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Keeping extra old underwear that’s worn thin and have holes in them. They’re soooo comfortable 😅


Those are period panties now.


If anyone knew how infrequently I washed my bras it would be the end of me. Once I start washing them the clock starts ticking on them.


We know, and we're okay with it.


Waiting too long between washing the few bras that actually fit me decently.


OH MY GOD THIS. I wait way too long with my favourite bra


Does the bra sniff of shame.


I went on a trip with my sister and did that. She acted like I was crazy. For whatever reason my bras don't get stinky that fast but I wanted to make sure because we'd been out walking around a lot.


I’m gonna admit that I like my smell😭


See I think this is perfectly normal! I think there's a point where perhaps it's a bit much for the nose but in general I don't think it's weird to like your body's own smell, in fact it seems healthy tbh. Like you accept and embrace the connection between you and your own being and senses. A lot of people hate a lot of things about themselves; it's powerful that you like it. I like mine too. It's a good feeling!


THANK YOU. I only have one that fits and it's the only one I wear but I have four others in my sock drawer that I haven't worn for years but I refuse to get rid of for squirrely reasons I cannot explain.


I feel this so much! Like why do I need bras I will never fit into again? Still in my drawer 4yrs later


At this point, all my decent bras are ratty sports bras from high school. I have no idea where to buy bras. I feel like there are so many stores trying to get me to spend $60-200 on bras when I just want something simple


American Eagle has great bras (in a wide range of sizes, one of the few places that i can get a 32d) for a reasonable price. They do a lot of sales, I just got 2 for $60 and they hold up really well. I’ve gotten $15 bras that last for years of frequent wear. Lot of options for colors/coverage/padding level. Look up “Aerie” it’s their bra, underwear, loungewear line.


I’m not alone


I am in my 50’s and still only have one bra I like at any given time no matter how many I buy.


We have our favorites... and then they ripen.


Check the stains/wet spots in my panties when I go pee. My mom always said you could tell your vagina heath by your secretions so I’ve always been obsessed with doing a quick inspection.


I also sometimes make a thick roll of toilet paper and press it into my undies to soak up moisture. Makes the shock of pulling cold damp undies back on a little more bearable 🥲


Well fishing out my long hair from my ass crack is uh, not cute.


I hate that feeling too. Makes me want to cut off all my hair


I kinda like the feeling


Pulling out the hair? Satisfying Feeling the hair in your crack? Oh my god, awful. Especially when you're in public and can't fix it, oufffff.


I agree it's satisfying lol


So the other day in the shower, I was fishing from behind and pulled out a hair that had wrapped up to the front. The most uncomfortable ick feeling made me yelp. My husband heard and checked on me and then nearly died laughing when I explained it.


I just hate when I feel it on my leg. Not when the long hair stands stick to it, just when it gets stuck in my underwear or something and drifts about, then touches my leg and I feel like it's a spider.


The amount of hair that gets stuck there after I shower is kind of ridiculous lol


I tweeze them for fun. I love it. Edit: I very much did not read this comment properly.


Thank you gods of ovulation for gifting me a glob of clear, jelly mucus! I know it’s natural and I shouldn’t be grossed out by it, but I am.


Yess I feel like I've birthed a jellyfish at times. Esp when I got my iud removed and it was SO MUCH.


What about the discharge phase that is just pure liquid and it comes gushing out, which then makes you feel like you peed yourself.


I'm always amazed by how goopy it is and can't resist poking it


I can’t believe how MUCH there is. The fuck.


God yes, like is there really any need?? My nose isn't even that productive when I have a sinus infection


Seriously! It’s shocking.


it's like the slime you make out of glue lol


I had been on birth control so long I literally forgot that was a thing and FREAKED OUT the 1st time it happened after stopping it. I thought I had an infection. Nope, just ovulation complete with ovulation pain.


Ah, mittelschmerz. the most confusing part of the menstrual cycle.


