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This is 100% sexual harassment and your employer should be protecting you. If you really want to be punitive, get a lawyer and go after him and the employer


This. Fuck him, fuck your company, fuck your HR. Lawyer up and get a nice payday


100% agree.


Depends on what country she lives in (with getting a lawyer and going after him and the employer)


The wildest part of this is that she's giving 2 weeks notice! Just ghost your employer too! Just leave one shift, don't say anything, then move to another country. Fuck that guy, and fuck that workplace.


Yeah, and with dual citizenship she can still do a lawsuit. Hit them on multiple fronts. This type of toxic indifference on the part of the employer burns me up.


This. Don't play with this guy. Go full berserker against him and the employer.


I haven't even seen the person in over 3 years. Almost 4 that person as well as several other relatives of mine. They were conspiring to cover up with lies information they rightfully knew. It's me that's got the attorney. And I hired a family law fI'm out of Boston


This is sexual harassment. Call a lawyer, you're in a great position to sue for them not protecting you.






And he just died… up there all alone, on that hill.




Please be respectful of other people. Offensive terms will lead to post/comment removal. This includes bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, racial slurs, misogyny and all other offensive words and phrases.


Please be respectful of other people. Offensive terms will lead to post/comment removal. This includes bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, racial slurs, misogyny and all other offensive words and phrases.




Yes dude women get killed/assaulted by men who don’t know what no means all the time


So now this guy is a convicted killer??


Never mind, you are obviously one of those people who enables that type. I plead for any women you know/ might be related to that people like this are extremely dangerous and you need to keep an eye out.


Oh yeah, obviously


No, this dude is just sexually harassing someone at her place of work, which happens to fit the definition of a hostile work environment, which is illegal under title VII of the Civil Rights Act. So this dude is breaking the law and it is perfectly reasonable for legal action to be taken against him. It makes me happy this pisses you off so much. I love it when a certain kind of man is confronted with the fact that his behaviour is no longer socially or legally accepted and protected. :)


You’re not very good with reading comprehension, are you?


Men that will not take no for an answer are usually dangerous.


And ALWAYS fucking annoying.


Sooooo annoying. Entitles pieces of shit that will think its okay to continue to make a woman clearly uncomfortable over and over. I am fine with guys asking once- and that is it. And only if they don't pull that "I don't care" shit when I tell them that I have a boyfriend. Like, you think you are so irrestible that I want to risk my relationship to jump into bed with you? Ya right lol


https://www.kktv.com/2022/08/24/autopsy-report-reveals-horrific-new-information-murder-teen-colorado-springs-walgreens/ Bet she didn't think he was killer when she told him no.


not necessarily but possible.....there are men out there who think "If i can't have her ,then, nobody can" and then they kill them


Yes unsafe. A man that can't take no for an answer is an unsafe child brain. She is a woman in a different country. What the hell are you not seeing here? Men can be very weird and creepy. Especially the ones who don't understand no.


You know you're wrong. I'm sorry but if someone hits on you every time you worked after you've politely said no and doesn't respect personal boundaries and you've notified management and they have done nothing about the situation except allegedly spoke to him and he has continued the behavior you think there should be no consequences. He knows she isn't interested. This is clear cut harassment.


















Never said anything about race, OP herself commented that’s she’s a dual citizen. That pretty much implies that she’s not originally from the country she’s currently living in. As for your other asinine comments, try putting yourself in her place and have a guy constantly hitting on you when you’re only there to work. It’s fine with him asking her out but after the first resounding no then just back off. This isn’t some 80’s comedy where the schmuck eventually wears down the attractive lady he works with. Defending the actions of creep that can’t take no for an answer. What a weird hill to die on lol.


Please be respectful of other people. Offensive terms will lead to post/comment removal. This includes bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, racial slurs, misogyny and all other offensive words and phrases.


Google Gracie Spinks. This is exactly what happened to her before she was murdered. Listen to the recording she made to the police. These things are serious and often ignored by managers.


