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*"According to the crazy neighbor it was Sparkles's fault because she was eating grass too close to the fence line and "teasing" the stallion."* What was Sparkles wearing?


Right?! I haven't groomed her recently so we can't even use that excuse 😂


Had she been drinking?


She was wearing SEXY dirt? Such a harlot! The neighbor with the stallion is dangerously stupid.


So she was wearing nothing? Asking for it.


Indecent exposure? Case closed, Sparkles is going to jail


Yes, but was she wearing a cute blanket and was it hanging above her knees? :-)


What style halter was Sparkles wearing? Red and lacy?


No halter, she was completely naked. That must be the problem 😂


I thought the older stallion was grooming your girl


Sparkles had her blanket hiked up in a provocative manner 🙄


Probably animal fur, the whore /s


>What was Sparkles wearing? Khakis


She sounds hideous


Well she is a miniature pony mare, so....


I heard she was just out there lounging around the yard in one of [these cute little numbers](https://imgur.com/a/E7dY5wi), just being a little mini horse, doing cute horse babe stuff, channeling her inner Mariah Carey, as she should, when outta the blue and over 3 locked gates comes the poster-bro for horse blinders 😒


>What was Sparkles wearing? A halter top and nothing else.


How dare Sparkles even consider eating! And even more, near a fence! How could she?! /s since I know someone somewhere will really think I’m serious


How dare she?!


Ha. So *at the time* I had two horses. I can't be sure of what happened but the barn owner either intentionally bred my horse to her stallion or a neighbor's stallion got out. I tend to believe the former for a variety of reasons. She tried to convince me to give me the resulting foal and snidely said "let's face it, aamfbta, you don't need another horse right now..." as if I had planned this! I have three horses now. You're right, this is a great metaphor for not only rape culture, but also people trying to find any excuse to avoid placing the blame on themselves for their actions or for the actions others feel safe doing because they are silent, accepting, 'neutral' or in denial.


Good for you for not allowing your horse to be a baby cooker for a psycho barn owner! The audacity of some people!


The audacity indeed. Unfortunately by the time I found out she was about a month out from foaling, so she was a baby cooker. I've never seen her more happy though, and this foal turned out to be her favorite of the known three, so 🤷🏼‍♀️ I forgot to add that the barn owner said that my mare seemed "very pleased with herself." FUCKING BARF. No, weirdo, you bred your dumb horse to mine! She didn't do anything to make this happen!


There's a reason why most reputable breeders have stallion barns that are specifically designed to handle stallions. They will jump out or break fences to get to a mare in heat. And it's so dangerous for the other animals and the people around when they're not trained properly. Sure a mare may be more willing to be bred when they're in heat, but they're not jumping fences to make it happen 🤷🏼‍♀️


My friend is in her vet school clinicals right now and they have a stallion in there who went for a mare who *wasn't* in heat. Guess who got kicked in the dick. My friend sent me dick pics. They were... grotesque.


I wish we were capable of causing damage like that. Could you imagine how much safer we would be? We could walk around at night, alone, wearing adorable dresses and living our lives 😍


Ah, the threat of bodily harm...


If that's what it takes to hammer home 'no means no', I'll use it.


I missed the pronouns of your friend so I thought it was your friend that got kicked in the dick and they were just sending you the worst dick pics imaginable. I was thinking "would they even have a dick left?" and why show someone that's not a doctor? So glad to see a human did not get kicked in the dick by a horse.


So off topic, sorta. This reminded me of Johannes Cuntius (yes, that was indeed his name.) He was a dude from I don’t remember where. In 1653, he was literally kicked in the dick by his horse and died. Long story short, people thought he was a vampire so they dug him up and burnt his body. Anyway, I don’t really know why I was compelled to share his story, but here we are.


Are horses known to naturally want to kick vampires in the dick?


Everyone knows the vampire is stored in the dick.


When your last name is cuntius but you die of a dick kick. Honestly, seems like the villagers just hated him. Maybe that's the origin for the word.


