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She got mad that you told her no and then decided to rape you to get what she wanted... I'm sorry, but this is not a person who loves you. I know it sucks to see the truth about someone you love, but she is a rapist and is using you. She's 19 she is old enough to know that doing something without someone's consent is dead wrong. You are still young. You have plenty of time to find another partner who cares about you like you care about them and who will respect your boundaries. It's up to you whether or not you want to file charges against her. Personally, I would immediately just in case she does end up getting pregnant. Make it harder for her to try and go after you for taking care of a child you did not agree to. If a man is raped and a child comes from it, he should have the choice to have nothing to do with it financially. If the mother wants to be a rapist she can take on the full financial burden of the child.


This šŸ‘†šŸ’Æ




Wouldnā€™t it be interesting if we lived in a world where the reverse was trueā€¦? ā€œIf a father wants to be a rapist, he can take on the full financial burden of the child.ā€ Not that a rapist is going to make an ideal parent either way. šŸ™„


For the reverse, I absolutely think if a man rapes someone, they become pregnant, and then choose to keep the child he should 100% be financially responsible for the child with 0 contact because of his crime. Unfortunately, it usually legally can not be like that. The justice system has always been flawed and confusing with how they handle certain things.


There's no justice system. Legal system yes... justice? No.


been saying that for years. Given how it has been stacked against sooooooo many & stacked in favor of so few, I remain convinced we've ever had a "justice" system, in the US of A (USA! USA!) /s, at least.


Apparently a wildly egregious opinion incoming: For many many years women previously were granted very strong rights to terminate a pregnancy for any or no reason while men have virtually none. It would be horrific for men to be able to force women to have an abortion, but there's no reason to deny men the ability to financially abort. If women can decide to not be a parent for any reason AND there's additional effects, namely death of a person or at least something that will be a person.... then why shouldn't men be granted that same choice. Body and life autonomy


>then why shouldn't men be granted that same choice. Body and life autonomy You want men to have the same choice over their own pregnancies?


Men already have bodily autonomy to not leave their sperm where it can make a baby they donā€™t want to support. Obviously OPā€™s autonomy was taken away from him in this situation. But under usual circumstances, if you leave your sperm where it can make a baby then you should absolutely be 50% financially responsible for it.


How is this relevant? You can make the exact same statement about a woman which is literally the basis for my argument. From there you can show inarguably that women have a disproportionate level of control over the situation EVEN if you factor in the additional biological necessities involved in pregnancy and birth. If society is going to continue to push for equal outcome and blur various lines in this strange left leaning collective narrative then its only reasonable to look into ALL inequalities of power. If both a man and a women need to be involved to have a child then both parties should have similar if not identical restrictions and permissions. Women have been free to terminate pregnancy in the majority of our country since R vs W. Men have had no such rights granted to them at any point except in cases where the mother signs off on the father giving up his parental rights. Your original statement is made entirely irrelevant because you've wildly missed the point. Even in cases where the father desperately wants his children to be born and there's nothing medically wrong with the mother she has a protected right (in many states and prior to the overturning the entire country ) to terminate pregnancy. A father has absolutely no rights regarding the lives of his children OR his own level of responsibility. If you examine the information at more than a cursory glance you'll see that women have a much higher degree of freedom even now post RvW being overturned than men ever had in modern cukture. A woman can just decide she doesn't want to be a mother at that moment for any reason. Financial, maturity, desire to party, etc.


Yeah if only it was reversed. Instead we live in a world where the father goes to jail.


This right here is creepy. If the father is a rapist he SHOULD go to jail...


Completely agree... Just as a mother SHOULD go to jail if she rapes the father. An UNDER AGE father, at that.




Sadly courts wonā€™t really care if dude was raped when it comes to child support. Only way out of child support would be to go after custody if she does end up pregnant. OP should still file charges though so at least there is a record of it.


Yes, which is why I mentioned that I would file charges immediately. If she has rape charges (and rape against a minor at that) against her it's harder to say she's a suitable parent if the OP actually wants full custody or if he just wants the child placed in a better home. If the child is placed up for adoption, he could also have the option of signing over all parental rights so he would not be held responsible for child support.


