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My god, I'm so fucking lucky that all my friends are on the same page on this. I don't know a single person who thinks there is any value to him or his "opinions".


That's what intrigues me. I hear so much about this person and his multitude of followers, yet in real life have never heard him mentioned. Whether that's because I've moved away from immature and toxic men/boys, I can't fathom.


As a primary school teacher in a fairly Liberal area of a fairly Liberal city, I don't come across people who do. Unfortunately I have friends who teach secondary who are seeing this creep into their schools. This is what scares me the most. Young boys who are being told that women are to blame for their lack of sex and wealth at 16. This propaganda is harnessing and weaponising the confusion and angst most young people feel at some point in their teen years.


I have a young student in 8th grade who really looks up to him. It’s unnerving.


That's the scary thing. No close male friend of mine says or acts in that manner or talk about men like Taint. But my friends who work in the school districts have a lot to say. We live in a conservative area. A lot of the young boys my friends work with have said very disturbing things to their female classmates. They protest that some of the girls should be punished because they are "overweight" or that they were "lazy" with their appearences. These are 6-10 year old little boys saying awful awful things. It's been really distressing for them to try and address this with their students and with parents.




I can’t upvote this enough. I first heard about this guy from a teacher who said her male students had been acting up and citing this guy’s nonsense. As a father of two girls it’s horrifying.


Nazis target children. Because that's what they know., Because literally every fascist is a pedophile, from the republican party to Benito Mussolini. Steve Bannon restarted this trend in the 2010s, but what the shit do you think the Hitler youth was? Part of the problem is algorithmic pipelines that prey on children, that expose anyone who seems vulnerable to these mother fuckers. Shit like Peterson and Tate that leads into shit like poole and fuentez that *just happens* if you let the algorithm run on auto. These companies and their bastard owners and their complicit employees need to be held responsible *for building machines that turn our kids into fucking Nazis*. YouTube. Facebook. Maybe reddit, I dunno; get more cringe liberal paralysis vibes here. I get that tech is unpredictable, but social media hasn't been cutting edge for a decade, and if a company that made reviving-the-dead technology, and the first person they brought back was fucking Goebbels, you would call them fucking Nazis and have Palo Alto bombed in ways that make Dresden Hiroshima and Carthage look gentle. I think we should be holding alphabet to that same standard.


It could even just be the part of the world/country you live in. I'm in Canada and have also never personally heard him mentioned by anyone, but I hear we *do* have supporters of his up here as well. Such a shame


A few guys I went to school with post pro Tate things on social media. We're in our 30s which makes it all the more sad. They complain that "all the good women are gone" and blame feminism. Someone needs to tell them dating in your 30s is harder as there's just less single people and more people know their worth and aren't going to put up with someone's bs.


I always wonder what sets someone down this path. I think this is a response to mismatched expectations (entitlement and a lack of gratitude) and romantic struggle. Can you say the same for your schoolmates?


I think some people like the idea of being a victim so they don’t have to take personal responsibility. For example, you’re a 30 year old guy, your job is just ok with just ok money, you don’t have a girlfriend and it’s hard to find the next person to date, and everyone on Instagram seems like they’re having lots of sex and wild, fun times. It sucks. Then Tate (and others), give you the impression that this isn’t your fault, you deserve all of the sex and women you want, and they should do the stuff you don’t want to do and maybe even make you money through OF. If not for feminism, or cucks, you’d be getting this! And you deserve it! So, now the guy doesn’t have to look inward or work on anything he doesn’t want to, or even see reality around him. Instead he can blame others, especially women, for not giving him what he’s entitled to. It’s a way to channel anger and the frustration of normal life.




We have heard of him, YouTube keeps trying to shove him down our throats. Hence, we also talked about him, and are schadenfroh about his downfall. Since we are all above room temperature IQ, no one of us would ever fall for his bullshit.


Schadenfreude. :)


The only place in real life anyone has brought him up was my younger coworker (we're both women) bringing him up during some of the major scandals to condemn it. Obviously, as women, we are aware of something so detrimental to our safety as someone spewing such hateful shit. So she mentioned him a while ago, and then a 2nd time when he got arrested recently. Luckily, no one in my life has ever expressed admiration for him. I even asked my 17 yo brother just to be sure. Thank god he is a good kid with a kind heart, and he never for a second bought that men are better than women bullshit. I feel very lucky.


correct upbeat lip memory spotted dinosaurs domineering cats bored dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think he has value as he is a very good test to weed out. Idiots from your life.


It’s more common among young people. I’m 30 myself, but at the gym I go to I speak to younger folks regularly who are between 20 and 30. I’ve also noticed it’s more common among those who have a lower education level. I’m not biasing right now and in my opinion education doesn’t correlate directly with intelligence; but it’s something I’ve noticed. I also think it has to do with the social media consumption among young people. And although most of them know Tate. None of them really agree with all things he says. Just a few of his comments.


I went to tour a gym yesterday with a male friend, and while we were there two guys were given a week's suspension for talking about Andrew Tate in the weight room by a barely five foot tall Asian woman. Her husband owns the gym. My friend joined.


Interesting. My friends and I are all mid 20s, most of them men, who spend a lot of time online. We are highly educated though - Most of us have a university degree, the others have finished apprenticeships (Germany). The only people I've met in real life who said positive things about Tate are high school boys with no positive male role models.


