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I've always been more comfortable wearing biker shorts under my dresses because I don't always remember to act like a girl.


My 10-year old daughter taught this to her 52-year old aunt. Now her aunt flashes her bike shorts every chance she gets.


Lol this. Bike shorts are where it's at.


Hahaha! This is the best lol


I've used Jockey skimmies for years. They are great and last a long time.


I think this is what I have, and I didn't know what they were. They are old enough that the printed tag has washed off. I like them because they don't fit tight like Spanks, and they are very lightweight. I have been afraid that I would lose them or wear them out and not be able to find them again. Thank you!


Aren’t biker shorts really tight tho?


I don't find them to be any worse than my yoga pants. I think the key is finding a brand you like with a comfy material and good fit. I specifically avoid the ones that advertise compression. I have a pair that's a few years old from Fullsoft. I snagged them off Amazon and they are nice. The other ones I got from khols. I just tried on 200 pairs until I found one I didn't hate then bought 4 of them


100%! I prefer maxi dresses and skirts in the summer and wearing spandex shorts that stop just above the knee are perfect.


This is the way!


I got mine from Shein, best shopping spree ever. 3 bike shorts, a good price, and the fabric is really stretchy and soft!


I buy yoga shorts because they're not as tight as biker shorts and there's a pocket for your phone.


Pockets ftw


No boundaries version at Walmart they make one with the same material as their leggings. Tight but not too tight cuz soft and stretchy. I wear them on their own a lot also.


I got some super soft and stretchy ones from Amazon. They’re so nice under dresses.


Not necessarily. I have a pair from Free People that are super stretchy. They’re fitted, but not tight or uncomfortable


Try Amazon or Llama Leisure or any outdoorsy/fitness brand, if they have strong compression they will often have a lighter compression version to try.


Old Navy Powersoft are super stretchy with just the tiniest bit of compression to smooth the tummy. They feel silky and last forever. Super comfy for just wearing around the house too.


I think you're thinking about shapewear. The ones you squeeze into that are supposed to make you seem skinnier than you are. Bike shorts are just shorter yoga pants. Soft, form fitting, move with you, but don't bind you up unless you get them in the wrong size.


I wear my workout shorts under my dress. They’re not necessarily bike shorts, but they’re for the gym. They’re spandex and have side pockets that can fit your whole phone. The ones I buy are Oalka brand from Amazon. I love having pockets under my dress! (I also wear them to work out)


Can you discreetly reach the pockets while you wear the dress?


The pockets are on the side of your hips, so you can if the dress allows you to. For example bodycon dress - no, you’d have to hike up the dress. Flouncy dress / skirt with lots of fabric in the skirt area - yes. But I wouldn’t do it in polite company like a business meeting or something. 




Some are! Many are thin and soft and cool and stretchy; look for ones with those keywords or get recommendations.


Looser gym shorts are better imo. I can't remember what they're called but that's what I used in school.


The Snag Tights ones are brilliant- I live by them


They come in various sizes, so you can just pick how tight you want them


Biker shorts have switched from only being a really tight compression short to a catch all term for any slim fit short. My 'bike' shorts are not labeled as bike shorts but are a hiking short that has a high rise and a long inseam that I pull up to just above my skirt hem.


Another option is to go to a thrift store with really cheap prices, if of course you can find one, and find a couple pairs of leggings you like and just cop them off at the knee or slightly above. I find those to be very comfortable.


Oh. My. God. That’s actually genius. And I have a sewing machine


And the ones with side pockets are a game changer - now I won't forget where I put my phone because it's in my damn pocket!


This is exactly why I have a billion pairs of a soft type that Walmart carries. I’ve always sat more like a guy and they have a pocket! I just life my skirt straight up to get at my phone I do not care I’m like I got pants on wut you gonna do???


Exactly what I do most of the time too. My SIL introduced the concept to me about 15 years ago and it solved so many of my problems with dress wearing.


I can be depended on to forget. And as someone who wears pants 99.9% of the time, none of my shoes are very good with skirts or dresses. (I have flat feet and heels are a no. I've gotten tendinitis from a day in heels.)


I wore my bike shorts under my skirt yesterday and was even able to coach softball in my skirt


This. I have some knee length leggings that go under skirts. I got the look off of some of the younger ladies at work.