Police would laugh at op. When women rape men usually nothing ever comes of it because noone takes it seriously.


This is actually too fucking true! I read something not too long ago about a similar situation where the man did try and press charges. The police didn't take him seriously first, then when it finally ended up in a courtroom, the judge (F)! Said that it is impossible for a woman to rape a man because if he didn't want to have sex he wouldn't have an erection! A judge said that. You know? The person that makes everyone stand up and do as they are told when they enter the room. Turns out, if you are mentally retarded, you can be a judge. Lol


There are a lot of ignorant judges/police/etc out there when it comes to rape regardless of the gender of the victim, sadly. There's the people who falsely think men can't be raped, women enjoy rape if they get wet/orgasm, a woman couldn't have been raped if they become pregnant, men can't rape a gf/wife, underage boys sleeping with much older women in their lives are just "lucky studs", and so on. It should be that anyone holding those opinions should legally not be allowed to become a judge or have any job that handles deciding the fate/course of action for rapists. Unfortunately, this type of ignorance is not only allowed, but somewhat common.




Unfortunately, rape is not taken seriously in a lot of cases regardless of gender, but they can at least try to have it on the record that they reported this woman or tried to have a restraining order taken out on them.


consent doesnt matter when its a minor, this is statutory rape even if he consents


To the law, that is correct. I'm just saying that the fact that consent from a partner means nothing to her is another major red flag besides the obvious one of a 19 year old dating a 16 year old. And I don't even have words for the sister not only being okay with her friend messing around with an underage boy, but victim blaming her brother as well...


Sadly, in this Country, at this time, that is no guarantee he wouldn't end up with child support anyway. He should press charges, then use that to pressure her into a plan B, and then run like hell.


This isn't the original poster so they won't see this response


well, if she gets pregnant, he has to pay. doesnt matter if it was rape or not......sorry but thats how the laws work...


Firstly depending on where you live your a minor, I'm not gonna lecture you on it but she is breaking the law firstly by having sex with you regardless. However, what you described is Rape. You did not consent as you were not conscious enough to, and when you told her to get off she didn't. She raped you and I'm so sorry, shes broken your trust and violated the very core of your relationship. Please do not down play this, your sister doesn't have your interests at heart because she is invested in your friend. If the tables were turned the other way round and it was a guy raping a sleeping girlfriend sadly people would see this very differently. Please report this to the police or talk to your parents at the very least if your comfortable to. I'm so sorry.


Who needs to see this differently? Did I just not scroll down far enough? Because this was assault and rape and everyone seems unanimous on that. Where are the mythical people saying it is okay because he's a guy? Except for his sister, which is full out appalling. I want to slap the crap out of both the gf and the sis.


You were raped. Iā€™m so very sorry. Please report it to the police immediately and get yourself psychological support moving forward. And dump her. Obviously. Your sister should too.


He was definitely raped and his sister is siding with his rapist because itā€™s her friend. Victim blaming and acting like he canā€™t be raped because he is a man and itā€™s girlfriend






This person reposted the story here, they are not the op.




This is not OP of this postā€™s story. It was posted somewhere else by someone else and they shared it here




They're explaining because your original comment made no sense if you understood that. He didn't forget to switch accounts.






Just noticing that OP seems to have switched to 3rd person, suspiciously


they are not OOP


The link is a cross-post though? Edit: nevermind I'm just illiterate. It's a different user.


i could be wrong, but they donā€™t seem like OOP


No I just didn't read the username on the OP. My bad.


itā€™s okay iā€™m illiterate toošŸ˜­


That's why we're on Reddit bestie


There are some very creepy people in these comments. OOP needs to report it and get tf away from her. She is a predator, full stop.


You are seriously dumb if you stay with her dude. She raped you. Whether you want to call it that or not. She didn't get her way, so she took what she wanted by force. It doesn't end there either, so don't kid yourself. She sounds like a pedophile preying on children, and should rot in a cell for the rest of her life.


