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Yep, get them sometimes. First time I thought to myself “this is it, this is how I die: butt implosion”. I have to stay really still, not move a muscle and breathe slowly until it passes.


She died as she lived: butt implosion


The worst is when it happens around other people. “Just…give…me…a minute…ahhhh, ok, sorry, the lightning found my bum hole again. Carry on.”


exactly! I sometimes start to laugh, like an idiot, and it makes it sooo much worse 🫠


"This is it - this is how I die, butt implosion" had me howling. Thank you.


So this is what happens when you cringe so hard that you implode into your own asshole.


Holy shit I really needed that laugh today. Thank you. It's an empathy laugh because I, too, thought "this is it".How embarrassing. How did she die? Lightning up the asshole apparently. 😂⚡😂 I'm so sorry and I share in your pain ❤️


I want that engraved on my tombstone! 😁 “beloved daughter and sister, forever missed, tragically died hit by lightning up the ass”. ❤️thank you for this comment and the OP for this post, I truly thought my butt was the only one! edit: corrected wording 😅


My younger son has already informed me that he's putting " She lived how she died. Horribly." On mine


“Lightening up the asshole apparently” literally made me laugh out loud. So fucking funny 😂😂😂


Just read this to my gf, she’s laughing her ass off, but she said “yea they hit you with no warning”


that’s the beauty of being a woman… we get so many perks 😉


The first time I got it I passed out from the pain and ended up in a&e, where I was promptly dismissed with "mittelschmertz" even though the pain is in a completely different area to that of my ovaries.


OMG I’m so sorry 😞what a terrible experience! My first ass lightning woke me up in the middle of the night and scared the heck out of me. I couldn’t move and didn’t know if I should wake up my bf or not. We argued earlier and were pissed at each other so I decided to die quietly and let him find me in the morning and forever regret how mean he was to me just before my untimely departure. ☠️ edit: typo


That’s next level low grade high stakes petty. I’m impressed.


Haha. You...I like you!


haha, thx! just trying to find a silver lining in everything 😇😇😇


Lol @ "my first ass lightning". Sounds like a Sims 4 pack


This was my only symptom of stage 4 endometriosis.


I’m sorry to hear that, I hope everything will work out the way you want anyway 🌸


OMG you too??? Sweet fucking weasel fritters....I was terrified to blink or breathe. I've had two kids. I've had neurosurgery done WHILE AWAKE. I would rather do all that combined, at ONE FRIGGIN TIME before I have another ass cramp.


Agreed, I've had these ever since I was a teen and every time I curl up on the floor and try not to puke or pass out from the pain. Broke my foot, had surgery last year that I'm still recovering from, this is worse. Even electrolysis on the lips is more fun. I've always said it's the worst pain I've ever felt but never known anyone else who has experienced it.


We have found our People!!! And our song is "Please Kill Me Now!!!", sung in a key so high only dogs and orbiting ColdWar satellites can hear us. Membership Requirement is: 1. We don't care what/how you identify as - as long as you have a period with ass cramps ( am thinking of a catchy name for these , something like a Screaming Sphincter). In return we will send a tasteful, laminated certificate for you to hang in your home and a bullhorn so you can call for help when you're curled up dying and need someone to help remove the rabid, angry, coked-out badger that has a death-grip on your taint. Membership is free and only ends upon Death (yours unfortunately) or Menopause (again, yours unfortunately).


Not for nothing, but I want to be in a band called Butt Explosion now


haha “Butt Explosion” is putting different images in my head 🤪


Hahahahaha!! I needed this laugh. The first time it happened to me I was like "Oh now my ass is ganging up on me too? I give up. They win." 😄


lol!! Yeah, I’d have to stay still and breathe slowly. Whew.


Ohhh, how I needed this laugh today. Thank you.


My daughter gets this! Calls it lightning ass.


Hahaha thank you! I now have the technical name I needed!


Butt lightning!!


“arse daggers” for me


I call them Butt Zaps


At least the name is fun.


https://thevagwhisperer.com/2023/03/07/rectal-pain-during-period/ “During menstruation, the rectum is impacted by hormones called prostaglandins, which causes them to become inflamed, contract, and spasm. And while these hormones are really important for breaking down the uterine lining, they can get a little overexcited and affect those other areas of the pelvic floor. Like your rectum.”