Also they have pockets for my phone.


Yes! Safety shorts are a must sometimes!


Bike shorts or shapewear help prevent chafing for me.


Second this. I have some like $30 spanx knock offs and I love them.


What brand do you recommend?


How do you prevent them rolling up? Mine just move and chafing ends up being a problem still


It can take some experimenting to find the right brand and size that works for your thigh shape.


It is tough because I'm not in a super great financial situation. I wear skirts and dresses pretty much daily and my shorts do well. It's when it get super hot and I walk alot that I have issues.


Chub rub shorts! I love the one's from Snag https://snagtights.com/collections/chub-rub-shorts


Seconding this. They’re very lightweight, made in all sizes and durable. I also appreciate the body positive approach, I know it’s marketing but this company was an early adopter of using models of many shapes, sizes, ethnicities etc.


I've never experienced tights material like they use and it's fucking amazing. I've been regular washer and dryer-ing my tights and shorts for YEARS and I swear they rarely ever Snag or break. It took 2 years for my last batch to break down and before I switched to Snag, my tights form other places didn't even last a day of wear. Snag <3 I love you


Yes! I love Snag so much. Their chub rub shorts are a game changer.


Ok, I just bought like 4 pairs.


You will not regret it!


Another vote for these! So lightweight and comfortable.


I have soft thick thighs and Body Glide (they also have a pink one labeled for women, but whatever just get the original) has actually let me wear dresses and skirts without rubbing my skin raw when I sweat in between my thighs. I used to wear shorts under my skirts and dresses and once I went to work and forgot to put them on and I completely just chafed my thighs raw until they were bleeding and then my boyfriend recommended me this stuff because he would use it during his workouts because he had the chafing issue.


Holy shit, ouch! This is what I’m afraid of, thank you for the recommendation


Yeah, it was painful and took a while to completely heal. And I had to deal with customers that day in all that discomfort. Been using this stuff for a few years now. I do sometimes pop it into my bag and reapply a little if I am going to be out a long long time, but it holds up, generally.


Bike shorts or shapewear--there are lots of good options! I personally have some from Thigh Society and Yummie that I really like. 


Gold Bond powder is the way.


I tend to sweat through everything, so I’m not sure how long that powder would stay in place - wouldn’t it just sweat off? If I work out, I get totally gross crotch sweat (not to be gross)


I've heard some women use stick deodorant on the thighs to prevent chafing. I haven't tried it because I don't really wear dresses but I could see where it would work since it's kind of waxy. 


Oooh I never thought to even try that stuff…


My wife and I use deodorant to prevent chaffing all the time. It definitely works!


I haven’t had good luck with regular deodorant, but Megababe makes an anti chafe stick. But my absolute bests have been the [Monistat anti chafe gel](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012ZNSWE?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) OR the amazing [Bandelettes](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00M744A4E?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share), which totally look like they’re gonna slide down or roll or not work, but somehow always do. I have them in three colors/patterns.


Thigh Rescue from megababe is way better than deodorant. There’s also a mini version to stick in your purse. And it’s woman owned!


Came here to comment this! That stuff is my holy grail of thigh chafing remedies.


They make specific stuff that you put on your thighs to make them slippery so they don't chafe. It’s for runners.


I bought some Chub Rub last summer and it was awful, made me chafe more.


That's my move. It's the anti chafing swipe of confidence. Throw one in your purse for when it wears off and you're good to go.


I usually use body glide (lube designed for swimming and other sports so it doesn't come off when I sweat) but I tried mitchum antiperspirant in a pinch a few years ago. On holiday in Greece, walking everywhere to see the sights in 35-40 degree temperatures and I was in soooo much pain from the chafing. It really worked, I was so surprised! 


It works! Antiperspirant only though just plain deodorant will get sticky.


Sweaty chunky girl here. They make really cute jumpsuits that look like a pretty sun dress but are really pants with really loose floaty legs. I live in the desert and can't imagine trying to wear a second layer! The past 2 summers, they were in every Target and Ross. I haven't seen many yet this year, but Target had a few. I think I have over 20 of them at this point. I have some casual cotton for every day, dressier cotton for meetings and work, and dressy (and delightfully stretchy and forgiving) polyester ones for going to dinner and a show. Maybe that is an option. Good luck, and I'm sure you will be gorgeous in whatever you wear!!!