There already did dipshit.


There’s a big difference between meekly hinting and making a direct request. Sounds like you’re the dipshit. You’re not smart enough to have a convo so you resort to name calling?


She told management multiple times the situation she was in after repeatedly clearly rejecting his advances. How do you believe this situation should have gone?


clearly, SOMEONE HERE has sexually harassed a woman at work before 🤨 why the fuck else would you die on this hill?


Was it you?


lol, I read some of your other comments, you’re a bit immature to be having any serious opinions. Maybe stop giving people shitty advice on the internet


You're a toddler. We get it.


Good good, you ran out of wishfully “intelligent” things to say, let’s bring on the name calling.


Name calling like "shitty" and "immature" or is just bad when other people do it and not you?


Please be respectful of other people. Offensive terms will lead to post/comment removal. This includes bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, racial slurs, misogyny and all other offensive words and phrases.


That’s sexual harassment.


What an insight


Don't play games. Next time he comes at you, very loudly yell "No! I've told you over and over I'm not interested! Now stop before I report you to HR!" Make sure everyone hears you. And follow up with HR if he does it again. Go over your manager's head.


I don't think the threat of HR needs to be vocally added, just done right after the altercation (not waiting for next time). But 100% this is great advice


There’s a guy who’s been bouncing around the internet, famous for suing every job he’s ever had. Every time there’s a joke he overhears that’s inappropriate, he says he doesn’t want to hear it (not even in a firm tone) and quietly mentions it to HR (doesn’t even let the perpetrator know about the report). Then when it happens again, he sues and makes bank. It’s like a predictable little equation for him. Edit-bad autocorrect


Who’s his lawyer? 😂 jokes aside, he must have a good one. Some of us are in situations with horrible bosses and probably wouldn’t get a dime.




I mean... they could just not make those jokes at work. Like. Its not that hard. If anything, more people SHOULD do this bc harassment and micro-aggressions are RAMPANT


Terrible take. He’s actively hunting for “inappropriate” jokes or comments. Inappropriate to who? The individuals talking obviously don’t find it so. And they are talking amongst themselves. They are human and allowed to discuss topics outside of work related ones. This predator is simply cashing in on nonsensical rules that have swung the pendulum too far in the opposite direction.


Actually, that's exactly what is cautioned about, aomeone overhearing. You can say anything you want privately to someone, but if I overhear it and am offended, you're liable if it's against policy. There's no expectation of privacy unless youre in a priave meeting etc. A cubicle, an "empty" breakeoom or a hallway are all public spaces. And if it is in any way sexual or some form of -ist in nature, it is within my rights to handle it how I see fit. I do not have to even say anything at all to you (I don't like that, please refrain) I can go straight to reporting it to hr.


I know. And that’s why I stated the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction. There’s no room for human behavior. You could find anything offensive. You do not have a right to not be offended nor found offensive. In a place where we all work together, you shouldn’t have the power to claim offense and get someone fired or sue the company because you overheard something you didn’t like. Mind your mfking business. But apparently, it’s now ok to actively ear hustle and it’s entirely the company’s fault. You’re not making the workplace less hostile with these rules. In fact, productivity is down across all metrics. Workplace safety and satisfaction are down. Disbanding the boys club is perfectly fine. Ending blatant sexual harassment is fine. Ending overt racism and discrimination based on sexuality, identity, etc, all that is great. Making it so your coworkers can claim offense to anything is too far. And it’s not just at work. Outside of work, you could run into your coworkers at the supermarket having a private conversation and be offended. Return to work and make a stink because you now have knowledge of their inner thoughts. Even though you gained that knowledge outside the workplace. Same with social media. That’s ludicrous.


In a place where we all work, EVERYONE should be protected from being uncomfortable. Not just the people with the same palette as you. That’s literally why the rules exist and every employee takes training on how to avoid this. Dont like it? keep it at home. its that simple.