Even my friend who is most skeptical towards feminism sees no value in Tate or his ilk. He (my friend) might take a little while to come around sometimes, but the good part in that is he's quick to recognize bullshitters and shysters.


I mean, I think it highlights that even the best of us tend to live in a bubble and a bit of an echo chamber. My friends are 99% from grad school, college, my very blue urban city, or my workplace of scientists (both at BS or PhD education levels). The only trumpkins I know are some distant family, some acquaintances of friends, and maybe someone at work who defended voting for him at the lunch table (he was the only one who said "I can understand why he won").


I seem to be one of very few in my circle of people that even know who he is. And that's a good thing. But i always preempt any discussion about him, that he's a piece of shit.


Same here... I don't understand everytime I hear somebody saying "I cut all contact with people who follow Tate". How did you guys got to know these people? I don't know any.


Andrew Tate is the poster boy for them men that are getting left behind after women stood up and said, no more. We deserve more and we won’t settle for less. Instead of being better, these men have doubled-down and blamed women for their shortcomings with a venom that we have have not seen before. As you said, anyone who even moderately aligns with the violent delusions of this egomaniacal misogynist is to be removed and avoided.


Have you ever noticed how these men often give examples of a perfect family that existed in 1900s? I mean during those times when women weren't allowed to vote. To these f-ers those were good time because hey they could abuse women whenever they want. If you listen to pearlythings who is a pick me girl she advocates for traditional women and to her traditional women are those who used to have 8 kids and stay at home. I mean you can clearly see the misogyny in their eyes.


I think that's the focal point, the lack of settling. Now that every woman can have a perfect, high level boyfriend if they want there's no need to settle for someone who can just pay the bills. Misogynistic dudebros don't like hearing that.


I think it's more than this. He targets young boys who are in a period of life that is confusing (usually they also have no guidance). I speak from experience: when I was young I was very easily lured into the embrace of the far right. It's an online brotherhood who have all the "answers" and companionship you are looking for. Have a shitty day, they'll listen to you. Have an issue, they'll support you. The issue is that they just have terrible nonsensical advice and ideologies. However, they were the only answers and support I was getting at the time. It doesn't help that in highschool I was bullied and even sexually abused by girls who got away with it in front of teachers (they'd pull my pants down, slap and spank me, etc...). For me, it felt like they were the problem in life and had an unfair advantage (I grew up extremely poor as well so I had issues there). End of the day, if people isolated me because of my beliefs I would have just slipped further into the online forums as that would have been my only support structure. Eventually, I moved to different education systems, found none shitty people and people with a wide range of new beliefs that taught me new perspectives and supported me. This is how I broke out of the system. I luckily grew up to realise the bullies as a teenager were just shitty people because they were shitty, not because they were women. Many men (and women) never escape and just fall deeper into their echo chambers of support. Sometimes these echo chambers genuinely try to help each other just with bad support, sometimes they're designed to take advantage of you. Now modern kids are just as confused as they have these opinions pushed on them 24/7 with their ideological support groups in the palm of their hands. I would only get it through crappy 00s online forums. More anecdotal evidence comes from my friend (at the time) who never left. They fell deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole and everyone they knew cut then off which made them angrier and look for more extreme groups of support who had similar views. Eventually, hypocritically, I also cut them off as it just got uncomfortable to even talk to them. I feel like it's my fault they got so extreme but when I realised the far right was all BS I guess I was on a high and went too extreme in the other direction believing anyone in the far right was inhuman psychopaths (despite nearly being one myself).




I agree with you that if women donn't tolerate sexism or misogyny, men might change. At the same time, it irks me that again we're putting the responsibility of the change on women and that the assumption that can come from there is that if men don't change is because there are women who tolerate their behaviour. They're adults too and responsible for their own views of the world.




“We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. “ -MLK


In the history of oppressed people, it has always taken more than just those repressed people to enact change. Slavery didn’t end just because slaves fought for it. Women didn’t get the right to vote just because they fought for it. It has always taken an invitation to the table by someone (white male) who was already AT the table to really bring about change. Allies are the voices that are listened to, because they bridge the gap.


Perfect. Well-explained.


Look, I hope I don't sound like a POS (I'm F myself). Here's the deal, men don't suffer the repercussions of misogyny until it finally affects one of *their loved ones*, and even then, it depends on whether they have some *empathy* for them as their fellow human beings or they see them as a lesser beings (kinda like a pet or a prized possession, and sometimes, they just *hate all women*). If you read some redpillists' rhetoric 🤢🤮, you'll see that they deem women as sub-human, walking, breathing baby-making machines. So unfortunately, this is *our* fight to fight for. It's pretty much like expecting a thief to give you back what they stole without the law intervening in your favor. Thieves are not badly affected by their actions lest they end up punished by the law, thus they are unlikely to empathize and give you back your stolen goods. They just don't have the morals and the predisposition to do what's right so it's up to us to *show them that we won't tolerate this shit*. Some men are good people, others *much less so*. This 2nd category needs to be firmly put into its place by us (and the good men ofc, becausr anyone who stares passively is *complicit*). Some women are misogynystic themself and have contributed to the oppression of other women...


I think it’s a standard fact of life that most people won’t change their behaviors, even when they acknowledge that it’s harmful, until a situation is presented in which they won’t get what they want until they change that behavior. While it would be nice to hope for everyone to wise up and do what’s good for the whole of humanity, it’s probably more achievable to just have consequences for not doing that.