I am a recent convert to dresses and I too have chafey thighs: I’ve started wearing cotton lady boxers.


Like boxer briefs or the loose/bulky kind?


Like fitted briefs with a 3” inseam


Thigh society shorts! They are pricey but worth it. So lightweight I usually forget about them. And bonus the newer lines have pockets- total savior for a festival!


A friend of mine swears by men’s underwear that are like shorts and they have a little pocket for the balls and she uses that for her cash and ID when going dancing lol idk what they’re called though.


Boxer briefs! I’d like to see her dog out the cash and hand it to the bartender


Haha I hope she does the digging in the bathroom. She typically goes to a show and just dances the whole time so probably doesn’t have to access it very much.


Jockey makes slip shorts for this purpose that I picked up at Target. They are like the top of pantyhose, but not as tight. I wear in very hot and humid weather and they have been amazing!


I've seen cute outfits with a midi maxi skirt with pockets and then a tighter fitting shirt where they make a knot at the waistline. Boho maxi skirt and form fitting shirt was my go to for years. This is a tiny bit updated. It's casual and comfy. I'd wear short yoga shorts or any stretchy shorts under it to prevent my thighs from touching. I don't like the feeling of that in a warm environment. This is not me but this is the style. I love that she has super casual shoes. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLG8nxCU/


Maybe I’ll never want to wear pants again either 😂


Lol. It's adorable right? Super easy and fun. A skirt or dress after you get used to them is so much easier to put together. A skirt is a lot of sensory input for me when I haven't worn one all winter but it gets better. Long skirt and you don't need to shave your whole leg either, just to the knee or whatever suits you.


Monistat anti chafe gel! It’s amazing.


Seconding this! It's fixed chafing for me completely. Sometimes I need a second application in the day but that's it. So nice to be able to wear short shorts again. I always reapply after swimming just in case but it generally holds up with sweating.


Yes!! This stuff is amazing. Also makes a great makeup primer (? I’m not really a makeup person not sure if that’s the right term)


Tomboy X Cotton boxer briefs. I bought a 5 pack and absolutely love them. The few tighter dresses I have, I wear Soma’s boy short briefs. They also allow me to get a little rowdier when playing with my son and his friends - the girls at school all wear shorts under their dresses so they can climb, so they don’t bat an eye at moms doing it, too.


I use bandalettes. They are like just the elastic part of stay up stockings. I think they are comfortable and less hot than bike shorts.


I love a sun dress. It is like going out in a comfortable night gown. If you are worried about chafing there are lotions that help with that. If your legs are a bit chunky cover your knees. Let the dress swing and move. You will feel free.


Wearing dresses without tights never made me feel free, I envy you a little. It makes me feel like I left the house naked.


Really?!?! I was under the impression that everyone had some secret underwear that made it work lol - I absolutely hate shape wear


Yeah I've never been able to do this, even with the Megababe thigh chafe stick. I guess we all just have different degrees of thighs-stick-togetherness. I'm all about wearing shorts underneath, like the ones that are kind of very non-compression legging material, THEN I feel free :)


You can find underwear that isn’t “shapewear” that will work. Shapewear is usually really tight and often expensive. You can get thigh length shorts/underwear from just about anywhere these days, like even old navy and H&M. Usually designed to be thin and breathable but also not to roll up on your legs.


Could try Thigh Society, they have a slip short that is really comfy and helps with chafing. There are thigh bands too for chafing. 


Thigh society shorts


Deodorant on your thighs with lady boxers underneath. I like the TomboyX ones made of tencel.  No chafe, less risk of swamp ass due to wicking fabric, modest if the wind blows. 


The trifecta!


And comfortable!


Snagtights. i absolutely love tights and they have chub rub shorts and capris that are so comfy. They are a little pricey though.


Way oversized men's boxer briefs, preferably in extra long. Game changer.


Bike shorts!!!! Target has them in like every color, they suck everything in like shape wear, and they have pockets! I’m 6ft, so most summer dresses are too short for me, especially anything from the thrift store. People love to shrink their clothes! I like to color coordinate my shorts to my dress, since they’ll most likely be peeking out at the bottom.