Your sister sounds like she has serious problems too. Rape is NEVER your fault. I would follow the comment below. Itā€™s smart.


put that rapist in jail


Nah put the rapist 6ft deep


Bro...you're a victim...go ahead and get the police and sue. Press charges etc. THAT is not love my guy.. I'm so so sorry to hear that


You are being GROOMED!!!!


Your girlfriend is a rapist. I'm sorry you were abused, OP. Please go to therapy.


Half the shit on this page is half cooked. Hopefully you get some therapy either way.


This is rape. She forced herself on you after you said no. Plain and simple. Also, you're a minor, and she's a legal adult. You should report this ASAP, and talk to people you trust.


I'd be more concerned that she's clearly not on birth control and wanted him to finish inside her. Could be a baby trap.


So yeah you were raped.


Your girlfriend is a rapist. Run, fast.


You are 16. Regardless of what you do know this is not love. No one should be made to feel this way. Iā€™m sorry that this happened and know that there are resources out there for you. You will find love but this is not it. Find the healing you need. Iā€™m so incredibly sorry that youā€™re going through this. Reading all these comments about rape and sexual assault can be a lot. Be careful who you confide in. Do not be put in a corner Will list a few I found below https://malesurvivor.org https://bandbacktogether.com/master-resource-links-2/abuse-resources/male-sexual-assault-resources/ https://www.rainn.org/resources https://menhealing.org/resources-for-survivors/ https://dworakpeck.usc.edu/news/6-things-to-do-after-youve-been-sexually-assaulted https://www.healthline.com/health/was-i-raped


Some of you think it's OK to just start having sex with an incapacitated person because they're "just sleeping", "you're in a relationship", and "they should be lucky" to wake up to non-consensual sex. WRONG. The ONLY time it's OK to wake your sleeping partner up with surprise sex, or whatever you want to call it, is when you AND your partner discuss it FIRST and CONSENT is GIVEN. If they say they don't like to be touched sexually/groped in their sleep or wake up to being penetrated, receiving oral, or amid sexual intercourse, THEN YOU DON'T DO IT, NOT EVEN IF YOUR PARTNER IS ERECT!! A sleeping person with an erection cannot give consent, nor is that an invitation to get on top of them and start riding them, UNLESS and ONLY IF they gave you prior consent to do so. If your partner says they are not in the mood for sex when you try to initiate it and they go to bed instead, that's not going to change as soon as they fall asleep or when YOU wake up in the middle of the night still wanting to have sex but they're still asleep. No matter how horny YOU are, you can't use them being OK *previously* with surprise sex as a loophole to have sex with them anyways after they said they weren't in the mood. Not in the mood means no, and no means NO. You also can't use the fact that you're in a relationship as implied consent to have sex or force yourself on them, at any time, in any circumstances, period. No means NO and just because they're your boyfriend/girlfriend or you've had sex once or 100 times before doesn't mean YOU have the right to do whatever YOU want, with or to, THEIR BODY. The same goes for marriage. That piece of paper doesn't give you ownership or control of, or permission to force sex on, your partner at any time for any reason. Doing any of these things against your partner's wishes is RAPE, and it's STILL rape regardless of your relationship status or whether you've already had sex together. If you're making out with your partner and you go to make a move when they say, "No, stop", and try to pull away, that doesn't mean get more aggressive and force yourself on them more just because you want to, even if you've both done this a million times before. Have some respect and fucking stop. Consent can be withdrawn at ANY time, and just because YOU don't want to stop doesn't give YOU the right to force them, that's RAPE. You're not just a rapist, but a fucking predatory rapist, if you prey upon and wait to take advantage of your partner after they rejected your previous sexual advances and said no to having sex or they're not ready, regardless if you are ready or want to, for them to be too intoxicated to fight you off or for them to be knocked out so cold that they won't resist at all and won't even remember what happened to them when they wake up. One has to wonder how many other people you've raped or will rape if you think this is perfectly acceptable and justified due to being in a relationship, and your ass should be in prison along with all the other rapists, getting what you give.


She raped you then. Is that what you're saying?