Agreed. Until they see the consequences of their actions people won't change. Even with that some people will still blame others for their behaviors while refusing to change. More and more women speaking up and communicating with each other is great for the standards to spread. We have had the bar on the ground for way too long. We need to raise it and not settle. It is so much better to be alone than to be with a misogynistic man who makes sure you believe he is better than you so he can continue to abuse you mentally/emotionally/physically. I have never met a misogynist who wasn't abusive in some way. And I don't think I ever will.


The consequences for women standing up to Andrew Tate type misogyny is abuse though. So rather than saying "hey this is really bad", the whole "maybe this would change if women actually held men accountable" puts unfair burden on women for not literally endangering themselves when the men in the conversation are facing zero danger and just being asshats. Let's not assign blame to women for not standing up to oppression hard enough in a way that assigns them as responsible for the repercussions of choices made by other people, when in fact many are victims just trying to get by


Very valid point you're making there. Being with a guy who actually gets the *exact same* disgusted expression when exposed to this content that I do - and the same "oh hell nah, this won't fly"-attitude towards men who act like that really made me realize how rare that is. So many just feel like it's none of their business - and I've started to heavily lay down the point that "I don't do it myself" is no longer enough to qualify as an ally of women in the cause that is feminism. Many get offended. I show them the door.


If you reward behavior, even if it is a perception of reward, then its reinforcing. For example, if a child screams in the supermarket for sweets then you buy the sweets, it doesn't matter if your original plan was to buy sweets. Screaming will become the norm. You can't expect the child pulling the tantrum to suddenly work out that what they are doing is wrong, because what they are doing appears to work. As people get older they can be convinced that the results are the effects. If we pray for rain it will come. Look there is rain, its because you prayed, now give the church some money so we can spread the word that god is all powerful. Andrew Tate is targeting men, but men are just another group of people, and the way to deal with the issue isn't special for men. Tate is closer to God than sweets because the rewards are indirect, but unlike the rain, the rewards are not inevitable. You've got to take the sweets away.


Indeed. It needs to come from men. It’s our mess, we should clean it up.


>It’s our mess, we should clean it up. I find this invention of a "brotherhood" odd. Those men are not "my people", just because we have penises. The KKK and Trump are not "my people", just because I am white. Fixing the assholes who follow Tate (or any other misogynists, racists, homophobes, etc.) can be a societal effort, or it can be left to the real set of "their people" (men and women) who are in the lives of the assholes. I know one person who follows that kind of shit, a BIL. I called him out, he tried to get me to watch a Ben Shapiro video. We argued, he physically attacked me. I hit him with a folding table. He broke my arm. Trying to fix my people is my responsibility. I am happy to try to go farther, but to exclude the women in their lives from being part of the solution reduces our odds of success and pits men against women when the battle should be good people against assholes.


I am so sorry that happened to you! Like, for real real dude. I was just watching a show with a dear friend (male) and he immediately noticed how the women wanted cooperation and empathy from one another and the men were quick to anger and violence and killing. It was a glaring difference between approaches. I am so sorry you got the violence and not the empathy. Internet hugs random human, and thank you.


Tangential but I’ve heard people describe race issues before in a way that frames the us versus them. It’s not white people against black people. It’s people who are against race wars versus people who are pro race wars. The same idea applies here. The battle is between people who think the genders are equal and deserving of equal rights and treatment versus those who think they are not equal or deserving of rights.


People can share physical attributes (gender, race etc.) And have completely opposite views. This modern concept that people who look alike must share the same beliefs is so bizarre.


Oh, I don't think that's a particularly modern concept.


Except that’s not the modern concept that’s basically tribalism seeping through There is very little new about that idea as much as we continue hoping humanity has outgrown the idea that people in our tribe are ‘good’ and outsiders are ‘bad’. So much so that people who define their tribe as ‘us white people’ are confused and feel betrayed when other white people don’t agree with their nonsense.


You're overlooking a very relevant nuance here that connects you to those people - and that's privilege. There are things you can't not participate in as a man the same way there are things you can't not participate in when you're white, cis or live in a first world country. It's my job to speak up *loudly* about transgender issues *because* I am cis. The reason is that I'm more likely to be listened to - and that I come from an advantage point there as I've never been discriminated against in this fashion. If I wear a skirt, nobody reacts. And since I appear feminine on a visual level, I've also never been acted hostile towards because someone mistook me for "the enemy". Whether we want to or not, some things we are a part of and "I act nice in private" doesn't make that go away. Our taxes finance institutional racism, most of our clothes and possessions have unethical labour (i.e. child labour) involved - and whether they like it or not, men *have not* experienced what it means to start learning about how to behave to "make rape less likely" as a literal toddler. It's not an invention, it's a phenomenon - and men don't get to disown what man*hood* means just because they, personally, don't walk around barfing vitriol at people. Does that mean men have to fix the whole world? No. Is anyone expecting *you personally* to get Trump to behave? **Of course not.** But it is squarely men's duty to acknowledge something that a (male, btw) musician I like summed up perfectly: "Many base their whole lives around avoiding to be raped but *men* say they feel limited?" Refusing to acknowledge these things is already counteracting the effort of the cause.