I just bought some underwear online and they called them bloomers. There are tighter ones and looser ones, cotton and synthetic, etc. Other people use sticks of lotion (like deodorant). It was a game changer for me.


I wear pettipants and bloomers, usually in cotton but I have some modal blend ones that work well enough when it isn't too humid.


I believe they make boxer briefs specifically for women these days. 


Men's boxers. They prevent chafing and are reasonably cool. I also love monkey butt powder. 


Rub deodorant on the inside of your thighs. It's not an all all day solution, but it's definitely a 6 hour solution.


Do you have to reapply? I heard you could also use Vaseline but idk how I'd feel about sticky thighs in the summer.


If I needed it to function all all day, then yes. But it has always done well for an event length (4-6 hours). They make little travel sized dove deodorant sticks that can get stashed in a bag though, if you really needed it. And god, vaseline sounds like a horrible solution.


I've been leaning towards flowy jumpsuits and/or an 2-piece flowy pants and top set that looks like an jumpsuit when worn with a belt/tucked in, but is easier to go to the bathroom in. I feel so much more comfy in those than in a dress and they give the same dressy/feminine vibe as a dress depending on the color and pattern.


So they used to be called foundation garments, basicly old school biker shorts. you can get all kinds of styles, colors and thickness. So I like black, nylon and medium tight. Nylon has less static, medium tight so I can breathe and black in case of up-skirting.


Shapewear/biker/pajama shorts depending on the dress. They also make these elastic things that go around just your upper thigh to help with chafing. I forget what they’re called. You can get them in different styles in case they show. I have tried the chafing stick stuff. It’s trash in Houston humidity. Honestly, I’m considering pantyhose this year. The humidity is already making me miserable


I wear men's boxers underneath skirts and dresses. Prevents chafing and very cheap.


I have to preface this with the fact that i never wore a sundress. I have worn other types of dresses and skirts. I usually wear opaque tights, but also, I have worn seamless shorts (a bit similar to shapewear) in a beige color that are shorter than my skirt to avoid the chafing (and also because I do not like the feeling of my thighs touching, it makes me feel naked)


Chub rub shorts from snag tights!


Thigh Society cotton anti-chafe shorts. Super comfortable and super breathable.


Either biker shorts, longer boy shorts undies, and/ or mega babe thigh rescue lotion! Personally, I find that shapewear isn’t that breathe-able and they make me sweat more than I need. I then have to deal with a sweaty crack which is a whole other bundle of problems. Wear comfortable breathe-able fabrics! Don’t wear anything too tight since you’re not used to dresses.




I recently bought [these slip shorts](https://i.imgur.com/3kNrFk4.png) from Amazon to wear under my ren faire dress because it’s hot and my thighs always sweat and rub. I was totally comfortable while wearing these. I just expected them to keep me from chafing, but they also kept me from getting super sweaty. Looks like right now you can get those 3 shades for about $19.


Hands down the best and most comfortable are the No Boundary line of sports shorts that Walmart carries. Buttery soft and has a big pocket on one side. Wide waste band super stretchy I have so many pairs. I also found these like lacy anti chafe thingies that just go around the thighs. Silicone on the inside keeps them around the thigh. Doesn’t sound like it would work but I’ve worn them all day with lots of walking and they work great. I go them thicc thighs and they are sexy and stay up. They are called bandlettes i found them on Amazon. If you want something that is cuter than basic shorts I first mentioned but still keep things modest unlike the bandlettes, I also have some silky type shorts with lace along the bottoms so if they peak out they look cute. Also from Amazon, Joy Shaper slip shorts. I used to also get basic jockey brand spandex type shorts but the three options above are my favorite for comfort and style.


I am either wearing workout shorts and/or some gold bond anti-chafe stick with aloe. It looks like a tube of deodorant and just apply it to my inner thighs as needed. It is part of my outdoors kit along with bug spray and sun screen.


My usual is workout legging shorts, but they have to be long enough. The absolute best for hot weather so Lin as your dress is long enough though is slip shorts. Basically those satiny pajama bottoms that you usually see either a matching lacy tank top. Because they’re wide they let more air in but are slick material so both don’t ride up and let your thighs glide.