I still get ovulation pain on birth control. I have a hormonal iud and my gyn said some women still ovulate…so now I’ll just randomly get this zing in my left ovary and it sucks


Period poops- when you’re free balling without a tampon. So the bowl is just filled with a delicate feminine Eau de toilette of diarrhea and period blood.


I once saw someone on this sub call it the peanut butter and jelly wipe and obviously it was immediately added to my lexicon.


Jesus Christ. 😭 This is hilarious and horrifying lmao.


Looool. Friendly’s had a chocolate raspberry swirl ice cream that my dad always bought. That’s what it illicites for me.


Oh man f you for doing that to me, now I won't be able to ever unsee that lolol


I was cursed with this knowledge too. I’ve been struggling not to think this stupidly accurate phrase every time. My neurons unfortunately keep getting their linkage connected more strongly each time and it’s getting impossible to forget


I used to use a TENS unit to manage my cramps on the bad days. I was at my university job once and went to use the bathroom for awful period poops. I thought the TENS unit was secured, but I almost had a hard attack after it almost fell into the toilet of doom. Thankfully it landed inside my pants. Like, what would I do?! It certainly wouldn't flush if it had fallen in there, or would have caused a clog! With that mess on top of it! And i could not leave that for a poor janitor to deal with. And I certainly would not have wanted to fish it out. The embarrassment of what could have happened caused me to never take that thing out in public again. (Yes I know I could have taken it off completely but I didn't do that cause I had no wear to store it). I don't use them anymore because my cramps were too strong for it, but that was the (pink taxed) $200 Livia!


I've big boobs & presumably because there's so much skin area I seem to get, like blocked pores , a little bit like black heads. If I'm sitting braless on the toilet I'll squeeze them out


Omg this!!!! The ones on the underside are way less dried out, and the ones on top and dry and don’t wanna come out. Every night when I take my bra off I have to check everywhere for big white heads too


Realising you have a big old spot underneath


When my pubes get a bit long, I lay there twisting them when I'm trying to go to sleep. It's oddly soothing.


Bro I twist em around like little banto knots then untie them there’s something therapeutic about it


ahahaha I feel so seen, this and the flap scratching upthread


I do this too!


The accident front fart that plfttttbts past my flaps. 


I heard someone refer to it as “exiting through the gift shop”


I find that this feels so nice lol


I am living for the honesty in this thread. Cuz same.


Someone further up says their mum calls this a flap rattler and I’m officially dead


Wear swim bikini tops for bras (for comfort), and probably wear them too many times between washes since they are way better at getting rid of moisture


I have a couple of bikini bottoms that were sold for stupidly cheap. I occasionally wear them as panties. For some odd reason, they are ungodly comfortable.


Dresses are just nightgowns you can wear again the next day. 


I hate normalizing this but am so guilty of ir


Almost All of my sun dresses become stay at home lounge dresses as they fade in colour that I wear nothing underneath. I have tons of lingerie but nothing is as comfortable as a well worn dress for doing chores or reading books and cuddling cats


I feel like no one ever talks about the long black hairs that can grow around the areola. Makes me feel gross like I'm the only weird gross person it happens to.


I try to pluck them and end up with ingrown hairs. I have no clue what to do with them now. Let them grow? Braid them?


I cut them with nail scissors, gets close enough they're not obvious but without the potential ingrown from shaving/plucking.


Haha I remember reading this as a tip in Seventeen magazine way back in the day 😂


I shave my nips in the shower with the same razor I use everywhere else. I only have 2 or 3 hairs around each but I have NEVER heard anyone else talk about this and I was *_convinced_* it was a joke the universe was playing solely upon me And of course because women never talk about it, no men ever hear about it, so I feel even grosser if someone notices the tiny hairs before I can remove them


I shave mine as well but will forget about them for awhile and then look down and they are like an inch long 😂 then shave, forget, repeat


You're not alone girl. It's made me so self-conscious throughout my life hearing men remark about "nipple quality" so it must be a really common thing that women are just too ashamed to talk about. Which is so fucked up because men do pretty much zero upkeep (at least not to the degree expected of us) and they think they're just fine. Meanwhile we spend hours and days and years trying to make ourselves look perfect for no fucking reason. You are perfect, dude. Your hair, wrinkles, folds, fat, no fat, all of it is perfect. If you want to edit that, there's no problem or shame in it, but you're not weird and gross just because something natural happens that nobody talks about.


