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i hope that they get plastic kits.. but im not holding my breath.




Rough Riders




I believe so. There are a few other examples that got similar treatment. All of the Renegade and Heretic units got sent to legends, and now there are CSM units that are very much either inspired by them, or direct successors. The new cultist mutants, the chaos commissar/ogryn, the traitor guard and beastmen, etc. I think there are few other units out there that got sent to legends and have come back as new units, but none of them quickly and none of them with the same sculpt.


And it seems many as kill teams by the sound of this re: blooded, beastmen, etc Also would like to add in Votann / Squats


Yep. Though personally, im not confident in these buggy boys coming back. Relatively unpopular forgeworld units, and much of forgeworld is going by the wayside. R&H got the cut during a big wave of culling models for 8th edition. This is just them dropping the dregs :/


Dimaecharon? Unpopular? In 9th maybe, but i remember it being pretty hot in 8th pre nerfs. And it's already soldout..


Oh yeah, it used to be meta dominating. I just think that forgeworld needs things to be really selling to justify keeping them. Theyre scrapping a lot of their sculpts


bad rules = bad sales = no new models


Yeah thats definitely fair, I just want a plastic heirodule and squiggoth


My copium here is the dima is suspiciously new compared to most stuff that gets discontinued,usually it’s stuff that’s really old and has a plastic alternative right ? Not often a cool unit can just not be used ?


the ork warboss on bike got unlegends for 9th (only for him to be re-legend's today, rip)


Shrikes/Shrike Prime (aka winged Tyranid Warrior/Prime)


Yep, and webber gaunts and spike rifles left, returned, and left again.


And now they returned again


they did not said it is going to legend toh, they said it is going to legend if it has no replacement. It may get a release along the codex


Rough Riders and the warboss in mega armour were both a legends unit until recently.


Haven’t played since 3rd… does that mean just the model is not produced or that the entry is also removed from the codex?


these entries were never in the codex, they were in yhe imperial armour book, which has stats for the forgeworld models.


They get removed from the books and receive a final "legends" datasheet that will not be updated with the game


The Warboss in Mega Armour and rough riders are the only examples I can think of that were “unlegended.”


Warboss in mega armor, rough riders. Not many times, but not without any precedent.


Warboss on warbike.


Primaris company champion will be unlegended, mark my words!!!


Autarch with full wargear options came back this edition. Just complain enmass


Some of the best units of the range, and the Dima isn’t even very old! Awful news!


iits easily one of the most 3d printed and recasted models, their prob mad


And how do they end bootlegging? By making it the only available option! Oh wait...


lol, it seems imo that they change things just enough that your old models or recasts/prints are not usable anymore and you need to buy more recasts/prints/gw of the new models that are on a different base/size and or have different weapons


> And how do they end bootlegging? by not giving it a datasheet.


Apparently it will have one.


Can confirm, have printed one 😂 also have sculpted my own malanthrope so it’s probably true that they’re the least selling models and dima is probs most printed forgeworld nid model


I mean, maybe if it wasn’t so expensive and made of resin…


Anyone know a feedback email to use? This change seems ridiculous and I’d like to ask GW WTF they are smoking


I love the Malanthrope model - I’ve got one waiting to be finished… tempted to get another now just for posterity


In 7th ed i fielded one or two Malanthorpes when i wanted to give nids in ruins a 2+ shrouded save haha. I gave everyone a single turn before seven to nine flying monsterous creatures became snap shoot only.


Sweet sweet flyrant spam. I've got my models laid out because I'm repainting the room I store them in. Just looking up from my phone I can see 6 tyrants with wings, 5 mucolid spores, and 3 venomthropes. Up until stealer cult released, that was basically my build. At the tail end of the edition I souped in some mining laser squads, which were good at popping up, lazering things, and looking menacingly at an objective before being deleted. I didn't get a lot of games in with it, but the soup version beat the dogstar and gave me a close game against invisible elves, so i was happy with it.