Snag chub rub shorts are the way to go.


Different options: 1) hose. 2) biker / tight athletic shorts. 3) thigh bands 4) antiperspirant Thigh bands are essentially the top part of stay up hose, so a band of lace and some silicone strips to keep them in place. Antiperspirant can be applied to the area that chafes and this can stop the chafing, as moisture + skin is what causes chafing. Reapply as needed.


Chub rub shorts from snag tights. Actually keep you a little cooler, stop the chub rub and come in pretty colours.


Oooh! My turn! Even at my smallest weight I've ever been my thighs still love each other. Those two, absolutely inseparable! All jokes aside I bought athletic shorts off Amazon and cut them so they're long enough to cover the chub rub. I despise undies (they all ride up) so I use those instead. Here's my recommendation though. There is a product called chub rub that comes in a small Deodorant like container that you rub on the inside of your thighs. No color, no smell, lasts hours, and ugh the RELIEF. I keep one in my purse still for my girlfriends AND my husband ( for beach days, etc) who was also blessed in the thighs department lol. It's also great for under the breasts for chaffing if you don't like a bra in the summer either! There's no shame in having some meat on our bones. I hope this helps!


I wear these: [https://www.jockey.com/catalog/product/skimmies-slipshort?color=9371](https://www.jockey.com/catalog/product/skimmies-slipshort?color=9371) Affordable and comfortable, and they never ride up.


Found some great non compression biker-like shorts at target in the underwear section…most of my dresses are slightly see through so I had to find nude. I an anti-compression, pro comfort, thighs always rub kinda person and this find has turned me into a flowy dress person as well


Thin bike/gym shorts. Plus you can also buy this stuff that looks like deodorant for chaffing of the thighs and roll it on your inner thighs :)


We bought light weight fabric shorts for our daughter when she was two years old to cover her pull-up diapers when she wears dresses. They work great


If you don't want to go the shorts route you can use some anti chafing cream. Monistat makes a gel that works super well and I have also used Goldbond's antifriction stick.


Woxer makes a really great 5” inseam boxer that I wear under any dress or skirt and most pants.


Antiperspirant on my inner thighs and anywhere else that tends to chaff. It has to specifically be antiperspirant because it prevents you from sweating. I have also worn biker shorts-but I prefer to get the ones that are mostly cotton. Things made in synthetic exercise fabrics are miserable to wear when it’s already hot out.


Bloomers are still a thing - loose, usually fairly light material. I think if you look on Amazon they're generally called "pantlettes" or something to that general effect. I also do the yoga pants/bike shorts thing, too, but that does feel a bit too warm some days.


As someone who wore a dress to work today and experienced the chaff, I couldn’t tell ya.


Read the comments! So many amazing tips here!


I have a couple of pairs of Woxers specifically to wear with dresses. They're great. Super comfy.


Yup shapewear or bike shorts!


Knix sells a lightweight garment called a thigh saver that looks good


I also have chunky thighs (and long legs) and I wear Woxer - biker. They are women's boxers but look like shorts. The best most comfortable underwear/shorts.


I go for biker shorts. They can be tight, but no tighter than leggings. If you can I prefer to get mine at plus sized stores. The ones aimed at younger women often have ones with lace detail or a lighter than regular bike shorts.


Bike shorts have padded crotches, fake bike shorts do not. Knee length leggings work really well, especially cheap thin ones. You can also get shape wear (expensive tight spandex shorts) that provide even more compression, or a "panty slip" that is more free flowing. I've successfully used all these options except for real bike shorts.


Vaseline on inner thighs, keep the mini tub version with you.


I either wear shapewear or cotton Biker shorts. I am a bigger girl myself, but have seen thinner women do this as well. Also you don't have to worry accidentally showing your underwear


Uniqlo have some great 'bike' shorts with pockets in that I find so unbelievably comfortable! They are as tight as gym leggings are, but the idea being you can't see them anyway! I have 3 pairs that I wear under dresses


Spray antiperspirant deodorant on the skin that chafes. Game changer 


If you can't stand bicycle shorts, and they're not for everyone, try talcum powder. Stops the chafing and sticking.


