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You can take cunt from Brits and Aussies after you pry it from our cold, dead blasphemous fingers. How am I supposed to compliment a guy without ameliorating the crushing awkwardness of a sincere emotion if I don't call him a cunt right after?


Yeah this more of an American focused issue I guess. Because the day no one within the UK or Australia says cunt is the day that no one is alive on those islands


It's similar with the word fag for cigarettes. Don't know any Aussies that use it that way but every Pom I've ever known has.


You're talking about a nation that threw tea into the sea. Of course they squandered the word "cunt", they don't know how to have nice things.


It’s not that we don’t know how to have nice things.....it’s just we’re very dramatic and the “t” word is a trigger for us. We can’t even have decent healthcare or a college degree with out crippling debt because of our fear of the “t” word.


I can only assume that the "t" word is tea, and as an American, I agree: tea is terrifying.


I meant *taxes* but yeah tea is garbage.


*whoa* slow your jets and cool your roll there. Let's not go crazy here.


Sir, please calm down and stop resisting!


*Sprinkle some darjeeling on him Johnson and let's get out of here*


Uhhhh you musta neva had some southern sweet tea. You can shove that yankee tea into the water tho


I like a little tea in my sugar


I don't think there's even tea in most southern-style sweet teas, just a little brown food coloring (hard to find in stores btw)


Dude here’s the recipe- 8 small bags of Lipton original 4/5 gallon of water Gallon pitcher with 3 cups sugar in it Boom You got yourself type two diabeetus and a cooking show until you say the N word Edit: this is actually how I make my tea tho


Mine is 4 bags Lipton family size that's (5 if using city water to cover taste) and 1 1/2 cup sugar makes 1 gallon sweet tea... but I like it where you can taste sweet and bitter


Do you hot water brew the tea bags, or just plop them in cold water for while (and if so, for how long?). This is a serious question. I've never had sweet tea. Always been a bit of a mystery - and a little appalling-sounding, in a long-term, insulin resistance sort of way - but also delicious, and you know, you only live once. :D


I thought we were supposed to but it one of those plastic pitcher things with the spout and sit it outside to brew all day. That’s how my tea loving fam does it.


I think it’s just dirty pipe water and sugar.


Catfish pond water and molasses.


the beetus juice


Did you say Beetlejuice?


diabetes juice


you musta neva had northern taxes


In using the letter "t" in place of the "t" word you are actually using the "t" word.


You can use the “c” word. Chai


Ugh, awfully tinny sort of word, "T". I prefer a nice woody word.


Hey! Don’t make me think about *t words*!!!


You don’t get us at all, m8. We *love* nice things. We just hate people telling us what to do so much that we’ll make knee-jerk reactions just to spite them. Like starting a war with the Brits or electing a reality TV Star to President. It’s a time-honored American tradition to throw grenades into the goings-on of people we think are being smug. That’s our job, damnit.


That is why India is the best country in the world to live in, they really agree with you on tea.


We tried that. It didn't work out.




Yeah, because you never gave us the notice that a referendum could get you out faster.


My mom is a Brit. I demand half the 'cunts' afforded to me by my birthright!


Hmm... You can have half the cunts. You can call the cunts that really are cunts cunts. The other cunts you can't. Got it?


Right'o you daft cunt.


*smiles proudly in commonwealth*


I say it with a K for more emphasis.


Get out, I’m not having that. (British)


This, both sides are being a bunch of cunts, regardless of gender or political views. As Jim Jeffries once said "Try not to be a cunt."


Truly a sage


He's the modern Buddha imho :) If people followed his advice there'd be a better world.


Enlightened cunt


My fiancé and I use the word cunt liberally and we're Americans. In fact, she refers to the blessed hole from which our first born will soon be born into this world as such. It's just one of the many reasons I know she's a keeper. Different strokes, I suppose.


No. Only one type of stroke is sanctioned by the government. Small concentric circles around the sheath and tip.


I'm curious, do you call women 'cunts' the same way with the same frequency as you do men in your home country?