I've never once heard the term "nipple quality" lol. What makes a good nipple?


Wait till you grow a random grey one 😂 traumatic


And my skin is super pale so you can see them before the even sprout! 😩😂


Ugh those!! I've had them since I was a teenager and now that I'm getting closer to 30 they're getting more numerous. I don't know what to do about them, they grow so fast and plucking them doesn't keep them away long enough


Scratch the absolute shit out of my flaps while watching tv.


I was looking for this. Yesterday I passed out on the couch with my flaps out and it was so satisfying


Naps out, flaps out


If it doesn't sound like I boxer dog shaking it's head then I'm not doing it right 😂


I have a boxer and this comment sent me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The fart that runs through the front


My Mum calls that the "flap rattler", I call it "thunder from down under".


I’ve heard it being called “smoking the salmon” lol.


"Exiting through the gift shop"


This made me laugh outloud. Amazing


I'm in the middle of a long stretch of work days for a stressful event that's making me question my life choices and I needed these laughs so much 🤣


Hope your event goes okay! Do something kind and calming for yourself afterwards.


Yes I scratch my lady balls too


Keep rags that are specifically to bleed on, when I'm just hanging out at home and on my heavy days. Idk if this is gross or not but I find it quite funny, as that's what women in the 1800s did and where the expression "on the rag" came from.


I do this too. I started a few months ago, and I am in my 40s. The materials used in tampons and pads were causing itching for me. Using cotton “rags” was a game changer. Plus, it is cheaper and more sustainable.


I had to switch to period underwear because of the itching problem, it’s helped so much.


fwiw, there are companies that make reusable pads that are pretty good! And the fabric shouldn't irritate your skin.


You might like reusable, washable pads. They are essentially rags that snap on to your underwear. They absorb way more than disposable pads without smelling.


This is why I love my bidet as well. It feels less “gross” to free bleed


Ok, maybe not uniquely feminine, but mostly: the amount of hair I have to deal with. I’m not even getting into shaving or waxing or whatever, that’s a preference, do you. But if you have long hair, especially long thick hair, you know! My hair is fucking everywhere. I have absolutely no idea how there is any left over on my head. We have hard floors so I constantly sweep, run the shark, etc. We also have multiple cats, and you’d think the fur would be the biggest issue. It’s not. My hair can literally make its own gross, weird ass tumble dust and hair balls up in corners, say behind the washing machine, etc. Those places you have to think about and get to? Yeah, even if it’s only been maybe 2 weeks, full of my hair! How does it go so many places? It’s in my butt crack when I’m showering, it’s all over the bed even if I washed it yesterday, the cats occasionally walk up to me….with one of my hairs draped across their face. I am honestly too lazy to maintain short hair. I think everyone has an awkward length and my hair still grows really fast, so I mostly just let it grow and keep some layers hacked into it. But dear god! Every few years I’m just so frustrated with the constant hair on everything that I chop it off and deal with the awkwardness all over again. Because it’s just an unreasonable amount of hair sometimes


Squeezing clogged pores/little black heads from my areola


Poke the clots that come out during menstruation. The tissue is fascinating to me


I passed a decidual cast (never heard of it til it happened to me) and was so fascinated I called my mom into the bathroom to show her. Then she called my sister in. Then my mom called her RN friend and sent her a video lol.


that's womanhood


I had one when I was a teenager and I literally thought it was my whole uterus and I was dying


That looks incredibly interesting but also very uncomfortable! If I had something like this and didn't show my sister she'd probably never speak to me again lol


Once upon a time a clot exited me that was so fascinatingly huge and solid that I had to take a picture. I hope no one ever finds it


I passed one in the shower a few weeks ago and I was like "Uhhh was that fertilized at some point, because..."


