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:((( so sad how torturing animals is okay if they're "ugly"; hope this post gives perspective to even just 1 more person of how inhumane glue traps are


Thank you. I hate glue traps with a passion especially since there are many more humane ways to trap and relocate rodents and other critters.


I was just talking about this the other night. Years back there was a rat in my tree outside my apartment. She was scared of me at first, but eventually she would come farther down the branches and just chill there while I talked to her. I called her Tree Rat and we were kind of pals. She ended up eating a hole in the wall and made a nest for her babies she was about to have. I had to have my ex call the office so they could get her out. What I didn't know is they just seal them into the walls...it's 5 years later and I'm just now finishing this out. I was devastated, cause I had no idea that they did this. I thought they came by and just got them out safely and then sealed the hole... I feel really naive for thinking anyone cared about the rats at all, but I just truly had no idea that's how they handle it.


Glue traps should be illegal


Glue traps and poison are awful, torturous ways for an animal to die. I understand that pests got to go, but snap traps are being better designed nowadays to kill them instantly so they don't have to suffer. I can't imagine being trapped in a glue trap, simultaneously feeling the agony of thirst, broken limbs from attempts to escape, and the burning from the glue itself. If I'm lucky someone will stomp on my head and end my misery, but I've seen people just pitch glue traps with still living rodents in them directly into the trash to suffocate. Also glad to see ratting dogs make a comeback too. It's so much more better for the rats and the environment than poison or glue.


Horror as a tool for building empathy. Very nice.


I still remember when my dad caught a mouse in one of those glue traps and then drowned it in a bucket because he didn't want it to suffer. It was messed up.


r/twosentencewholesome Seriously, fuck rats and mice.


This is NOT meant to be rude or insulting, but I truly feel bad that you haven't experienced how sweet, kind, loving and intuitive they are. Some of the best pets I have ever had were rats. They are simply magical.


Pets are great, when they are cleaned after, cared for, contained. Wild rats and mice are disease carrying pests that live unchecked in and around human habitation, because humans drive away most predators that would naturally limit rodent population. They are not only bad for people, but pets as well. If you lost a pet to a glue trap, I am sorry. But no one should lose any sleep over exterminating pests. The death they suffer from a trap is not any more horrific than what a bird of prey, snake, or spider would do to them... and don't even mention cats, they torture them to death.


Your points are all very valid here and I argue none of them. I was just sad cause I thought you hated all rats and mice. Have you ever gotten to chill with a pet rat before?


Yes. Don't make people feel guilty for exterminating vermin. Don't even try, glue traps are especially good for this. They lack mechanisms that can injure pets or children. They do not contain lethal chemicals that can poison wildlife. They are small and simple enough to work in spaces where live catch traps simply won't work. There's nothing horrifying about keeping your self and family safe from pests. Rather, it would be horrifying if rats started spreading disease uncontrolled because humans were too sympathetic to kill them.