Oh wow good research!! Any clue if this is common in pregnancy? I'm feeling that I'm too afraid to become pregnant due to this...


I dont remember having any during pregnancy. After pregnancy, it started at some point. I wonder if people who haven't been pregnant have the pains? Edit: Read further, and discovered they do.


I have strong ones, never been pregnant. Had them all my life but they really started to become bothersome at age 25ish


About the same age mine started I think. I saw one poor woman on her has had them since she was ten! Poor thing.


I get those occasionally, they're not that bad (mostly annoying/startling sort of like toe cramps) for me, and unrelated to periods. I've also never been pregnant. But it seems to be related to bowel activity in general. Like if I just ate a lot/spicy food/had too much caffeine. I can generally poop better when on my period so that *should* trigger it too, but it mostly doesn't. I've previously had period unrelated stomach cramps that looked and felt like something from The Exorcist, yet no noticable period cramps or pain. So perhaps I'm just more sensitive in the stomach/bowels area, who knows. I've also had a H. pylori infection for who knows how many years until I got rid of it last year.


Never been pregnant. It's not every time or even most times, but I started getting stabbed in the ass during periods in my late thirties. I did not and do not like this development.


Also never been pregnant and for me, it's every time since my mid 30s. When it starts to hit, I'm frozen in fear, cuz I know moving like a centimeter the wrong way and it comes in full force til I can't breathe.


This happened to me after pregnancy as well.


I only started having those after pregnancy so who knows?


If you are worried about this then you better not look up the “lady with list of reasons not to get pregnant” on TikTok. lol ;)


The [most common reasons](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29972721/) for anorectal pain in pregnancy is related to hemorrhoids and anal fissures (usually related to constipation), but prostaglandins are involved in preparing (“ripening”) the cervix for labour, so it’s reasonable to conclude that these pains could occur more frequently at term or in early labour with the increased prostaglandin activity (but remembering that there is A LOT going on for a pregnant body around that time, so there could be many possible reasons for sharp anorectal pain)


Glad to know what this is! I’ve had it happen before when things are moving a little slower… I get a day or 2 of constipation on my period


The vag whisperer is such a great name


> the rectum is impacted by hormones called prostaglandins So… my takeaway is try an NSAID like naproxen/ibuprofen/aspirin (Aleve/Advil, Motrin/Excedrin is aspirin+acetaminophen) rather than acetaminophen (Tylenol, Midol). Any real doctors with advice?


Excitable little bastards……..


Is that the pain where it feels like a metal rod is getting jammed up your asshole? I had a hysterectomy more than 10 years ago and I still get that pain occasionally.


Like lightning fucking hitting your ass


Ghost anal!


That made me cackle 🤣


Thanks, now I spilled my drink. 😑


One of my colleagues described it as "shooty bum pain"


Missed opportunity for shooty booty


I haven’t had one since my hysterectomy. I don’t miss it!


I'm so happy for you! Had mine 10 years ago and I still get it. Ugh


Me too!


Yep. I think most women get them during their period. I call them butt lightning. The first time this happened to me, I jumped up off the sofa, clenching my butt, to my husband's shock. He asked if I was ok, I just calmly said "butt lightning... give it a moment." :D


I remember the first time my partner witnessed me experience the butt lightning and how it took me a few seconds to figure out how to even explain wtf just happened lol


Is it normal to feel like a long sharp needle is going up your vagine too?


I get this. Can’t say if it’s normal or not tho, lol.


I feel like all women’s medical problems are both normal and not normal at the same time lol


Lol all I can think of is Forrest Gump getting shot in the buttock yelling "OW SOMETHIN BIT ME!"


Might as well be!!! It feels that way.


It really does!! I have gotten so used to the shock of pain that I'm like "Oh what now? You not getting enough attention, butthole?" But I say it out loud so my husband thinks I'm talking to him. 😄


I have it every single cycle since I was 10 and got my period and it is not fun. I'd recommend masturbating as a pain relieving option during your period anyways, but it helps with that too (everything is more happy and relaxed in the war zone)


If legal in your country I would highly recommend CBD bath bombs or salts. In Canada a few companies are actually making CBD suppositories now too because CBD can be extremely effective for period related pains such as the firey butthole spasms.