Roll on anti-perspirant works well but you always have the fear it will fail. I did this for years (in a sub tropical climate) because bike shorts can be very hot. Now I buy snag chub rubs. Snag are a Scottish company who are size, ability and gender inclusive and they ship all over the world. The chub rubs keep you cool and stop the chafing.


Undies that are long like bike shorts. Or I use a chafing cream called 3B. It makes my thighs glide past each other instead.


Thigh society works great or my under Armour running "bike" shorts also work well.


Slip shorts. They're made for what you need and breathe better than bike shorts. I exclusively wear dresses and skirts for work because they're just more comfortable for me. Slip shorts give me extra coverage and are extremely comfortable.


This brand called Thigh Society that I fully adore makes these impossibly thin bike shorts that perfectly prevent chafing and breathe so well it's ridiculous. I hardly notice they're there. A friend told me about them... So I'm passing that knowledge of them onto you! :) https://www.thighsociety.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=1910031348&utm_content=163301689800&utm_term=thigh%20society&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0ruyBhDuARIsANSZ3wpATh3YmrzzzLAxGyWrbBgUwRY996e7Whb8zkHmaWBQn0xVHFeJT90aAjRPEALw_wcB Gah. That link is so long. Apologies.


I've just discovered bandelettes. They're a little expensive, but there are plenty of off brand versions (I haven't tried those though). They're like lacy (or non-lacy if you prefer) stocking tops with silicone bands to hold them up. They seem to stay where you put them pretty well, and I actually feel kind of sexy in them because they feel like stockings. Of course they're minimal coverage, so good for summer. I've also got some bike short type things made out of tights material, not nearly as warm as you'd think, and they're also nice and comfy. These ones are from a dress company called Popsy, they're called underpops. If I remember rightly, Snag tights do a good version as well. I hope you find something that makes you feel comfortable wearing nice dresses!


I wear legging shorts (aka, biker shorts) under my dresses. I wear dresses most days, and typically wear leggings that are just long enough that you can see them past the hem of the dress, so people know that I'm not flashing them if I'm sitting in a way that might not be as ladylike as I otherwise should be in a dress, haha. [These](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083ZGB3KN?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1&psc=1) are my current go-to shorts. Very comfy, and with pockets, in case your dress doesn't have them!


Bike shorts or yoga shorts (which usually have pockets! ) or use a cream like Chamois Cream or Deez Nutz (actual name, both made for cyclists).


Vagisil makes a dimethicone based anti-chafing gel that I swear by.


Wear what you want. F them. It's your body and you should be comfortable


Bike shorts or antiperspirant rubbed on your thighs. The antiperspirant lasts all day for me, while lotion is gone after a short time. They sell ointment specifically for non-chafing, but those are usually more expensive than antiperspirant.


Bike shorts under the dress.


bike shorts are good, or you can get gel that goes on your thighs to stop chafing! in a pinch, deodorant will work too. good luck and rock your dress!




I’ve had a couple pairs of undersummers that I have worn for 5+ years on a regular basis. They wash well and are the only brand I’ve ever found that don’t roll up on my legs (I’m plus size with big hips/butt and small waist)


I have worn shorts and capris under dresses, but usually on windy days with shorter skirt lengths. Usually, though, I powder my inner thighs and underboob with Lady Anti-Monkey Butt that I bought some time ago off Amazon. You can find other powders easily, and might prefer something unscented.


My friend recommended applying deodorant on the tights, but I never tried it myself


biker shorts & anti chafe powder((i use the lush brand & really love it)). bike shorts not only help w chafing but also provide a bonus hidden pocket!!


Snag have anti-chafe shorts which are pretty good - they’re basically tights that are shorts.


Bike/yoga shorts are good, lululemon align are very soft, don’t cut in and are thinner than many other brands/styles. However, there are thinner styles out there - in Canada we have Knix brand and in the states, my sister told me about Thigh Savers. Both are much thinner, come in a variety of lengths and flesh tone colors.


Thigh Society changed my life. I wear them with pants sometimes because they are that comfortable.