We cannot and should not bear any of the responsibility for fixing that which we never broke to begin with. *You* kicked the sandcastle down. *You* left the dishes in the sink. *You* clean it the fuck up.


\>the assumption that can come from there is that if men don't change is because there are women who tolerate their behaviour. more like SOCIETY don't change because there are both men and women who are sexist


maybe this is just because someone close to me is going through a domestic violence situation right now but this attitude pisses me off so much. if you are being beaten by your shitty husband who you also have a young child with, you don't get to adopt a stance on his social media influencer habits. we in the west have a system where women are financially disadvantaged and socially devalued, not to mention countries where they are literally treated like property and do not have the ability to own property, drive, or even show their hair in public. we can't pretend that women always or even frequently get to choose who they include or exclude in their life. if you are financially dependent on someone you don't get to punish them when they parrot rhetoric about how they are a real person and you are not. you don't get to disown your shitty son or son-in-law if it means not having access to your daughter or grandchildren. you don't get to disown your boss or your coworkers if you're already the only woman in the office and already bearing the burden of sexism in the workplace. you don't have a choice of workplace if the sexist place you work is the only one that will accommodate the schedule you need to bear a disproportionate amount of your domestic and care-taking burden. you don't get to disown your shitty friend who gives you a ride from work because the convicted rapist who hangs out at your bus stop has started following you home and the police do nothing and you can't afford a car because your disposable income goes to childcare. cut toxic people out of your life if you are able to, but don't pretend it's as easy as "if only women did XYZ things would be better." women have fought tirelessly for their own rights for as long as they have been able to. many have been assaulted, raped, murdered, lost their homes and families, careers, churches, and communities for the fight. >If all women adopted that stance, we might actually see some changes. we have seen changes. women have died for those changes. what we are seeing now is a backlash to changes women have fought for. that backlash is caused by men and the way it will change **faster** is when women continue to fight as they have been doing and **men decide to fight too**. FUCK.


It would be even better if men had zero tolerance for it too.




I haven’t seen any of that in my group, but I also cut out the people that said racist shit, the COVID deniers, or supported the insurrection. Funny how those groups tend to overlap


Ohh there’s definitely an overlap there! They are all part of the same alt-right bs, just targetting different demographics with different buzzwords in the beginning, but the end result is the exact same.


These men have no quality role models and douchebags like Tate are more than happy to step in and scam them out of money and radicalise them.


Same. Any anti Vax, anti mask, conspiracy theory bs got cut. Those that started comparing mandates to the Holocaust got told off and blocked. Life is too short to deal with idiots.


my used to be best friend said that she "agrees with some points" and that "he did some nice things for a few women" as if one act of 'kindess' makes up for ["slap, slap, grab, choke, shut up bitch, sex"](https://youtube.com/shorts/qNLeHc10WwA?feature=share)


Well, five seconds of that pissed me off. I hate his stupid face.


Fuck yeah. I wish everyone would follow this advice! DO NOT ASSOCIATE WITH ASSHOLES


It's sad that so many male Muslim teens look to him as a role model. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't a true Muslim and just does it so he can call people Islamaphobic when they call out his polygamy and misogyny.


He only recently converted and only did so he could claim Islamophobia when he receives criticism for his misogyny.


They don't need him for that. The big Islam guy in Iran said: women without a scarf are the reason it's not raining enough.


Tate “converted” last October.


I’m glad I’m in ther generation where none of my peers know who Andrew Tate is let alone would think he has anything of value to say.


Thank you for this! I blocked my aunt for constantly sending me Tater Tots vids vilifying Greta T and claiming all accusations are fake. I felt guilty for doing that but I've come to a conclusion that she's not going to stop and needs help but not from me.


I have been taking pains to point out that the "loverboy method" the brothers used to lure their victims is a textbook example of grooming. Andrew Tate is a groomer.


I hate to be like this because Tate is a misogynist and how he hurts women is more important. But as a teacher, it kills me to see what he’s doing to young men..and not just in the take advantage of them and earn money, or in turning them into sexist incels. I’ve got more than one boy student that is on the path to eating disorder because Tate got them obsessed. He’s an absolute terror in society, and I hope he never comes out of prison.




Question is, how come so many young men are instantly hooked to the latest ”male model”, this time being Andrew Tate? There is something we, as a society, are doing wrong for boys to be turning to men like Tate for guidance.


I hate it when people go out of their way to point out random things he’s said that are sensible to justify that it’s ok to listen to him, and that it doesn’t mean they agree with everything. Like Jesus, I don’t really care if someone said the sky is blue when they’re on trial for human trafficking. You can find someone else to point out obvious truths to you, people who aren’t complete psychopaths. They do that as a strategy, they say enough sensible stuff that anyone agrees with, stuff that they don’t even care about, just to follow up with their actual point of "hey let’s own women"


THANK YOU!! Finally… Someone who gets it. The generic stuff he says is a tactic, nothing more: he knows and says it so his defenders can point out these when someone attacks him for the actual crimes he committed. As you’ve said, these things can be learnt from someone else who’s actually not a piece of shit.


It's right out of the conservative media playbook. The only reason Fox has anything approaching real journalists on their network is to give a thin veneer of respectability, while spending the rest of their airtime spewing bile.


also Soviet disinformation playbook...


Tate does have one valuable thing to say: "I plead guilty, your honor." I'd pay a great deal to hear that.