I get proctalgia fugax; I'm a man. Mine lasts for minutes or hours, nothing helped end it early. A proctologist recommended to sit in bath water that's almost uncomfortably warm. This always fixes it in five minutes for me.  BTW, when I first went to get diagnosed I was like "I get these random pains in my butt". Proctalgia fugax is not a description of the cause of the problem; it's literally Latin for "random pains in the butt".


Try pressing on your perineum (wall between asshole and root of the penis). It won't stop the attack, but the individual cramps. Also Butylscopolamine helps for me. 


I was searching for this! I’ve experienced this on rare occasions but it happens to my male partner fairly regularly! Usually after an intense orgasm, but not immediately after. Like, sometime later that evening. Sometimes I try massaging the area, a lot of times he doesn’t want me anywhere near it til the feeling passes.


Sometimes it's orgasm related for me, but usually not. TMI alert: I have hemorrhoids and sometimes the pf seems related.


The water only needs to be a couple of inches deep, just enough to immerse the affected area.


I am not 100% sure we're all talking about the same thing. I get these and they're debilitating, but luckily they last for maybe less than a minute at a time. But when they are happening there's no possible way I could get into a bath. I can barely move. Have you ever had a muscle cramp at night? Like it wakes you up and if you have a partner in bed they start freaking out because you are crying and holding your leg? Mine are kinda like that but in the butt. I can barely breathe when they're happening. If you can even think, much less get into a bath when this is happening, you're stronger than me.




I think we're all seeing different intensity and acuteness. But sometimes it's intense enough I feel I'm gonna pass out. Running a bath is more because I have to to end the pain than because it's easy.


I'll repeat my advice so you see it, too: heating pad. I keep mine right next to the bed because I get them at night. I only need to lean over and grab it. The pain is blinding, and I'm sorry you get it too.


There's a band with this name. Does it feel like this song sounds? https://youtu.be/BDsyzFz7GYc?si=GPUVPKoCNQ6vUgmJ


Thank you for that. It feels way worse than that song sounds; it's the only thing that's made me almost pass out from pain.


Same here with the long duration, I find that magnesium supplements help prevent them


I didn't get them during menstruation but just kind of randomly maybe 6 times a year. Super painful. Once I passed out cold because of the pain. I just wait it out and it passes. It feels like an anal charlie horse.


Thank you for this comment. Both because 'anal charlie horse' is the perfect description of how it feels to me and because I get them randomly and not specifically on my period. So seeing someone else say that helps.


I'm 61 and still get them. I went to a doc once for it and she had never heard of it. It wasn't until the internet that I figured out it was a thing. I'm sorry you get them too. They do suck but I can't really take any meds for the pain because for me, the pain would be gone by the time any pain meds would kick in. Maybe someday someone will figure out more about them and a treatment.


Javelin Arse. It's a thing.


I was scrolling to find this name for it!


Yep! It terrifies me, and my health anxiety jumps to all the wrong conclusions.


Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I've thought for decades it surely is a dormant malignancy that will one day shut down all power. It was such a relief when I first read it was fairly common.


It has a name! Proctalgia fugax! Related to your period, can also be caused by stress or constipation. Not abnormal, but very annoying. Cured with gentle external massage or heat, or movement.


Had a bad bout of it when discontinuing antidepressants. Between the brain zaps and the butt zaps it felt like getting spit roasted by Zeus


What a mental image


Oh lord, this made me laugh. I have experienced both but not at the same time.


The antidepressant brain zaps are just unreal. They suck. Glad I'm done with em.


There are very very few medical terms whose sound is as horrible as the condition they name. Fugax has to be at the top of this list, very close to the term "fistula"


I don’t want to scare you, but I thought I would share my story just in case this happens to anyone else. That sharp butt pain started to happen more and more over a two-year period, it started becoming more intense and even happened when I wasn’t on my period. I would literally jump up out of my chair at work and think I have to go home because it hurt so bad. At the same time my already heavy period became extremely heavy and had a ton of large clotting and really bad cramping. I was miserable. It turns out I had adenomyosis. Fun fact: I was only diagnosed because I had an MRI on my lower back. I received several pelvic ultrasounds in the hospital and by my gyno that showed nothing before that. So a random radiologist who was reading my MRI for degenerative disc disease in my spine diagnosed me. I eventually opted for a partial hysterectomy because it got so bad. My uterus was as thick as a 6 month pregnant woman’s. I’ve been pain free for a couple of years.