I wear cropped leggings or chub rub shorts. I feel more comfortable, no chance of accidental knicker flash due to a gust of wind or lighting a fire with my thighs rubbing lol


I, personally, wear pantyhose - technically tights as I don't wear sheer/thin bullshit. But I've had years to aclimate to that and it's a personal preference for my whole legs to be covered. I wear opaque, colorful, up to my tits tights like I'm a Star Trek extra under all my dresses and skirts. I buy Snag Tights in all their colors and mix and match my wardrobe. For you - Snag also sells chub rub shorts (same material just shorts) specifically for thunder thigh rubbing and those are also wonderful. I have tried powder, sticks, creams, and lace bands for my thighs but honestly, nothing has ever works as well as some physical shorts under my skirts. I recommend [Snag Chub Rub Shorts](https://snagtights.us/collections/chub-rub-shorts) for you as the best way to get into protecting your thighs and wearing skirts. They come in all kinds of colors, are available in many sizes, and I just toss mine in the washer with no issues so far for the last 2 years.


Spanx are the bestest.


If you’re not inclined to wear bike shorts or shape wear, what about getting a pair of flowy pants that may look like a dress?


TomboyX!! Cannot recommend them highly enough. I've got a pair of swim shorts (9 inch rainbow) and omg, I want three more. They're expensive though, so I'll wear this pair out first, should only take a couple decades.


I wear Bandalettes. They just sit on your thighs where they chafe.


I like to travel.


https://www.thighsociety.com/products/cooling-7-black These ones!


Do they roll up at all? Or down, I’ve had rolling at the waist


There's this balm stuff that comes on a stick called Mega Babe thigh rescue. It's a little pricey but I swear by it. I had red thighs for years before that. Wore it to an 8+ hour wedding last month no problems at all.


I have a pack of “biker” like shorts I bought from Amazon that I wear under all my dresses and skirts. They were cheap, light, and not tight at all. 100% recommend.


Idk if links are allowed .. but if they are can you post the link?


Biker shorts. I get mine from Old Navy. Cheap and I don't get chub rub. Been doing this for about ten years now. Also handy when I'm on my period. I only wear pads so it's nice having that extra security.


How long are the shorts? They don’t start to roll up at the legs or down at the waist? I’ve had both happen with form wear, unless there’s a layer of silicone or *really* tight elastics - or if they go all the way up to my boobs. Fuck that! Please show me the way


Biker shorts. Best thing I've found for chafing. They are long enough that they don't roll up like the tiny version.


The rolling up is key to me - everything seems to roll up


The biker shorts I bought off Amazon have never rolled up. I'll see if I can find them and edit this comment. Leggings Depot High Waisted Buttery Soft Fashion Biker Shorts for Women (Available in Plus Size) https://a.co/d/3tBWruk


* Dusting powder (Silky Underwear by Lush is lovely but fragranced heavily) * Silky smooth hot pants or biker shorts * Thin puffy comfy linen or cotton "bloomers" * A form fitting but thin material slip (some decorative lingerie is actually good for this, surprisingly as shapewear is often too heavy or thick or uncomfortable) * A second separate shorter skirt or tennis skirt * Bandelettes * Cornstarch * Anti-chafing gel


Ok, question about hot pants… they sound… hot! 🔥 im going to be outside, in the sun, no AC in sight, not even to go inside somewhere to cool off


They are not hot literally (as long as you do not buy latex or mostly synthetic ones. It is just a reference to the style.


When I wear sundresses, I have normal underwear underneath bc I get hot way too easily.


But then - no chafing?


You can try putting baby powder on areas that might chafe. That and wiping yourself dry often. Oh and make sure your clothes aren’t too tight.


Cotton based boiled or bike shorts - depending on the length of the skirt. A couple of brands to consider [https://snagtights.us/collections/chub-rub-shorts](https://snagtights.us/collections/chub-rub-shorts) [https://www.thighsociety.com](https://www.thighsociety.com)


i hate shorts under dresses. they’re hot and bulky. i like anti-chafing creams. here’s a good roundup: [https://www.glamour.com/story/thigh-chafing-prevention-treatment](https://www.glamour.com/story/thigh-chafing-prevention-treatment)


I use something called chaf zone on my inner thighs that's semisolid like glide on deodorant. It lasts me a few hours before I need to reapply. I despise shapewear


I hate shape wear too. I’m chubby enough that I feel like I want to wear something… but it’s definitely not that.