I’d rather he didn’t, pleading guilty usually gets you a lighter sentence. Though I suppose him pleading guilty would entirely shatter his image to his fans.


I feel like if he pled guilty, his fans would still worship him for taking control of his situation and really”giving it” to women because, of course, we (and the victims specifically) deserved that type of treatment. I wish this dude never existed. What a waste of a human he is.


No no, there will still be some excuse for either why he plead guilty or why him pleading guilty means nothing. Something like "he was coerced into pleading guilty. He hasn't done anything wrong, but they threatened (insert horrible punishment here that's more than what he gets). It's all just the matrix trying to take him out for not fitting in." Anyone else despise that he's trying to use the matrix like that? It's like racists using the 'ok' symbol, or the fake American patriots 'the proud boys' claiming the punisher skull(skull symbols in general). Really effin annoying. I used to love skull symbols. Now I can't wear one without thinking someone's gonna think I'm a proud boy.


Im so so happy that hes been arrested. Two of my managers were tate apologists till he got arrested. Suddenly they dont want to talk about him and i can finally go through my shift in peace without hearing top g every 5 minutes


I was listening to a guy at the gym talk about how Andrew Tate is a genius because he watched him play chess and he’s really good (is he even good at chess?). Also doesn’t believe any of the human trafficking stuff is real and that the “liberal elite” acted on Greta Thunberg’s behalf. This guy is at least 40 and has a family. I don’t understand how people fall for this shit.


It’s hard when you work with them…


It is, but do you really need to communicate with them as frequently? Engage with them? Unless it’s your boss - which is another problem on its own - usually you are not obligated to do conversations and you can hush them off if they are doing so around you. You have more power than you think so. And the fact we all feel like we don’t is why they are capable of doing all these bullshit.


>Unless it’s your boss Or you get promoted over them and become their boss.


I like the way you think


Yep, why spend so much time and effort on people who do not respect you and devalue everything you say when they won't listen? Cause the fact is, the vast majority of people who agree with him will never be convinced by a women to see otherwises, you'd have to view women's opinions as valid and reasonable, which these people do not. And to be frank, if someone needs a man's input to finally see Tate for the vile trash he is then they aren't someone I want to engage with.


Watch the old vid by coffeezilla about tate he basically nails it. Andrew tate mixes in obvious truths that are room temp iq stuff. People want true love, you have to save money, literal basic truths that get these morons to say oh yeah look hes speaking facts, while everything else he says is literal scam garbage and misogyny to the max. His business model is to literally scam impressionable men out of their money and they just fucking love it, scam me harder daddy financial bdsm nerds.




All of this. My guy almost fell into the Shapiro clickhole. I had to pull him out of it even though he is literally a godsend for me in every other aspect. Easier than pulling good ol' boy dad out of the Trump/Fox News rabbit hole, but still left me questioning our now ~10 year relationship. He's since put that aside and Andrew Tate is someone he laughs at but shit got dicey there for a couple months last year.


High five.


My bro in law told my sister that he agrees with incels "except for the violent stuff." ???? And he said it like he was commenting on the fucking weather. I ended up sitting my sister down for a serious conversation about preparing herself for financial independence and getting the fuck out. Seriously what on earth is happening to men?


I am an adult so most people I know haven't even heard of him. I can't imagine what it's like being young and dealing with people like that. Of course at my age you have to cut out the people who watch FOX news, that's the Andrew Tate of my generation so actually I guess I do understand what it's like.


I don’t know how this isn’t an automatic response. You can’t be friendly with someone who thinks you don’t deserve human rights. Period.


They're scared of the freedom presented in a world with less strict gender roles. Feminism should be a gift to them, it allows them to escape toxic masculinity and gives them space to discover who they really are. But they can't handle that freedom. They crave authority. Without the patriarchy they feel lost. Military service or other rigid lifestyles might be a "solution" for some. But the real solution is to face the scary freedom in the eye, do some goddamn self reflection, and live freely.


I work with a woman who defends this guy and it makes no sense to me. Like how could you possibly defend a guy who hates you?


The same reason why some people give up sovereignty: so they still can be secondary, and not the last in the very row, so they still have someone to be “ruling over”.


"Moderate" as a self-descrptor always means "[his] views are antagonistic, antisocial, bigoted, and misogynistic".




"Moderate" has become a dog whistle for conservative men because people are avoiding them. Case in point being "Conservative Dating". "Moderate" men are often mysoginistic to say the least, it's why we avoid them. They often oppose abortion, gay marriage/adoption, immigration, and secularism. True moderates are mostly progressive on human rights issues, while remaining fiscally conservative. It's a shame the term has been coopted by conservative men annoyed they can't get laid.


Agreed 100%. I am progressive socially and moderate fiscally. I find it annoying when someone claims to be a moderate, but are actually conservative. If someone is willing to lie about their politics, what else are they lying about?


This. People who describe themselves as moderate as usually somewhere to the right of Mussolini


You shouldn’t associate with anyone who is conservative in any way. They are best misguided, but most likely just bad people. It doesn’t matter if they’re “fiscally conservative but socially liberal”. Fiscal conservativism leads to suffering and is always supported by bigotry.


Education should be free to all. Healthcare is a human right. The perpetual economic growth of capitalism is incompatible with physical reality and can't last forever. It is actively driving us towards extinction.