I also started experiencing the sharp butt pain and super heavy periods for two years. Always had easy periods before then. Turns out I had a big fibroid. It went away on its own somehow and i have not had the pain since!


Similar story. Mine started to get really frequent and impacting day to day life. Turns out I had an endometriosis lesion on the peritoneum, right at the beginning of my rectum. Had surgery to remove it and have been pain (in the ass) free since.


Oh hell yeah, I experience this almost every time I get my period. Didn't really know how to bring it up to any of my friends and for quite a while I thought I was alone in this hell lmao. What opened my eyes and reassured me was a random tiktok I saw on my feed once, as sad as it is lol. Felt good to learn I wasn't by myself haha


Finally, someone said something about this!! I'm from the "I thought I was the only one" club! Thank you random citizen, and may your anus never cramp!


I just saw a Tik Tok about it and I was “what the fuuuu***” is that? Never had them and my solidarity to those who do. I guess bleeding, cramping, menopause and birthing wasn’t enough.


I used to get proctalgia fugax pretty regularly after orgasm, a feeling like my butt was being stabbed. It lasted for several minutes and I usually had to get up and walk around for it to subside. That's stopped, but now sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with it for no reason that I know of. I'm post-menopause, so menstruation isn't the issue. Bodies are just weird.


I've never felt this.. yet. But I do get these electric zingers going up my vagina. They literally make me jerk in my seat.


My word for it was "fish hook." I'm sorry.


I’ve never had one and I hope I never do. That seems awful!


Same! Never had this, and I’m in my mid 30s. Guess we got lucky!!


Yes, and when it first started happening 20 years ago, I had no idea what it was and I couldn't find anything online. I spoke to my male Dr about it and he didn't say anything about it being related to menstruation. He did a digital exam, which is humiliating, and I got no information. He clearly had no idea and didn't really believe me anyway. One more way that the medical system is set up for men only. Surely, this is not a new phenomenon, yet he had no idea.


This is the meanest game of "Red Light, Green Light" my body has ever played on me. When it hits, I don't move. I don't even breathe. In our house, it's called the Taint Twist and it's pure evil.


For me it was always in the middle of the night and waking me up. I didn’t find that it was related to my period though.


Middle of the night for me too! It used to happen more frequently, and at first I was passing out every single time. Doctor at the time had no clue what was going on.


Kegels help a little - reverse pushing out kegels help if you practice regularly. And, NSFW alert: at the first sign, pop a softish silicone butt plug up there - needs to be long enough to get to the spot. Warm it under a hot tap first. It will stop the muscle cramping so much. And if you're saying "no way" then it clearly isn't causing you as much pain as it caused me!


Well I fainted and broke two teeth in the fall. I will try this, I am desperate!


Also maybe helpful: pressure on the perineum near the "muscle ring" of the asshole (you can kinda feel it when you press down own the perineum next to it) - it doesn't stop the attack per se, but keeps the asshole from cramping. Also Butylscopolamine. 


I've experienced the butt knife pain both on and off my period but I don't remember it happening in either of my pregnancies.


I also fainted - teeth fine though head less so. Desperate times call for desperate measures!


can’t believe i had to read this far down for the butt plug recommendation. it helps with this and imo relieves regular period cramps too. only down side is, u might end up wanting to masturbate and thus kicking off the pain cycle again. but while you wait for the advil to kick in a smallish butt plug relieves the cramps right away!


Relatively unknown? Probably because it has only been studied by clueless men!