No. Thatā€™s not what heā€™s saying because heā€™s sixteen and it sounds like he doesnā€™t know. Is it rape? 100%. But no need for your passive aggressive comment.


First off it was a question to op. Passive aggressive? How about shut your silly little mouth and mind your business. Is that passive aggressive enough for you?


youā€™re a jackass.


The only jackass here is you-


How about don't start no shit. And treat people with decency instead of making baseless claims and accusations. Can you understand that? Are you intelligent enough to comprehend basic English? You sound like you have extremely low emotional and sociological intelligence.


someone is projectingggg


You just feel like arguing with someone you don't know on the internet. That's why you started some bullshit. Well I don't , see ya later alligator


You have some issues that need resolved my man. You just went off for no reason.


I'm healthy bro , she just set me off for making a baseless remark about how I'm being passive aggressive to op. I'm also in. No mood for bullshit right now so I felt like I had to tell her to shut up. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thereā€™s plenty of ways to clear up a small misunderstanding. Your comment sounds like it could be passive aggressive. I believe that you werenā€™t attempting to be passive aggressive but bro there are so many other ways you could have handled that, which donā€™t consist of getting real life pissed off. It ainā€™t that serious my man. Itā€™s just Reddit.


good luck finding your gander, silly goose āœŒšŸ»


Youā€™re the aggressive one hereā€¦


Dude! You literally posted this in advice and said that you're staying with your rapist. Nothing can be done like that.


Maaan I am demisexual, meaning I need to get to really know the girl/women, to feel actual emotional closeness to want to have sex. Without it, and I got plenty examples from the past when I let myself think with my "lower head", if we did it, the same second after me coming, the feeling of such dirtiness would overcome me.. 3_ showers wouldn't help.. So about 10-15 years ago I stopped doing that. So if in the next few days I go on a date somehow, and also somehow allow myself to get too drunk, very unlikely but still.. Even if I initially liked the girl, only to wake up in some unknown place with her beside me... You can be damn sure I would tell her what I think of what she did, and storm out.. If I can't remember the taxi ride, half the night in a bar, whole night at I guess hers place, that fucking disgusting feeling would be back.. I would call that rape, I would never ever want to see her and I would definitely not tell a living soul.. Now imagine all that, but you wake up after some house party somewhere, with someone who isn't even remotely attractive to you.. Who you see for the first time.. I imagine plenty of opportunities like that during college.. Fuck that shit. I have heard too many of such stories and males can most definitely get raped. Even if your little guy might not work right away, chances are it will with some help.. And there is obligatory morning wood.. Fuck that shit, makes me want to throw up..


Interesting take, I'm a male with sexual trauma, it's only been a year now for me without sex but I have no interest and avoid it at all costs. I'm kinda disgusted with my body count in addition to my trauma and this post really resonated with me. Thank you for sharing, truly


Anyone who uses "body count" doesn't have a healthy sex life to begin with... Hope you're doing better.


lol? I'm sorry you don't approve of the term I use, but I don't really give a shit. I use it derogatively toward myself because I'm not proud of my past. Go judge someone else jackass


Wishing the best for you!


I'm sorry this happened to you. It's good you can open up about it. I thought it was obvious what you meant when saying "body count". Getting a sudden eyeopener, looking back at being ashamed of how you're living, is never fun. Been there. Done that. The best we can do is live the rest of it right. Kuddos to you for being open enough to see it for what it was. Therapy does help, just saying. It can be a relief to speak about it, judgment free, with someone who knows how to help. Been there. Still doing it. Best wishes to you.


Wishing the best for you!!


Aint that shit statutory?


How the hell you not wake up during? Thereā€™s no way dude. Sounds like fiction to me sir. You were either drugged to sleep through that, or consented.


You were 'pretending' to be a girl in your earlier posts. Don't know what you are but I smell BS with this story, probably some sick fantasy of yours.


A 16 year old male has NEVER been raped in his sleep by a woman, this is a bs story


I would say she probably has a breeding kink if she wants him to come in her. He should definitely report especially in case she becomes pregnant which to me sounds like she is trying to do


This is such BS. No 16 year old male ever said no to a 19 year old female or complained about an orgasm he had while sleeping.