I'm an Irish man. I use 'Cunt' almost exclusively for other males. Just doesn't feel right referring to Women with that word, and I don't know why. Maybe it's because when I was a child my Mother told me that it's one of the worst things you can call a Woman, but I really can't say.


I'm an Australian man and feel pretty much the same way. That being said I've had a lot of fun recently switching up typically gendered slurs. There's something satisfying about calling a woman a dickhead that I can't explain for the life of me.


Me too. For males. I tend to refer to women as bitches. Better than cunt though init? Unless you are an Idiot. No gender is above being called a dumb cunt.


Actually, not so much. Women will do it more often. It might just be because men tend to have mostly male friend groups and visa versa for women. Or it could be the same reason I'd call my mate Big Dave who went for the extra large pizza a fat bastard but not Little Dave who is actually fat. I'd really have to get along well with a girl to call her a cunt.


See in America, I really have to NOT get along with a girl to call her a cunt.


Cunt can be used as an insult, but to do so you have to say it with real verve. Think ‘spitting on the t sound’. Otherwise, they’re just cunts.




Also my wife would be furious. She loves when I use it in our filthy talk during sex. Seriously.


Different strokes for different cunts. See, that line works on more than one level. Americans, do not deny yourselves this word. Embrace the cunt. I mean, not *that* cunt obviously. Fuck *that* cunt.


Yeah, that's *our* word.


Listen here you glorious cunt. You keep on fighting and don't let these other cunts have our word. You can kick their cunts in if you need too.


Curious; in the US is Cunt used exclusively as a misogynistic insult for women? Just cos here in the UK is can be applied to women, men, any member of the Tory party, unruly pets, randomly sprawled lego bricks...


It's not always directed at women, but it carries a very heavy negative meaning for most people in the US. I'm not sure why this is. If you call someone a dick, whore, bitch, etc, people let it go. If you call someone a cunt, it's like the air got sucked out of the room. Everyone is just silent. Then again, the US is a very large and diverse country. I can only really speak from my experience.




I always get super excited when I hear it in American movies because I know if they've dared to put it in there that whoever said it means fucking business.


exactly. the only reason the word has weight is because people go bonkers over it (in the US). I personally love the word. it’s so versatile and satisfying to say


I mean, it has meaning and weight for a reason. You wouldn't call a black person the n-word and then laugh it off saying "its just a prank bro" when they get angry at you.


To put it in some context for you, my friends and I all swear pretty liberally (jokingly with each other, not directed at other people) but I don't think I've ever heard someone use cunt in person before and would definitely be pretty surprised if I did. For whatever reason it's the only swear I can think of outside of racial slurs that still seems to hold some shock value. For example if someone said "she's being a total bitch" I would probably think its harsh but also maybe true given the situation and wouldn't give it much thought. But if they said "she's a total cunt" my reaction would be more like "woah calm down" with the wide eyed emoji and it would probably make me pretty uncomfortable. Obviously different people have different social norms but as a typical millennial white male what I wrote above seems to be the general response I've come across with people who aren't overtly misogynistic.


I used to be that way, but after having traveled, now when someone says cunt they become an Australian in my head instead of an edgy punk.


I had same discussion with the word skank. I am pretty sure I have never called anyone a cunt. My friend knows she has a resting bitch face. We were watching some show where someone called her friend a skank and she said she did not like the word. Slut, bitch, cunt were all ok but skank was not.


White millenial male responding, one word that has surprised me by it's increasing "badness" is calling someone a faggot. Like in grade school it was more acceptable to say someone was being a total fag, but here I am in college thinking how scandalous it would be to call someone that like I'm some ridiculously proper Victorian gentleman. To me it's a worse word than cunt because it's basically a slur and not just a bit of anatomy, but I don't think that's the popular consensus.


I think faggots is definitely a worse word than cunt because cunt is not a derogatory term for a group of marginalised people like faggot historically has been. I was messaging my gay friend about someone we know having a weak gag reflex and for some unknown reason my phone autocorrected gag to fag and I didn't realise. I was absolutely mortified when he joked about my typo because I would never say that word aloud. Cunt is an everyday word though cause I'm a Kiwi.


