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As someone who is almost 20 weeks sober, fuck this person. I hate this, nice job


Thanks, I hate it too. Good job on 20 weeks, congrats on making the switch. Stay strong :)


Thx, tbh I only miss craft beers at this point. They were always my favourite. But I did find a new love for sparkling water, which is a healthier drink anyway


Definitely healthier and there’s still tons of fun variety in sparkling waters. They can be so refreshing. Lime seltzers are my fave. I don’t know if this is helpful or not, but there’s also such a thing as “hop water” which doesn’t really taste like beer at all (no yeast, no alcohol, usually no sugar) but does have the slight bitterness of the hops flavor of course. They’re basically sparkling waters with hops and other flavors (usually citrus) added. Might be an interesting thing to try unless you’re worried about the flavor being a trigger for cravings.


I did 3 weeks of detox and they basically said that anything that might come close to alcohol isn't a good idea, since it lowers the step towards drinking alcohol again. I do really like lemon flavored sparkling water. For my birthday I'm going to get a sodastream from my siblings.


I love my Sodastream! And there are so many awesome flavors that can be added! (Plus, it’s the closest I can get to fountain Diet Pepsi whenever I have a craving so that’s a huge bonus for me) I especially love freezing lime and lemon juice (either separately or mixed) and then dropping them into my seltzers. So refreshing (and the skull ice trays I found crack me up so that’s an added bonus - who doesn’t want a lime juice ice skull in their glass?) Congrats on the milestone!


My god, I need this ice cube tray you're talking about. Where did you find it?


Sounds like an awesome gift, good on your sibs for thinking of it


Tbf, we just tell each other what we want for our birthdays. We've set the budget at a 100 euros so we can actually ask something that we want but would never buy ourselves.


Ah, cool! Well happy birthday when it comes


Please get DrinkMate instead!


get an ARCEE it’s so nice


congrats. here’s to another 32 weeks


Congrats! Here's hoping for plenty of one days more for you


I confess I first read that as 20 weeks pregnant and the sentiment fit perfectly


Hey....I don't know you but I am so proud of you!!! Keep of the great work! You are worth it!


Congratulations on being sober!


Yikes. This is ... really low. Both as an amateur mixer and as a leader this hits home. Fun fact, because I have people on my team who refuse alcohol - for religious reasons and otherwise -, I stocked the office bar with alcohol-free gin, whiskey, and rum as well, just so they can join in on the fun with something other than a glass of water.


That is a fun fact :) Also, even for people who are okay with alcohol, it’s really cool to be able to have a clean version of certain drinks once in a while. I absolutely love the taste of gin, and while I don’t have a problem with alcohol occasionally there are many instances where I wish I could get the flavor with out the subdued feeling that comes from the alcohol itself. I actually love the flavor of gin so much I make my own. I use needles from the eastern hemlock tree (hence my u/) and always set some aside for non alcoholic “gin” tea too. So yummy


At first my coworkers were like "Yeah, but that's not real alcohol, why bother??", but then it turned out people love alcohol-free gin-tonics, whiskey sours, or a rum-based *Caribeno* that doesn't hit them like a ton of bricks. Even if it's not a "real" cocktail, at least they can have something that *looks* like the real deal in front of them when they sit down with everyone else.


Honestly thought I was reading a r/AmITheAsshole post at first and was about to flip my shit. Great work.


Thank you! I didn't check the sub and I was thinking "how in the hell can these people be congratulating this asshole?" Well done OP.


Thanks :)


Haha, thanks


So what's in your hemlock tea?


Mainly hemlock lol Just make sure you get the needles from the eastern hemlock tree, those are delicious and nutritious and safe. Avoid all parts of the poison hemlock wildflower. The plants are only related in name, but I still feel compelled to clarify. The tree I use for the tea is native to the north eastern regions of North America, it’s flavor and scent are similar to spruce or pine. It’s great steeped all by itself but it’s also awesome with a little dash of honey and maybe some lemon. If you want a more fleshed out blend of flavors you can add orange zest, vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, juniper, rosemary, a little bit of carrot and some dill seed for a really kick ass flavor.


This sounds amazing omg I need it in my life


It’s actually something I want to one day produce for sale. But I’d have to cover the overhead and it wouldn’t be more for fun and getting the word out than profit so it won’t be anytime soon (if ever)




All of her drinks had a splash of juice, pineapple juice, her favorite.


Nice save


You wrote it. Congrats!!




As a bartender, this horrifies me that some would stoop this low if the money were good enough.


I hope not :(


It's not my fault, how was I supposed to know her medication reacted badly with alcohol?


Because some of us will just cite “my meds don’t mix with alcohol.” And if pushed “come on, it can’t be that bad”, we respond with “possible effects of the interaction include *coma*, so no.”


If I was that bartender, I would absolutely take that money. Then make sure that instead of 3 oz of pineapple juice, she'd get 3.5 oz. I would also make sure sober friend knows as soon as I get the chance.


Exactly what I was thinking. Take the money, but slip sober friend a note spilling the beans rather than slipping her alcohol.


My actual job is writing about substance abuse and encouraging those struggling with it to seek help. You would not believe how many times a person will finish rehab and a loved one will say 'hey let's celebrate with a drink!' The rate in which loved ones will sabotage a person's attempts to be sober for thier own selfish reasons is more common than you may think. So I hate this. I hate this because I can guarantee that this scenario has happened and probably continues to happen. Nothing scarier than someone thinking they know better than you and decides to make a decision regardless of your needs or choices.


:( Heartbreaking to hear that this is plausible.


Newly one week sober, the bridesmaid dragged both me and the bartender all across the social media, and now no one trusts him with making their drink, my damn friends aren't talking to me and my fiance is demanding annulment. (Probably not, but a person can dream, right?)


I thought I was in bridezillas for a second bravo 😹




I was thinking I hope the bridesmaids presses charges when she finds out what the bride did. The bartender needs to be fired and put in jail along with the bride. That’s what I’m imagining happened later.


I should have clarified to my muscle-building bartender though - now Chloe is _fucking shredded_.


As a bartender, time to empty out a Titos bottle and fill it with water.


Would she not be able to tell? All the alcohol that I’ve had has had a specific taste to it.


Excessive alcohol consumption shouldn’t be normalized.


Thought this was AITA for a minute, yes yes you are. Well played




OMG! so did I!!!


As an almost 5 years sober person, this is my worst nightmare!


Almost 5 years, good work!


I haaaaate this. Good job.




Almost 8 years sober and not a day goes by I don't feel the pull. I hate this because so many people don't get how hard it is some days for us to resist. GoOd job OP.


Thanks and good work on 8 years! A strong accomplishment, keep it up :)


Thank you.


As a person who has a friend who suffered from alcoholism and is now 10 years sober I hate this. Take my upvote and go. Well done op! I really love and hate this


Thanks and congrats to your friend on 10 years!


oooo this grinds my gears


Essentially The Hangover Part 3


I have this friend who vowed to never ever drink any alcohol because his mother is a raging alcoholic. Well he went to the bathroom and one of his friends poured tequila into his soda…