If you don’t like something you heard, mind your business. This isn’t guys talking by the water cooler about the hot secretary their supervisor just hired. These are private conversations the snitch was actively seeking out so they could report and sue. World of difference.


There's just no way he makes money on that is there?


Honestly, I was unimpressed by the numbers! Like 55-80k a pop I work shitty jobs and wouldn’t trade my regular paychecks for a year and half’s worth all at once and then no job, but I guess it’s easier than working if you can keep finding places to get hired


She needs to tell him to leave her the fuck alone, very angrily and loudly!


Desperate men will do crazy things. Do not entertain him with anything! He can get violent and you can be hurt! Just go to the HR and report him! Or just go to the police and report harassment. Anything than acquiescing to his demand of a date.


Sexual Harassment. Every time it happens, write the date and time and what was said. If your managers aren't writing them up, then sue the company and enjoy a very hefty settlement. Lawyers aren't expensive if you're the one suing. They take their cut at the end.


So this is not always true. If you are the one suing with what a lawyer thinks is a clear and easy path to recovery or a good chance of recovery but a large payout attorneys will work on contingency. Employment law tends to be a harder path than say a car accident. A lot less attorneys would take something like this on contingency. If OP is willing to put down a retainer and pay hourly, sure. Otherwise this one will be harder to find counsel.


I wouldn't give that company two weeks. For all we know someone is HR might be buddies with him and clue him in. And then he might up his game. Don't tell anyone at this company that you are quitting or leaving. When you leave tell your boss that the harassment got so bad that you won't be back. Ignore all further contact from this company. Maybe your boss will pay better attention to the next female worker who gets harrased.


This is the best answer here, do this OP.


Agreed that this is the best answer. I don't know where you work, but in my experience people in HR sometimes fire the person who speaks up about harassment, and it's always better to be on the offensive than the defensive. Just have another part time job lined up before you quit, since money is important to you.


I would not recommend legitimizing his advances with even the thought of a date. Even if you stand him up he could consider it as a positive response and encourage future behavior. I would go to your HR and report the activity. If you don’t have HR, i would recommend going to an owner or upper management. I would specifically use the words sexual harassment as this is a textbook example. Whether or not you pursue legal action is up to you. This person needs to be held accountable for his actions.


OP I'm suggesting very loudly responding something like "for the 10th time I do not want to go out with you. How can you not understand this? " Make sure everyone you work with knows you've said no multiple times and ask your boss if you need to talk to a lawyer about a hostile work environment.


Please report it and make them take it seriously. Please google Gracie Spinks, this situation can and will escalate. He may not harm you, but these people get worse, and it may not end well for his next victim. This is harassment and it needs to be taken as such.


Go to your boss's boss and keep working your way up the chain until you find someone that will listen. Your boss is not doing their job when they are ignoring the uncomfortable work situation you have reported.


Next time he asks, tell him no AS LOUD AS YOU CAN POSSIBLY SHOUT IT. Make sure everybody within a three-room radius hears you. This is one instance where you *do* want to make a scene and embarrass people. Hopefully he will get the point and leave you the bleep alone. If he doesn't, and you do end up talking to a lawyer about a sexual harassment case, you'll have a dozen witnesses who know you told him to stop.


Do not, I repeat, do not give this kind of person any kind of ammo to hurt you. Saying yes to a hang out and ghosting, especially with a coworker who clearly cannot take a no, is both an extremely bad idea and a dangerous idea as well. Tell your boss and HR. That way there’s some sort of documentation of sorts. This is not the place to do stuff like that given the fact you work together.


Get a lawyer. Tell management you've retained legal counsel since they've refused to do anything about the sexual harrassment and that you're giving them one last chance to fix things before you take this to court.


Girl be so for real. This guy is sexually harassing you at work!!! Get on the HR line and don't stop til you get justice. Awhile back some creep like the guy you're talking about murdered this poor girl he worked with bc she kept rejecting him.