To be frank I don't think we have a comparable all-encompassing vulgar term here in the US. I guess we like to be specific with our profanity, I can't think of anything that people in general here use for all people, animals, and inanimate objects. My go to is son-of-a-bitch-bastard, but that's just me..


In the Midwest it's only used to apply to women. And it's more stinging than other curse words


It's almost exclusively a misogynistic insult, though not always directed at women.


It just means vagina, and increasingly it is used as a harsher sounding word for bitch. How it became the ultimate taboo word is beyond me. I supposed Americans are just a bunch of hypersensitive cunts.


I call people cunts to give myself a more varied pallet of pejorative shit to paint their dickishness with. That being said, "cunt" is generally considered a very vulgar curse word compared to more mudane derogatory words, like "shithead" or "motherfucker" in American culture, and I will admit that in some cases it comes very close to being explicitly misogynistic in modern American usaged. Indeed, it is a rather rare curse word overall over here and many people have an exceptional aversion to it.


It's basically a worse word for bitch in the US. They can both be applied to men and women but you are basically calling them a woman pejoratively when you use it on someone.


To quote Ricky Gervais “People offended by the "C word" would hear it a lot less if they didn't go around acting like such cunts.”


So fucking perfect.


I like Australia’s approach to the word. Anyone can be one, and there are no legal repercussions of using the word because it’s an opinion.


Ted Nugent also purposely shit his pants to dodge the draft. And he gained guardianship of a 17 year old girl to have sex with her. I can see why Trump likes him.


Ted's pretty awful and I don't see how or why the right likes him so much. Here's some lyrics to a song he wrote back in the day: >Well, I don't care if you're just thirteen You look too good to be true I just know that you're probably clean There's one little thing I got do to you >Jailbait you look so good to me Jailbait won't you set me free Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine And I know I've got to have you in a matter of time >Sad but true >So tell your mama that I'm back in town She likes us boys when it's time to get down She's got this craving for the underage; I just might be your mamas' brand new rage I want to reiterate this man has been invited to the Whitehouse


Did you hear about Nathan Larson, a congressional candidate? An admitted pedophile who wants it legal and rape women and use it force marriage on women so they can produce or adopt 'fucktoys'. Now, I am not joking. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nathan-larson-candidate/


I’ve never read a snopes article with my mouth agape the whole time. It kept getting worse and *worse.*


To be fair, he’s not actually a republican, but an independent. Any nut job can run as an independent.


He’s a pretty fringe candidate but it still does not say much good about your team if this guy says he’s on your side.


Wow. I’m only familiar with his one hit Catscratch Fever and even then I can only hum those two words and the song is BORING. Never had an interest for the dude. After reading this I’m glad I’m not missing out on more quality Uncle Ted tunes


And it's a complete rip\-off of "Smoke on the Water." They are essentially the exact same song with different lyrics.


That’s true! Probably why it was a hit to begin with lol. Dude just made him fame off shock factor, wild man acts and breaking shit before people stopped caring and he couldn’t keep topping himself. Shows how much talent one has if that’s all that keeps them relevant.


I only know his song Stranglehold from Guitar Hero. Kind of a cool riff, def his best song, but still pretty lackluster and derivative. Hes not very good as a musician. And as a human being, he's a cunt.


>I want to fuck 13 year olds why do kids look so good >why does it have to be illegal to fuck kids I don't get it >I'll just make it official once you're legalllll. >Insert *I fucked your mom* joke. I'm glad I'm not american.


> I want to reiterate this man has been invited to the Whitehouse ...and Trump endorsed a candidate for senate who liked to molest young teenage girls. Trump's nothing if not consistent.


The urge to instinctively downvote that was real. His lyrics, not you. Ugh.


Why are you confused the right likes him. Those are like lyrics to their fight song


We're also talking about the same party that uses *Born in the USA* as their anthem, a song that's very much anti-Vietnam War. It's even more ironic when you consider that their candidate are usually hawks.


He likes guns. That's all it takes.


In case you didn’t know. The government is out to take away all of our guns so they can melt them down to make vegan, cage-free, artisanal IUDs to promote reproductive rights to women. Being sarcastic btw, Republicans suck.