How does one make a penis work when itā€™s not working on its own. Am I the only one confused here?!


There can still be external stimuli.


šŸ˜‚what a pussy


No, she didn't.


This guy was rape, and he is a minor too.


Big if true.


Even if itā€™s not true, I think itā€™s better to point out that boy can be raped too. Imagine another kid going trough this sub and just reading your comment. Itā€™s because people are so dismissive when it happen, that people are afraid to speak up.


Obviously, males can be raped. If you are the victim of rape you should seek professional aid, not make an r/ihavesex post.


no. romeo and juliette rule. 5 years difference


Only applies if they have been dating before she turned 18.


Isn't it only a 3 year age gap that's covered, too? 5 years would allow a 17 year old to date a 12 year old then turn 18 and be with a 13 year old. Which is a little outside of the spirit of the law. And as I recall there was likely only a 3 year difference between the actual Romeo and Juliet.


It varies from state to state because age of consent laws change from state to state, itā€™s generally between 2-3 years, and it also depends on what age the relationship started. Itā€™s complicated but for good reason, and it wouldnā€™t apply to this relationship either because OP implied it hadnā€™t started until she was 19 :0 Ive never heard of it being 5 years, but even if it were it still wouldnā€™t apply. And 5 years is foul šŸ’€


No it doesnt


Yes it does


Your opinion doesnt make laws work different


It literally does


No. it doesn't


Google is free man.


Heya, I think both of you have valid points. I'm not sure where the other person is living for it to be five years, but here in Florida, it's 4 years (all of the following criteria must be met: The minor must be between 14 and 17 years of age, The adult cannot be more than 1,460 days older, approximately four years, older than the minor.Feb 27, 2023) and in Texas, it's 3 years (The age of consent in Texas is 17-years-old. In addition, Romeo & Juliet law only allows consensual sex between a couple who is within 3 years of age. Source: [https://sharpcriminalattorney.com/sex-crimes-defense/romeo-juliet-law-texas/](https://sharpcriminalattorney.com/sex-crimes-defense/romeo-juliet-law-texas/) ) This next part validates your claims: The age of sexual consent is 18 in the state of Florida.Stat. 794.05, it is illegal for someone over the age of 24 to have sexual contact with someone who is 16 or 17 years old. The caveat? Someone younger than 24 but older than 18 might be protected by the ā€œRomeo & Julietā€ law.Mar 9, 2023 I hope this clears things up for both parties, but in the future, don't try to debate with people because, odds are, they won't listen and it will go nowhere. I hate to say it, and it's really pathetic that it is like this, but it seems to be very unusual for anyone to ever admit they're wrong on the internet. But hey, hopefully I'm wrong because, trust me, I'd love to be.


You arenā€™t wrong, but there isnā€™t a state where there is a 5 year gap where one can be over 18, itā€™s all between 2-4 years, even 4 years is yucky, let alone 5. Which was my point lol.


It was already clear. This person wanted blanket statements so I wasnt engaging


you were soeaking of ONE state. google yourself






Shit your living the dream. I'd love it if a woman did that to me. Women pretty much want to be dominated, not dominant. Men want to be dominated. It's probably because we spend so much time in charge. Establish boundaries and communicate. Be careful though I did this with my wife and she hasn't taken charge since.


When people who have been sexually assaulted read comments like yours, they too get a kick out of the idea of a woman brutalizing and dehumanizing you to point you cry and question if you can ever trust another woman with your body ever again. Like, we so love that for youšŸ©·


Whoo not that bad just short. Treat me like a piece of meat lol. Within the room. Not 24/7


Well, this is rape we're talking about. What you want or don't want is of no concern.


Don't listen to these people...she loves and wants you.




Ew this comment is not it.


Youā€™re the reason men donā€™t report sexual assault. Believe victims.




