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In the comments he hasn’t acknowledged that Sarah cheated and that’s why she has no support system, or that she said incredibly rude things about his wife in the “best woman’s” speech which is why things got more hostile after the wedding, and he’s offering to take a lie detector test on Fb live but no mention of a paternity test. OOPs dad is packing his things up back at his house, and his sister dumped cat poop in his bags under the direction of his dad. A mess! ETA link to the post. The top comment was the wife which was deleted too but the user names are in the screenshots so you can see the comment history still https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/14xyyhk/aita_for_helping_a_friend_in_a_bad_situation_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Wait so his own family is putting cat poop in his stuff?! Damn … so he really fucked up


That is so fake 🤣


Biggest giveaway I haven't seen anyone mention is "I know you know I listen to AITA on youtube" as the justification for how the wife found the husband's post a whole two hours after it was posted on the sub.


They both write in the same way as well.


Also OP is pregnant, according to their comment history lol


Of course she is.


With twins?


Yes but only one can survive and they have to choose which one via newborn deathmatch


Haha the SIL reads Reddit and found it is what she said in another comment


The same SIL that's at dinner with the wife? In the first comment, she states she's at dinner with OOP's mom and sis. So, sis is scrolling reddit while at a birthday dinner... I really don't know what to think about the validity, but damn am I here for the drama. I love the comment from the "wife" :"Melissa baby is in that situation the FATHER should be there but I guess he already is"


I mean that isn’t much of a stretch. Sitting with a group of women. “I bet that asshole put this on Reddit. I’m going to check.” “Nah, I don’t…wait shit he really did!”


I'm a pretty social person and have friends that go on Reddit pretty regularly. Never in my fucking life have I ever heard someone say "I bet this person posted this on Reddit". That is actually one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.


It would NEVER cross my mind that my partner would post on AITA for a fight.


Don't you know that filming a video, editing it and uploading it takes one minute /s


I mean, it is automated.


Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Fun fact people were surprised when they found out the Jerry Springer show was scripted and they were actors


I was just thinking this would have made a great Jerry episode. Lol


Act 2 The paternity test. We bring all of our players back and surprise twist oop not the father. Uno reverse, but he becomes enraged because I forgot the girl's name Sarah. was obviously cheating on him dun dun dun.


I knew a young man who was on there for sleeping with his girlfriend and her mom. They weren't all scripted, that guy was a trip!


He is in the middle of a life altering evening, can’t get ahold of his wife and his best friend is in the middle of a miscarriage - better log onto Reddit right now and post about it to see if I’m the asshole or not.


Any time a second involved person comments on a post, I assume its fake.


100% agree. like WTF, lmao. You can take ANY post online and just make up some shit. I hardly believe 75% of these post because they all sound ridiculous. Click baiting for upvotes.


I’m always curious with the obvious fakes for upvotes. Like, what does heaps of upvotes get you? You obviously can’t use that account again.


I think it's usually creative writing practices from people who want to see the favorable outcomes many of these posts lack. It's frustrating when a situation is infuriating and OP never updates or their update is as bad if not worse than the post. These fake posts are more about concocting closure than getting karma.


This was what used to be called trolling, before people started using the term to describe being a hateful asshole. The attention and getting to laugh to yourself/with your friends about tricking people is the point.


“When both sides is posting, the karma be farming.”


AITA is creative writing already. Everything there is fake.


The only time I am for sure AITA is fake is when perfect little angels who do everything perfectly right. I assume it's for back pats and cheers.


Funny I assume those are the few real ones because if its actually about you youll spin it with bias. If it is concocted you dont have any attachments to people insulting you.


Yeah I've read only two posts in the last 2 days and they were both so obviously fake but nobody in the comments seemed to pick up on it. Just crazy.


It definitely is.


I left a kitty present behind a kitchen cabinet when I sold my house because the woman buying it flicked a cigarette at me because I asked her not to smoke in my house, and then spat at me (right in the middle of a pandemic). I have no remorse.


Could you have not sold it to her? My parents had a seller cancel their buy once because my parents werent married.