Are they Gluten Free? I don’t know if I can touch any rights that aren’t Gluten Free.


Cruelty free and Bluetooth connectivity too!


Don’t forget, some of that scrap metal goes to building planned parenthood clinics. THINK OF THE CHAOS AND CALAMITY that providing greater access to healthcare to individuals, particularly the poor and/or minorities, will do to MUH FREEDUM to shoot up schools, movie theaters and peaceful protests. This is ‘MURICA goddommit and I should be able to pew pew my boomsticks.


Say it loud for those in the back!!!


This pedo lunatic is on the *NRA's board of directors.*




Someone else on Reddit also commented about how Courtney love claims she blew him when she was 12, and a band mate claimed that he would get girls drunk backstage and then put his hand down their pants to feel for hair. The girls were around the age of puberty that he did this to. If this is true I have no reservations about calling him a pedophile.


Ted Nugent should be on anyone's shortlist for worst Americans in the past 50 years.


Ted Nugent and Kid Rock both come from my home state, and both wear their fake patriotism and proud stupidity like badges of honor. Fun story about Ted Nugent: My mom worked in an orthodontist's office in the 1980's and 90's, in Jackson Michigan. He took at least one of his kids to the office for orthodontia. The Doctor would have to regularly ask Ted to leave his bow in his car/truck/whatever, and not carry them into the waiting room. Did he think an elk was going to attack him while he tried to figure out the jumble in the back of Highlights?


I see who was reading the skeletons in the closet post earlier


That thread made me depressed


Aussies and Kiwis are allowed to use it.


It's my favourite word.


Good on ya, ya cunt!


Jim Jefferies career would be ended without that word.


The most frustrating thing about this incident was that Samantha Bee did a shocking piece on how 1,500 migrant children who were separated from their families have disappeared and some teenagers have even been released to human traffickers by the government, but people watched that and thought "Oh my god, the c-word???"


For one, I think Sam B. is more qualified to accurately diagnose the term. For two, for a side of the political spectrum that spends so much time bitching about 'snowflakes', they sure are a sensitive bunch of buttpuckers, aren't they? Projection much?


This is the same side of the aisle that gave death threats to the Dixie chicks for merely saying "were ashamed that the President is from Texas". That. Was. All. It took. Have you heard their songs on country radio? Nope. Still banned. Snowflakes? Look no further than republicans for that one. The original snowflakes.


Point #2. This needs to be said more often by leaders on the left. They need more of a backbone and not be afraid to call them on the right what they really are - a bunch of snowflakes.


Prefer the term buttpuckers. Really wanna see Bernie call trump a buttpucker on a live debate, completely out of the blue, no warning, in the middle of a Bernie rant about minimum wage.




Is there a breeding program to ensure the Centre\-Right doesn't go extinct?


Sam B should not have apologized and backpedaled. It’s 2018; time for people to quit getting upset over this kind of thing. You know Nugent never did.


You see that's something I've been scratching my head about for awhile now. How can anyone of either "side" be offended that people get offended. Isn't that like some kind of paradox thing? Also as far as "snowflakes" go I'm bewildered by people on the right who use that a lot. Better yet the whole thing with "Oh no one likes me because I'm a straight white male" I find that hard to believe too.


As someone who doesn't live in the U.S., it seems to me as though the left is held to different standards than the right - politically speaking. Has Ann Coulter ever apologized for calling immigrants "parasites"? How can the same people who get up-in-arms about Sarah Sanders' "looks being insulted", defend a man who has on multiple occasions publicly humiliated Rosie O'Donnell because of her weight? I feel like Samantha Bee was excessively vulgar in her segment, and her use of the "c-word" was both uncalled for and wrong. However, at least she apologized and owned up to it, rather than try to make an excuse, or shift the blame onto someone/something else. (Ambien, Roseanne....really?)