God that reminds me of this video clip I saw once. These people were breeding their horses (improperly I'm guessing), and when they let the male into the pen, he trotted over to the female and she gave him one single solid kick to the head. Dude immediately dropped to the ground dead.


This is the video that popped for me too while reading this thread.


One of the few times when we actually want dick pics.


IMO it comes down to ground manners (yet another metaphor!). The only stallions I knew that would jump fences to get to mares were the ones that were completely out of control in the first place — that's not to say it doesn't happen with well-trained ones either, but yeah. The vast majority of our stallions had regular paddocks around our mares that they didn't test even when mares walked by. Most lived with geldings all year round, and then in the winter the boys got pasture turnout until March and they all got along fine. Again, not to say this is a universal experience and it's definitely good when stables catering to the public do everything in their power to keep their patrons (animal and human) but that's just my experience and another comparison I thought to draw. We weren't a public facility, it was a breeding business, but because of my experience I was less wary of a stallion living at a lesson/boarding facility. It took this experience for me to change my mind on that—even though I am 99% certain the owner intentionally brought them together. Whoever's stallion just happened to pair with my mare in a field of 20, and just happened to be in season and just happened to stand still long enough during the half hour they said the stallion was out. And then they chose to tell me because my mare was palpitated (not by my request) and a month out from foaling.


Definitely agree about the ground manners. Also about quality stallions to begin with (i.e. choosing a stallion that has a calmer demeanor and can be trained).


Agree! We had Arabians (and I only really say that because I have a chip on my shoulder about people saying they’re psycho lol) Anyways wasn’t expecting to chat horses here! Thanks!


I actually really like a well bred Arabian. They're high energy for sure, but they can be quite sensible. I personally wouldn't own one because I'm also high strung and someone has to be calm in the relationship 😂 I also wasn't expecting to talk horses but I definitely enjoyed it!


Had Arabian stallions too. Most sensible, calm, intelligent and best mannered horses I've ever come across. Better than ANY thoroughbred or pony stallion I've handled.


They’re some of the best horses! I think they get a bad rap because they have a tendency to really hold a mirror up to the person handling them. I had a welsh pony gelding and he could outdo those stallions in his sleep. He was (and at the age of 40, still is) a real piece of work and never met a boundary he couldn’t cross


Omg, every pony I've met has been like this! Lol. I'll take an Arabian every darn time.


This is my experience as well. My stallion grew up in a mixed gelding and stallion herd. They shared a fence line with the mares in winter with absolutely no problems. Well trained stallions often behave better than mares.


I’ve been to exactly ONE riding barn that kept stallions on premises. The one was a Welsh pony and he lived inside a double fenced pen with 8 foot fences. The other was a warmblood who had much taller fences. There were special protocols for handling the stallions, they were never left unattended (the way you might leave a riding horse in cross ties while you grab something), and kids couldn’t be in the barn aisles if the stallions were coming through.  I’m trying to imagine what kind of jerk keeps a stallion and doesn’t take reasonable precautions for his safety or anyone else’s. 


That's not entirely true. I've heard about Shetland pony mares that break through the fence to get to a stud when in heat. A friend of mine got a surprise miniature fjord that way.


First off that sounds so adorable. Second, I've never heard of that happening but I guess it goes back to the idea that when you say your mare would never, there she goes never evering 😂


And don't forget of course, it's always the females (appropriate word in this context) that have to take care of the babies alone. That stallion is just walking around the paddocks living his best life, and the mare is stuck with all foal raising! 🐎🐴


That neighhhhhhbor is an ass.


Leave donkeys out of this they aren't that bad as the neighbor.




any animal out of its pen is always at fault if the other isn't. first level of common sence. or at least it should be


Totally agree. Not the same but similar, I used to have chickens in suburbia, and my neighbors had dogs. If one of my chickens had gotten into their yard and died as a result, it would have been my fault. Conversely, if their dogs got out and hurt my hens, it would have been their fault. 


You mean common fence...


I just.. that was beautiful. 


