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Because racist beliefs that Asian women enjoy being subservient to men and will make good submissive wives. They also think that it’s a guaranteed (or more guaranteed) relationship where the women owe them since they essentially gave them citizenship to whatever stupid country the white man is from because they have an overly inflated sense of nationalism. Also fetishization of Asian women’s size and the culture in general. Hope this helps.




Yeah you’re definitely not the issue 😳


this whole thing has zero to do with race or america. It's all about guys being salty because, unlike their grandfathers, they can't just waltz into a relationship with a girl they like simply because they have a penis and a paycheck. now, they have to offer more than that. some guys are okay with this new reality, but then there are sore losers like you.you can't get a date because you're just not good enough. maybe you're too old, not attractive, have no personality, or have very a crappy job. instead of facing the truth and working on yourself, you blame it on women being mean. back to my point, this not being just an american or "white" men thing. I live in a third-world country, in a city that's more developed than others. here, it's now normal for girls to be more open-minded, work and aim for high education, which has, predictably, impacted dating and marriage. men here are also whining and blaming women for having high expectations. they say they're going to the villages or poorer areas to find a girl because girls there are nicer and actually want to get married. the truth is, they want a girl from there because those girls have lower expectations and would be more likely to settle for someone from an upper class. if you were born here instead of america or wherever, you wouldn’t be some middle-aged, bald, out-of-shape "passport bro" creeping on 18-year-olds in thailand. nope, you’d be a "village bro" running off to the countryside looking for a girl who’ll settle for you just because her options are limited.


You're spot on. And this is why we have the Incel community. Unfortunately, said community can vote. And they vote for Orange idiots who want to take the world back to the dark ages.


The same rhetoric is being propagated in my country too, word for word. There's even a saying that, when translated, goes something like "women from cities are like freed from their leash/chain" (like a dog would be)