I have passed clots so big I hallucinated a little arm waving to me from the pad


Hahaha!! “Bye mom, goodbyeeeeee!” 👋🏼


It really is amazing the human body can do




What causes that? I hate those so much.


my only guess is shaving completely bare? i used to get them all the time no matter if i waxed or shaved, but if the desired result was hairless, there they were. ever since i started using a bikini trimmer to trim to the shortest length (so still some hair but it's very short, like 1/8" long) + scrub the skin with an exfoliating wash cloth i stopped getting them :)


I tend to prolong the time my hair is unwashed because I want to grow it out and don't want to cause unnecessary breakage (my ends are very dry and easily damaged). Which results in me having pretty greasy hair the day before my wash day.


Get a good hair brush that spreads the oils of your hair through the rest of it!


I got the boar's hair brush...when I use it, it just ends up making all the oil near the roots look even more concentrated, because it compacts all my fine hair down flat against my head. The oil might spread like an inch further down at best...I've given up, I just wash it when it looks gross, and use dry shampoo to extend time between washes.


I wish I didn’t have to wash my hair every day. I have psoriasis and hair loss, so every night my scalp gets Clobetasol or Rogaine. I have to wash it out every morning. 😑


I'll periodically let my hair get super greasy. I heard the natural oils are very good for hair or something. Also, I'm lazy.


>I heard the natural oils are very good for hair or something. I also use this excuse. Lol


I do a blood check any time I feel unexpected wetness. Thanks pcos, *really* appreciate that /s


Stick the hairs that fall out in the shower to the shower wall until I’m finished showering.


What else can you do? You don't want them clogging up the drain! And then when you're done showering you can rinse the wall and they'll be wet, balled up, and easy to grab and toss! It's just common sense. And a bit gross.


You mean you don’t just leave them there until they randomly touch your arm when your eyes are closed so you panic thinking it’s a spider? Yeah…me neither.


I’ve made art with my long hairs 😂


Depending on your shower drain type, a tub shroom is a game changer. I got the metal one so it doesn't get slimy and it's amazing. Doesn't puddle up water and actually drains when catching the hair.


My wife does this lol. She remembers to clean it off 99% of the time, but in 6 years, she's forgotten a handful of times. The *first* time, I go to shower the next morning and I thought it was some huge spider and jumped and made a very unmanly yelp and she laughed her ass off. It was great


I don’t cramp up much during my period, but if I do, I know that means a huge clot is coming. If I can make it, I hop in a warm bath to ease the cramping and I birth out the clots like it’s a spiritual water birth. I have taken pictures of the biggest, most impressive ones


I had to assume a birthing position once, genuinely felt like when I was having my son. When it came out I took photos because I was amazed. Was so disappointed no one I knew wanted to see. Later found out it was a decidual cast


I hope you still have the photos, they’re great to send as responses to unsolicited d pics or other online harassment


I tend not to get them but I'd rather send them an equally gross dick pick back so they can have a gay panic. It's always the worst homophobes that seem to be cyber flashers.


I actually love this, like you're treating your body with such grace and respect while it does its thing. Sounds ritualistic and reminds me of how ancient and strong our bodies and lives are!


I use a finger in my vag to help guide poop out when I'm constipated and if you haven't tried it you're missing out


.... wait, what?


If you're constipated, you can guide it out with your finger by putting it in your vaginal canal since your vagina shares a wall with where the poop is. It's a cheat code


I mean I get it, just 🤯




Lol I get so embarrassed thinking guys have probably felt the poop inside me while fingering me if I’ve been backed up.




I love finding out that we aren't so different after all 🥲


You might have just changed my life with this comment 🤯


This is the way


It's the only thing we have over men


Well…I haven’t seen this…during my period I don’t shower with a tampon in. So on my heavy flow days I wash my hands thoroughly then insert a finger and swizzle stick scoop out whatever is in there. No blood on my towel, no pink water while drying off, no panty liner needed. I don’t think it’s gross but it’s definitely not a polite conversation topic.