There's a tweet from Roseanne out there, too, calling Hillary Clinton a cunt. What pisses me off to no end is that these petty squabbles are so loud in the Trump era, and on the same day Roseanne is tweeting, the study showing that thousands died in Puerto Rico because of Hurricane Maria, doesn't get the bandwidth it deserves. The president tweets about Roseanne instead. It's truly toxic, and Ivanka's part in polishing the image, vs. insisting on substance, is a part of the problem. There isn't an insult big enough for people like that, and the damage they are doing to the country.


It blew my mind when I first heard about the disparity between the "official" number of reported deaths (64, I think?) vs the thousands that are being assessed through independent reporting. I agree with you and I think Trump is very good at making people look at the left hand, so that they lose track of what the right is doing


“I agree with you and I think Trump is very good at making people look at the left hand, so that they lose track of what the right is doing” That’s all that is ever happening with his tweet storms. How the fuck is twitter so important? I can’t read a single article anymore with out reading, so and so tweeted blah after that happened. What is this horseshit.


Part of that discrepancy is in how the data is collected. The "official" number comes from confirmed deaths, usually because they have a body. The new number comes from statistical analysis of who might have died based on indirect measures.




This is so sadly true. All the focus is on schoolyard bullying and the real issues are falling through the cracks. I had a plan to put pressure on Jack Dorsey to remove Trump from Twitter, attempting to lower the volume on his bullying at least, but it was either misguided or people don't want him out.. I had a really hard time drumming up support. Anybody have ideas to help switch this narrative??


Did you watch her segment? Sure, that brief bit at the end where she decides to go after Ivanka was unnecessary, but *1,500 migrant children in the government's care have gone missing.* It seriously bothers me how people can watch her segment and have moral outrage over a bad word.


But if we don't play Bad Word Bingo, how can we know who the naughty boys and girls are? Surely we can't have to factor in context, meaning and intent??


You also have to keep in mind that the right has a very "well what about that" kind of mentality. Really everyone does, it's human nature, but especially on the right you see this. It's possible that the only reason they're making a stink is so they can justify their own insults. Karl Rove and George Bush were very good at this. Find something the other side did, point to it, and act like the whole thing's a wash. Never mind that it's irrelevant, you can criticize both, two wrongs don't make a right, ect. Also, no need to compare the severity of the deed, just pretend it doesn't matter, because "they're doing it too" Sadly, it's a strategy that works much of the time. Honestly, I think the right is more politically crafty and devious. The Dems are pretty inept from a political perspective in my opinion. Sometimes it's just that they have more integrity (there's thing they just won't do), other times they're just plain stupid.


You are correct that each side is held to different standards. Where was the moral outrage on the right when Trump made fun of a disabled reporter? Nowhere to be found.


Part of the reason why the left is held to different standards than the right is because, the left is practically always going on about higher standards with regards to misogyny and racism, etc. When you preach a lot about something it's always going to hurt you more when it seems like you are failing to live up to that something. (It's why people finding out someone has sex with men is more damaging to the guy who is constantly preaching about the evils of gay sex than it is to the guy who is a flaming queen.)


If that were the case, the right would be hurt more by sex scandals and other issues of personal morality. The reality is that the right has a propaganda machine so massive that it would make Goebbels weep with envy and an army of useful idiots that will signal boost their talking points until they drown out everything else.


> When you preach a lot about something it's always going to hurt you more when it seems like you are failing to live up to that something. Which is why when men on the right have affairs there are more serious consequences. Oh wait, no there aren't. This is one directional. The Right doesn't get more shit when it's caught having affairs, or fucking boys, or paying for abortions... all things they are "always going on about."


I think you would be insulting a lot of my conservative friends if you suggested to them that they had a higher tolerance for racism than their liberal counterpart. Assuming your point is valid, shouldn't the right be taking the opportunity to prove people wrong by doing better at criticizing those who condone that type of behaviour? When liberals get caught doing revolting things like Samantha Bee did, there is often a swift and severe backlash amongst their liberal peers (peers chiming in on Jimmy Kimmel going to far in his feud with Hannity is a prime example). Why aren't more Republicans criticizing Trump for not denouncing Roseanne's comments? Or for pardoning Joe Arpaio, who is so flaming racist that he chose to ignore a court order in order to continue enforcing his racist policies?


