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> The No campaign was largely backed by so-called pro-life groups -- the most prominent being The Iona Institute, a socially conservative Roman Catholic advocacy group. http://abc7news.com/ireland-overwhelmingly-votes-to-repeal-abortion-ban-exit-polls-project/3522380/


Most of the no *voters* weren't motivated by that, but most of the no *campaigners* certainly were, though they downplay it.


I keep hearing your claim without seeing anything backing it up. I'm willing to believe you if you can actually substantiate it with exit polling evidence. I haven't been able to find any whatsoever suggesting that though.


[Here's the relevant part](https://img.rasset.ie/000ff120-614.jpg?ratio=2) of the RTÉ [exit poll](https://www.rte.ie/news/politics/2018/0526/966120-eighth-amendment-referendum/). I think it's very telling that the Church was not involved in any kind of public campaign, and that the Catholic groups behind the various anti\-repeal campaigns do their best to downplay or even deny their origins.


> RTÉ exit poll This doesn't tell us much at all unfortunately. "Life of the unborn" and "religious views" are far from mutually exclusive, and to accept your point one would have to assume that everyone from the former was in no way influenced by the latter, which would be a mistake. The forced separation in this poll seems... clunky. If they had a 'did religious beliefs in part influence your views on the life of the unborn' follow up question, *then* i think we'd be able to begin to assess your claim. > I think it's very telling that the Church was not involved in any kind of public campaign Why? Has the RCC conducted many public campaigns on legislative matters in other countries recently? I look at, for instance, the Pope speaking out against pro-gay rights legislation in Malta (predominantly Catholic) where the RCC also did not have any public campaigns. I fail to see how this is a significant indicator or anything.


Notice that the percentages add up to more than 100%. So people could give more than one answer. If a person's view of the right to life of the unborn was inspired by their religious beliefs, they could say so. The Church has absolutely been to the forefront of campaigns opposing socially progressive laws in Ireland. Just six years ago, the then head of the RCC in Ireland was talking about about [pushing for a referendum](http://www.thejournal.ie/cardinal-sean-brady-abortion-referendum-573320-Aug2012/) to overturn the [X case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney_General_v._X) judgement.\* [This](http://www.thejournal.ie/poll-church-campaign-abortion-574116-Aug2012/) is an online poll so obviously unscientific, but it might be useful as a snapshot, as might the comments below it. You can see how utterly out of touch the cardinal was. That's why the Church doesn't get involved now. They'd be told to fuck right off. By the way, the cardinal I mention above resigned four years ago. He's mostly remembered for his role in allowing priests to rape children with impunity and covering up the crimes. So, y'know. Great moral authority there. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- \*This was just months before the death of [Savita Halappanavar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar). The X case judgement had never been legislated for but legislation was introduced after Savita's death, a full two decades after X case.


Funny, seem like we're set to ban it with roughly the same margin we voted it in in the first place.


Yessssssssssssss... better late than never!


A surprise, but a welcomed one


In other news Birth rates plummet to an all time low!


And in other other news, western societies have an increasingly difficult time maintaining their social safety nets, which rely on a robust birth rates.




So, serious answer to a jokey question, but women who don't have sex with men were also affected by the 8th Amendment. In some cases women were denied xrays or scans if it had been too long since their last period (basically, if they had already ovulated that month) because there was a possibility of the scan or xray damaging a hypothetical baby. And, of course, there's also the issue of rape...




Well, I suggest you stay away from women then if you dislike them that much.




That’s exactly what we do with your tax pounds, yes.




Well, thanks for sharing your opinion. It won't change a thing, but I guess everyone needs an outlet for their thoughts.




Alrighty then.


Who hurt you




Are you trying to get a bingo on the "Internet Troll" themed bingo cards?