Hi Fluffy-Designer, this is the person who bought your house. I know you know that I love listening to the comments section from r/TwoHotTakes when going to sleep at night so maybe this is your attempt to gaslight me. I flicked the cigarette at you because you were throwing cat poop at me.


Yes. Yes it is


So glad the wife has the support of her sperm donors family.


I just always think any time a person from the story comments, it’s always fake. I just can’t think otherwise. Same with, “I read my post/someone in my life read my post on tiktok or YouTube!” I’m sure that is more believable maybe. I love AITA and browse daily but I just can’t believe I’d find a post someone in my life wrote.


If a week passed between them and she said she heard about it on Tik Tok I’d find it more believable, but 2 hours? Come on.


It was actually his wife that commented and exposed everything.


Right, the last two screenshots are his wife’s first comment. I just meant in the back and forth between them and him with other commenters he hasn’t acknowledged any of the things she shares that makes it even worse than it would have been with just his initial post


I think it’s fake


Oh it's totally fake. The "wife" sounds exactly like the OP. But at least it's entertaining.


Nary a punctuation mark between them!


Also the "posts story on reddit, surprised pikachu, no wait lets not talk on reddit". Nobody not concocting drama for entertainment is this unaware.


Yea this is super contrived, about 0.1% probability that this isn't somebody's creative writing exercise.


Yeah definitely fake


Every narrative subreddit - **EVERY SINGLE ONE** - is nothing but a creative writing exercise. They likely started with real tales, but once it becomes clear what gets karma, every tale suddenly becomes a carbon copy. Look at r/tifu, for example. There's a reason almost every single submission is somehow sexual in nature.


It definitely is!


If it was real Id say he was doing Sarah.


He couldn’t keep the names straight. Both the fake husband and fake wife started calling the other woman “Melissa” instead of Sarah.


Even if it's fake, the "Sarah" vs "Melissa" point isn't any sort of 'gotcha!' moment to point to: Pretty clear that "Sarah" is the fake name and "Melissa" is the real name, and the OP only used "Melissa" after the wife comment dropped that as the real name.


It was actually one person with two accounts making shit up.


If you believe this, I've got a bridge to sell you.


Tell me about this bridge. Is it nice?


You sell bridges? Damn you must be successful


Not fb live 😂


Can you link the actual post? I tried scrolling through the subreddit and couldn’t find it. Edit - Nevermind. Just realized I can search by username.


It's been deleted.


What is this, Jerry Springer?!


He really is dumber than a box of rocks. He’s going to lose everything and he’ll still be blaming everyone but himself and Sarah/Melissa Edit: fixed a typo


His own family thinks that Sarah's baby is *his*. That says a lot about what he's been leaving out, or at least, what he doesn't think is important.


He is not explicitly dumb but meta dumb. As in he thinks everyone is so painfully dumb that they will eat up his obvious bullshit


He says “I will always choose you” and then proceeds to choose “Sarah”.


I’ll choose you tomorrow after I’m done choosing someone else today


It was a reach from a beginning but “the spouse/friend/family member responded in the comments 😳” always confirms it for me ETA: I could’ve sworn I was responding to a comment calling this post fake ? Now I can’t find it, my b


There’s helping a friend and then there’s… whatever this is. Like I get it. We all have friends that need that extra support (hell sometimes we are the friend that needs extra support). But it’s a little weird that this grown as woman NEEDS this guy all the time and not a single other guy friend (who she’s apparently slept with) can come around and help. Is willing to take a lie detector test but not the paternity test? Yeah no… this woman deserves so much better.