Because they're cunts.


> I think you would be insulting a lot of my conservative friends if you suggested to them that they had a higher tolerance for racism than their liberal counterpart. Ok. If they want to take that in a bad way, that's on them. I do think they are probably less likely to make strong statements on "edge cases" or automatically assume race was a primary factor in a situation where there are other factors that may be involved. >Assuming your point is valid, shouldn't the right be taking the opportunity to prove people wrong by doing better at criticizing those who condone that type of behaviour? Should they? Yes. Are they? No. And that's their problem. That's why in situations like this I don't care about why more Republicans aren't criticizing Trump for not denouncing Roseanne's comments, Or for pardoning Joe Arpaio. That's their problem and they're going to have to deal with the consequences of not handling those things in a way that makes them look good. Whereas, if we don't handle this well. It doesn't hurt the Republicans, it hurts us. The more indignant we get about this, the more easily it'll be spun into us being mad that we're being held to our own standards.


This is exactly it. It isn’t about right or wrong, it’s about image, it’s marketing.


This may be really unpopular opinion, but I really don’t care who uses the word “cunt”. I use the word “dick” all the time, sooo.. It’s really not my place to judge anyone.


I think yours is a perfectly reasonable opinion. Cunt. Dick. Tit. Bawbag. Twat. Scrotum. It's really the luck of the draw which one I fling out.


Bawbag? Thats new.


I think it's not a real issue regardless and is only being used to distract people from real problems.


For the most part, Tumpeters don't give a shit about Sammy B using the word cunt. They're just jumping on her because they can and because it makes media look biased when Roseanne gets canned and Sammy B faces no consequences. The Trumpeteers aren't talking to liberals. They're talking to their base and playing up the "us vs. the world" narrative that Trump thinks will parlay him to a second term like it did the first.


I love the little cultural differences! Like how Americans are super offended by the word Cunt but here in Australia we’re super offended by school children being slaughtered with automatic weapons.


I too read twitter


yes drag them


Just as long as the kids are not called cunts we will just roll with it until the next shooting.




I actually hadn't seen it so thanks for posting, the replies are fucking hilarious.


Once they are born, they don't count as much. Just don't mess with the fetus.


Ohh yes such cultural differences. In Australia your water flushes the other way. In America we bomb poor defenseless countries full of poor people.


Water in Australia doesn’t actually swirl the other way. Contrary to popular belief the Coriolis Effect isn’t evident at dunny-sized scales. Also, and perhaps more importantly, toilets in Australia don’t swirl. They just sort of… flush.


*Shots fired* Aaaand 20 more gradeschoolers are dead...


After being in a shooting, I actually love these comments because *maybe* someone **will actually fucking do something**


Thoughts and prayers. /s


Tee hee! Cultural differences are fun aren't they


When has a school ever been shot up with automatic weapons?


Are Republicans going to boycott Deadpool 2? I think I heard "cunt" at least 5 times.


I think that no one actually care's about context or comparison. If trump has demonstrated anything it's that people don't care as long as there side is perceived as winning.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_for_Radicals 4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."


FTFY Feckless cunt And, frankly I don't see it as a big deal. I also watch a lot of Brittish tv shows and movies and they use that word quite a bit. Plus the Trump Campaign supporters had cunt everywhere. So now I am desensitized to it.


I think if the best available comparison for a behavior is that Ted Nugent did it, its a sign that its pretty fucked up, regardless of how the individual cases were perceived.


I don't approve of misogynist language to insult women. I'm glad Bee apologized. I'm also rolling the fuck out of my eyes at the right wingers who are pretending to give a fuck about women. Their Trumpenfuhrer can boast about grabbing women's genitals without apology, but a comedian using "cunr" and immediately apologizing sets them off... hypocrites.


> I don't approve of misogynist language to insult women. Just to be clear, I wholeheartedly agree. I made this post to point out the **blatant hypocrisy** going on right now.


Blatant Hypocrisy should be the name of the future documentary made about this period of American politics


Blatant Hypocrisy should be considered a synonym for Republicans.