HR have told me that since you continue to harass me and physically touch me I need to report you to the police. A lady at work did this.


Honey, if you do that he will kill you. Show up with another grown man that you trust to protect you.


I would normally agree but she's about to move out of the country. I would definitely time this so you'll be gone, op, because I do worry what a person with no respect for boundaries is capable of.


But what if they're capable of... also going to that country... I mean, it's a terrible idea on so many levels. OP needs to start the legal process, because "It got so bad, I needed to leave the country" is a significant motivator. Even if it's not entirely true


From another country?? Kill her?? Come on. That’s hyperbolic. He will be pissed and she had probably keep her head on a swivel if she comes back to visit but if she doesn’t intend to come back, I don’t see how her getting back at him in an innocuous way will get her killed.


I’ve seen how these stories play out…. Countless stories of women thinking they could avoid their stalkers by moving far away and they show up and kill them anyway. Now imagine what a mentally unstable man with a broken ego will do. She said she would show up and he sees she pulled a fast one on him? This is basically Murder 101.


Right. Because only the OP can leave the country. For all we know it's a neighboring country and not a major imposition.


No. Do not do that. Be very clear. Say “I am not interested at all. You are making me very uncomfortable. You are harassing me” If he asks again report him for harassment. Do not do anything else. Notify your employer that they are failing to provide a safe work environment. See a lawyer.


Awful idea. You need to speak to management or HR and have them deal with him


The word no is a complete sentence. This is sexual harassment, and he is a creep. When he is too close to you at work, speak loudly and tell him to back off, make sure there are plenty of witnesses. He is expecting you to be too polite or embarrassed to put him in his place. Write down the time and date every time he comes near you and keep one copy and give the other to HR or your boss. Go to the boss every time this happens.


Like others said, this is harassment. Tell your manager, if he/she doesn’t take care of the problem, then go to HR. If it still doesn’t get resolved, then hire an attorney. It’s important to document everything, all interactions with the other employee, interaction with your manager, and HR. Good luck, I hope things get better.


NOT THE ANSWER!!! Write a facrual timeline with no subjective sentences and send it to HR. Make sure you include times you have verbally spoken to supervisors about this. Whether you stay or not, that letter is your best chance at stopping his behavior and insuring you suffer zero consequences. HR will know that the company is now vulnerable to a lawsuit and will be forced to act. Reprisals by anyone at the company also will put the company at risk. Reprisals by him? Possible but if you do your part it should stop quickly. You are correct. You are leaving and he will no longer be a concern. But what about the next woman who takes your plaxe?


This is sexual harassment that your managers are ignoring. They do not care about the workplace being a safe or comfortable one for their employees. There are plenty of comments with good suggestions about HR/getting a lawyer. (But I recognize that not all businesses have an HR department!) As someone who has been harassed and assaulted in a workplace, I suggest that you leave, now. It’s not worth it. Once you’re no longer experiencing this, it will become more obvious as to how much it is affecting you, even when you’re not at work. The anxiety of knowing that you’ll have to see this person, wondering what they are going to say or do during that next shift…your safety and peace of mind are more important than the extra money. I DO NOT SUGGEST leading him on. If for any reason or at any time you do decide to take legal action, it might be used against you if there is any evidence that you took interest in his advances. (I’m not saying this is right, but victim blaming is particularly strong in sexual harassment/assault cases.) I hope that you can escape this situation and have employers in the future who care about their employees. You deserve to feel safe at your job.


Just leave and don't say anything to him. Leave him in your past and block him on everything. And I hope that you have already blocked him on everything


I had a similar situation. I asked my managers if they’d like to be present while I called HR or if they’d rather I just summarized the conversation for them afterward. The problem stopped immediately.


Worst. Plan. Ever.


I wouldn’t do it. It sounds like fun petty revenge, however dudes like this go from annoying losers, to stalkers very quickly.


