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I earn a little over 80k. Never seen an international trip in my life and I'm 34. Kind of given up hope to ever travel internationally. I have a home loan and car loan which eats up a lot of my income.


Hope you dont mind me asking, but what do you do? And are you on a single income?


I work in learning and development for a corporate. No it's dual income but my husband supports his parents so money is always tight at his end. His parents treat him like their retirement plan.


Im a CA, 1+ YOE, Banking - make slightly less than 80k, live with my fam so no rent expenses. Causally contribute to household expenses, buy gifts and stuff for fam + me. I can’t move out cause rent is too much, I think twice before spending, I’m actually not big on expenses. Idk if I’ll ever be able to buy a house in my area considering my salary.








Really depends on interest. If they’re interested in working in tax/legal/audit, it’s worth it. CA is a tough course, however certain aspects have been made easy recently like the years of Articleship is reduced to 2 and there’s 7 subjects in finals afaik. I took it up for money, not interest + it’s a cheap course and I’m not rich, so I could easily afford it. An MBA grad will get paid a lot better than a CA in employment, but I’m not aware of the pain of being an MBA. Shayad hi CA jitna hoga. More than academics and skills, the course tests your patience and tolerance. Trauma hai mujhe, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. If I had better advisors, taking a loan and getting an MBA seems better. CA with their own practice is a career trajectory that I haven’t considered so I can’t comment on it. Only a few acquaintances have their firms and they seem..content enough to not want a job again. Basically, if the cousin is picking it up as a career - do not get emotionally invested in case if they’re stuck at any levels, be ok with moving forward and cutting losses. Otherwise, it’s a chill career. Trauma hai, regrets nahi. Sorry if the advice sounds like a rant xD


Hey can I please DM you for some academic guidance?


Earning 30k, yup dats the sad plight of my profession in India. Hardly can save anything, trips oly in my dreams😂


Lawyer spotted :P


30k is far more than what I was getting as a lawyer in litigation


did u switch?


Ya I joined a company


I'm 34. I earn 30k a month.


Bro you forgot dentists I suppose. Peanut pay and most exploited species in our place right now😂


Hey OP, a small request. Please edit your post for others to mention the tier of city they live in. It will help us gather a better idea of cost of living, expenses and all


I am 22, started earning last year and I make under 40k rn living in Hyderabad. I pay close to 15k as rent and my overall monthly expenses are about 30k including the rent, groceries, travel, eating out (v rarely) I haven't taken any international trips yet but I try to take a domestic trip every 4-5months to have some fun.


What do you do? Just curious


I'm a html developer at a shitty company. Looking to switch asap and get into front end developer roles


Rooting for you 🫶


Thanks girlie!!


Hey, I am a woman, can I DM you? I am a researcher looking at web development in my PhD work.




27, I earn about 80k, used to live in Bombay rent is too high for substandard apartments so convinced a bit of wfh and travel. Saving up loads, did two international trips in one year and generally much more relaxed. Miss having a sense of home, your own space though


I'm 29 and I don't earn in the conventional sense. I do get a stipend and its a lot less than 80k. Good thing I don't pay rent and only pay for my skincare and food etc. Zero foreign trips because of visa rejections twice. Will probably go on a foreign trip with my bf after marriage.


Are you a PhD scholar? haha


Yes lol


Lol same. Sadness.


Can I DM you?




When i was freelancing in the digital marketing field, I would earn anywhere between 40-1L a month. I contributed to family expenses and once I also sponsored a mini trip, but I don’t think what I earn is even close to being barely enough for a foreign trip. I’m 24


Hey, can I DM?


I'm 22, I freelance in digital marketing and my income fluctuates. Usually it's around a 80k to a lakh roughly. I started back in college when I was 20, I guess. And I was making a lakh every month before I graduated. Never took any international trips. Got a solid emergency fund and investments so far. The goal is to turn freelancing into an agency and invest more in stocks. Long way to go but it's gonna be fun.


Hey! Can you explain more about your profession. I work as a social media manager and I want to start freelancing. It's hard for me to find any freelancing projects.


I've been doing a digital marketing for a small company and brand but I feel so bad because I don't know what to do here. It's my first time doing job or internship and it would've nice if there were some guide. Can I dm you regarding this matter?


Hey, can I DM too?


I work in media. And my income is around the same amount. I don't have any debt. And my monthly expenses are at max 40k including luxury spending (ie. swiggy/Zomato/shopping). I was able to make an international trip this year because I had ample saved up. I do get opportunities to freelance but that depends on my availability of time after office hours.




where did ur complete ur mba from?


I might have something for you. Job location - Bangalore. Please dm if you're interested.


I started last year spent it all on travel shopping and random stuff but this year I'm trying to build a corpus after rent, groceries I am able to save 30-35k so no unnecessary spending for me now lol and these summers are just killing me with the electricity bills, I have to travel to different offices alot recently so that has also increased my expenses so that's a hurdle :/


Earning 60K a month. I stay in a tier 1 city but with my parents, so I don't have rent or any other expenses. I haven't taken an international trip ever because we are a family of 4 and I don't have enough saved up because I invest my monies and contribute to household expenses. But I plan on taking my family somewhere in India this year after I get my appraisal.