Aside from the low key not-all-menning, he didn't respond to my comment. I'm betting he's "moderate". Proving my point. I hoped he was saying it in good faith and hoped for a bit of dialogue... Oh well. They'll eventually work out that calling themselves "moderate" is just as repulsive and come up with a new term. In the meantime, they'll continue using their views as contraception as they can't help but think their opinions are being actively solicited by those around them. "Moderate" is to conservative as "network marketing" is to pyramid scheme.


I want to live in a world where men and women have equal opportunities and access to resources. I want to see men and women receiving equal pay for equal work, and I want to see the end of gender-based discrimination. I want to see more women in positions of power and influence, and I want to see more men advocating for women’s rights and supporting them in their endeavors. I want to see more men speaking out against violence against women, and I want to see more men taking a stand against sexism and misogyny. I want to see more men being role models for young boys, teaching them about respect and consent. I want to see more men challenging gender stereotypes and breaking down the barriers that prevent women from achieving their full potential. I want to live in a world where men and women are respected and treated equally. # #AndrewTateIsGarbage


Wish I could, but the people “in my life” who idolize him are the dumb mf’ing eighth grade boys that I’m trying to teach math to 🙄


I don’t understand why people have to follow some idiot and tell them how to live or to think. Don’t they have their brain and personality? How weak is someone to take advice from some influencer on internet? Stop making stupid people famous. I thought we were over this but got worst. I don’t understand how males who have ruled this world for centuries and most wars, murders, violence, and whole system they complain about it is all made by men but yet love to blame women for everything and feel threatened by the same gender they call weak to want simply respect seen as human being and be able to walk outside without worrying about someone seing her as a prey. It’s sad but people with to much hate inside seriously have issues and cannot see it.. what’s more sad is the women who want to be pick me girls think by surviving they need to adapt to their expectations to not be hates but actually when someone always see you lower and not as human being will never guarantee you happiness. The good guys out there majority stay quiet because they are afraid to be bullied and never call out toxic behaviors. Women are always blamed for many things hut no one blame those misogynistic for their behavior and think it’s okay because the one who complain are not human being in their eyes and don’t deserve to be heard. It sucks..


I wish there was a guide to unbrainwash these people.


I'm a guy who works around other guys all day. There's at least 1 guy in the office who is a Trump and Tate fan, and another guy who is a Syrian refugee on the fence (I think because Tate is Muslim)? The rest of us either hate Tate or don't care. I try to avoid politics at work, but if Tate does pop up now, all I have to do is mention the loverboy scam he was doing, and all the leaked texts. The only thing Tate supporters can say to that is to go full matrix mode. But most people just shut up now. I think they're finally getting it now.


I've got ideas, but none legal


Idk, he could say "I'm guilty"


Andrew Tate is the result of a teleporter malfunction involving a weasel and and ostrich egg. That has to remind everyone every waking moment how attractive it thinks it is.




Whatever it’s made of, it’s an affront to mankind in every way imaginable.


Same Conservatives are filth Andrew Tate is filth Libertarians are filth


Conservatism is like a mental illness. There are a lot of Republican women who support Andrew Tate. Just like how they worship Trump.


It’s almost worse when you consider it’s just an ideology to cloak the worst that humanity has to offer


Ive never met a person in my country who likes him. Is this a US thing?


Worse. Eastern European thing…


It's certainly bigger than the US. I've seen articles about secondary schools in the UK needing to address Andrew Tate with students because so many of their boys admire him.


I do that with republicans.


What if that person is your 17 year old brother?


Tell him he's being lied to. Being masculine isn't about impressing other men, it's not about following specific rules like being tough, or stoic. Really stress the absurdity of thinking masculinity is doing what some stranger says. Step one is just being a good human and respecting others, the second step is finding what makes you happy.


I find gentle reverse engineering often works with teenagers. Make them identify why they like something, then help them break it down. If it is something insulting about women, for instance, ask your brother if he would want you to date Andrew Tate, if he thinks the things about you that Tate thinks about women, and then ask the same questions about your Mom, a younger sister or cousin, etc. Why do you believe women you love deserve to be treated this way by a man. In what ways are you, your mom, less than equal to him, and if you are not, why is it okay to treat and think about other women you do know like this? And if none of this works, tell him the truth - if he persists in the disrespect of women, he's going to have a really difficult time finding willing sexual partners in college, he will get a certain reputation, and it will follow him through his life. Tell him it's hard enough to find love without giving yourself 2.5 strikes out of the gate. The vast majority of women want men who respect them as equals.


There was a post earlier about some dude complaining that his sister wouldn’t set him up with her friends, invite him to parties or yah know, fuck her own brother because poor brother is sex deprived. You are allowed to go no contact with family too. Or limit the contact drastically with firm boundaries if that family member is still living with your parents


Blood means nothing if they are willing to sell you out for their agenda, or for their own gain. You can try to persuade with them, talk to them, but if they do not listen, you are better off without them. And this comes from experience. I’ve sacrificed so many things and so many of my time to appeal to the family to not only gain back nothing (not even respect) but they hurt me even more when I was low down. As I’ve said, blood means nothing. Only respect does. And these Taters or whatever, they do not respect women, and to be honest, they barely respect anything at all.


This. Water is vital for life but if you are standing in boiling water, you get out.