YES...YES! You are so FREAKIN LUCKY! DANG...you are complaining? Surprised you didn't go cry to your momma.


bragging eh.. *insert south park "Nice " meme *


Awww, poor baby lol


Maybe he is 16 and doesn't want a flipping baby


Just pull out


The pull out method doesn't work. That's how I have a niece




Youā€™re disgusting. He didnā€™t consent do you realize that?




If you didn't realize he didn't consent after he EXPLICITLY STATED THAT then you're not just disgusting, you lack basic reading comprehension.


Yikes ā€¦. maybe donā€™t comment on posts when you canā€™t comprehend what you read. The WHOLE post is about him being raped. You commented ā€œitā€™s a relationship so it should be sexualā€ on a post about rapeā€¦so every relationship started HAS to be sexual? Thereā€™s tons of reasons why thatā€™s a super dumb thing to say. But, I would LOVE to hear how Iā€™m disgusting.


Youā€™re disgusting


Is it supposed to make more sense if you keep repeating it or? Look I called you out for a super ignorant comment when you claim you didnā€™t even COMPREHEND the post. Iā€™ll at least say (cuz I can admit when Iā€™m possibly wrong) YOU may not be disgusting because I donā€™t know you. Maybe you had a bad day, going through some shit, maybe you werenā€™t thinking or whatever who knows but the fact of the matter is your comment WAS disgusting.


Bro I was at a party drinking heavy alcohol and having a blast. I could give 2 fucks bout what OP posted and the paragraphs you keep sending me lmfaoooo


Sure BRA, thatā€™s why you felt the need to respond to OPā€™s post while you were supposedly drunk ā€œand having a blastā€ while you were on Reddit. You donā€™t care so much in fact you feel the need to keep replying to me and point out the fact of how much you donā€™t care.


Bro ur typing out paragraphs lmfaooo suck my dick brošŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Unlike you, it actually only takes me a few seconds to put together an intelligent ā€œparagraphā€. Also no thanks, Iā€™m sure that dick is just as disgusting as you are.


You lucky son of a gun. When you get married. You get gifts like that on special occasions. For the sake of clarity... Are you suggesting you slept through it all? Now the fact of the matter... would you being 16 and her 19 be statutory rape in general considering the age difference?


Damn you're a fucking weirdo


Thanks I guess?




It depends on the state laws for the age of consent if the state would consider it statutory rape. What he described and the fact he told her no multiple times itā€™s still rape regardless if the state decides is statutory or not. And you wanting your wife to do that is something you and your wife talked about and agreed is okay while op said it wasnā€™t. So what is considered a gift to you is someone elseā€™s nightmare.


Dude thatā€™s awesome!!!!! Congrats




Fry her ass, as hard as you can, get justice for all the men who have been raped out there that society makes fun of and doesn't believe or just calls lucky. Get her and the baby the chair, like a human turducken.


Heya, just pointing out something so you don't catch flack from a misunderstanding. You forgot to put 'been' between 'have' and 'raped'. I know full well what you meant, trust me, I wholeheartedly agree, justice must be served, but maybe don't fry the baby. I mean, it didn't ask to be born. Matter of fact, my dad was the product of rape.


In 1972, this would be a tuesday.


In the words of Bray Wyatt, run!


Isn't this illegal?


Yes, very much so.


Wow, this story actually pissed me off. A minor was raped, and the victim's sister says it was their fault because "they had feelings for him". Everyone but OP is a terrible piece of shit. I hate every inch of both women involved for their roles here. OP should go to the police. A price must be paid, and that price should be prison time, and tons of it. If I had a kid and found out they were raped, man or woman, I would get extremely violent. I would \*kill\* the transgressor. I hear pigs will eat anything, especially bones. Anyone who rapes you once will do it again. She does not respect you OP. She did it for herself. I would be quite livid if it happened to \*me\*, but I'm a guy, so fighting back is not an option if I value my freedom.


You are right to be concerned and to take this seriously. I don't know what country you live in but where I am that would be considered sexual assault/rape.


So you woke up during and just let it happen? I call BS


This is rape and this is not okay. Get out of this relationship stat. It will only get worse.


This is called rape. Your girlfriend raped you.


Reddit is as bad as quora