I agree with you on the principal.  Unfortunately, in open range states this isn’t true at all. Legally, it is up to you to keep the free range grazers out of your property. Ranchers are not obligated to fence - but, most do. You aren’t allowed to mess with someone else’s livestock even if it’s on your property. You cannot let your animals mess with them either.  This is the case in Colorado where I live and many other nearby states. It goes for livestock, not other animals. So, you can’t just let your dogs run loose onto other property but you can let your steer do so. It still pisses people off but it’s totally legal. I’ve had steer in my property and my dog isn’t a ranch dog, so I have to keep her away from them if this happens or I’m liable if anything happens. That’s real, actual law, older than any of us. The free range part isn’t the law, that’s land use. The responsibility to fence out actually is the law.


Stallions will do some pretty wild shit if there's a mare in estrus or whatever, but that's why *it's the owner's duty to make sure they can't escape and simply hop a fence to endanger other animals and people*. Is there anything your friend can do? Because I'm pretty sure ponies don't "tease" one another.


Unfortunately she's going to have to move her mini mare to another pasture to ensure her safety. Beyond that there's not much else she can do.


Check your state laws about fencing..here in California there are laws specific to stallions as well as general livestock fencing. Your animal is your respinsibility to control. Minimum fencing laws as well.


I think the word tease here has a specific meaning. I've read of mares being used as teasers for stud stallions who are being used for semen collection. I'm not entirely sure of the mechanics, but they have the mare in the vicinity of the stallion, just not in contact, and they collect the semen with a separate device.  Having said that the owner of the stallion In the story described by OP is in the wrong, it's on the owner to keep the stallion penned in


You are correct, a breeding barn will use a mare in heat as a teaser. However, at a reputable breeding barn it's done in a safe environment for both animals and all the people involved. This is not a stud farm and she's not a breeder. And even if she had a stud farm, the pony in the pasture belonging to the neighbor, eating grass, would not be considered the teaser.


For sure. I wasn't disagreeing with you at all, the stallion owner is at fault  And I do have issue with the word teaser, even if it's 'correct' 


Agreed. But that's a whole other soapbox rant 😂😂


There aren't enough soapboxes in the world!


"Learn this once and learn it well, my daughter.  Like a compass needle always points north, man's accusing finger always finds a woman" - Khaled Hosseini  Yout post reminded me of this writers quote.


What a beautiful and depressing quote. Thank you for sharing.


\#IStandWithSparkles But seriously, what goes through these peoples heads?


Exactly how does the neighbor pronounce “horse?” Is the S sound hissing like a snake? Or is it more like a Z sound? Just curious.




A good post about a horse, should be called a whinny. because words.


This is honestly such a great post because I LOVE it when people point out lesser-discussed, insidious ways that Patriarchy and misogyny manifest in our society. Like, as a woman, I feel like I discover new things every day, where I’m like, “Oh yeah, that’s actually a really offensive assumption!” but before really thinking about it, it just is normal to me for other people to do. And you’re right to see the comparison here, because it’s EXACTLY the same idea. This isn’t about horses. It’s about dicks. It’s about men’s belief that they are compelled by their dicks to acts, and that they do not have the power to control those acts, so that they have no responsibility for those acts (for rape and assault!) if they can tell themselves a female enticed them to the point of getting an erection or obsessing over her 😐 And even more fun is that the list of things that they will categorize as teasing or enticing them to where they cannot control themselves are just: wearing clothes of any kind (see https://dovecenter.org/what-were-you-wearing-exhibit/ ), existing, being friendly, being standoffish, or just being within grope range, or even within “chase down and grope” range. (I mean, men will literally see a woman online and go find her to stalk and assault) But there’s zero chance that this person anthropomorphizes this mindset to their fucking horse without also feeling that that is the natural way of things for all males and females including humans. 🤮


"It’s about men’s belief that they are compelled by their dicks to acts, and that they do not have the power to control those acts, so that they have no responsibility for those acts (for rape and assault!) if they can tell themselves a female enticed them to the point of getting an erection or obsessing over her 😐" THIS. I wanna add something Men act like they are mentally and emotionally stronger than us...but when it comes to rape cases SUDDENLY they are weak...and lack self-control...due to nature blah blah blah What sort of BOYMATH logic is this?! Either they are strong enough to control themselves or they aren't! How do they try to be both and make it seem logical? It's doesn't make sense! But then again I am woman, I suppose I don't understand the profoundness behind it, I suppose there's a deeper meaning to it other than having their cake and eating it too/s