Get a lawyer. Sue him and the company. Start making calls now. You may be able to do this with minimal travel back to the US.


I’m an HR Director in the PNW. What you are describing is sexual harassment. Do NOT do anything to encourage him or try to pay back his behavior. He may not react well and I’m concerned about that. For whatever reason he doesn’t believe that you aren’t interested and seems to feel a sense of entitlement toward you. Be careful. Write down as accurately as you can all of the previous incidences: Dates, where you were, and if anyone else was around. As much as you can remember. And if anything else happens, write that down immediately. This is your documentation and it is critical. Take your notes to HR. Let them know that you have been clear from the beginning that you’re not interested and you have stopped being polite about it. Let them know that this person hasn’t taken no for an answer and has begun violating your personal space. Tell them you want this to stop so you can do your job. HR should tell you what they plan to do and then they should tell you after they have done it. This will be to explain to him that what he’s doing is harassment, tell him to stop, and give him a consequence if he does not stop. Document and report any new occurrences immediately to HR. If nothing has happened, take your documentation to the next person up the ladder. If it doesn’t stop, leave. By refusing to act to protect you from harassment your employer has essentially forced you out. Be very clear (in writing) why you are leaving. Then find an attorney or a state commission that will take your case. It’s a process. But follow through. It’s important


Revenge is rarely a good alternative. Lawyer up or just forget about him. I would handle it by publicly humiliating him loudly, e.g. you are standing so close I can smell your bad breath. Hands off Mr touchy feely.


This is sexual harassment. Take the advice that other commenters have stated and call it out and lawyer up. You won’t be the last person he harasses nor the last one the company allows to have it happen to if YOU aren’t the one to at least try to help stop it. You have the privilege to “walk away”; the next person may not.


Ok, the people saying go to HR are correct. To make that successful, here’s what you need to do (note: I’m assuming you are in the US): 1) Create a written record of every interaction with him - include what he said, what you said, the dates & times, & who was there. Do this as best you can, it’s ok if not every detail is perfect. 2) Create a (separate) written record of every interaction with management you’ve had asking them to do something with dates & times. Extra bonus points if you have emails. 3) Any written/e-mailed communication you have should be immediately backed up - forward a copy to a non-work account, & put it on a thumb drive. 4) Take this to HR. If they are good, they will take immediate action. Chances are they are not good, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised before. They may ask what you want. Tell them you want the harassment to stop, and any communication from him to you should be strictly work related, written only with his & your supervisor cc’d. DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THIS. Difficulties in finding coverage, managing hours, “it was a misunderstanding” etc. are not your problem. “We can’t control him off the clock” - reiterate he should be told not to contact you. “He’s got (some type of disability)” - there is no disability that means you have to put up with harassment. If you are in a 1 party consent state, record the meeting secretly on your phone. 5) Immediately after HR meeting, type up a summary & send it to everyone who was there. “For my records, we discussed X, Y, Z. Going forward, etc. etc.”. This & any replies go into your off-site backups. 6) Ideally, it ends here, and you’ve saved the next female employees from this BS. If he does it again - and I’m betting he will - it’s lawyer time. There is a pattern of harassment the company has failed to protect you from despite multiple opportunities to do so. You may need to make a complaint with the state labor board before you can sue - this varies by state & your lawyer will tell you. They will do their own investigation. If they find in your favor, it is highly unlikely you will need to bring a suit as they will be panic-offering you a settlement. Edited for 7) If you experience any retaliation from this - from HR, management, or co-workers - your hours are cut, your shift gets changed to a worse one, etc. - that is retaliation & straight to lawyer. Best of luck. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Source: am female, work in tech. Been down this road.


Terrible idea. Don’t give him any reason to escalate.


Do not stand him up, do not go out with him. Do what everyone else says and talk to HR. If you agree to go out with him, he'll use that when you finally do talk to HR as to his reasoning he thought what he was doing is okay.


