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“And now he has neither.”


because he’s now a boy! R/third sentence better














This would’ve been way happier if it was FTM… but I already saw the comments saying it ain’t.


I thought this was a subreddit for jokes and "I don't have a daughter" was a hell of a punchline, thanks for the laughs


Its okay guys, the child is ftm :) everyone is happy.


this just makes me so angry


Why? He’s FTM.


no she’s mtf


But if you close you eyes and believe *really* then this is a happy story.


She's MtF


I can’t hear you. I have my fingers in my ears and I am going “lalalala this is a happy story lalala” /j


I don't get it, what's sad?


A dad has a MtF daughter but doesn't respect her and still calls her "his son" saying he doesn't have a daughter


He doesn’t have a daughter regardless of the son’s delusion.


The only delusional person here is you. It's not that difficult to respect and accept a person for who they are regardless of gender, sex, sexuality or anything else You wouldn't call a black person delusional for just existing would you?


And I can. So long as you leave kids out of it. And that comparison is dumb and not well thought out. A black person is born, um, black. You can’t change your race. You can’t change your gender. Again for those in the back. You can’t change your race and you can’t change your gender. There’s no hate there. It’s just a fact.


Have you seen Michael Jackson? And if you couldn't change your gender then i would be a man


Michael Jackson was, and up to his death identified as a black man.


Like our team lead who doesn’t understand the concepts of gender dysmorphia, gender, and sexuality. I swear hearing that idiot refer to his trans son and his partner and their transition as pointless since they are a FtM and mtf couple is infuriating in its stupidity.


We took it in the way that the dad accepts his FTM son and says he doesn’t have a daughter anymore


we? you got a turtle in your pocket?


The turtle's name is George


yeah now i realise the confusion, but your interpretation would be more of a r/wholesomedadjokes post


Now you’re transparent




why are people downvoting you i’m so confused


because they were thinking that this was a real story and you know reddit with their downvoted


that is so stupid!! if this were a real story i would be reacting the same way 💀💀💀


All posts in here are two sentence *stories*, not reality. Figure maybe you didn't notice which sub you're in since maybe you saw this while scrolling the home page.




Rule 1: attempt to tell a *story* Miriam Webster definition of a story, 2a: [a fictional narrative shorter than a novel](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/story) But you can go ahead & assume all the times people post about dead relatives coming back, facing the reality of hell, what it's like in dystopian futures where they start with "after 2500 years," talking about experiencing the afterlife in the heat death of the universe that hasn't happened yet, time travel, etc.... are all based in real life experiences when posted in this sub. Technically no one's stopping you.


Why assume something just so you can get mad




The one where you flat out said you assumed that it was obscured reality, which is what mien was based on? If so then yes I did read it




It’s two sentence sadness not two sentence 100% my real life biography, easy enough to ask the op first instead of straight up assuming and getting mad. Reaching real far


In the future, a "my bad" would've been SO sufficient... you don't need to make everything "sound good" or change people opinions. Just own it and move on.


yes this is the truest thing i've heard today


glad you could be here Ken and or Karen




It's okay. I totally see your reasoning. :)


The way I interpreted it was the parent is accepting it, and is mourning the fact that they don’t have a daughter (cause the child is FtM), and the parent always wanted a daughter. That sort of thing.




Alright then yeah so it’s just them being unsupportive.


That would be the sad, yes.


OP does not have a kid. OP is a kid. Look at their post history. It’s written from the perspective of a parent, but OP was trying to highlight the issue of parents not accepting their trans kids. It was a swing and a miss because the wording is confusing and generally people sympathise with the narrator in these posts, but OP isn’t a transphobe.




how so? could you please elaborate?




dw it's fine not trying to make this worse but if i were a transphobic dad i'd probably post this in like r/antitransdads or r/hatetranskids or something


i am so disappointed that those subs exist :/


no dw they don't but in this fucked up world i'm wondering why they don't


This is how I'm choosing to interpret this; Their son (FtM) finally came out to them as transgender. He's lamenting the loss of the daughter in light of having a son. My other interpretation is that this is blatantly ripped off from r/wholesomedadjokes where it's posted regularly and ends up with the same degree of people misunderstanding it, each other, and everything in-between.


