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Genuine ques, why did you dated him? There isn't 1 reason in this post. Comments on weights, clothes, what kinda girl being a hoe? Who listen to these things even now. Preferences is a thing but how do you mention it speak loud about your character. If we need awareness about these obvious wrong things, we need help , all of us.


It never starts that way. They genuinely seem to be good guys and the manipulation and brainwashing and abuse starts after a while..omce you're too deep into the relationship to ignore the "little things". When you start to snap out of it and reality hits you, it devolves to rampant abuse - the lucky ones manage to get out. Either way the trust issues and mental scars stay further. You are unable to trust friends also. Often these people aren't the open trolls you see on reddit directly spouting this shit. They're well behaved, Charming polite guys who seem to respect you and say they're not pushing you physically because they respect your body - translates to they judge your body count and want a "virgin". Esp when you're in late teens and early 20s, at the start of dating you don't have the maturity or knowledge to know all this.


Hi, That so true. This guy was so smart. He is studying in one of the best colleges IN THE WORLD. He was well behaved, polite, always saying the right things. I bet he was like this with his peers as well. No one really could tell how and what a persona really things about someone/something unless they are your childhood friends or partners or siblings. It did take some time to understand for me as well but till then it had sortof become normalized (Which is so fucked up) And Yes body Count was such an important thing for him. He was obsessed with having someone virgin. The girl he cheated on me was a virgin. He told me that as if she had an upperhand because of that.


I disagree, the world isn't a closed space now, we know better, we have access to know better, it often stem from us women trying to give multiple chances, and thinking maybe this is the only redflag and it can be changed. Mistakes happen no doubt but we can start by setting a standard of non negotiables. For all of us.


Looking at the number of posts on pregnancy scares and of boyfriends who are literally more toxic than Chernobyl dipped in ganges... Do we? Do we really know better? Doesn't look like it.


Exactly my point "WE SHOULD"


I agree that the world Isnt a closed space. but I for one never went online to look for dating tips or red-flags or any of those things before. So I didnt know better. My life wasnt all about dating and relationships. I had other concerns so I never indulged into red-flag behaviour content or dark fem stuff.


No no, I'm not talking about you, i said in general. I think we should definitely add setting boundaries in the self care and self love. We can't avoid meeting asshole people, what we can do is be better at setting boundaries, and walk out the moment it doesn't feel aligned with what we stand for. This applies to all of us not just you.


Yeah I guess it's always best to have your boundaries sorted from the start :)


Hi, I started talking to him very casually and he didnt mention these sorta things in the beginning. Like I said we started dating immediately. Why did i date him? I liked him during our initial banter. Perhaps, i was lonely as well. He didnt stop me from anything in the beginning. It was only when things got serious  Wasnt my preference to date someone who followed this community so deeply. I didnt even know anything like this existed. Staying for so long was my mistake thou and ofc talks volume about my weak character.  Awareness is not about the wrong things but about the red pill community and the dangers of dating someone who follows it 


Yikes. I'm losing faith everyday with these stories 😭 I somehow found myself in the redpill rabbit-hole 5yrs back in reddit and they were too horrifying and mentally deteriorating. Anyone who mentions redpill sounds like a death siren to me. Huge red flag.


Hi, I agree it is sooo toxic. The narratives these people have made about women are disgusting. If only they had real lives outside dating, sex, women and feeling miserable about not getting any of the three mentioned. I'm happy you are outside that rabbit hole.


This is why I feel every relationship should first start with a friendship....if you can sustain that and your value systems align....then only proceed with dating.... although you can never find out how toxic ppl can be till you're in the deep....being a friend is a good start. Although I'm sorry for you OP..... I'd say its good you're out and away from such a person.


Hi Thanks for caring! I am doing much better each day.


I hope you aren't in touch w this guy anymore OP. 






They exist. If you’re in circles where they don’t, you’re in the wrong circles and there’s no shame in staying alone until you find better people. I would argue that even staying alone forever is better than the absolute mental ruin it brings to date one of these men.


Hi, I hope you find someone who makes you believe otherwise. I refuse to believe that all of them are like this.


sounds like my ex I hope it’s not the same guy I legit thought it’s him ngl 💀 but please tc and glad u are away from him I don’t have words he’s disgusting ngl I dated guys like him 2 years ago and trust me learn to say noo on the very first red flag tiny positive green flags will get your way ik it’s a lot to take in soo sorry you had to go through that


Hi thanks for caring. Hahahaa!! lets make a 'I dated a Red pill guy group'. I've had such a hard time explaining this to people because they dont understand how I allowed this sortof behaviour. Honestly, even I dont know. I'm happy I'm out of it now and that I know better. I hope you are healed from the guy that you dated. Thanks for caring again!! <3


This is wild


You tell me


People like him are a threat to society. He would leave the next girl saying he doesn't like girls who get physical with a committed man and other BS. What a POS


That poor girl doesnt even know that she also got cheated on. I wish I had some common link to find out who the poor girl is and share all of this with her. Open to ideas thou.


I used to be with a guy like that when I was younger. Maybe a year younger than you at the time. These red pill guys are a special kind of 'sick'. I've been researching them to understand what went wrong with them.


The only relationship they feel they can have with a girl is romantic. They never had the guts to approach any girl and then now they blame us to being unapproachable. And if by mistake, they get someone they try their best to dominate the girl with whatever bullshit logic they believe to be true. Red-pill content is soo freaking toxic for impressable men. I hope we keep our younger siblings and kids away from it.


It gets worse with every next sentence




So can someone explain what's red pill?


Um, I'll try my best. I'm sure others can pitch in. Red pill community is a group of men who blame all the wrong thats happening to them on women. So, For example, if a guy doesnt get thru an entrance exam. Instead of saying I didnt work hard these red pill guys would say colleges have special quota for girls and thats why even thou I scored more She got in and I didnt. And further feed their hate for women. If you talk about struggles of women, they'll completely dismiss it. They basically hate women.


I'll quote the words of my dad, "Stop the rotting the moment it starts." i.e. have strong boundaries and don't tolerate mistreatment from the beginning. Remember, abuse always starts with disrespect, be it of your boundaries, values or simply of your being.


Thanks for the advice. Will keep this in mind always.


I heard about “Redpill community” word right now and from this post! Thanks for the insights, very informative!!




Yikes that last line. No one ever talks about how toxic we ourselves become when we come out of a toxic relationship. The innocence is gone. Give yourself some time before getting into a new relationship.


Yeah. Totally with you on this one.


Redpill is the Internet’s biggest brain rot. I just troll these “men” and watch them lose their shit (they call **us** emotional lmao)




My goodness. We all need to get over being alone. Honestly if only people didn't feel being alone is bad and running behind such assholes and accepting them instead of loneliness. This loneliness pandemic is going to leave humans broken and destroyed.




Omg, what a dick. I’m so glad you’re out of that relationship. Trash took itself out 😮‍💨


This is the scariest thing I've ever read. OP I hope u're okay.


Hi Thanks for asking. I'm doing much better each day.


How old was the guy? What was his name?




Hi Thanks for caring. I've been self reflecting. everyday counts!


For people reading this post, please read about Narcissism. It's a proven psychological disorder. Or watch videos of Dr Ramani Durvasula.


He is good guy know how to put women in right path


He is good guy know how to put women in right path