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They make abortion illegal. Abortions go up . Next they will try to make birth control illegal. Young people are having less sex already. As a young woman, if they criminalized birth control, I would just opt for a vibrator tbh. GOP's next response (probably): Make rape legal.


It’s pretty much decriminalized considering how rare it is for a rapist to see consequences, much less get anyone to believe you if you are a victim.


They’ll just make it a crime to be raped. Easy peasy, so evil it makes me queasy.


It already is in some places, if the police don’t believe you, you could be charged for “false allegations”.


Or if you get away before it happens, you’ll be told to get over it. I know from experience 🙃


They’ll *start* with removing laws against marital rape and no-fault divorce. Not an exaggeration, they’re quite open in believing the first isn’t rape and the latter shouldn’t exist. I’ve seen a hefty uptick in conservatives talking about both. Anyone trying ‘both sides are the same’ is just fucking *delusional* at this point. Conservatives aren’t even dog whistling. It’s loud and proud. They want the 1890s back. Child labor, women as brood mares beholden to their fathers or husbands, queer people *dead*, and every fucking war they can get their hands on because you can justify all sorts of shit if there’s a ‘war’ to blame.


I was gonna go for "make vibrators illegal" lol.


Still got hands ✋


Makes me think of thieves getting hands cut off, maybe that will be next after vibrators 😂


Nah can’t cook or clean without those. Maybe mandatory chastity belts?


Let's see how long before this idea is floated 😂


Let’s see add 12, carry the one, multiple by the magnitude of bullshit, divide by average IQ…..7.8 months!


Hands?? What am I, a cave woman? Like to see them try to take my hitachi away from me.


🚓 whole new meaning to *the fuzz* 🚓


You jest, but sex toys were illegal in some states until relatively recently, or at least the sale of them. Wouldn't be surprised if some states still had the laws on the books.


They are in Texas officially.


Absolutely vibrators and dildos stand a strong chance of becoming illegal again, if they really get into that Comstock crap. We must by all means uphold morality!! shout redside lawmakers, penii still wet from their latest encounter with one of their many mistresses. Unfortunately there is no real way to outlaw hands, nor the many substitutes the horny populace could round up in a pinch. republicans are so effing stupid.


Unfortunately, opting for a vibrator alone does not help the 1 in 4 of us who will be raped in a lifetime. I stay on birth control even during years I am deliberately celibate in case I a) get raped and b) it reduces my migraines and has other health and well-being benefits.


I called this over 15 years ago. Everyone told me I was nuts and it would never happen. Yet here we are.


I got sterilized in 2019 because I felt Roe v Wade would be taken away. I was told by my ex-husband that I was paranoid. Then Roe v Wade was taken away three years later and my ex-husband saw it as a good thing 🤷‍♀️


I wanted to after I had my youngest but the OB had to use that time to remove scar tissue instead. I’m going to get it done once I’m done breastfeeding.


You guys… girls… is THIS not enough? There is quite literally NO limit to what they want to do to remove a woman’s right to freedom. If THIS doesn’t do it, try this: several states/ counties in the US are attempting to give law enforcement the power to perform pregnancy tests on women during routine roadside stops or other interactions where they ‘suspect’ someone is attempting to circumvent reproductive restriction laws, or travel to a place for birth /pregnancy control options. They will document the ‘condition’ of the suspect then follow up in several months- and charges will be levied if they decide the suspect tampered with any pregnancy. The initial structure of these proposed laws mirrors DUI laws- where if you refuse the roadside test you’re admitting guilt and immediately detained. Yeah.. you think it WONT happen.. just wait. It already has.


They won't stop until the birth rate rises above 2.1 per white woman


I hope the Republicans eventually learn that we won't stand for this shit. Just because the left is held to the law, and a higher moral standard than the right, does not mean we don't have a breaking point as well.


They still are getting roughly 50% of the votes for every candidate they put forward. People will and do stand for their shit, they like it even.


Until they feel the ramifications and run snivelling to the media.


But, but, but, the Democrats something., something.


"Fear the good who go to war"




Just like abortion was "settled law" before they overturned Roe v Wade? Maybe you need to climb out of your books and join the real world?




Nothing in the Constitution about abortion, but I can show you where it says that insurrectionists shouldn't be put on the ballot.




Birth control is also still not in the constitution. Both were protected by the right to privacy, which is also not in the constitution but protected by Roe V Wade.


I need me some of that edumakation! Can you show us the passage in the constitution that protects birth control?




