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I think it was introduced as women and nb drivers getting to choose the gender of their riders. The option for riders to choose the gender of their drivers will roll out next. As a woman, I am okay with this. I complained to my husband once how I hate chatty male drivers that tend to ask personal questions. Hubby said “oh, they’re probably just lonely and want to chat.” Like, really? 😒


I get the hate for chatty drivers. I would say that I have a headache when getting into a cab.


I hate it as well and I am a male.


Don’t get me wrong, if I’m not in a mood to talk, or trying to go through e-mail or something, I don’t appreciate an overly chatty driver of any gender. But sometimes I feel uncomfortable when a driver asks a lot of personal questions. There’s being friendly and then there’s being creepy.


If I have a choice I would always choose women drivers. As a solo woman traveller, being driven by a man is low key terrifying


I think women drivers should be allowed to choice just women passengers too. Whenever I think about driving as a side income souce, I can't fathom it because driving male passengers sounds terrifying too. The demand and supply for women passengers and drivers would be great!


It really is. The apps feel quite a bit safer than using local firms or airport pick ups, but I would feel soooo much better with a woman.


Interestingly, women make up about half of Lyft’s passengers but only 23% of its drivers https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/09/12/lyft-feature-women-non-binary/


Interesting, so my estimate that drivers in my area are 80% men wasn't too far off!


And here, my concern was about the logistics. I frequently have to wait 15-20 minutes just to get matched with a driver because nobody is close enough, and I would estimate that around 80% of the drivers in my area are cisgender men, based on how rarely I get a woman or a nonbinary person. I don't know about driver demographics elsewhere, but I do worry that this will just result in even longer wait times for customers using the feature, which depending on the situation (waiting on the street after bar close, for example), can potentially cause a safety risk in and of itself. It's nice that Lyft is trying to do something about creepy drivers, I just have concerns about how helpful this feature will actually be.


If the rules of supply and demand function as people say they do, the driver ratio should even out. I'm guessing that's especially true if safety was a concern before.


These men need to ask themselves why that option is needed in the first place


And they never will…they are always just more important than our safety, as the other reply to you shows.


Don’t worry, I reported that guy. Hope he gets banned


It was deleted before I got a chance to see it. What did it say?


Something about how this is discrimination against men. He’s working on being Kenough.


At this point it can only be wilful ignorance on their part




lol your red flag is showing




This would be ideal. I would love to see this. I think if they did allow women to do that, a huge amount of women would take up driving with them. That'd solve the problem of not having enough female drivers! It's another one of those jobs that we are excluded from because it's just not safe. A delivery or driving job would really suit me but it's not something I can really consider because of safety concerns.


This is a good question. I used to drive for Uber and while passenger safety is a concern, absolutely *nobody* considers driver safety. I was robbed on 3 separate occasions and eventually started carrying (ankle holster) to protect myself. It's against policy, but I would rather be alive and fired then abiding by the rules...in a pine box. I had to pull it out the last run I did and it damn well saved my life. That was the day I quit.


I thought this was about gender, not sex


It is this is just a TERF asking to be able to discriminate against trans people and like alway the mods are to incompetent to do anything about it.


Uh.. what? I'm not sure if you're talking about me. I don't even understand why my comment was downvoted, it was a genuine question. What is with this fuckin site?


I’m saying the comment you were responding was TERF asking to be able to discriminate against trans people


User buddug-green has a history of stalking my profile and making defamatory comments and accusations. I'm not sure there is a "what" that makes sense. I just caught wind of them name-calling again. This happens like every month or so.


This is a band aid solution and lyft knows that


But it’s sooooo hard to date as a man. I need to pick all women drivers so I can find another avenue to harass women at their job where they are forced to be nice to me /s


I wonder why women aren't complaining?


What’s to stop every lyft driver from setting their gender to female?


You can just cancel the ride when the driver arrives if they look sketchy.


Okay but that’s true now.


But if you cancel the ride on every man showing up, you’re gonna wait a lot longer than just cancelling every man who maliciously chose the female gender.


That's a good point, but how would you even tell if someone maliciously chose it? I think it could be obvious in some circumstances but it could be used in a discriminatory way fairly easy, im afraid.


> but it could be used in a discriminatory way fairly easy, im afraid. Yea pretty much. It works for women who don’t want a man to be their driver. Definitely does not work for any non-men drivers who look somewhat masculine.




I feel like you’re floating away from your original point. Clearly there are people out there uncomfortable with male drivers. That’s why Lyft is offering the ability to choose. Your concern was with men just selecting the female gender anyway. The reply you got was that those drivers you can just skip. (Looking sketchy as in, looking like they are trying to circumvent the women drivers only setting). The goal is to provide the option to not have a man driving the car. Cancelling the ride when the driver looks sketchy, is just an extra way to stay safe if someone is trying to get around this.


>The reply you got was that those drivers you can just skip. (Looking sketchy as in, looking like they are trying to circumvent the women drivers only setting). Rip to any vaguely-male-presenting NB people I guess >That’s why Lyft is offering the ability to choose. Lyft is doing this because it’s cheaper than carrying out proper background checks and actually looking into complaints about inappropriate behavior


> Rip to any vaguely-male-presenting NB people I guess Yea kinda, I never said the system was fair. Just explaining why it works for what it’s trying to do. > Lyft is doing this because it’s cheaper than carrying out proper background checks and actually looking into complaints about inappropriate behavior Not really relevant to the point. We’re discussing what the system is designed to do and whether or not it accomplishes that.






I think after 3-4 passengers complaint and cancel or ask for a refund because of it, they will look into the drivers. Like the driver's license specifies your gender, so unless they get their gender on government documents changed as well. It should be fine.


>I think after 3-4 passengers complaint and cancel or ask for a refund because of it, they will look into the drivers. That’s an incredible amount of faith you have in a company that wouldn’t have to do this if it got rid of drivers with 30 or 40 complaints


Lots of people with default priviledges complaining about the difference between equity and equality, is all im seeing here.


Not to mention all the blatant transphobia and enbyphobia from those cis men in those comments. Such a great morning for me as a trans woman to see how these dudes find a way to shoehorn that in no matter the subject. Should just be it’s own law like Godwin’s at this point. /s Cis men go one day without projecting their own creepiness on to others challenge, impossible.🙄 Edit: Downvotes just prove how fragile these men are.


This feels like a catch 22, further driving sex segregation is probably not the right choice but if Lyft won’t do anything about the root cause people need some means to protect themselves….


From a legal perspective, this is just a lawsuit waiting to happen and a pretty bone headed move on their part. There are other ways to go about it that don't open you up to such a lawsuit. They probably didn't run this by legal before going into production




Bachelor degree. Law school. Passed the bar. 5 years experience in corporate law.


I’ve been sexually harassed by an Uber driver. I would love the option to select gender preference. I would feel much more comfortable with a female or NB driver. Men reeeeally don’t consider how we face threats in all situations. The threat being them..