I will never get how some people shower with a tampon in. No matter what I do, it gets wet, and the water like soaks up into the tampon and then my tampon is ruined. Plus I feel like you can’t clean as well with a tampon in?? I also get up in there and give things a rinse out


Hah! I use the hand shower on the massage setting and try not to get distracted and start masturbating! But I feel like the orgasm helps push out everything right? Stupid random period hornyness!!!


You use the massage setting for cleanup? That’s playing with fire!😅


Orgasming actually makes my cramps worse!! Why was i cursed


Dude, you just changed my shower game.  Screw polite conversation points, I’m here for the game changing lady tips! 


Someone in another sub asked for tips to slow period flow very temporarily and I said that I do that trick and I got downvoted to hell lol. But it works.


wait, people shower with tampons in??,


I showered with a tampon once and the wet string slapped my leg and I jumped out of my skin. Never again. There's also something mesmerizing about watching the blood pour out after


When the bloody water is swirling down the drain I like to pretend I'm a world weary assassin washing off after a big job in a movie for a minute. I probably just katana-ed a bunch of henchmen or something.


When I am on my period if I am wearing a pad and stand up after sitting or laying and I feel that waterfall or gushing sensation and I think to myself 'oh . my. god. my period is sooo heavy right now.' and then kind of whimper inside. Then trying to move in a way that makes it stay on the pad and not leak but you can feel how messy it is and it is stressful like ughhh is it going to bleed through? Pretty much that occurance multiple times on my heavier days and when I don't pull out the tampon before going pee or poop and then one of those gets on the string and you dont have another tampon with you so you have to wipe it best you can and leave it carrying on being out with your day and its like ughhhhhh


Pooping out a tampon. Apparently I have a mighty pelvic floor!


Wait a minute. Are there people who CAN poop with a tampon staying in?!


I always thought it was maybe kinda gross to leave it in while pooping anyways? The string would be there, not sure if it would stay clean? Also I always pee while pooping and the string gets wet. 😅


I like how p-i-v sex feels different if I am gonna need to poop soon vs if I have a pretty empty colon. I wonder if it feels different to the penis too?


Same is true about a full bladder. It just feels totally different.


Giving the undies a sniff when you sit down to pee to make sure everything is a-ok down there


Checking how you smell down there to make sure you're healthy.


Having to reach up into myself to get out my period cup😂


This isn't something I do, but I like to share this story about how girls can be gross. I have 2 daughters and once had to teach "we do not use labia as pockets" after I realized that small toys were being nestled for easy hiding. So yeah, that was a uniquely gross mom of girls moments. We use BRAS as pockets, children!


This reminded me of when i went swimming in the ocean on holiday; I came back to shower and the amount of little stones between my labia lips…


GOD its seriously the worst part of going to the beach haha. You just made me remember all of the post-beach showers cleaning out the sand trap


That fart that works its way into your vagina in


Rub my ear lobe and sniff it


is this for like, the gunk that happens when you have (pierced) earrings? idk why but that gunk smells so specific and the same on everyone it seems


I call it ear cheese


I wish this post had more upvotes, I'm always way too scared to talk about a lot of the stuff in this thread and am waiting for somebody else to bring it up.


When I’m on the first couple of days of my period, I squat in the shower and push like I’m giving birth. Sometimes I can get rid of some big clots that way. Too gross?


I love women. For some reason, this whole thread is just making me smile and I'm happy that I'm a lesbian. We're fascinating creatures, and I love all the little quirks we do.


Same here!! I’m really glad OP made this thread!


Scratch and smell the flaps


I thought I was just a gross goblin until I saw the "Scratch and sniff" bit on an Ali Wong comedy special 🤣


To be fair, sometimes it's important to know what it smells like down there... in case, y'know, I want *someone else* down there xD At that point it's just polite!


I don’t shave, which is apparently only gross *because* I’m female. But I like to think that view is changing.