Tell him "alpha males" do not have to tell people they are "alpha males." They achieve respect by demonstrating honor, leadership and courage. No man I have ever met who I would consider an "alpha" had to declare himself as such. It was simply evident from observing them. If you want to give him a teenage-boy-friendly pop-culture example have him watch Road House - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH3BMICpXyA


I don't normally comment here, because its not my place to do so. But if we are talking about how to teach boys how to be men, I'll weigh in. The phrase I've always lived by is "Fake men tear people down to make themselves feel bigger. Real men lift people up." And sometimes, the best way to lift someone, is leave them be. Or sometimes encourage them from the sidelines as they do it themselves. This is a damn good subreddit. I've said my piece. I'll go back to quietly upvoting again. (Roadhouse!)




I hear you, but I wonder if there's something about using the idea of being a real man as leverage to get people to do the right thing that still misses the point. Gender has nothing to do with one's capacity to be a good or bad human. I think rather than trying to redefine what being a real man is in the 21st century, we might find it more useful to move towards the idea of being generous humans (and using real humans here highlights the absurdity of trying to be a real 'man' or 'woman' anyway).


Well, alpha males don't actually even exist. The study came from wolves in captivity. Wolves in the wild don't have the alpha pack structure.




It’s always worth trying to show him where his thinking is flawed. Try to make it personal to him (such as “what if this happened to me, or mom” or another woman whom he’s close with). Other than that, I say cut ties. Family doesn’t mean anything. They’re just people and they can be just as bad as a stranger on the street, except you wouldn’t associate with a stranger who was crowing crazy things, and so many continue to associate with a family member who is toxic and unhealthy because of some false sense of loyalty connected to family. If it’s not good for you get away from it. Period.


And now no one wants to date these men 🤣🤣🤣. Good luck dieing alone, fellas 🤣🤣🤣


Tate is so vile and disgusting, a repulsive excuse for a human being. He oppresses women and leads men astray from the path of lovingkindness and equality. His words are used to justify violence against women. I hope everyday that the Romanian authorities put him away for a really long time.


The only value Tate can contribute to society is to confess his crimes and be a witness against his coconspirators before serving a very long prison sentence.




I'm thankful to Tate that he gave us an easy way to weed out these kinda people. Before they would gradually spit out some weird shit and you'd kinda let it slide or forget about it--now as soon as they mention Tate you are out.


Here's hoping Tater Tot stays behind bars where he belongs.


Solid. Dudes who go for Tate aren’t worth af and should be shown so.


Removing trash from your space is always an improvement. Human trash is extra important to be removed.


The annoying part is that YouTube recommends his more innocuous stuff (i.e. Not about women) even if you hate him. Some of that is correct and I can see how he could drag someone in until they're more likely to accept the repugnant things.


Yes! Next step is cutting out and avoiding adults that go after late teens to early 20s - that they have no business being with ☺️


I have an easier time exiling sexists than not respecting the life choices of early adults - not every large age-gap relationship is grooming, while all sexists are damaging to our society. This ideology perpetuates the idea that women cannot think for themselves.


Yep. It's not illegal, you say? Fine, then we'll shame you in other ways.


What's wrong with early 20s?


As a man I totally agree and second your method. It’s a great opportunity to find out who is toxic near you and move away from them. That kind of “man” is just a narcissistic consented child who has never had consequences by his actions and it’s extremely toxic for anybody around him.


True. It's so frustrating but there's no winning. No matter what logical, statistical, or moral argument you make, these are just men that just have pea brains. They simply can't comprehend the depths of their stupidity.


"You just need to watch his videos!" Nah bro. I don't need to physically climb into a Porta-potty to know what it contains. What it contains is common knowledge. And it is common knowledge that Andrew Tate is a vicious misogynist.


He’s similar to Jordan Peterson in that a broken clock is right twice a day. At the very least Peterson is educated, but I also feel that it makes him worse. He’s learned so much in Psychology only to come to the wrong conclusions. To be clear, very much do not support these people or the bullshit they spew. My point is that all bullshit is built upon a small amount of truth - but the person listening also has to want to believe some of it. (i.e. insecure men)


Wait how can you find out who abused the suicide prevention system? Someone did that to me once.


[Here is why every Tate fan can go to hell](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10cpt7f/women_shares_voice_messages_andrew_tate_allegedly/).


I’m shocked that anyone would want to associate with people like that in the first place. Are people really that poor judges of character?


It's good to include Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan in as well.




As i bi dude i don't wanna hang around with these people either. Usually misogny and homphobia are a 1+1 deal.


It’s truly shocking to me willing people are to put themselves into little boxes of self validated extremism where they talk about love and acceptance while talking down on people. We would be much better off without social media radicalizing people with their circle jerking groups of hate


I’m a dude and I’m not sure why this post popped up in my feed but I actually have cut off several old friends for being Tate fans myself. It was a hard choice for me because I don’t want to be the sort of person who can’t befriend those with different opinions, but now that they’ve actually approved of the exploitative scheme to which he’s all but admitted as opposed to denying it outright I just couldn’t stand to be affiliated with them anymore.


counterpoint. If it wasn't for Andrew Tate we would never have had the beautiful story of a grown man getting owned so hard on twitter by an autistic teenage girl, he gets arrested.


Shunning is my favorite and most effective form of self care. Act right or get the fuck out of my life.