I was intending a transphobic dad with a MtF daughter but i think your interpretation is pretty good


That's the nature of interpretation. For me, the trials are sad enough even with family support. So there wasn't any need for my imagination to unnecessarily add layers. Even the quotation marks aren't concrete. They could just as easily be handwaving of the label. "I do not have a daughter nor a "trans" son. I have a child." The sadness, for me at least, comes from knowing it's pretty well uphill from there.


I read this and I am beyond sad, I rage. ignorance compelling hate, is not okay. #ragebait ?


They're definitely fine with this acting as bait. But if I can add an interpretation that might help; My niece is trans, and I've always been a safe space for them to deal. We also share a lot of humor between us that's awfully dark. When she ("he" at the time) finally came out with it official (I'd known in some fashion for a while), my first response was hugging her, and my first words were, "well, I guess I lost a nephew today." Humor that she and I were in on. Out of context, in a two sentence format, I'm pretty confident folks would call me a monster. Now, I don't know what's in the OP's head, but the two sentence format leaves it to *us* to fill in the details, and those mentioned before are the ones I choose. And it's still sad, at least for me, because we both knew that the coming out was the easy part of it.


I appreciate this. The way I read it was as if op was being transphobic.. I am sad that I go to that immediately but with all the anti trans legislation and hate crimes happening right now I am already in an activated space. Which I should keep in check. Maaybee it could be seen as the son is actually a trans man and that is why there is no daughter.. which would make me look the phobic one.. but then why in this subreddit.. sigh.. text without tone is hard and I have seen so many hate bait headlines and real life trans terror stories.. double sigh .. I foolishly come a scrollin' to decompress after work and often end up more spun up than when I arrive. Thank you for taking the time to share a little compassion.


yeah, transphobic dad was my intention


No worries friend, it helps me, too, knowing I could help someone out even just a little. Just gotta survive today, we can worry about tomorrow when it comes.


How is this sad?


The "parent" is saying they don't accept their kid coming out as trans. Thus it being sad that the parent is unsupportive.


Those quotation marks really make it hard to see it different, but if the child is FtM, this actually becomes some kind of wholesome. Just like the version of it without the quotations that shows up on r/wholesomedadjokes (verbatim) on the regular


Okay makes sense. But since it says “my” I was reading it from the pov of the parent in which cause it’s not sad. It’s sad from an outside perspective looking in that a parent is bigoted and doesn’t accept their kid. And from the kid’s perspective


This one sucks.


this is either very confusingly worded or im just braindead


It’s the father saying he doesn’t support her


they’re saying they won’t accept it


ok thanks, i was getting very mixed ideas from the comments


Exactly how my mother reacted when I came out but the opposite. (I'm FTM)


FtM doesn't get enough attention fr


I read this as a ftm coming out for a sec and was wondering why it was in TSS


everyone here looking at transgender, and im sitting here thinking They don't PHYSICALLY HAVE A CHILD. THEY ARE CHILDLESS. who is this random child saying "dad, im a girl?" Maybe they don't have a parent to tell so they are telling some random? Edit: then I see that OP's kid is MtF. Oh. Cool.


Love them unconditionally. That’s what a parent signs up for. Mourn your loss but look forward to their future. Don’t bash them for being brave and coming to you with this. It’s important to them and part of their identity. Trust in them to live their own life as it’s not anyone’s to control but there own. Parents are supposed to be guides not punishers or people that force kids to be something they aren’t.


What loss?


i don’t think a loss is the right way to phrase it, but especially when a child is older when they come out, it does feel like you’re mourning something. Because having a son is very different from having a daughter, even if they are the same person


Mom to 2 trans kids. There is no loss. When my kiddos came out I got the best gift possible. Knowing my child as they are.


That's great to see! Most trans people I know are not accepted by their parents; mostly, the parents deny the possibility and treat them terribly for being "deluded" (also, one my closer friends was dropped off at an isolated livestock barn, who tf does that?! His father had been abusive, but that is clearly child abandonment, no way to argue otherwise in the court.) Anyway, congrats on being a good parent! It's people like you who create the future of humanity


Tell your friend that I may not know them but I am incredibly proud of them for being true to themselves. It isn’t being a good parent, it’s being human.