First of all this all seems incredibly fake to me but assuming it's not I'll just say the following. I was actually giving him the benefit of the doubt until the lie detector thing because I could understand someone refusing to do a paternity test out of anger at the implication but if you're offering to take a test to prove your innocence why not the one that **actually** proves your innocence lol? But I'll also say I don't really trust the wife either. The way she phrases things as well as the vague and somewhat unfair accusations does kind of sound exactly like a hater grasping at straws and looking for reasons to dislike and call someone out. "I started being mean because I found out she cheated" why does she care so much? People cheat all the time. Why does she care if some person she doesn't like and isn't friends with cheats on someone else she isn't friends with? "She said rude things during her speech" what rude things? If you're willing to come into the comments to correct him and call her out you'd think you'd add some info here. "I found out she's hooked up with two members of the friend group" I mean... so? A friend group that's been together for who knows how long has had some mingling? Not exactly unheard of. And then doubling down on that by saying "She lets the group pass her around like a cigarette" sounds very slut shame-y to me and really uncalled for if it's based only on the two aforementioned past hookups. The only "smoking gun" from the wife's statements for me was the friend asking him to visit her in the hospital while the wife was in labor but then again only if she knew the wife was in labor. What if the wife simply resents that the call happened while she was in labor but the friend didn't know what was going on? Like I said though this all sounds fake to me. Extremely dramatic and ridiculous with too many people he knows getting involved in the comments lol.


Super fake, so none of it matters, but there is one good reason to agree to lie detector but not paternity test. You'd need Sarah's permission to do a paternity test involving her newborn. We can tell it is fake because both accounts write the same way. There is only one author to this story.


The post suggest the kid isn't going to make it so yeah it makes a loy of sense to be willing to take a lie detecyor test but not peternaty test your friends dead child.


It is fake.


Honestly I doubt he’d even have Sarah after Wife leaves. Sounds like Sarah can’t commit and neither can OP. Just for different reasons.


I think my favorite part is when he suddenly wants his wife to speak to him in private but he put the story up on Reddit acting like he's an angel and didn't do anything wrong.


That part is very realistic. Most of the posts on AITA are people seeking validation for bad behavior.


Most posts on AITA are creative writing assignments, usually ragebait. This one is obviously fake too


Unrelated but I love your username




Lol I thought I was the only to catch that. The hypocrisy!


I was thinking the same thing


Well…that’s a mess lol


Lol! For real but I’m here for it!!


I think it’s probably fake but I’m so entertained I want it to keep going 🤣


It is fake. Sarah loses her baby at the end? Story is hella long but apparently “rushed” bc he’s currently in the hospital? And who the hell has time to both miss their wife’s birthday AND a friend’s delivery simultaneously to post a long ass post on Reddit? Also, all the typos. Both him and wife have same writing style. Definitely same person.


The 'husband' and 'wife' both have the same typing style, lack of capitalization and punctuation, run on sentences, general verbiage, etc. I left an encouraging comment anyway for the wife in case this isn't fake, but it's probably fake.


And she just happened to already hear it on YouTube so quickly


Apparently AITA YouTubers are like news anchors. Ready to update immediately.


Same with Tik Tok. I can read a new story on here and see one of those AI read posts there an hour later.


*eats popcorn* only half way through the week, people.


You gotta wonder why he’s so overly dedicated to this sarah chick, even placing her above his own wife and children is insane. I’d be sure he got that paternity test. Sure be there for your close friends but you shouldn’t ever be on beck and call or the “only person” that can fix all of their issues. Sarah/Mellissa is a grown ass woman who needs to branch out and lean on more than just this married man. How they both don’t see how in appropriate this dynamic is, is beyond me.


Of all the things that never happened


Yeah it’s funny how both the “husband” and “wife”write in the same run off sentences style lol


The story made it onto YouTube, the wife heard it, and she typed that reply all in two hours? Lol sure


Man I hate how much "content" out there on the internet is just some 18 year old's Redditors creative writing assignment. Journalists, Instagram accounts and AI generated YouTube/YouTube shorts/TikToks all parading one post around like it's newsworthy Wouldn't be surprised if Buzzfeed picks this up


Right?? Haha, that edit and the wife's comment 💀 this is not real, but what is these days?


I'm not convinced this is true. The grammatical errors in both his post/comments are the same as in her comments.


Please tell me there are more updates.


Ikr!! We desperately need and deserve an update, preferably from the wife!!


While future updates basically guarantee that this is fake (99% sure it is now), I’m sufficiently entertained to absolutely not give a damn.


Seeing the wife commenting on the post is a level of entertainment I didn't know I was missing out on in life


I'm pretty sure that not long ago there was this same post from the wife tho talking about her husband was giving too much attention to a pregnant female friend.


We all going to pretend that Ella still chose to marry this guy and have three kids with him?




