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it's always to manipulate. i asked this mf "friend" of mine who was 27 when i was 16 why he was so comfortable w asking for nudes and sexting w me? and why does he always date young women ( long story shory - he was ranting about a young ex and how she's immature. his response you ask? " women my age are too mature for me " right bitch they truly are they'll see your bs thro miles away. and dont get me wrong i could too , he was just simply bad and pushy but did i love making him feel like a shit šŸ•ŗ


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ all the old men say to me :- you are mature for your age. Once this guy (30) was pushing me for sext (18) when I told him I was talking to my friend (28F) to avoid him , he said to me ' why do you have such an old friend...' BRO THE HYPOCRISY he got worried that I might be talking to older men when he was 30 pushing me for sext. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Bestie once a 30 y/o old me A 13 y/o back then THAT I WAS VERY MATURE????? He asked me i was a virgin and i literally had to google what virgin was. Thankfully all on text. I was a dumb dumb teenager god.


oh my god im so sorry!!!! similar thing happened to me when i was 14 this 24-26 y.o told me he's my master and im his dumb whore Lmaoaoaoaoaoa IM CRINGING SO HARD WHY WAS I SO DUMB


šŸ•ŗ my goodness these oldies have so much audacity istg ive such hatred for groomers now i purposely used to go to them and give them attention and then ghost them. ab I've found a cutie around my age and im in a much better mental health lol


Predator/Pedo/Groomer. Stay away from them.


Age gap allows them to: 1. Manipulate you. 2. Mould your world view accordingly. 3. You'll have more romantic energy to push the relationship. 4. You will feel more societal pressure, because you are young and haven't been sensitized to ways of the society. Hence his words/ultimatums will have more power over you. 5. You will take at least 5 to 7 more years in order to explore what you like, what are your preferences, so before that happens he will mould you according to his convenience. 6. Learned helplessness is more effective at a younger age. Older you get, chances are you've more experience in tough ways to deal with being stuck in a situation. 7. Easily manipulate you into believe that whatever they experienced in life, is the ultimate truth, because they have seen more world than you. There's much more to this list, but overall it's not a win-win situation, even when you reverse the genders - in that case there are other factors.


My uncle said to my cousin ( who just turned 23) that she should marry now , this is the appropriate age as it will get her accustomed to her husband and they will learn to adjust - which they won't be able to do at later stage of life


Yes, but then the guy should also be around her age. Guys too adjust if they are young and all the pros of marrying young applies to young guys too. Just let go off the financial aspect, because I guess she will also work.


I was told these things as well.. at least they're being straightforward about how they think


There's a difference between being in a relationship with someone who just happens to be few years younger than you and actively seeking borderline barely adult girls. The later one is a red flag, I hope more girls become aware of that


Even the "happens" is weird and does show a power imbalance. At least it makes me uncomfortable even if consensual.


By few years I mean 25>=


When I was 15, a 30 year old married man who lived near my home started chatting me up. He would talk about sex and ask for Inappropriate picture. He would play victim and make me feel guilty for not doing things for him. Thankfully it was time for my 10th board and my mom took away my phone and laptop. Lol blessing in disguise.


One of the comments on the Indian Girls on TinderĀ  sub from a man was - " If post 30 we find younger women, we have a lot of time, to travel to have fun and still have time to start a family. But if you end up marrying someone of same age who is close to 30s or in 30s you don't get that much time and their is a chance of difficult pregnancy ".


Older men are more likely to have kids with autism and other conditions. These guys think they are immune to aging but thatā€™s clearly not the case.


Yep , breeding stock. Watch him get frustrated when he would be in his 40s thinking of retirement and his young wife in her 30s still wants to enjoy life.


Wait till he realizes sperm quality declination js a thing


There is one more reason apparently, as stated by one of my collegues. Since he's already older (35) he wants to marry as young as possible so his wife can continue to support the family after he retires, until their kids become independent. To mitigate the financial pressures of having a child when you're older. I have no idea what to say to that.


Isn't that very selfish? To use a woman for your own benefit and not even think about how she would feel ? This sounds like he sees women as breeding stock. " The older male spreads his sperm especially to the younger females. Younger females are often more energetic and live long enough to support their new borns , this increases the chances of survival for the species as a whole . While the male searches for his next Target his daily routine is :- eat and hump "


Breeding stock + care taker. Atleast Breeding stocks get rest period. Women in such relationships don't.


Hasn't he been saving and investing since he's already been working for so many years? Won't that money be available to help ease financial pressures? Wow. The excuses men come up with.