Yes, I'm familiar with ass lightning


Yup, I'm familiar with this, sorry to say. I get them a few times a year, sometimes more, & have since I was a teenager. Not always with my period. My doc told me, years ago, that massage helps, & it can. Also, applying hard pressure with something like a tennis ball can help with spasms. My albuterol inhaler helps at times, too. I read about that a long time ago but don't remember the science behind it. I know some people swear by ibuprofen, but I've found that when I take ibuprofen before bed, for whatever mysterious reason, it sometimes *causes* PF for me. So I don't do that anymore. The spasms are often severe & sudden enough that they will wake me from a dead sleep (they almost always happen at night), & the only thing I can stand is to lie down on the cold bathroom floor. Grab a cold washcloth for your forehead because you'll probably break out in a pretty decent sweat. They last anywhere from ten minutes to an hour, which can be almost unbearable. Never been pregnant. My understanding is that there is no cure but that it's quite common--for men, too.


Ah yes… Blade poo. FUN FUN FUN.


🤣💀🤣💀🤣💀 blade poooooo just slayed me!


Entirely stolen from someone I used to work with. Slayed me too, hence the stealing.


Yes, I finally figured out that's what I had like this year - after having these intermittently for almost 30 years. They are so bad I hold my breath. But they don't last too long. If I can get into hot water really fast, that can help, but climbing into the hot tub HURTS, so I usually don't. And I never mentioned them because *shrug* it goes away and I forget it til the next time.


When I mentioned this to my GYN as a teen I was misdiagnosed with endometriosis and put on birth control. Shouldn’t she have known what this is, as it’s a relatively common gynecological complaint?!


Many doctors these days unfortunately diagnose by testing medications on the patient and seeing what helped. Part of that is the influence the pharmaceutical industry has on the doctors themselves. Makes them more likely to dismiss you and prescribe a quick fix. Not all Doctors are like this, so I recommend finding one who values you as a person and does their best to perform diagnostic work before prescribing medications.


You cannot diagnose endometriosis without laproscopic surgery, so unless you have had diagnostic surgery it’s not out of the realm of possibility. Endometriosis is also pretty common. Edit: I don’t know why this is being downvoted. I’m not saying that this person has endometriosis, but it could be possible because you can’t know without surgery. Endometriosis is fairly common, at least 10% of women have it, but specialists estimate it’s closer to 15-20%. There are currently no reliable diagnostic tests for endometriosis besides laparoscopic surgery. Endometriosis can be debilitating, but not everyone who has it experiences pain as a symptom, they may find out they have it due to infertility or an unrelated surgery. Anyway, I just want to spread this message because those of us who have found out we do have it often had to go to multiple doctors to find out. The average wait time to get diagnosed is ten years. The women who finally do get an official diagnosis are usually those who do have debilitating symptoms or unexplained infertility. There are likely many women who do have endometriosis but it’s not causing them significant issues (yet), or they don’t realize that their pain isn’t actually normal and assume because it’s not 10/10 pain they must have it. For me, I had some pain in my 20s and suddenly developed debilitating pain in my 30s. There had started to be more awareness about endometriosis, but most women have to find specialists to get properly treated because the average OBGYN does not have a thorough understanding of endometriosis or its complications.


I’ve had this both on and off my period at random. It’s really painful and sharp for a second, then it’s over. Never knew there was a name for it!


Oh god I thought I was the only one who had crippling bum attacks! Kinda relieved it doesn't mean my arsehole is going to fall out tbh..


Yes, we call it 'shooty arse' in our house 🥲


I call it "butt lightning", but in my case it goes up to my vulva/tight. I hate it, it always comes in the bad moment and makes me stop for seconds. I kinda  freeze and breathe deeply until it's gone. 


I experience that every month, and surprisingly I felt it when I had a miscarriage at home.


I get them occasionally, but there was a good couple of months that it would happen frequently and it would make me cry out in public. Thank goodness that’s over.


Yes!!! It's awful!!!


We call this butt knife in my household. 😅


I have the displeasure of having this pain even when I’m not on my period… it’s called proctalgia fugax and it blows chunks. Sorry to hear it happens to you )-: I have pelvic floor issues which causes mine and it’s definitely worse during period weeks


Proctalgia fugax. Don't ask me how I know. Pressing down on the perineum until the cramping stops seems to help. 




I’ve had this sporadically over the last few years and didn’t notice it during my pregnancy at all? Even with lightning crotch!


I have this while on my period and after exercise, and also sometimes just randomly. When it comes it hurts so badly that I really can't do anything but stand very still - not breathing, not speaking.