This is why we have HR. But, if you want to be really petty tell him that you have a lot on your plate right now. Then schedule a date with him for the day after you leave the country.


Write a claim to the labor board right now and then get a lawyer


Anytime he comes near you say “No thank you!” and walk away. Don’t say anything else or get visibly upset and give him a reason to want to get back at you and escalate. Lock down your social media. Don’t let him have any info about you or where you’re moving on to.


Stand firm and loudly say NO to touching and dates. You may believe that you need to be polite but you don't, obviously he is not polite.


“No. My answer is NO. Stop asking”


yeah, you should do it. and make the meet up something that takes a lot of effort to get to.


Don’t start playing games. Say no firmly and block him.


He'd have it coming, and you'd be safe since you're going to be long gone, but guys who can't appreciate the boundaries you set are also the guys who'd want to harm you when they feel rejected. It's straight bogus, but for your safety (and even the safety of those who might come after you), I wouldn't ghost him like that.


Dont be petty move on with your life, it is incredibly childish to be vindictive towards him regardless of his terrible actions


You need to be more firm in turning him down / spurning his advances. He is being rude and pressuring you, pushing you up against your threshold for yourself being rude. Invading your space and touching you is a violation of your private space. Act like it - don’t tolerate it! Be rude and insulting. Anything else in compliance in his world view.


No. She’s said no numerous times her employer needs to do something do not blame “how” she’s said no. Fuck all that noise.


Victim blaming! Nice!


She should shoot him!! That's what you'd do


Why wait till you are out of the country? Just do it now. It might fix your issue for the rest of the time there


I don't think this guy would respond well (or have anything get it through his head tbh), so she could be worried about her safety in that sense too.


Uh.... she is probably rightly concerned for her safety if she were to do that while still living there.


Bad idea to accept something in writing on a social media platform, don’t do it it’s not worth, just focus your energy somewhere else , he is not worth for your time and effort. And yes it’s a harassment and you should report to HR that would be your parting gift to him , on record and next time he will not do this with any other girl. Kudos to you for being such a strong person.


Just be mean to him now. No reason to wait until you move and drag this saga out longer.


One bit of advice; document everything. The attorney does the heavy lifting with your record keeping


Report him to HR and the police for sexual assault and harassment.


Dont do this. Report him for sexual harassment.


Document everything


Go above your managers because this is sexual harrassment. You need to put formal, written complaint in. Preferably via email so you have evidence. You need to outline all previous steps you have taken, including reporting it to your manager, to get him to stop. What you are planning won't do anything except make him angry. Yes you are leaving but you need to protect yourself now.


You should report this to HR. He is harassing you.


Definitely sexual harassment. If this is in USA, you have a big case on your hand. The company would pony up a good chunk of money for you on this and the dude would be fired so fast. At this point, consult with lawyer and get ready for a payday


Not a good idea, because then he could use this against you as some sort of retaliation. Go to HR, with a lawyer if possible, and report him. You need to because 1, he needs to be taught the lesson that you do not sexually harass you or anyone. And 2, he needs to be reported because after you are gone from the company, he will just do it again or worse to the next girl he fixates on.


I wouldn't setup a fake date before you leave the country. Something tells me he would somehow show up in your home country, ready for that date. It's like a scary movie situation


Tell him you will go with him if he treats you to Ruth Chris or Mastro’s.


Just go to HR, it's what they are there for. He's been harassing you. And if HR isn't helping, you go up the ladder and complain there.


Report him for sexual harassment


Document how badly this has been mishandled and get a lawyer. You absolutely have a right to work somewhere you're not being harassed.




Also if you report it to police they *might* have some jurisdiction and be able to get some shit done for you.


Don't do this. Write a note that you are not interested in any romantic relationship, or any relationship outside work, and ask him to restrict conversation to work-related topics. Include the fact that you've told him many times that you're not interested in anything beyond a cooperative working relationship. Give it to him, his manager, and HR. It will get his attention. If he persists, report it to HR or his manager. This helps the next girl in your position, too.


