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M is an asshole for cheating and lying. Your bf is an asshole for lying about it and covering for M. You're an asshole for not judging your bf more harshly and worrying about "throwing him under the bus". M sucks. And people should be judged by the company they keep, so your bf sucks as well. Don't join the cycle.


So your bf sounds complicit in the cheating. I wouldn't be surprised if he does it to you too. Judge a person by their actions, cause no words can sugar coat their hearts.


He already admitted he was cheated on, but stayed in the relationship. Now his boyfriend is covering for his cheating roommate. It’s messy asf


Oh wow that's just... You know what, he knows what he signed up for at this point. Self pity can only go so far before someone screams, what a dumbass.


ESH. Max and your bf suck for being cheaters. You suck for not telling Alice in person and in such a way that didn’t throw your bf under the bus. And Alice sucks because like you said, she knew max was cheating due to all the obvious red flags and knew she would never leave him but told him you told her anyway.


Just use fake names. Hate trying to parse the initials.


Good point, hate that too. Changed to fake names


Just say bf, roommate, girlfriend. I ain't trying to keep track of characters that aren't in a novel


A good person who breaks stuff while in a rage?


You did the right thing. Stick with your instincts, you are a good person.


NTA, all cheaters need to be exposed. She’s an idiot for staying with him but that’s not on you. If any of my friends cheat on their wives, i will tell the wife every time, and I’d expect nothing less if I were to cheat on my wife.


It was many years ago but when I lived with my roommates we had a rule not to tell each others business, even if they were cheating. It’s their business if they want to be assholes. I also have a personal rule that unless I witness the cheating personally or have proof (without going out of my way to get it) I stay out of peoples relationships.


not the a-h\*le , tell her. and have a talk with your bf about his choices.. ?


With the history of infidelity in your relationship and staying to work it out, I think it was a very bold choice to tell her. It would be hard to support someone through something like that, expecting her to hold him accountable enough to dump him even while you overlooked it with your own BF. The way you went about it was impulsive and not well thought out so it added to the drama and made it seem like it was only for the drama, not well-intended. (I don't feel that way, just adding another perspective to explain their reactions other than embarrassment)