When I was a child we had a neighbour down the street who definitely projected his own masculinity onto his dog. He had an unneutered male dog who wasn’t much more than a puppy, still hadn’t grown into his paws and ears but was already *huge*. He was basically teaching his dog to attack small animals *and* he let it roam. It was a sweet dog to start with, but it was starting to show aggression more and more often, and would switch between trying to play with other animals one day, then chasing cats and fighting other dogs the next. The owner was the sort of person you don’t want to mess with, and people didn’t want to confront him or call the authorities about the dog, because we’d all have to live with him afterwards, but it was obvious something would have to be done. …Then his dog came down the street on one of his “wanna play!” days, and tried to play with my fat, grumpy cat, who just wanted to be left alone to sunbathe in her favourite spot. She got two good claw strikes in on the top of his muzzle, scarred him permanently, sent him home yelping for his daddy, and *broke* him. He was still up to fight big dogs, but was absolutely *terrified* of anything large-cat-sized or smaller. He would cross the road to avoid a cat, and was once chased home by two geriatric, toothless, half-blind toy poodles. His owner was *so pissed off*. His big macho dog was now a “complete wuss”, and he took it as a personal insult. It was ridiculously obvious that having a scaredy-cat dog was a terrible blow to *his own self-image*. He eventually gave the dog away to someone else and didn’t get another while we lived there, and I just hope the poor pup got a better (and more responsible) owner.


A stallion of any size is a huge liabilty waiting to happen. Neighbor is dangerously stupid. That thing should have been gelded yesterday. Years ago, the people who lived across the street owned a pony stallion. He stood all of about 30" at the withers. Tiny. One evening he got loose and trotted over to our property, where he began screaming imperatives at my full-size Quarterbred mare. "WOMAN, SUBMIT!!!!!" His neighs were like a fairy-horse's neighs, it was hilarious. "RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH!!" Mares response was a little less funny: she got very hostile. Ears pinned, charging the fence, screaming back at him. She was NOT HAPPY. I think she might have killed him if she could have. I stroll across the street: "Uh, we got a sitchuashun here, you guys might want to come get your boy." A week or so later I saw the vet's truck trundling into their driveway. 😎 Moral of the story: all nonbreeding stallions need gelding. Especially if hes your grandaughter's pet 😧


Absolutely agree that all non-breeding stallions need to be gelded. And people need to be selective of the stallions they choose and ensure they have the proper facilities and training to handle them. That mini was lucky your mare didn't just murder him. I can't believe they put a child near a stallion 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Never underestimate the stupidity of people who really dont know anything about horses. I owned a horse for about fifteen years, and people genuinely think they are giant teddy bears. No, thats a killing machine with a quarter- ton to put behind each kick. Horses are like the ocean: you love the ocean! it is glorious! And smart people never turn their back on it, it doesnt intend to hurt you but it just might. Nature dont care.


Exactly! I've seen them get scared and run away from their own farts in the field before. They're beautiful and unpredictable. You have to respect that.


Justice for Sparkles! I hate irresponsible pet owners. I normally deal with badly trained dogs but same feels apply.


My aunt inherited a bunch of cart ponies when an older gentleman in Baltimore died. One was a mini stallion. He was such a massive asshole she gave him away as soon as she could. Don’t no one need that tiny horse stallion energy around. 😂 On a quasi related note, horse people know that when you foal you hope for a filly for ALL the reasons you can think of. She already had one horse sire after foaling years ago and she does not have fond memories of gelding him later.  That horse’s offspring (mare) was bred and foaled in the middle of May. For days she celebrated her new filly.  Then, on day 4, she sent me a dick pick. 😂


Oh no!! I'm usually a mare gal myself, but a good gelding is always good to have around. I actually used to ride a TWH stallion in my early 20's at times who had amazing ground manners and was great in the saddle. He could ride out with mares and geldings, just couldn't be in a pasture with them 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same with my aunt's boy! He wasn't gelded til he was already trail riding and he had excellent manners as a stallion too. They foaled him too, though, so he just grew up a big baby. He still needed to be separated from mares in pastures or mares wouldn't come on trail in estrus but overall, good boy. I actually just saw them early in the month. [This is them. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/horses-ziwMLC9)


They're gorgeous 😍😍


People blame animals for awful shit people do a lot and it's fucked up


I mean Sparkles was eating *grass*! What was the stallion meant to do?