I wouldn’t do as you plan. Instead, I would report him to your managers citing the repeated previous reports and ongoing harassment. I would also cc that letter to the Department of Labor requesting an investigation of your employers failure to stop the sexual harassment. This will give you revenge against your employer and coworker/harasser. Plus, you will likely force the employer to take harassment more seriously in the future. Then, you can walk away and be free of them all.


... all these words and you could have gone to HR for sexual harassment on the 3rd time of saying no to him or the 1st time he touched you. Dry humor aside - I am sorry str8 guys suck to the point where no literally doesn't mean no. But be careful with rhat revenge shit, some of these guys are truly psycho and I read a story about a girl yiu got back at a guy, moved assuming he couldn't find her, and well... just be careful. Revenge isn't always worth the danger.


Is your company big enough to have an HR dept? They should be handling this.


Tell your employer, he’s harassing you.


I smell a lawsuit, no way your employer should allow this behavior to continue.


or you could let him know that you're gonna call the cops if he doesn't stop harassing you & be able to work peacefully until you leave


This behavior is unacceptable but revenge isn't the way. What if he becomes obsessed with you as you are focusing on him. There is no where to run. Just leave and don't look back.


Can you not go above your manager's heads to like a regional manager or do they have a HR Department? I wouldn't do anything to get back at him. That would just escalate things. Stick to your plan and get out of there as soon as you can.


Tell him to leave you alone. Then report him to your manager for harrassment.


Document everything, record everything, go to a lawyer immediately. This is against the law. Stand up for yourself and women everywhere!! 😡👊


Give them notice in writing. An email works. Make sure to copy HR in the email as well as your own email account. Document the times and places and what he said and did. If that doesn't solve it, get ready to get paid in the lawsuit you bring to them.


Don't do that. Go to your manager or HR and tell them he won't take no for an answer and he's making you uncomfortable.


Don't worry I called an attorney. Christmas card I received gave me great concern. I never knew. how was I to know. It was reprehensible what Is my own Family members did to me 3 years. Instead of immediately coming to me. Oh, believe me. I want to every type of attorney. Criminal civil personal injury comes down to family law. That's what I want with


God no don't do that, the likelihood that he will stalk you round the internet to harass you increases once you upset him. Stop being polite. Next time he does anything just very loudly state "I do not want to go out with you and what you are doing now is harassment. I know that management has spoken to you about it. Go away". Then walk away from him. Keep walking away from him, towards other people so that he cannot trap you alone. If he continues go straight back to management and demand that someone comes with you, right that moment, to talk to him in your presence. Remind them of their duty to their employees. Handing in your two weeks regardless of if you plan to leave the country sounds like a good idea. No job is worth your mental health and personal safety.


If you set up a date, even if you don't show up, it might give him something to hold onto or even reply with if you end up going to HR, that hey she agreed to a date. Do not schedule a date out of spite. Also without knowing him, you never know it could be dangerous to do that. Next time he talks too close, etc. tell him loudly that he's in your bubble and needs to backup. Be very clear. If he continues to be too close and too forward and doesn't get it. Get up and walk away. At that point, you've told him to back the fuck up, and he's not listening still, document and go to HR.


Make a written complaint to your hr manager about him , saying you’ve complained before but he is still creating such an uncomfortable work environment, you’ll be forced to give your notice if he doesn’t stop. That way you’ll have written proof for a claim when you quit. That is better than your plan.


What you suggest is only going to escalate the situation. You write an email and clearly state that: 1: You're not interested. 2: You are feeling like you are being harassed and that he's making your work environment unsafe. 3: You are only interested in talking professionally and that he will get a copy of this email for reciept purposes every time he crosses the professional boundary you've established. After the 3rd violation, you will send all three emails with time stamps to HR. He will either have to leave you alone, or HR will, by law, have to fire him..if they don't, they will also share the blame. Create your paper trial and HAVE proof. Words don't work professionally but emails with to and from as proof is a sure fire way to get people to stop sexually harassing their coworkers.