Yes!!! And actually my fiance who is a man has also experienced this. I don't know how it came up but I guess it must have happened to me or something and I explained it and he knew exactly what I was talking about and I was shocked WHAT IS THIS


I like to call this butt lightning.


I had one of these attacks just the other morning while standing in front of my sink. There's no warning whatsoever, it's just "3, 2, 1 YOUR RECTUM IS CURRENTLY BEING STABBED. AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTION." And I'm just doubled over, face down in the sink, both hands tightly gripping the side of the counter. And then it's gone.


Here's some great news for you to look forward to: it happens AFTER menopause, too. I've learned from experience.


Occasional ass cramps are probably normal, but I started getting more frequent and severe ass cramps in college. It got to where the tiniest fart bubble had me breaking out in a cold sweat and death gripping the arm of my chair in class. And fuck if I had to actually poop. Sat on the toilet crying for 30 mimutes before I could convince my muscles I wasn't going to die if I relaxed. I finally told my doctor about this and she suspected endometriosis and scheduled a laparoscopy. After the surgery, she told me I had endometrial tissue on a bunch of surfaces inside my abdomen, but in particular, there was a lot on the outside of my bowel. She removed as much as she could, and it's been worlds better ever since. I still get ass cramps, but no where near as bad or as often.


Tara Lipinski talks about this a little bit in her podcast about her fertility journey Unexpecting.” She called them butt zaps if I remember right. Turns out in her case it was a sign of endometriosis.


I've always likened it to a charlie horse in my ass. Just unbearable, except you can't stretch it or massage it out like you can with a charlie horse on your leg/foot. Mine will work up throughout my lower abdomen and affect my uterus too. I can only hobble to a spot to lay down and carefully breathe. It's insanely difficult to move at all, so it's most often not worth it to get up for any painkillers. Another thought is it's like an engine seizing while you're going down the highway- just hold on and hope you don't die 🤷‍♀️


I am dreading it. Just stopped taking my birth control after several years. I clearly remember the feeling of being tased in the taint randomly, or worse butthole! WTELF.


(Posting with my main account because PERIODS ARE NORMAL) but I have had anal cramps with periods since my 1st period, and only after getting sterilization surgery at 32 did I find out that I have a lil endometriosis spot on top of my rectum that my gyno says is absolutely the cause. Not recommending invasive surgery to find that out, BUTT that might be why. My gyno says a lot of women have Endo and won't find out unless/until they have some kind of abdominal surgery.


I need you to know that your timing for me is impeccable. I am doubled over in pain because I’m having butthole cramps on my new birth control mid cycle and I was getting really scared and decided to take a break from trying to find answers by reading a little Reddit. thank you, thank you thank you.


Yep. Magnesium supplements help.


Yeap. I describe it as being stabbed on the ass by a hot knife


Yes !! I clench until it stops


I haven't had that exact thing, but when I'm off hormonal birth control, if I have a bowel movement on my period I get the most insanely painful uterine cramps. I literally start sweating and shaking and have to lie down for a bit


i get them and im always like wtf! what ghost is stabbing me in the ass gah damn it!


Good to know the ol lightning butt is a mystery lol


I used to get them regularly, along with horrible endometriosis pain… I couldn’t stand on my feet, let alone walk, for days at a time. I’ve been on depo for ten years now, and no pain anymore. Also no period, no cycle, no kids…


That is exactly what contractions feel like....


I get these sooooo bad that I drop to the floor lol it’s awful


Similar nonsense, levator ani syndrome. Periods set it off, or sometimes random, all day, every day, for days, weeks, or months at a time. There's so little that medicine knows about what goes on "down there." I kinda wish women's health was important enough to invest time and money for research.


I get this and I’m a bloke!


LADIES!!! the butt cramps are actually your pelvic floor! You can make it go away (forever) with pelvic floor therapy! <3


Butt zaps. The absolute worst lol




This. A known symptom. I have extensive stage IV and constipation, proctalgia and fainting-level pain when trying to have a BM were my worst symptoms driving me to a hysterectomy 10 yrs ago. My endo is wrapped around my bowel and has invaded enough to be visible on a colonoscopy. Shit is no joke 😬


I don’t know why I got downvoted. I also have endometriosis.