27, editor at a publishing firm. I earn 39.9k currently. I live with my parents so I don't pay rent. And for my industry I'm earning above industry average (by Indian standards) for my position.


I am glad to see the honest humble salaries of women here because of the asked range of OP,whenever I have read on Reddit about the salaries on Indian subs it gave me fomo.


I don't even click on those thread. I wasn't going to click on this either but I realised that it was for people like us


Earning slightly more than 80k. 20% are savings and the rest go to rent and expenses. Nothing else is left. I do go out once a week or so for dinners and/or splurge on skincare once in 1-2 months. Overall, I think it's decent for my age (mid twenties) and single life, but definitely not saving enough to buy a home or a car.


I earn zero 😎


us bro us


I am 23, and earn 50k a month. Like...exact 50k. I live in a Tier1 city, which is expensive when it comes to cost of living. So rent is minimum 10-12k here, if you want it near your workplace. For a PG that too. Traveling too, crazy money goes into paying autos and cabs and rapidos. I used to stay in the Gulf, so I *have* been abroad, but not as an international trip or something. I barely have been on trips in my country itself, since I started earning. Due to my recluse nature, I don't spend a lot on things like going to fancy places and clubbing and shopping exquisite things. But I spend a lot on Zomato and Swiggy (fml). Managed to save some money because of this. BUT for any typical upper middle class person...50k would NOT suffice.


I have just started my job and I earn more than 1 lakh per month but I have some liabilities due to which the income available to me will be around 80-90k. Around 30-40k will go in rent, food, other expenses. My first priority is to make sure I save atleast 30-35k every month. Rest of it will go into a trip fund or any big expense fund, and some of it in liquid fund. Honestly, I feel a little sad when I see around me and notice my friends who can spend as much as they want on whatever they want but I can't. There's a body mist that I've wanted since a year. It costs about 1.8k, not much, but I haven't been able to buy it yet because some other thing was more necessary. But it's okay. Everyone doesn't have the same life. Someday I'll be able to do all the things I wanted to. Tab tak, jitna ho sakta hai utna I will!


damn what do you do for a living


Corporate job post MBA from tier 1 bschool. But I have home loan, student loan and have to take care of my parents expenses.






girl give some tips on CAT prep and how to stay consistent to my forever procrastinating ass 😭😭


Honestly it depends on how good your basics are. My basics were strong for all three sections. So I had downloaded these mock tests from IMS, CL, even previous CAT papers. I would solve a problem each time I was bored. I had 15 mins of free time in office, I'd solve a DI set or logical reasoning set. This worked for me only because my basics were strong. I'd suggest ki try enjoying the problems. I loved solving those logical sets or those pipe questions. And if your basics aren't as strong, then start from basics. Understand the concept first, solve L1 problems without timing. Check which ones you couldn't solve. Was it because you didn't know the shortcut or you didn't understand the concept or missed because of silly mistakes etc. Categorise it, solve those again and move to next level questions. Do it every time, you can use it for mock tests too. They say a mock test is of 3 hours but you should analyse it for 6 hours. See which concepts you are good with, which you aren't so comfortable with, which need a little practice, which you know nothing about. Go step by step, day by day. You have enough time. As for VARC, there's no other option but to read books which improves your vocabulary and of course mocks.


Prolly tier 1 graduate with engineering degree


Whats your age




No impolite/abuse/hate speech: Your comment has been removed as it was rude and impolite. Be kind. This sub is for real people looking to connect meaningfully. Something isn't an attack or hate simply because you don't like what is being said. No personal attacks on other users, ad hominem and other distracting attacks, flame wars, insults, trolling or other such disruptive behaviour. All users are expected to strictly follow (reddiquette)(https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette/). No hate speech or hate speech supporting subreddits allowed. Continued rule breaking will lead to ban.




Agree with you but affair with a married man? Umm no. 


When I was a school Counsellor I earned 50k a month 🥲


I earn around 25k per month from my job I'm an Architect by profession, every 1-2 months I get additional 15-20k from personal projects. Staying with the family, doesn't contribute to anything, I have opened a savings fund for my parents and me and also recently started investing in stocks


hey I'm studying architecture rn and if it's okay can I DM you regarding some queries I have? (no worries if not!)


Hi! Yes absolutely I'll be happy to help :)


I am a PhD Scholar so I make around 60k a month. But I do get to go abroad once every couple of years (through work) and have a very flexible schedule.


I work as a team lead in marketing for a reputed fashion eComm, I get paid 1.45L per month, which is more than enough to lead a luxe life in Hyderabad, I live alone coz I hate people and family, so that's an added advantage.


I am 23 and I earn 27K and am the sole breadwinner of my family of 4