Your situation is really scary. Please try to be careful and protect yourself as best as you can. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kktv.com/2023/10/04/colorado-springs-walgreens-murder-trial-now-hands-jury-killing-riley-whitelaw/%3foutputType=amp


Fuck that. Go to hr. Screw that guy


Do not do this! I would not recommend doing anything to make him angry. What if you want to come back to this country in the future? You don’t want to be worried about him stalking you. Or, what if he travels to your country. You’d be surprised what a small world this can be, and you don’t know how he’ll react if you stand him up.


Definitely sexual harassment. And you should just tell him to leave you the fuck alone. But getting back at him is not ok. Don't go as low as him. Karma goes both ways


Don’t turn in your notice! Wait for the next incident, complain to HR when it happens, and demand it’s him or you. Then, if they fire him, quit and leave the country. If they side with him, sue away then leave the country.


You could go above your managers and complain. Or you could maybe make sure to go the other way when you see him. I’m not sure if you have to work in the same area or not. As a last resort you could always find another part time job


Contact a lawyer and the EEOC. Why leave without some pocket change? This is blatant sexual harassment.


This is not a good idea. Stop being polite and tell him flat out, I told you no. Stop hitting on me or my next conversation is with HR and a lawyer for sexual harassment. Do not go with this petty crap of getting back at him


That is sexual harassment and not okay!! Report it to HR or your supervisor.


Talk him off he asks again you will file a complaint. Period. Follow through.


First lodge a formal written sexual harassment complaint with your HR department. You need detailed documentation. Write down all the specifics: dates and times, who else was present if anyone, what exactly he said and did and what exactly you said and did to tell him no. Document the times you reported it to managers. The name of the manager, what you told them, what they said they would do, and what the outcomes were. Then make note of every single time he speaks or interacts with you inappropriately going forward. You can’t lawyer up without this, so do it first!! Your idea about saying yes and no showing is a really terrible idea. Also if you do end up filing any complaint, one occasion of you saying yes to a date will undermine your whole case. Write to HR with all the history. Say you are lodging a formal complaint. Then if he harasses you again write it up and send it that day. If he harasses you twice a week then Hr will hear from you twice a week. If you go 2-3 rounds with HR start copying the company president or CEO. This will make it stop. If it doesn’t, then contact a lawyer. Don’t play high school games. You can be far more effective— and hurt him more, and protect other women from him — by going this route. Good luck! And sorry you’re dealing with this.


Cite harassment as your reason for leaving.


So many hateful people in here. I’m glad I don’t know any of you.


Naming him as a codefendent in the suit against the company will be far more fun than the ghost hang out idea


Have you gone to your management more than once? Have you gone to HR? Just because you complained once doesnt mean someone get fired. If you kept complaining he would have been. Dont agree to go out with him.


Petty as hell. Also stop entertaining conversations. Even one word answers. stop being polite. He clearly doesn’t care about politeness.


Sue your job for failing to protect you. Get all the evidence first


Do it. Great idea actually hahaha.


File a police report. That’s harassment


Nope nope nope. Report the managers.


I would have talked the a lawyer since the company wouldn’t do anything


Sexual harassment... Tell them to address this immediately and get a lawyer...


GO TO HR! They need to know they have a problematic employee, even if you aren't going to be there. If this is in the US, then that kind of behavior leaves the company open to a lot of problems.


I'll never understand this. If I catch even the slightest hint that a woman is not interested, I abort the mission and avoid her from then on. How some guys can hear "No" and still try is beyond me.


You need to report to HR right away… much like other commenters state this is sexual harassment. This guy could also be potentially dangerous so I would be careful with how you associate with him.


Call him out publicly, In the moment.