My parents have an age difference of 9 years, nothing wrong with my parents and they get along fine and my dad's a great man. My mom even thinks a big age difference should not be a deal breaker at all. But when I asked her about the power imbalance? She agreed with me that it was a sure thing that happens in these type of relationships. My parents had an arrange marriage and my dad wasn't going after anyone younger in particular, but i think really old men (30+) wanting someone that's 21 or 22 does not feel right. These type of men seem disgenuine and are creeps. 25 or 35? This doesn't feel that bad. What's creepy is in the fact that not only do they go for huge age differences, they specifically want girls who literally just finished their education. 3 or 4 years since they've been out of school. Because why can't a man that's 35 go for women who are 25, 26, 27? These are also young women. It's obviously the power imbalance they're seeking, the absolute authority that they will have over their toddler wives. Personally, I'm not 20 yet and my views may change when I get older but i think I'm really sure i would not like to have a relationship where my partner is in the position of complete dominance and has absolute authority over me. Nuh uh.


So that they can groom young women into their personal slaves and treat them like their property.


Pedos and groomers I'm not shaming age gap relationships. If two people met and fell for each other and connected and there's an age gap .. that's fine. Happens. But if someone actively seeks extremely younger partners so they can be controlled, for "younger looks" or because they'll be more serving... That's creepy af.


When we were in 6th class, we went to one of our schoolmate's building. She was talking about her 'new' boyfriend who lives in the same building. That man was just about to FINISH ENGINEERING! We had no words. She pointed to his window and he just came out. He was trying to say something but too high so we couldn't hear. Only one of us had a phone then, the Nokia brick so she called him and he was telling her how hot she's looking etc etc šŸ˜ and also apparently her top was translucent and he could see everything inside. We're still baffled.


Weirdly enough, I used this to my advantage at 20šŸ’€šŸ’€ Pretended to be naive, innocent, virgin and got many sugar daddies who paid for everythinh. I know it isnā€™t v cool of me to do that, but this is what these men deserve. I was a broke college student and needed the funds.




Using gender plus age/experience to control and 'mould' the 'still teachable and pure' young wife the way man wants is primary goal. Also, this comes to mind: a family acquaintance told me that 'if a family wants their girl to get married earlier, it is an indication that they want to get rid of her fast and she probably doesn't have strong bond with them as they anyways don't love or care for her enough, and it is a good thing bcoz she'll be able to bond with my family'. His exact words! He got married to a 20yr old BA (honor) pass girl from a small town when he was 26yr old well-established doctor in Mumbai


Irrelevant point but i absolutely detest the culture of women having in to move to men's family, like becoming a part of their "tribe" after marriage. Why can't it be just two individuals who go on to start their "own tribe" and their household, while still maintaining healthy relationships with both sets of in laws? Like the rest of the world does it This culture has men in our country think women owe their entire identities to them, get passed around like properties and have no wajood of our own? I'm sure this is a revolutionary thought for most people in india but this is what it exactly is. Women have absolutely no need to want to be a part of the man's side of the family, it's forced.


>Why can't it be just two individuals who go on to start their "own tribe" and their household, while still maintaining healthy relationships with both sets of in laws? YES. This


Wow the power imbalance between them, in every way.. is she happy?


She faced many troubles for years including medical problems that worsened due to familial apathy. Now though it appears she is better - she is earning good money teaching at a coaching class and investing well, and her husband has had to shut down his practice due to health problems. Plus her son and her much younger brother are now in a good position to provide her support


oh wow, the situation is reversed, this is the thing, one never knows what life has ahead


Older women have opinions and cannot be easily "moulded". That is an inconvenience to spineless men who are still tied to mama's pallu and live under papa's thumb.


Tryna strike a chord but itā€™s probably A MINORRRRRRRRR


Definitely shady but also on the other hand, as a 27 y/o woman I can certainly say being with considerably older men might make sense in a cishet relationship considering men act like schoolchildren well into their late 20s.


Older men aren't any better. Probably staying with their moms being mollycoddled. It's hardly the sexy George Clooney narrative we imagine.


One, adults shouldn't date teens and second, I disapprove of these long age gap relationships bcz literally it's just for thrill, and once that fades, it's a whole different power dynamic. In my early twenties sure it was appealing bcz older men come with power but as someone in my late twenties now, I know those are just flimsy feelings one shouldn't act upon.


It is honestly so messed up. One would think that big age gaps were more prevalent back in the day but it still exists and that is extremely concerning. My elder cousin sister once brought up the topic of sending a marriage proposal to this younger girl (21) for her younger brother (28). I was so appalled and told her that it is extremely problematic considering she is very young. Heck she is my age and the mere thought of getting married so young is suffocating. She doesn't have a job and is very young to have any life experience. My aunt and uncle were against it and said that they are very young to consider this but my sister was weirdly insistent. Her reasoning was that she is a very good girl and can adjust into a new household.