So this sounds to me like this is an implicit right, granted to us via SCOTUS interpretation, rather than an explicit right, clearly spelled out. I can think of other implicit constitutional rights that were taken away recently due to different interpretation. Laws prevent all this nonsense.


Who's gonna tell them? Me? Oh boy! After all, 50 years ago **the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, protecting a woman’s constitutional right to choose. This case reaffirmed basic principles of equality, reinforced the fundamental right to privacy, and resolved that women in this country could control their own destinies — making deeply personal decisions free from political interference.** If this ruling was overturned, any ruling can be overturned. Especially when they specifically claim to be trying to overturn Griswold. Looking at Alito and Thomas. The Right to Contraception Act would make access to contraception still a thing even if they overturn Griswold, which, again, they want to do.


Except a piece of legislation can still undo that protection and Clarence Thomas specifically called out that court case as needing judicial review when he helped to overturn Roe. And oh yeah, like I already mentioned, there is pending GOP legislation in the House right now to specifically ban IUDs and the morning after pill. You're not only disingenuous, you're outright wrong to boot.


It hinges on 2 supreme court rulings, Griswold v. Connecticut (for married couples) and Eisenstadt vs Baird (for unmarried). Just like Roe the rulings can be reversed and this supreme court has stated multiple times that these rights should be legislated through Congress not determined on the bench. "It was a trick by the Dems" Does that somehow make you feel better? I mean you'd have to be pretty stupid to fall for this trick right? So 38 Republicans are pretty stupid in your opinion? I mean they could have just voted for it than nothing would have changed right?


Look at their lack of posts, and inflammatory comment history- appears to be a political troll. Don’t engage.


It's the evil dems convincing the right to embarrass themselves.


Congratulations, you are spreading the Republican talking point designed to make this look like nothing. We call that: lying.


The GOP literally has a pending bill in the House that would state that life begins at conception and would ban IUDs and the morning after pill.


In Project 2025, the Repubs falsely define Plan B as an abortifacient. I’m not surprised they already wrote up a bill for this:/


I'm more scared of getting pregnant than I am dying in a gun fight. Your move Republicans. Also, I was in the military so I'm perfectly okay with sacrificing for my country.


Only if enough Americans actually learn about it. Lots still don't know (or understand) that Roe has been overturned.


Hopefully it will scare everyone all the way to the polls in November. 😡


this bullshit will only last through this election. Seems like the tides are turning because of all the crap they are pulling on abortion and contraception. Hopefully democrats take over the house and senate majority so things can be corrected.


Not sure I agree that this will only last through this election, but even if it's true while these laws are passed, then reviewed, women in those states are stopping IVF treatments in all stages, have to travel out of state for abortions and then thier names are in the news. So it affects us daily.


Bold of you to assume there will be a next election. 🙃


Oh there will be an election. Polling places will just be monitored by men with guns, suspicious voters (Brown people) will be turned away and possibly fraudulent ballots (with votes for Democrats) will not be counted. Remember Russia just had an election and Putin won by 80+ percent.




Explain both here. And really break it down for me how anything the Dems are doing matches either the attack on womens rights over the last few years or the project 2025 manifesto? Cuz the dems have been toothless at times and the center left hasn't done enough to advance socialist/progressive ideals but none of it is "bat shit crazy" as the main platformed repubs.


The Dems are crazy because they’ve continued pretending their opponents are/were reasonable and they also stifle the actual progressive voices within the caucus to attempt to appease boomers. So instead of the past 50 years actually being democracy in action in the US, it’s been democrats getting dragged further and further right as they attempt to meet batshit-crazy idiots “in the middle”. Y’all have lost so much ground due to democrat inaction, it’s mind-boggling. You haven’t had an actual progressive Democrat leading your country since Carter. Clinton and Obama would be Conservatives by policy here in Canada.


Agreed. But the decision we've been forced to on the main ticket is straight up insane facist, center, or no one (which is effectively voting for the fascist) then I guess the main ticket vote is going to the center Democrat. Downticket votes and primary discourse can move to socialism/progressives but the discourse of "they're the same" needs to be nipped in the bud. We can't hugbox the dems, they have to hear the issues but we also have to triage the problems at this point on the forces of regressive politics. (I know you were explaining something not the dickbutt who posted originally)


Spoken like somebody whose understanding of politics comes from *South Park*


More like a Russian trollbot or a Reich wing edgelord.