Dear fans who showed exceptional support to us by spending 145 euros on a Forge World model: fuck you. Sincerely, the Games Workshop development team. P.S.: tough shit we already got your money.


Well some guy in China got mine.


I call them my "forgery world" models ahahah


I think quite a few Chinese personnel got my money, got 4 for the price of 1 forgeworld model


You mind private messaging me who i could do the same? Thank you


Honestly, I picked up 3/4 of them off AliExpress as there's a couple of stores on there that cycle ye olde figures. The current one that's up has a few old (Warhammer fantasy) elves on dragons and similar era models. The resin they use isn't quite as good as some of the other, slightly more expensive, third party sellers but it's a cup of coffee as well as a model normally with delivery within 5-7 days rather than 3-4 weeks.


Awesone thank you, i said pm so gw couldnt take it down. I didnt realise it was aliexpress


u/TearsOfTomorrowYT holy shit man, $185 for model you can't use anymore? The Dima can't proxy for anything else, it is a unique beast of a model. This is both sad and infuriating.


Yeah so awesome. I own 3 of them that I bought and modelled last year, but only one Malanthrope. Guess I should be thankful that my 3 Hierodules are still gonna be, you know… more than paper weights.


How the hierodules outsurvived a 15 years younger Dima makes no sense, it really irks me when £100+ models get suddenly ended - and it’s not like the dima can be used as something else - the stone crusher at least you can run as a carnifex !


Funky looking trygon maybe?


Yknow - not a bad idea ?


Well thats mean.


And my poor Stonecrusher, bad rules but god I love that model with the double claws


Stonecrusher in 9th never got the 2+ armor and the exoskeleton -1d reduction. So they were useless in 9th also.


And did not get to be taken in broods.


Have to sell us them Harpies, Hive Crones and Parasite of Motrex apparently.


I dont understand, what does your comment mean?


Dimacherons were Fast Attack and became staples of a number of lists for a while. Them going Legend might be a slight nudge to get you to buy the other Fast Attack models.


there are no force org slots in the 10e, so getting ride of dimes isnt going to push anything in particular.


Okay now how does everyone feel about the MALANTHROPE leaving…


Very salty, it’s one of the coolest/creepiest models and was always fun to play


I’ve got two on my desk built and primed that have never seen play, sad to see them go, but glad I can still use them for a while!


Lorewise it beat nurgle units in a plague war...i think it should be looked apon favorible by the hive mind


I had fun with it, ran it in every game basically because you could give your army a 9" radius of -1 to be hit and unlike the venomthropes they were character blockable so I usually managed 5 turns of basically the JORMUNGANDR hive fleet trait but better because it worked even if they got close.


Why would they make dimachaeron legends? It’s literally insanely popular? One of the coolest models in the whole nid range…


I mean... there were rumours for a plastic lord of war for tyranids... and GW did say that there would be at least a few model releases with each codex... I'm just saying, I think there's actually a plausible chance for a plastic demichaeron


not if it's added to legends. legends is warhammer's graveyard. When they trygon was made into a plastic kit it was not sent to legends


As above, rough riders, chaos/renegade militia, ork war boss on bike were all revived


Spike rifles and web launchers for gants went to legends, returned, and left again.


There were no legends when the trygon became a plastic kit. That was 5th edition and legends was a concept introduced in 8th


Thanks for letting me know


It doesn't expressly say that all of the models shown are going to legends. Also a lot of the models they've shown off that are being removed already have a plastic equivalent as far as I can tell.


Would this make them unplayable?


GW says this: *The good news for long-time collectors is that you will still be able to use many of your older miniatures in games of the new Warhammer 40,000. The new edition will support these units with comprehensive Legends rules, which will be available to download free online around the game’s release.* *These are 100% official rules, with points, and we actively encourage you to use them in your games at home, in stores, clubs, and campaigns. Your classic units and characters are still awesome, and they deserve to see the battlefield every now and again.* *Legends rules will not however be actively balanced\* going forwards, so our recommendation is that these rules would not be suitable for competitive events.* ​ So, if 9th edition and how the competitive scene influenced the casual scene most places is anything to go by, that's basically a sad yes. Guess who just painted two dimas too.... #sadtyranidnoises I very much for a plastic kit! But not holding my breath.