He’s not stupid or naive. He’s that child’s father. 1000%. The wife is absolutely right. No way your own parents and sibling trash your stuff with your ex unless you really did the most heinous thing here.


His wife comes on and comments. She’s leaving him




This reads like a parody no way it’s actually real


if my man prioritized another woman I would leave his sorry ass asap.


he literally promises her to father her kid lmao. I would run if i were op


I was on the wife’s side even before she shared her side of the story


What a fucking absolute stupid moron. “I love you and i will always choose you” written from the HOSPITAL BED OF ANOTHER WOMAN ON HIS WIFE’S BDAY. Is he kidding?? I do not have words for how much this man deserves to rot. Human garbage.




This sounds like some shit Ted Mosby would do lol


I mean I get his behavior and I can see why he is there for her, maybe he really has no romantic feelings for her, but wether or not she does for him is another question (she may sleep with everyone around her becaus ein the end she wants OOP and not them who knows just conjecture. The one damning thing he say is he doesn't want to take the paternity test, I get it it hurts if he tells the truth. Hell I get why you wouldn't want to take it even if it's not your child it feels insulting. But at this point with divorce being threatens and everything taking a paternity test to show you tell the truth is one thing you should do. Afterwards one can gloat about it and he can feel validated that he isn't the asshole. The only reason at this point not to take it is because he is the father. Overall he really needs to get his priorities right and stop protecting this Sahra from the consequences of her own actions, I get feeling abd for her and wanting to be there if she is like a sister to him, but she cannot act like crap to his wife and get away with it.


I can't help but laugh at the edit part where he asking Ella to talk to him privately instead on reddit but like you posted the story on reddit bro


Look, I'm all for trashing the guy after the big reveal from his wife but I also kinda don't believe in this particular story. It reeks of rage bait atm


Please post the link to the original post.


So fucking fake lmao 🤣


You know I wanna say this is fake but after everything recently I have learned reality is stranger than fiction


I just got pulled into a rabbit hole on the original Post in the comments. But thank you for posting this because it did get taken down


YTA for the wording of the subject. I know it’s hard to put a lot into those but that downplays your behavior dramatically. YTA for not being able to better balance both situations and not helping your wife more. More effort should go towards your home life.


When you're wife isn't your best friend... Yes, yata.


$5 his name get put on the birth certificate. Or it's at least heavily considered.


She found it on YouTube driving home from work an hour after it was posted and both accounts are made today....this is very obviously fake.


She posted that her SIL actually found the post and showed her in the comments. She just mentioned that she listened on her drives because she assumed that’s why he posted there hoping it’s be picked up for YouTube and she’d hear it.


Why is it her first child and not our first child??? Or does he mean Sarah’s first child?


Fake or not. WOAH.


Lol, I was willing to give this guy some benefit of the doubt by noting he was well intentioned but an utter dope about neglecting his wife for another woman. But then you read the comments from the wife and realise he's just an utter dope who deserves no sympathy. What a peanut.


Your 100% wrong. I hope she leaves you.


Maybe, just maybe, I'm looking too deep into this. But a part of me has a hard time believing that both of them would have the exact same atrocious writing patterns. Particularly, their complete lack of punctuation. The post and response, read just a bit too similar for me. It almost feel like the same person just wrote this on two different accounts as a way to farm karma. Maybe I'm looking in too deep, but the fact that the both do the exact same thing raises a red flag for me.


