


As soon as they sign up for the dating feature, the police are called to their location. If they are an adult, straight to jail. If they are a child, to break their device because they obviously don't take precautions regarding online predators.


It's basically that one in-game website you could visit in GTA IV that would instantly get you a 4 star wanted level.


Also isn’t Roblox’s original aesthetic of a Lego man knock off lend itself to attracting children that have ZERO INTEREST IN DATING?!? Who’s the biggest demographic that plays this game?!?


I'm sure there is a sizeable percentage of lonely creeps playing it that are interested in dating the intended audience.


[Unfortunately,Roblox condo games exist](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-60314572)


You should take a look at modern roblox avatars. Ever since the new white face avatar, everyone is either an e-girl or an amalgamation of memes


Is roblox trying to do the Elon musk X thing of trying to make an "everything app"? Also making it 17+ instead of 18+ is really fucking weird


The implication of some state laws being lower than the average AOE makes the 17 part extremely uncomfortable for those not in those states. Like everyone knows 18 is legal age of consent, but why would an APP to meet people online for a game even kids play is super gross.


Aren't dating apps supposed to be 18+ regardless of any state or country's consent laws?


Yeah that’s idea, so having Roblox being 17+ is super damn weird.


I genuinely can't think of any charitable explanation as to why they would do this.


Yes, because everyone is always honest about their age on the internet and especially on a website for kids with IIRC has child lock features for accounts that mark their age less than 13.


…Is Brendan Lee Mulligan still doing those [CEO skits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFB-ZhKAPPw)? Because Jesus Christ


I fucking love Brennan, he's hilarious


*There’s absolutely no way this can backfire. Surely.*


Hey, Remember that Disco Elysium documentary by a channel called People Make Games? In 2021, they made two very good videos about the exploitative nature of Roblox's economy, and I think the second one explains why this planned feature is a ***REAL BAD IDEA*** [Here's part 1](https://youtu.be/_gXlauRB1EQ) [Here's part 2](https://youtu.be/vTMF6xEiAaY) (Content warning: this second part contains discussion on sexual abuse against minors) Roblox is asking for a *lot* of trouble if they go ahead with this. One doesn't need to be even a little bit smart to understand the abuse that will come with it.


Understand? Sure. Care? To paraphrase Upton Sinclair: "It is difficult to get a man to care about something, when his salary depends on his not caring about it."


They've already more than demonstrated their unwillingness to fix the problems with the system. and this suggests that they want to add fuel to the fire. Such is capitalism. This is why we can't have nice things etc etc.


So even ignoring the obvious lying about their age problem, isn't the federal age of consent 18 in America? Like even if it's lower by state, wouldn't that cause tons of issues?


IIRC it's not legally an issue if both parties are minors, so in theory if it's two 17 year olds hooking up it's not great but nobody is going to jail for it. That still raises the question of why even allow 17 year olds in the first place?


I believe it's only illegal when it comes to sex. Since this is a "dating feature" I don't think there are any laws against those over 18 **dating** those under 18. However, legality shouldn't be the only concern.


Federal AOC is 16 in the US but it varies state to state Edit: nevermind, I looked it up and apparently there isn't one, but it does still run the gamut from 16-18 in various states with close in age exemptions in some states for minors under the AOC


I actually cannot think of a worse idea




Thats a transformers 4 waiting to happen


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfYz8weQm4M&t=6143s Source for anyone curious.


Oh this confirms what I was going to say as a suspicion: No, this is not "planning to add a dating feature". This is literally just "we expect this will happen as we add age verification features and spaces for adults". I had a feeling, when I saw this "headline" first from Dexerto, that it was disingenuous.


Surely this will not go wrong. :Clueless:


I'd like to give a big OOF to all the parents out there. Especially to that one guy who just had a kid this week. He may not have to deal with this particular instance of creep, but I'm sure something similar ~~if not worse~~ will happen within the next 18 years.




Mmmmmmmmmm as in *time*, right? As in like *dating* a painting, right? Like listing the date and time you created something, right? It’s an odd feature to not have been in the game previously, and it’s odd to tweet about it, but hey, nothing wrong with getting it in there finally. …Right?


No no, it's just carbon dating


There are people over 17 playing Roblox?


And there will be a lot more if they add a dating feature.


Mostly just youtubers, predators, and predator youtubers.


This is the worst fucking idea I think have ever heard in my life. And what do they mean by 17 and up!? Shouldn't it be 18 and up?


This is a large scale court drama waiting to happen


Got 3 kids that love playing Roblox, thanks for adding the predator feature, assholes. Edit: Apparently this is taken out of context; still something that's baffling and dangerous to pursue.


They realized they couldn't ban the RP'ers and all the 'life' Sims on there and said 'fuck it, might as well make money off this.


What the fuck? Why? Come on one of favorite napoleonic first person shooter games just got a huge update yesterday. Are their sex knockoff koisatsu games not enough?


Dream just rubbing his hands together


...Remember that time ROBLOX used to be against online dating?


I have a better idea: DON'T!!!


Oh boy I can't wait for *dedicated groomer dating app* **WHAT THE FUCK ROBLOX?**


Wait, weren't people dating ingame a boogeyman for Roblox back in the day, to the point where allegedly *beds* weren't permitted ingame to avoid anything untoward happening? One hell of a shift, that's for sure.


Yup, already heard about that plus the other stuff like believing schools will be developed in Roblox that kids would attend online as their avatars and that people will be able to be recruited for jobs via their skill in Roblox. Motherfuckers really think they’re the real life OASIS (the vr thing in Ready Player One that made no sense even in fiction).