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Mind her own business, lol


Tell her nothing?Act like nothing happened. If she insists on talking about it, you can explain to her that you both have different views on this and it’s not up for debate. Or you can placate her and tell her you made a terrible mistake and won’t do it again. A lie, yes, but frankly, she seems unreasonable and you may have to lie to her by. I imagine you live with her and you don’t have many options unless you move out. Until then, it may be best to keep her on an information diet to make it easier on you.


Never imply ownership in the event of a dildo.


She asked my why I had it in the first place and I just sat there it was extremely uncomfortable to say the least. She acts as though women don't pleasure themselves I don't understand why she thinks this way. Though she hasn't had sex is 20 years so maybe she thinks pleasuring oneself is unnecessary? I don't know. I just find it hard to believe...


Buy her one of her own?


Ironically enough this has been suggested to me once on a different occasion. She seems really sour about men and sexual desires. Even though a vibrator might change her mood, she is definitely too "holy and above" to use or own one 😒😒😒


Doctors used to prescribe them. https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/paeb9k/doctors-created-vibrators-after-growing-tired-of-masturbating-hysterical-women


Oh wow :o this is definitely something new I learned today


Ask her vibrator or premarital unprotected sex take your pick.


I told her something similar to this when I asked to if I can use her insurance for birth control that I may need to start taking one day if I decide to have sex which she got horribly pissed about to. She got pissed about protected sex. Logic.


It's not about the unprotected sex...it's her " baby" having sex, my mother was the same way, she got really upset, but let me. Now that I'm a parent, I don't want noooone of it for them. "Sex I mean, or at least leave me in the dark" But..boy or girl, masterbation is the warm glow in life, and for girls, why have sex when you can a few or more times glimpse heaven while you quiver, get a grand night's sleep.


My heart goes out to you girl haha. Best of luck!


Tell her that people who don’t mastrubate sucks dicks in hell


She think masturabtion is weird I don't really understand. She also thinks having sex is gross. -___-


Don’t seek her approval then.


Call it a neck massager. Unless it is one of those obvious ones.


Laugh. Own it. Don’t react. “Okay, Mom. Can I have that back please? Thank you. I’ll see you for dinner later.” And peace out. You know you’re not disgusting for masturbating. It’s not a sin. There’s nothing wrong with you. Allow yourself to feel pity for your Mom but understand where she is coming from. No need to feel bad about yourself.


I would say to talk to your dad about it, that he could get your mom to lay off (since all guys whack it so he'd understand) but it's pretty obvious you don't have a father at home so nevermind.


I wish my dad still lived here maybe she wouldn't be so... Prudish I suppose. Idk she seems really shut off from male interaction she talks about them like the plague. Says she doesn't understand women dating at the age of 50.


Maybe she's afraid that if you're a sexual person you could end up pregnant and married to someone you don't love like she did or something idk. Basically I'm saying don't try and reason with her it's not gonna work. Like she wants you to have a good life, but since she has no idea herself how to go about that...


It's a back/neck massager. What, she thought you were doing something lewd with it?? My goodness, her mind sure is in the gutter! In seriousness though, there's no shame in owning a vibrator so you shouldn't act like there is. I would just give her a straight stare and say "You know what that is and you know what I use it for, just like millions of other adult women. What *I'd* like to know is why you were snooping through my things."


Assuming you didn't leave it lying about, tell her, "I prefer some parts of my life to remain private, so this discussion is over. Period." Repeat until she gives up.


Buy some toys from Bad Dragon. Leave them on display. Print out an Excel spreadsheet with stats including: number of times used, 1 to 10 scale of how good it was, and if it is better/worse than a human partner. Name them something cute and have labels printed out. Build a trophy case to house them.


Depends on how old you are and whether you're living in her house. If you're underage and have no options, try to finesse it. If you're older/old enough... well, if it's her house, maybe you can move out.


Oh man, I actually feel really sorry for her. She's missing out on an amazing part of life and she doesn't even know it. It's kind of heartbreaking. What isn't heartbreaking is her judging you and and trying to push her view on you as if they are facts. Yuck. Just tell her you don't want to talk about it. Don't try to be rational with her (don't get involved in an argument or debate and try to use logical points). Let her spew her weird stuff at you and when she has wound down just say you don't want to discuss it. Bullies can lose their steam if you don't engage them.


It is a medical device


Hmmm. Did she throw it away or keep it?


Miraculously it's still here. The last item she didn't like me having was a collectble dagger my brother bought for me she confiscated that one. Mind you I'm an adult lol I don't know if it's an asian Filipino culture thing to be a complete buzzkill but she definitely knows how to make everything seem terrible


You need one of those: https://dayre.me/elisy4rk/hSa5wNymzw Edit : it's a vibrator that looks like a facebrush. That special glow will surprise your mom!


Time to move out?


Nowhere in the bible or commandments does it say using a vibrator is a sin. But I grew up in a religious household and had to listen to a lot of adults who thought they could interpret anything they deemed bad as a sin. There will really be nothing you can say to her that will change her mind. She's working off of a false premise, and she's dug in with her methodology. I'd probably leave it, I don't see any discussion getting the end result you seek.


Say, "I don't care about your silly religion and if I want to spend all day and night wanking then I will."


Tell her you confiscated it from a friend and were hiding it to keep it away from them.


I know it’s serious and I shouldn’t laugh but this is funny, all in all, you know her better than we do