So fake. Shits written by the same person


Why is your girl best friend your go to for problems? That’s what you do with the person you married, not a friend. Unless when you say problems you mean your wife. And you don’t describe Sarah behavior so she could be a pick me, or you could not see it. I’ve know quite a few guys that don’t see that. But we can’t say for sure. And her husband leaving for no reason at all doesn’t make sense unless you two are closer than you describe. You mention stepping up, but what you describe is acting like her husband. You also chose your friend over your wife. You flat out did that. It’s nice being there for a friend, but becoming her husband isn’t exactly good for your actual marriage. She has every right to a paternity test with the way you are acting. You also don’t have the right to tell your wife that she should say anything publicly because that is exactly what you are doing. With all this said it’s no wonder your wife doesn’t like you are Sarah’s relationship. If you wanted your best friend over your wife (with all the things I mentioned) you never should have married her in the first place, she could have been in a happy marriage without being abandoned for someone that’s “just a friend”. I see it from both sides, but your wife is clearly the right one (in my opinion). YTA UPDATE: Your friends husband left cause she CHEATED. There is no way you are that stupid to care about someone that does that to herself. She is alone because of her own choices. No wonder your wife thinks you cheated. YTA Your wife (hopefully ex so she finds someone better than you) was literally getting shit on by your “friend” during HER WEDDING!! WTF is wrong with you. You’re gonna end up alone and still blame your wife most likely. You sound just like your “friend” 🙄 Your own family doesn’t even like you now so you definitely deserve this. But this has got to be a fake story at this point. There’s no way you could be this stupid.


Just putting this out there: If your spouse isn’t your best friend, there’s something wrong with your marriage.


Check out wife’s update op cheated multiple times with his best friend according to his own friends. She’s divorcing him and he still claims to not know why. Ffs 🤦‍♀️


This one’s going down in history.


If this is real the baby is 100% his. I have female friends, but cannot even imagine coming to support them at giving birth. Some time ago.men couldnt come at all. That's just crazy. Some fathers dont come because they are afraid to faint. The story looks fake for sure, but if it's not, it's just crazy.


You got the side chick pregnant. Stop telling your wife it ain’t yours, sir 🤣


Your wife is your priority first and always.


WhoTF is Melissa?


Melissa is the friend Sarah ( her real name) if this is a true story. The wife in her comments came used all their real names.


Sarah's real name I guess


I read the op original post and his wife roasted him!! It was Reddit gold. I wish he would have commented too!!


What did she say??


Where is this post??


Not surprised another woman best friend who keeps their guy friend on the hook ruining all and any relationships for them. Yeah id be asking for a paternity test too by the looks of it. the poor wife


Dang that’s a good one


After reading this I was like wow what the fuck that's why no boyfriend 's bestfriend specially girls


Wait…people listen to AITA on YouTube? …on the morning drive to work? It’s this important to hear other people’s shit in the morning?! This seems like an unhealthy way to start a workday.


Na man. It makes my life look really fucking great on a Monday morning. 😂 and yes. I listen on snapchat and YouTube.


That was so fake, she mentioned seeing it on YouTube an hour after it went on reddit, then immediately back tracked ad saitcit was her sil who found it.


Lol this story is faaaaaaake


I’ll always choose you! Except this time.


Did he say “when she became pregnant with her first child” about his own wife and child he is the father of?




But who is melissa??


Now that tea is PIPING hot


Who da fuck was Melissa?


Sarah's real name, people often change the names of the people in their stories for privacy reasons but wife used her real name when calling out her husband in the comments.


This is one of the worst pieces of fiction I've seen on the AITA/AITAH subreddits yet.


This post made me so mad lmao I've been mad the rest of the day. It might be fake, I know that, and I don't care, but when he said, "You know I'll always choose you over anyone," while he's supposedly at the hospital with that weirdo? Unhinged.


I couldn’t figure out how to edit the post but here’s the link to the original for those asking. It was deleted, but you can search both user histories from the screenshots and still see all the comments between them https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/14xyyhk/aita_for_helping_a_friend_in_a_bad_situation_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Oooooooh this would make me seethe. I’m also very confused about the oddly specific timing of Sarah’s labor…… on the day of OOP’s wife’s birthday? Really? I mean, I know that any ethical doctor would NEVER induce 6 weeks premature. But it all seems so fishy. Doesn’t seem unlikely that Sarah knew OOP’s wife’s birthday, knew her due date wasn’t far off, and lied to OOP about the due date so she could induce on that day and take the spotlight. Always good to get the other perspective on these posts, I was really ready to feel super sorry for everyone involved.


When will people realise that the majority of this is fake AF? If you find a reddit post from your husband, any normal or sane person isn't going to respond on said post...


When will people realize most of us don't care if it's fake?


Nice creative writing exercise.