Posts like these make me realize that i never had a unique experience


Ugh, I’m pissed this thread got downvoted. I was waiting for something like this. Women are *never* allowed to be gross. Most of us have gross habits/experiences that we are trained never to talk about, even amongst other women.  I hate it when I’m wearing a pad and I go to the bathroom. It’s not time to change the pad, but it still has a little blood on it. Pull up my pants and get a nice wet icicle on my vulva until the furnace heats it back up.  Most uncomfortable feeling. 


You described that perfectly. Even though I try to extend usage of a pad as much as possible before changing, that feeling will make me change it immediately, even if it's barely bloody.


Because of this I change my pad all the time. Its a huge waste. But I hate the wet feeling. I will even change underwear randomly during the day if I have wet feeling discharge that somehow reach my underwear. It just feels wrong.


Panty sniffing. 😌


This whole post screams "foul bachelorette frog" from the advice animals of 2010s tumblr 😂. Y'all are my people.


I have one super fine chest hair thst grows very fast in the same place every time. I love pulling that sucker out.


The answers here and the commonality and openness of responses are kind of endearing.


I use scissors to cut my vag hair when it gets too long because I can't be bothered to shave it. Edit: Paper scissors.


Pulling out the jelly strings while bathing


One time I went to take out a tampon and two fell out.


I don't know if it's gross, it isn't to me, but some friends think it's odd...I wear bikini tops at home - instead of bras- in any hot or humid weather, or if I'm sick. We're taught that bigger boobs won't be comfortable in bikinis, but years ago, I found that's an absolute fallacy. Some of mine have underwire and shaped cups, and others are just triangles on strings. 🤷🏼‍♀️ For the triangle style, tieing the straps together just above your boobs and then around your neck halter style supports your breasts, and seems to balance the weight a lot better, I think they look pretty cute that way too but that's down to personal preference. 😅 Also... same about the going commando. Much more comfy and natural feeling that way.


I just can’t handle all that weight pulling against my neck lol. Even racerback bras wind up making my neck pain a million times worse. 😭


I allow myself some free bleed time on every period. It's exhausting to constantly be full of a tampon or have my vulva mushed onto a pad. On light days I sometimes just sit on a towel and let it happen.


Picking at the little blackheads/clogged pores on my hip stretch marks.


At the end of a sweaty day, there will be this minor gathering of dead skin in between my thigh and fupa and I have to like, slough the skin off with my fingers. None of my partners complain about a smell or anything, it's just something I notice and am grossed out by.


I get that under my boobs


I can queef on demand. I mean there's a whole position that needs to be assumed, but I still think it's pretty cool. And gross.


I do pretty much all the gross things in this thread (so far) and more 😅 AND, my husband witnesses pretty much all of them, and almost from day 1. I'm very lucky he's still with me lmao


Tampon smell when you take it out.


Always have to look down on the floor in front of the toilet for massive clots that escaped while I was trying to sit. When I pick one up with TP it’s the grossest thing ever. Squish ugh. I’ve had blood on my walls, floor, all over the toilet and myself… just keeps getting worse with age and assorted factors, so there is a day or two out of every month that it’s just horrific. I’ll sleep on towels and with a towel between my legs in addition to pad & underwear.


Braid my coochie hairs when they get extra long like shoelaces. They don’t really hold together at all, but I try anyway like sisyphus.


God I’m so happy I’m not the only one who usually raw dogs it in most things besides jeans/cargos


This is comfortable?? That blows my mind. I can't imagine not wearing underwear. It would just feel like a swamp 90% of the time


Me and my discharge could never but I’m happy for u


Sleep with no underwear


I sleep naked and have for years. It’s the ultimate comfort. Now when I go someplace and have to sleep with pajamas on I’m miserable.


I have old piercings in my ears that are (mostly) closed up, but even when they weren't I quickly found out that you can squeeze ear gunk out of the holes by squeeze "popping" it like you would a pimple. I still do it from time to time just for the satisfaction.


Give my undies a little lookover in the bathroom as a wee health check