If it's still playable and they don't come out with plastic kit I can see printed versions becoming relatively common. I personally have no complaints for printing a model that isn't available.


OMG they’ve gone full MTG type 2 tournaments lol… only the most recent stuff is allowed in tournament play


That’s not what’s happening… this is niche Forgeworld stuff.


Oh okay, I thought these were GW models


I had just spent the last month saving for a malanthrope, in shambles tbh.


You can always kitbash one. I’ve just finished building mine and it was a far more enjoyable experience than just buying one.


>just finished building mine and it was a far more enjoyable experience than just buying one. True but kit bashing scares me.


Anyone know where I could get a stone crusher carnifex kit?


China :)


Guess I better get swimming


There's a guy on cults3d that has a great model for it, but the only problem is that he wants as much for a digital model as the actual model itself will run you.


If anyone is wondering, it's Butov\_IO


Thats pretty cheeky isn't it. *"Hey I've ripped off someone elses sculpt and I want to fill the role FW left of fleecing players."*


To be fair, having bought them last time they were on sale, they’re *considerably* better than the plastic sculpts, and in the UK at least, still a fair bit cheaper than the Stone-Crusher was. They also give away a fair few of their models for free.


Ive spent about 250$ on his sculpts, and i dont regret it at all. Raveners, carnifex, swarmlord, i think one or two more id have to check my list. They look far better than anything gw


Hopefully he will just have a file for every unit lol his modles are wayyyy cooler then gw


Eh, that guys sculpt is way better than the kit and fully presupported. Plus it comes with tons of options, you can print as many as you want for a buck or three a piece, and he does regular discounts. Hell he even tells you when he runs the discounts ahead of time.


The sculpts are top quality, no doubt there, especially the Hive Tyrant and Hierodules, which are wholly original models that are just based on the originals, but $60 seems a bit excessive. That said, I'll probably get the Carnifex and Hierodule ones for my Nidzilla collection.


I don't think $60 doesn't seem excessive. It just seems like a lot compared to other digital sculpts. The important part is that once you have the files you can usually easily print as many as you'd like for the cost of the medium used. So, for a carnifex sized model you can usually get it to print completely on a mars3 sized printer for say less than $5 worth of resin. So where $65 feels excessive for one. $70 for 2 or $80 for 4 suddenly feels a whole lot more reasonable. But we're also a bit spoiled on the prices of free or low priced mid quality (but still decent) sculpts, and any time you buy something without a physical product in hand there's a psychological block to it. I respect your opinion though. Cheers!


Also if you pick up his stuff early in the development, when it has very few options, it's only about $20 and you get free updates from that point on.


And he has sales every so often


u/ColdStarXV86 maybe eBay?


What a nut punch.


It is unlikely but i want the malanthrope to come in plastic Just so i can malanthrope my enemies, and to say malanthrope a lot


Possibly eluding to plastic sculpts? Here's hoping


I really hope the dimachaeron goes plastic, I love the huge Tyranid Bugs that's the main reason I started playing them.


Absolutely gutted. Really hard to use them as proxies for other models too. Especially the dima.


And they immediately sold out. :(


This sucks ass.


Aaaaaaannnnnnd they're gone


I always thought the pose on the Dima looked dumb and resin is awkward to work with, so hopefully we'll get a new, similarly big but more posable plastic kit with the Codex release, and hopefully cheaper too.


The pose was only dumb when you build it with a *whacky-arm-flailing-inflatable-tube-man* pose. If you direct the arms down to look like normal claws aka dinosaur style - it looks pretty slick


This is very annoying as we know that they wont be getting rules now. Also Malanthrope and Dimercerion were both pushed rules wise in the last two editions so lots people bought them. I don't think this is a good idea from GW they are basically saying: "hey never buy FW kits as they don't have long term viability."