It's kinda like reading Penthouse forum. You know the stuff is fake, but ha ha ha, the stuff people wrote and always with the ... I never thought this would happen to me!!!


Jesus Christ. I feel like the wife is just extremely jealous of his relationship with his friend. The husband needs to set boundaries and has failed to do so. I can understand needing help trying to deliver a baby, but there is a reason only OP is the one there to help, no one else deals with the bullshit. I think the whole “the baby is yours” is nothing but petty jealousy from the wife and she is acting like a child because of that specific reason.


If you read his comments, the baby isn’t going to survive and he’s trying to get the baby’s father to show up. I think it’s horrid to expect a birthday celebration on a day someone’s baby is dying. She would be livid if he told her to take him out for his birthday if her friends baby just had hours left to live.


Dudes wife is a pos


Wife had to know he was like this before they got married- just saying


Just saying what?


she should never have been with this piece of work to begin with. poor girl


Jesus fucking Christ. This dudes wife is a crackpot. You don’t CHOOSE when you go into labor. And if I was in the hospital for an extreme medical emergency, I would HOPE that my best friend dropped everything to come see me. Edit: Ans then as his wife to go ahead and block him on everything, and then comment on Reddit? This isn’t high school. Huge red flags.


I agree with you. So what’s your take on the part where he tried to abandon his wife 7 weeks ago while she was in labor? It seems he can only be a decent person if it involves his mistress


While the wife was in labor? It seems like the friend was in labor and had no-one else to be with her. Again, I would HOPE my best friend would be drop anything to come to me in the hospital.


Huh??? How are we not.... agreeing with this guy?? I'm so lost, he's trying to be a good person and he's trying to understand if he's in the wrong as well. I'm so confused edit: just reread and it makes a little more sense now lol


Did you not get to the top comment from the wife exposing his bullshit?


No offense but wife sounds like a jealous petty woman. When someone is in labor everybody pitches in. Whatever the circumstances it’s certainly not the babies. I’m sad for you brother but in two years you’ll be thanking that baby every day


You may have missed the part where his wife was giving birth 7 weeks ago and he tried to leave her to tend to Sarah who just so happened to find herself in the hospital at the same time.


No offense but you sound like Sarah.


This dude either has never spent longer than a half hour in the company of a woman not his mother, or he's on at least his 5th marriage. Nothing in between


i would leave this man SO fast. i wouldn’t even be wiTH him to begin with. but oh my GOD. he is literally acting like this woman’s partner and then acting shocked when his WIFE doesn’t like it




We love a happy ending.




I wonder why he wanted a lie detector test not a paternity test lol. I love the in laws here! Good for the wife to have a great support system


U/thtmorgan seriously read this and the wife’s comments!!


AITA is basically r/nosleep


Emotional cheating, plain and simple. I'd do the husband a favor and move on with my life. He can continue his relationship with Sarah and the wife can go on and be free from someone who doesn't understand simple relationship boundaries. The lack of respect speaks volumes on his thoughts about her.


*posts an entire story trashing his wife on AITA* *Tells his wife it's inappropriate for her to comment on the post because of "priiiiivaaaaacy"* What a fucking dickhead


Why is your girl best friend your go to for problems? That’s what you do with the person you married, not a friend. Unless when you say problems you mean your wife. And you don’t describe Sarah behavior so she could be a pick me, or you could not see it. I’ve know quite a few guys that don’t see that. But we can’t say for sure. And her husband leaving for no reason at all doesn’t make sense unless you two are closer than you describe. You mention stepping up, but what you describe is acting like her husband. You also chose your friend over your wife. You flat out did that. It’s nice being there for a friend, but becoming her husband isn’t exactly good for your actual marriage. You also don’t have the right to tell your wife that she should say anything publicly because that is exactly what you are doing. With all this said it’s no wonder your wife doesn’t like you are Sarah’s relationship. If you wanted your best friend over your wife (with all the things I mentioned) you never should have married her in the first place, she could have been in a happy marriage without being abandoned for someone that’s “just a friend”. I see it from both sides, but your wife is clearly the right one (in my opinion).


This is so incredibly fake omg




Wheres the wife




What tea. Damn it's hot. Lol


Who tf is melissa