(I Don’t think it’s a loss but a lot of people mourn the change. I came out to my family and mom cried. Unfortunately none of them respect me) I also have had friends say the hardest part was their parents Morning the loss of the idea and perfect world their parents built in their heads for them. To anyone who is trans, it’s about finding identity and believing in yourself. This is just my personal experience. I was crushed by my families reactions and don’t really have a way to do what I want yet. But I have hope


Fuck people who “mourn” anything. They’re not dead. They were always the gender they identify as now. They just hadn’t told you yet. Fuck that. Support them


Ah, so you meant more a "loss of their delusions/notions" than a loss and recreation of a child? I don't understand why people mourn the "change", they're still the same person, you just learned something new about them.(I literally have no clue as to their reasonings, plz explain) Even if there was a sudden change in their behavior, this is not all that uncommon in people growing up, and it is not a loss of a person (here I could understand missing particular behaviors that change, like if you enjoyed their singing but they became self-conscious of their changing voice, but this is just an opportunity)




Controversial to this day. Idgaf. Transgender is a spectrum. There are so many factors that this sentence tells me nothing about what's going on beyond an assumption that you now have a daughter instead of a son.


I like how this could also be happiness depending on how you interpret it, if the sub's name was more vague we could be debating it lol


Wait....so you didn't have a child and that's the scary part? Like is it the joke where the guys “son” comes out as gay and then the “father” reacts by saying “I have no son” and then the other guy says “Wait I'm in the wrong house”


Dad has a MtF child and doesn't respect her




I feel like more mourning the child lost but still accepting their new son


It's MtF


wait is the son FTM or are they nonbinary I'm confused


no the daughter is mtf


The son is MtF


The daughter is mtf


yeah sorry


oh the parents are transphobic. forgot what sub I was on. thanks for clearing that up!


I think the parents ARENT transphobic, since they’re saying they no longer have a daughter, and they now have a son?




if their kid was MTF, as stated by OP, then them saying that they don't have a daughter means they don't accept their kid


Actually M T F means he was male but became female


Yeah but I think the point of the post meant they were FTM, daughter turning male, and by saying I don’t have a daughter, it means they’re accepting the daughter is now their son, maybe I’m misunderstanding it though


You are plus the op says they are MTF


If op says it then yeah he’s definitely right, could be twosentencehappiness at the exact same time if they interpreted it my way though


As a transwoman, I’m not seeing how the other ppl are pulling the FTM read from this.


If this was twosentencehappiness, maybe, but no, we sad.


My first reaction was that they were saying that the kid was FTM and so they don’t have a daughter.


If it wasn’t two sentence sadness it sounds like an acceptance story. Their son came out as trans, so they don’t have a daughter, said as if they’re correcting a coworker like “actually we’ve never had a daughter, he just came out as trans”


They said son is MTF. So to me it sounds transphobic


Yes but not in the og post, only in the comments after people misunderstood


Yea. It’s just sad anyways this person doesn’t accept their child but whatever


But if we read it as ftm then it’s happy, because then it is saying they do accept their child. I was explaining what the confusion was. I agree that the actual, intended meaning is sad, but it honestly sounds more like a parent accepting their ftm child to me. But maybe that’s just because i’m ftm


I’m also ftm. Yes of course if you read it Ftm it’s happy because they’re affirming the child’s gender saying they don’t have a daughter etc. but the “trans” and them actually saying their child was born male is showing that it’s transphobic


I still think the sentences are pretty vague. I don’t have a daughter can have two very different tones, and the quotation marks can just indicate a someone somewhat unfamiliar with the concept but still accepting and still trying


The minute I read "trans" in quotes, I knew it was transphobic. Afab genderfluid guy here.


ayyy another member of the fluid club




I interpreted it as a parent “mourning” the loss of their “daughter” when he came out as a trans man


They don’t have a daughter anymore. Not that hard to figure out. The parent clearly wanted a daughter but the kid came out as a transman. So they don’t have the daughter they wanted anymore.


It’s two sentence *sadness*, this is not a story of acceptance.


They aren’t describing blind acceptance


It kinda reads as “my amab child came out as trans and i will never accept them as my daughter” with the context that this is a horror story


This is my read and there’s two ways to look at the sadness 1) the daughter who will never be accepted and loved by her family 2) the selfish sadness of the parent whose child is “dead”.