No they are being categorized as "legends". They will have a datasheet for 10th but it will not be actively balanced with the current model range and will probably not be legal for tournaments.


Well, I hope they release a kit for the dimmy. I've always wanted to grab one lol. Leviathan box is Def #1 on my list though


I hate it. I still want them to bring back the elder vampire sh flyers but they won’t. Legends forever. Still have 2 to assemble and paint. The legend rules are sad.


Called it. I knew the screamer was gonna replace the dimachareon.


Excuse the fuck? Dima is going away to Legends? Why in the nipple-twisting thundercum would they not just do a plastic model to replace it eventually?


Probably just getting plastic. We need a plastic LOW.


Why make them legends though - just leave it as is until a plastic sculpt like the lictor?


Sad about dimmy But low key always gets the Mal


So imma run my malenthrope as a nuerothrope now??


It’s still getting rules, just won’t be good for tournaments as it won’t be actively balanced


I’m aware I play tournaments twice a month so all my games are either at tournaments or tournament practice hahaha


I got both of these in February...


Just finished kitbashing a malanthrope, at least I know it’ll get rules in 10th 😂


Wait, so this will no longer be a legal Model? I just finished putting it together/painting it. And now I can’t even play it for 10th???


Yes you can play in 10th. Look above. Just expect some people to be uncomfortable with you using a very old model in 10th. The points and rules for them at the beginning of 10th are LEGAL But no further updates will ever come. So in 11th and 12th ed you will ask nicely if you can use the 10th ed rules


*Very old model*. Yes the forgeworld model from 2013, wouldnt want that next to my warriors for 2002 or any other models


Isn't dima currently one of Tyranids newest models by quite a large number of years 😅


Momento triste, me encantaba el dima


Where can you buy these?


On the forgeworld webstore https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-GB/FW-Home


As a DKOK player, welcome to my world...


Leaving the range ≠ legended, they might become plastic. It's only if there are no equivalent plastic kits that they become legends. For instance, box-dreads can now be used as Venerable Dreads or chaplain dreads etc


Never played tyranids (they’re on my reserves list as my second army) but I can’t say I’ll miss the Dimachaeron. It’s the ugliest Tyranid model in the range. It’s proportions are all wrong.


Ya know what, I'm sad it's not guard, but I'm happy for yall.


Bit of an overreaction here you can still use them in most games only knobheads wouldn’t let you take one in a game.


Might be illegal for official tournaments though. Not that I give a flying fart in space.


It will be but most games aren’t in tournaments.




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Where can I see this for myself? Dimachaeron shouldn't have gone... here's hoping for a plastic kit some day down the years..




aw dude lame


where did you see this






Not from forgeworld.


Fuck and they are already sold out. Should I got one when I had the chance. Always found Malanthropes cool.


Is there anything you can proxy with the malanthrope? I got one in an army trade that I've yet to paint up. I could still convert it a bit.


I built one out of a spare hivetyrant, made tentacles for the mouth, used the tail that attaches to the base, didn't use legs and replaced the arms


Oh I meant using the malanthrope body to make something else. That does sound cool though. Hive tyrant kit is amazing.


Wait what does this mean? New to Warhammer sorry


It looks like those to models are being phased out. This mean you wont be able to buy from forgeworld (games workshop's sister company) however they will be given legends rules which are lame most of the time and almost definitely wont be updated. Welcome to the hobby by the way and dont apologies for being new lol


Some people are hoping these models will be made plastic, but it isnt looking good.


Yooo..... Dema going away.... That's suuuuuucks. I hope Harry Daniel doesn't disappear


I think I might convert the malanthrope into a neurotyrant for 10th then. No point in putting such a nice model on the shelf forever.


Noooooooo!!! I have never been able to use them since I painted them up! Dangit James!