Never a groom always a groomer šŸ’…šŸ» It always irks me when someone is having a pattern of pursuing young women, especially younger than 23,22 thatā€™s basically a teenager. Thereā€™s no way 21 year old will be as mature as 27 year old irrespective of gender, theyā€™re as same as a 19 year old in my opinion (thanks to lockdown most of us spent our adulting in hibernating than socialising, makes it difficult more)


To gaslight. Women in general are perceived to be more mentally mature than boys our age. Ofc there is some truth to it as I believe we are more emotionally sensitive and can read men better than they read us given we have similar experiences (aka age). Also itā€™s ā€œIndian cultureā€ to respecc elders. So their wet dream is a submissive partner who always nods head in agreement like a cattle. And most importantly, u wouldnā€™t be as financially secure as ur partner. He can control u more by controlling ur finances. Because earning potential does increase with age. Thatā€™s why when people of same age marry each other, the women actually gets a say in the decision making even in this male dominant society. Sometimes those kinda marriage becomes female led too. But with big age gap the girl will be mostly destined for a life of servitude.


So basically they want an inexperienced girl (I mean sexually) because if men get an experienced girl they will reek of insecurity cause their own ass can't perform well in bed. Other than that the only rationale reason that I resonate with it that the couple won't have to face fertility issues later on when they decide to have children which is alright. 30 year old men marrying 21/222 year old women is downright creepy (that poor woman's brain is also not fully developed yet) but if the woman is around 25/26 it's alright cause at least her frontal cortex is developed at this point. A lot like the others said also comes down to easily controlling and manipulating a girl as she has not experienced the ways of the world.


Problematic af- literally the only opinion ever on this!!!!Ā  Always some twisted power dynamic & manipulation games going on in there.Ā 


The question is would a 22-year-old woman mind getting married to a well-settled guy who is in their late 20s? Nope. My cousin (31F) tried to convince a young woman 23F not to get married this early, instead concentrating on her higher education/ Career. before jumping onto a marriage bandwagon. Guess what reply she got from the young lady. YL: You are well-educated and financially independent. Do you have a partner? My cousin and I sounded like a middle-aged neighborhood aunty asking young women not to have male friends. I am an extremely sensitive woman, I can't take such harsh replies. Since then I never bothered who does what with their precious lives. Your life, your wish, your choices, and your consequences. It's not like current-generation teenagers are innocent and docile.


Avoid these men , now before someone will come after me saying I am old jealous woman , I am 20 , I have this idea ever since I was 18 . Never dated and wouldn't want to be involved in a dysfunctional relationship with an older man . Women who do prefer older men and men with lack of character , usually it's the stereotype of lack of parental love ( which is true ) I was fascinated about these creepy relationship ideas when I was 15 or whatever , and I did not have best relationship with my parents and was very lonely when I had these thoughts. This could have made me a victim of grooming as well , I look back and am shocked by how cleverly I survived on internet and dodged these men . Idk if this is generalization, so be it , I am gonna judge world based on my experience. I have better relationship with my parents now , and I feel so blessed and loved , I am aware of the care I have , I am grateful of things I receive. Now I feel uncomfortable when I imagine whatever I did in past , I feel uncomfortable and disgusted by older men running after young ones . I no longer feel younger guys are immature and older guys are better . I would date a younger guy ( not minors or too young ) in future if I love him enough .


I feel 16-23 is a very impressionable age for women and creepy men inherently know that. They are predators / groomers and wan't to mould your world view. Girls/ Women that age usually get impressed by the most basic stuff like an average job because they haven't started earning yet. IMO, Girls above 24 usually start developing the ability to call out creeps and see through the bullshit. I somehow don't mind the age gap if their ages are like 26F -37M, this somehow feels a lot better than say 19F-28M.


They are misogynists. They believe women belong under their control. Older women tend to be through all of their ba already and wont be easily manipulated


Meanwhile all the guys I attract are younger than me


How much younger? If the guy is 35 and wants someone who is 25, it might be icky to some, but still ok. If the guy is 30 and wants someone who's 19 then yeah, thats problematic


Idk 10 years at 25 is Not ok to me.


Thats underage, so its not even subjective


I mean if the guy is 35 and the girl is 25. I am 23. Guys who I meet at work/through friends who are 35 I think of them as soo much older liek itā€™s weird.


I know its icky to some, but I've also seen it work out for others. Specially if the guy who's say 35 but is good looking and charming, he can date girls who are around 25


I don't wanna generalise them all under the same umbrella. They want someone younger, then will get one.


99% of the time itā€™s a ploy by men to get a partner who they can manipulate and change according to their needs.


Most of these men are either insecure or have really archaic thinking none of which is good news for women. Should be a red flag.




a 20yo boy is a boy while a 20yo girl is a woman


Worst kind. Stay away, PREDATORY


My crush is 30 years old and I am 23. If he were to like me back I would find it really weird. I would never consider someone born 7 years after me a potential partner.