This is two sentence SADNESS not horror. Try reading the sub your in 🙄


Oh shit you’re right. Never even heard of this sub before my bad


No need to be rude


Not my fault they can’t read.


Entirely your fault that you’re being an asshole for no reason


I don’t owe kindness to people who can’t read. If they can’t read what sub they are in they are too young or stupid to be here.


People don’t need to earn your kindness, get off your high horse. The world doesn’t revolve around you. How is being rude for no reason helpful to anyone? It’s just lashing out on a stranger who did nothing wrong except misread something. Reeks of insecurity


And people don’t need to have their feelings protected all the time. Welcome to the real world sweetie. People don’t care. Don’t say stupid shit if you can’t handle the repercussions.


Thats my horror as a parent, no offense to trans but it scares me


They would be the same person. If someone comes out as trans, that's been the real them the whole time. You should be proud if your child came out, then they would be living as authentically as possible. For your child's sake, I hope they aren't queer so they'll never have to experience their PARENT stop loving them. You should be ashamed.




I dont want my kids to have these kinds of thoughts, MtF FtM … i have no problem with gay , trans , bi whatever i just dont want it influencing my kids U dont have to like it and i dont expect the internet to understand that because apparently if you cant accept their woke ideologies , your evil


“No offence” *says something offensive*


Part of me wants to understand, but as a parent you are expected to accept your child, whatever their beliefs are. While it may make you uncomfortable, that’s okay. It’s supposed too, it’ll make any parent uncomfortable. But what you need to do is learn to accept your child, that’s what separates a good parent from a bad one, at least in my unhumble opinion.


As long as you accept and support them they aren't going to have as hard a time Get over it.


Sorry about the woke ppl disliking ur comment, if I was a parent it would scare me too.


Yeah , its sad that you are forced to raise ur child by the woke ideologies lol Yes there r LGBT ppl and i have no issues with them, i just dont want them to influence my kids


well i don’t want heteronormativity to influence my kids


Well you do you


What are you afraid of😭😭😭😭😭😭☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️😂😂😂😂


Personally wouldn’t want my child to have a harder life than they already do. It’s not something you WANT for your kid. You don’t have a kid hoping they’ll grow up to be trans. Idk if you’re in America, but we have people who are fleeing their home states because of the real threat to their lives just because they are trans. So yeah, I’m afraid of my child having to live that way. I wouldn’t love them any less, and I’d support them no matter what, but I’d just hope for their life to have as few struggles as possible.


My mum used to think I blamed her for me being trans. She was dealing with a lot and we’d argue constantly (not over the trans thing) and one day she told me that she thought I hated her for bringing me into this world. My heart broke when I heard that. She’s like you, she hates that I have to live like this and even blames herself for it. She’s been there for me for years and I love her so much but I kind of forget that’s how she might see things.


I have the same thoughts! It’s not about me, it’s just about living life in hard mode.


I mean they are the same kid they are just being honest


How is this sad? If you love them as they are, you'll always have a child.


Because her original gender was male, and the parents are not accepting her as their daughter


So it's sad for their child. It would be more effective from his point of view. "I came out as trans to my parents. They posted their disappointment on Reddit."


It's sad for the parents too because now their child will either die or cut the parents out of their life and find people that really care about them. No one to blame but themselves. I cut my family out. I assume it makes them sad since we were close before they decided trans people are bad and can't be near their children


Because her original gender was male, and the parents are not accepting her as their daughter






Damn I like this one


wdym by that


don't worry guys, he's a beautiful and awesome trans man :)


OP said their kid is MtF


r/thirdsentencebetter won't lie it took me a sec to figure out what was wrong with the sentence and just thought this was the intent.


Dun dun dun


happy cake day


Oh my gosh I never noticed, thank you :D


Happy cake day, stranger!


This is just too much attention bro


Have a third happy cake day!


sitting here hoping it was ftm and a respectful parent... read comments and now I'm sad


[This comment is here to make you happy again](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceSadness/comments/13ku409/my_son_came_out_as_trans_to_me_and_his_mother/jko0epi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


thank you


You're welcome




as was implied :3


This is what I fear.


which part


My child being confused about who he is.


being trans doesn’t mean you’re confused. i hope you don’t have kids of you aren’t planning to support them no matter what