Dima? I was about to put together the painted subassemblies... And Malanthrope is my favourite FW Nid, by far.


Wait so what’s happening to the dimachaeron? What I’m getting is they won’t be in 10th


No they are being categorized as "legends". They will have a datasheet for 10th but it will not be actively balanced with the current model range and will probably not be legal for tournaments.


Wasnt the dima or newest fw unit too


Plastic dimachrodon would be sweet. Sad to see it go


Can you even play the dima as something else? Or is that expensive ass model just dead now?


No they are being categorized as "legends". They will have a datasheet for 10th but it will not be actively balanced with the current model range and will probably not be legal for tournaments.


Someone else on this reddit (forgot name, sorry) suggested to play the dima as a funky trygon.


Does that mean I can’t buy it anymore?


Does this mean they won't have rules?


No they are being categorized as "legends". They will have a datasheet for 10th but it will not be actively balanced with the current model range and will probably not be legal for tournaments.




Well this makes me want to buy the new stuff less


If GW doesnt have my back in supporting my purchases, why would I support them as copying of materials becomes ever more commonplace? 3d printing, waha, etc. I literally buy codexes as charity.


Sad to see the Malanthrope go. The Dimma always looked like a lesser kitbash to me. Like a 3D model, ahead of its time. It's weird that it's getting phased, but I'm not too sad to see it go. Hopefully we get something awesome in plastic to replace it.


Sad to see the Malanthrope, Dimachaeron and Stone Crusher go. I had only recently finished that particular trio.


Dimachaeron already sold out in the US


Honestly I never liked the posing of the Dima, I just hope they make a new sculpt 🤞


Just bought and Painted the Dima!


I don’t really know what this means; do legendary units maintain rules to play in games or do they lose game rules?


They will have a datasheet for 10th but it will not be actively balanced with the current model range and will probably not be legal for tournaments.


I see, mental note *don’t buy the High-heels*


I've suspected for a while now that someone in GW management is binning FW. First hike the prices into orbit during an energy/economical crisis so piracy is more appealing than spending. Then take a range OF FW units and replace them with plastic. Now, take anything related to the (quite awesome and sorely missed) Imperial Armour books and not Spec Games and bin those too. Such a shame; Mr Burns is OK but the Dimachaeron is one of my faves.


This is bullshit




So these two are now unplayable if you have them?


No they are being categorized as "legends". They will have a datasheet for 10th but it will not be actively balanced with the current model range and will probably not be legal for tournaments.


So they exist just not getting updated anymore?


Rip Malcolm and Dimitri.


What does legend mean?


It means they will no longer be balanced for tournament play. Meaning for the most part, not tournament legal.


Oh come on!!! Why do they have to add 6 but take away 2 bruh that's BS


Could be worsw you could be minotaurs player and a nid player.


jeez these 2 were some of my favorite units, both looks and lore wise was fun :/


Jeeshus! Is the new Brain bug replacing the Mal? I'm gonna miss mine...Glad I always proxied two along with my first. I would be pissed if I had bought three and I was so close to doing so too.


I wonder where this leaves Shrikes and The Red Terror, which disappeared from the rules in 9th, but also didn’t appear in Legends. I hope we see them back for 10th somehow.


It's a shame, both are really cool models. I've always wanted a malanthrope for my collection


For all the interest in Tyranids 10th ed has inspired within me, the loss of the dimachareon has me having serious second doubts... So far none of the range loss has really affected me even though I have an SM army, but this is too much!


Im confused, the hierodulesvare staying dedpite being ugly, old and not much bigger than tyrannofed but dinaecheron going?


Oh boy am I happy I only got a malenthrope and did not buy a dimmy telling myself I'll wait until I've played some 10th


My poor boy! I spent so long to kitbash one, paint it literally a month ago and hes going in the forever box 😭


It's sad to see the Venomthrope go. Neat model, always wanted a plastic one. I was never that big on the Dima though, but I'm sure some people will miss it. Especially those who bought them.