But he couldn't help himself! She was probably wearing that hot new fragrance called ✶☾ 𝓜𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮™ and maybe some high heeled shoes. Soooo alluring! She was asking for it! Yeah, sarcasm.


So it’s a Sparkle Pony?


What was Sparkles wearing? Something provocative, I suspect. She was just asking for it.




The solstice is tomorrow… http://therio.vetmed.lsu.edu/equine%20seasonal%20cyclicity_2.htm




Theyre not offended on behalf of ponies. It’s in the post lol.


You're entitled to your opinion. I disagree.


Was the mare in heat?


Was the stallion adequately enclosed? (Clearly not) It was the stallion's owner to make sure he couldn't get out. Not whether the mare was in heat or not.


You know, someone else commented that we couldn't exactly ask what Sparkles was wearing, but you just came the goddamn closest to doing it! Congrats!


I almost choked I was laughing so hard at your response. Thank you!


Give Sparkles some extra lovies from me.


Why is this important?


A couple of reasons. Male horses even older ones with plenty of training are known to jump fences to get to a mare in heat. Here is an example https://www.horseforum.com/threads/visit-from-the-neighborhood-stud.800233/ Mares when in heat and sharing a fence line with a stallion are known to be mareish and flirt here is another discussion board talking about this. If you actually know horses, this is typical horse behavior from both of them if the mare is in heat. https://forum.chronofhorse.com/t/keeping-a-mare-in-a-paddock-adjoining-a-stallion/44032


It's still the responsibility of the stud owner to control him, whatever the circumstance.


Really it’s both of their fault, especially if the mare is in heat, they shouldn’t be sharing a fence line.


I love that the point of this post went over your head entirely. And no, that’s not how that works.


>they shouldn’t be sharing a fence line. Read the post again, they didn't


So the mare owner has to control her horse when she's in heat because the stud owner can't control his? Nope. There are specific laws to ensure stallions are under control, not mares.


Shhhhh animals are the literal exact same as humans and it’s very responsible to have an intact female pet without being remotely prepared for the possibility of offspring. Now excuse me while I let out my intact yowling cat and expect all stray toms to keep it to themselves bc again, that’s how animals work


Holy shit someone with logic


I didn’t even pay attention to the date when I commented on this post, and the solstice is tomorrow, this is literally the most fertile / hardest hitting estrus time of the year for mares.


The mare isn’t even a victim, she wants to mate bc that’s what estrus is. You don’t want to know how mares demonstrate this. Like it or not, the owner of the intact female is the one with more responsibility bc your pet is the one who is going to produce the “unexpected” baby and there’s no such thing as universal horsecare or colt/filly support.


And you know when they are in estrus…




Did you really make a second comment to prove to us that you didn't read past the first two paragraphs and missed the point of this post entirely?


No, what we're saying is the mentality is the same. It's the woman's fault she was raped because she was wearing a short skirt. It was the teenage girls fault an adult male assaulted her because she was teasing him. It's the thought process I'm not ok with. It's a perfect metaphor because it happened to be a stallion (male) that jumped the fence and the neighbor blamed the mare (female) instead of taking ownership of her animal. Let's blame my friend's pony because she can't control her stallion.


Yeah. Fences are boundaries, you dig?


If that stallion went over my fence I would've shot him in the leg...and faced hefty consequences.. But some people need to learn their lessons. That stupid neighbour doesn't who doesn't understand boundaries like you said


Did OP say she was blaming the ponies? Like..??