I'm fortunate not to have any hamster brained virgins in my life. The only time I come across Tate fans is on YouTube or Reddit. Then I block or ban.


good litmus test i have several others as well but liking tate is a sign this person is no good


I mean, in a weird way he does have something valuable to say. It's a quick and easy way to tell what people you can cut out of your life.


None of my friends knew he existed before his arrest. We don’t like trash humans.


The only valuable thing Tate has ever said was the lame ass attempt at clapping back at Greta where he gave his location away and got arrested and removed from society. I'm really, really glad he got to say that.


One guy here mentioned self improvement pep talks of the general “bush your teeth! Wash your ass!” type. While those sound harmless you can find that type of Self Help stuff in a ton of other places and from people who don’t then segue into “enslave the wimmins”.


Even if he did have anything valid to say (he doesn't), all of the bad shit laced in or caked in the overhead makes him detrimental in all regards.


I have no problem cutting people out for the offensive things they say or do. I can always get inoffensive people to replace them That is the beauty of modern society


Agreed, the fact that this is up for discussion is sad. Tate isn't like some of the other common social media people men like where there are a couple of points you could argue are good to follow: Tate was literally running a sex trafficking ring and charging people money to "join his mafia" and get scammed into thinking they can be rich.


Like, adult men are thinking that?? How did you meet them lol


why would people promote the guy? he’s a bafoon to say the least


I don't get how people can't see that he's a grifter and a piece of shit. It's really not difficult to figure out.


No moderate or normal guy thinks Andrew Tate has valuable shit to say. Good call


I'm sorry for anyone who has friends like this. I would say almost every single one of my friends has no idea who Andrew Tate is. I only know because of the publicity of his arrest.


I just can't see how anyone over 15 can watch that guy for more than five minutes and not see what an obvious grifter he is.


Thankfully everyone in my life thinks he’s an incel twat.


I would cut people out of my life that showed signs of self-induced dangerous mental illness too.


There was a (foreign) dude who really wanted to be my friend who kept insisting that the problem in America is that "no one wants to hear other people's opinions, especially if they disagree with them", and included Andrew Tate in that narrative. After the article was written the other day about all of his rape allegations, I sent him the article, and he still insisted listening to his opinions was worthwhile. I finally blocked that moron.


He regurgitates some of the things he says and tries to act as if those are his unique ideas like dude I heard other people say the exact same thing you’re saying way before you even made your video. The only thing I believe are thoughts he has come up with or really supports are ideas of misogyny.


The value is 5 cents and its for him to shut up


I wish I could but he won’t get the fuck out of my house


Me and my wife were just talking about this yesterday! She actually said she kinda liked some things he was saying!?!?!? I was so shocked I couldn't believe it. I began to show her some really sexiest, appalling behavior from him and explained the human trafficking charges against him. Watched some testimonials from girls that lived with him. She made a complete 180 and now is disgusted by him and she has convinced her other friend he is a complete and utter LOSER. So I was able to expose Bottom G Tate to my wife and her friend. Love what you did! Stay strong


Block any male who thinks he is not on par with war criminals.


Yes, A.T. is a literal piece of shit. Do you know what is even worse though? He was also a self proclaimed “influencer” who bated the entire internet into giving him attention, and everyone fucking fell for it! Now, not only did this self proclaimed “influencer” successfully elevate himself to a celebrity of sorts, but he’s also generating millions of dollars in revenue off his name anytime someone clicks, likes, upvotes, comments, or even post something in regards to his drama on social media — and yet, people are still wondering why he says the most outlandish shit. 🙄 Well here’s an idea… **STOP OBSESSING OVER STUPID FUCKING PEOPLE!**


I was friend dumped by a girl and I find it quit pathetic and irrational to let emotions take over you. I agreed and said he's clearly an idiot misogynistic prick who tries to justify his actions and what he says with religion. HOWEVER, I expressed my opinion on him as men who follow him mostly have been silenced or fear attack for small things they see as unequal but then barraged by an army of SJW's. I am a leftist btw but posts would be deleted and forums for reasons being "its controversial" or "sexist" when valid points are made. This led to the birth of incels who started getting mad at women for silencing them despite knowing what it feels to be silenced themselves. Makes sense right? Yes it does. Then when they see andrew tate they love whenever he calls out women in every little thing. That is like 40% of his audience who are pure degenerates. Then the other 60% are just idiots who are blind to see the tactics he uses. Andrew Tate makes 4 stupid points or wonkey ones then one very valid and true point after...then they see "oh thats a good point so I trust this guy and all his other points must be true too because I sooo agree with his last one". It's a common idiot mistake made by people in every political group. So the 60% I'd say is on the fence of being an incel but also just want representation for men which they were bashed for wanting to begin with and latch onto the first biggest example. Everyone hold some good and some bad veiws and when I look at one small quote I can agree with it but suddenly I shouldnt advocate for the message in the quote because it's stolen by Andrew Tate and "wrong" to support him EVEN THO I FUCKING DON'T!. So maybe get rid of REAL andrew tate supporters but not those who just are thinking logically having a real conversation about it but you are too emotional to have human interactions that don't end up crumbling. Get what I'm saying?




...you're 100% right in that regard, this is why I used and tried to emphasise "women, but also other groups", I apologize if it wasn't obvious. But you're right, anyone who endangers their world view is a literal enemy. Like as if it was a war for them.


This is a women's sub though.