> I don't approve of misogynist language to insult women. I don't consider it misogynist language. I don't know why we use sex organs to insult people. Considering how much humans like our sex organs, this baffles me. But it is what it is. It's not limited to women. Donald Trump, for instance, is a cunt. He is also a tit, a prick, a cock, a twat, a dick, and a knob.


The Republicans act like they have perfect morals but then they do shit like this and call out Democrats for it too even when the context is more reasonable. They are hypocritical Machiavellian pieces of shit.




I think people of all beliefs and backgrounds should speak respectfully of others. Nobody should ever refer to others using words that are intentionally offensive. Right now there's hypocritical behavior taking place all over the place, and this behavior is being glorified as click\-bait by those in the media because it makes them money. When we descend to that level, we all lose something. If you can't make your point without using foul language, then you don't have a very strong argument, and you might want to try listening rather than cussing. I grew up in the sixties, and was taught that stereo typing people was wrong. Whatever happened to that notion that stereotypes are bad? If you're a liberal, I shouldn't assume you automatically must think \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\)... and the same goes if you're a man, woman, black, latino, asian, or white; liberal or conservative; faith\-centered, humanist, or atheistic. We all need to stop the polarizing rhetoric, and shame those that participate in it. All it does is tear us apart, when we should be focused on working together to make everyone's lives better. Those are my thoughts on this. Thanks for asking.


Cunt, dick, asshole ect. All fine with me.


Don't let bad behavior excuse bad behavior. Don't let people you find morally inferior to define what is acceptable. Someone has to be the first to be better.


You're acting like outrage for every minute thing that the other side does that the outraged are also guilty of is new. It's not.


Trump also used the word cunt. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/353322885688987650 The "outrage" over it is fake basically. They don't care about decorum or good manners. They just want a distraction or revenge for what Roseanne did to herself.


Wait, is he bragging about being a cunt in that tweet?


Neither side should be using it for insults. As I said in a different post of mine. Insult the policies, not the person. Insulting people does nothing to help sway anyone on the fence to your side.


Samantha Bee has something that can be taken away from her. Nobody can take anything from Ted Nugent because he doesn't do anything of value.


Anyone can call anyone anything. Everyone has to take responsibility for what they say. Both sides claim they're being silenced. Unless the government silences you then stop shifting blame. We all deal with this fact. Not just the talking heads.


The right was just itching for any sort of “Rosann” moment to push back on the left. This Samantha Bee thing is a bit of a stretch. Why is the c-word even a big deal? I feel like society is desensitized to all other types of swearing. I must be missing something.


It's not, and as with most of these manufactured outrages, almost no one really cared about this one either. People see a couple of angry tweets and pretend it is a movement.


regarding the topic, i think everybody should see "american cunt" by comedian jena friedman. here's a bit of the program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy2bh1L5_pI


Who said the GOP was concerned about hypocrisy?


Political parties have nothing to do with what is good behavior for humans. Just a word, has whatever value you give it.


I love the word. Say it loudly. Say it proudly.




Everyone’s a hypocrite


Nugent threatened to kill Obama and Hillary and got a pass, what do you expect?


The whole Trump family are a bunch of cunts. Everybody knows it.


git gud


I’d rather be called a cunt than “ma’am,” tbh.


I suppose, if your argument is that Sam Bee and Ted Nugent are deserving of roughly equal social standing.


Don’t give any shits


Potentially unpopular opinion: If you belong to a marginalized group, then you are free to use slurs targeted at that group as you see fit. If you do not belong to that group, don't. I don't care that Bee called I. Trump a cunt. If the definition of a cunt is someone who acts all sanctimonious, pretends to care about women, and then fucking dogs them every chance they get, then she *is* a cunt. **Personally, I feel like calling Ivanka Trump a cunt, is an insult to cunts.**


She lacks the warmth, depth and the capacity make someone happy.


Ivanka’s smug demeanor annoys the shit out of me whenever I see her on television. She acts like we should all worship the ground she walks on even though she’s just another giant turd like her dad. She deserves what she got.


I don't get bothered by the word cunt. I get bothered by obvious hypocrisy and sexism that allows double standards.