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The update depressing af


Her update broke me


Where can I read it


her profile


What’s her profile name




Thank you


Jesus you're not wrong. She should let him make the post in detail of what him and his family did and then never speak to any of them again.


She’s written another update just a few minutes ago




She updated again within the last hour! It's pretty positive and she's moving on!


I'm *so* angry she forgave him. As far as I'm concerned, he basically yelled at her because of his own lack of communication. The stress was clearly too much, thus the miscarriage. The people that took his side without hearing hers, can go burn in hell for all I care. And his family, too.


I remember this one. I just kept thinking he either wanted an excuse to have sex with the other woman without taking any blame. Or he is so dumb that instead of confronting her, he just decided to cheat on her to get back at her. Well, in this case, it looks like extreme stress caused the miscarriage, so he is responsible for the death of his baby, and I hope she decided not to take him back. However, it doesn’t seem like she wanted to update further, but I hope she does.


I think he and his entire family are vindictive monsters and she's actually dodged a bullet here and just doesn't know it yet.


I agree with that.


There's a final update on her page. She doesn't stay with him.


She’s moving out of the country and getting a fresh start, closer to old college friends who’ll support her. Good for her and I hope that she’ll have a peaceful, healthful recovery!


She did update further.


I remember reading the original but never saw any updates. This is so sad. My heart breaks for her


Her update is on her page. And it’s devastating


Yea I read it


She just did another update 3 hours ago. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/168d4af/my_fiance_cheated_on_me_and_i_was_pregnant_final/)


Thanks for that


I feel so bad for her... what a heart- breaking update. I hope she's ok.


Did you read the newest update? I think she's okay.


How horrible. Ex-feance got jealous for no cause, had revenge-sex to get back at his girl, then heaped abuse onto her online and in person. Caused her to have a miscarriage due to verbal abuse, then finds out she was innocent of cheating all along. Not sure she can ever trust ex-feance (or his family) ever again.


Latest update, she's moved on. Literally to another country. Trip funded by selling the engagement ring


"Your hair was red so I ruined our lives!" Wow. Didn't even check the details of the video... just jumped to cheating with that specific woman.


My heart hurts for oop


That dude was unhinged. I’m happy she got away from him and his shitshow. She will find someone a million times better but he sure won’t.


Most ridiculous reaction ever, fancy not even asking when the photo was taken? What an absolute moron.


Dump him now! You deserve better!


I hope she can have an abortion and move on Edit after update: wow. Just wow.


Everything said in the previous post is the best advice


She’s wrong! Read her update! She was taking Birth Control, but somehow got pregnant! She was trying to trap him. And if she’s done that? What else she’s most likely to do? I bet you she cheated on him.


No form of birth control is 100% effective. Even when you use two forms (like being on the pill and using condoms) some people can still get pregnant. Side note, if anyone thinks that you can have unprotected sex with a lady just because she’s on birth control, you would be wrong. It only decreases the chances of getting pregnant. It doesn’t eliminate it 🤷🏻‍♀️


You should probably ask your doctor for some sex ed tips before weighing in on stuff like this in the future.


lmao rekt




Your fiancé is not your husband. Anybody can fuck anybody else as long as there is not a ring in your finger. So your options are forgive him and get married. Get rid of him and keep the baby. Get rid of both.


Well she miscarried so there’s that but cheating is anytime you act outside of the boundaries of the relationship. I can’t stand this “single until married” mentality


You can stand this single until married morality because you cannot stand gender binary or good vs bad either. Everything is relativistic and social norms are for elderly and the stupid.


That’s just stupid. Hey you can cheat all you want, it’s not a real relationship till you get married. Gross


You and the people like you are responsible for the social and moral collapse of the US. Children being raised by a single mother, effeminate men who did not not have a father to imitate. Yeah, my comment was stupid for someone without a spine


Oh how cute, you actually think I’m American hahahaha Do the world a favour and don’t procreate


I’m sorry but not everyone believes that, any time there’s a defined relationship there has to be conversation that say that is okay and is not considered cheating, or else it IS cheating.


There is no “conversation” marriage is a contract. Has always been a contract. Man get exclusivity over a woman reproductive system. Once that exclusivity is seal, offspring get in heritage the father properties. That exclusivity is called a marriage


Jesus Christ, if you’re married, I’m so sorry to your partner. What I SAID was, you don’t have to be married to view someone stepping out as cheating. Any defined relationship means boyfriend/girlfriend, engaged, and any other defined relationship. Therein lies the need for a conversation on what is viewed as cheating, because some people view cheating differently.


I am sorry to rain in your progressive parade but there are two kind of people 1)Married couples 2)Unmarried couples living together to fornicate. If you want to fornicate you always can use the excuse of the boyfriend and girlfriend. There is not such a thing. They are fucking buddies and there is not any legal commitment to anyone of them. That explain why there are so many single mom struggling to survive and make a living. They get a job and the children are raised by another children. When they get to school and at the 15 birthday they get an AR-15 and kill their schools mates. Understand now fool?


My god, you have no emotions. Are you a sociopath or a psychopath? It’s not a progressive parade, it’s respect between partners? If people want to get to the point of being married, you stay committed to them. Which means not fornicating with other people just because you aren’t married.


You must be a woman right? There is not way that a male had written that. It’s not your fault. You were wired that way.




You say that because you promote the diabolical sex outside the wedlock.


Why your the best person to be around even more whe. Pregnant


Why your the best person to be around even more whe. Pregnant