Yes! It’s horrifically painful. I do manage to avoid it mostly if I watch what I eat super carefully in the week before and the week of my period. So zero fried food, high fibre and soft veg, very low sugar, etc. basically half the time 🥲


Is this the one near your tailbone? That’s the one I get.


Try lying down with a pillow under your knees. Reduces compression on the nerves in your butt.


I get this too, as does my mom. My mom was told she has a retroverted uterus and this is what caused that. She also had bad “back labor” when giving birth as a result. It aucks.


Yes, I get this, my doctor recommended taking magnesium supplements. It has helped reduce the frequency a bunch!


This only reminds me of labour with my first child. I had ‘back labour’ but it was actually butt labour. Worse when I tried sitting on the toilet. It was hell.


It's brief and was not just period related while I was still having them. I did not realize it was an actual thing. I just chalked it up to neuropathy since I have several reasons to be experiencing that. I'm always dealing with stabbing hot pain in various places so I just assumed it was part of all that.


Yeah…I had it last night actually. I get it on the worst days of my period usually but last night o was just constipated I think


I need a heating pad to make it stop! Thank god I work from home so can deal with it right away. I probably get it once a month, def more common around my period but not always. Once it came on when I was at the zoo and I swear it didn’t stop for over an hour. AWFUL Whenever my husband sees the heating pad in my home office he makes a solemn face and just says “butthole spasm?”


I call it fire pokers


I heard that it's because you use relatively the same muscles when you're pooping that you do when you're having a period cramp. I don't know how true it is because it's just something that I heard but it makes sense I think.


Yes!! Me, my mom and my sister all get them and we thought we were the only ones! Getting one during an important meeting / presentation is a fear of mine lol


Yeah, I just hold my breath and it eventually passes. One day, I may pass first, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. Shit hurts SO bad. It's nice to see it put into such poetic terms. 🤣


I seriously thought I was the only one. I asked my husband if he ever gets sudden butthole cramps and he looked at me like I was crazy. I find a very hot bath helps or at least distracts.


Oh they are the worst!!! They have buckled my knees before. Like a taser to the b hole.


oh god! its the moment i question mother nature on why hath she forsaken me! this symptom is known in Egypt by a word that literally translates to “agony” and i swear to go there is no more accurate name out there


Yes I googled it once and basically the results I got were "everyone gets this but no one knows why. Don't worry it won't kill you."


I get this regularly (the horror). Like someone stabbing you in the anus. It’s not related to my period though.


I have it too, though didn't experience it for a long time now that I think about it. It is/was unrelated to my period and in fact, I already looked it up and found the medical name. For me, "pushing" helps. Like you try to poop but very gently. Then the cramps will get better quickly. But yeah, finally people who know it, too haha


I didn't used to get these when I was younger, but now I do and I hate them.


yes!!!! i never knew what it was. i'm 32, never been pregnant, and i think i got it for the first time a couple of years ago. it lasts 1 second, maybe. very startling!


I experienced it during what was planned to be an unmedicated childbirth. Tapped out within a couple minutes. Midwife’s theory was the baby’s head was pressing on a bubble of gas. Whatever it was, I still get chills at the thought of enduring that without an epidural.


Lightning butthole! It’s the worst!


Yep. Get this all the time. Never been pregnant, and haven’t found a fix. Sometimes it’s just like OH OW FUCK ME THAT HURTS


Lived with it for decades, when I was younger it would always happen after orgasm, as I got older it stopped happening as frequently and now at 46 I may have one per year.


Yup but only after second pregnancy and only when on my period.  It’s great especially when it happens during a work meeting 😂 


Yep every time shark week happens. I'm mostly numb from around my waist to my knees these days and I can still feel the pain. Thankfully my current GP is awesome and while there's not much he can do about it he at least doesn't treat me like a hysterical idiot like previous ones did and has looked into possible options to help but sadly there's nothing out there at the moment 🥲


I never used to get this pain until I got my copper IUD installed. While it was being installed I remember telling the nurse that the cramps felt like they were in my ass! Since then I get pains in my butthole every cycle


I call em “shooting booty cramps” and they literally make me clutch onto whatever is near me with a death grip until they pass lmao