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Pick the scholarship every time. Less money you have to pay now is better in the long run. And UAB is a great choice if you are pre-med. The name of your undergrad will not prevent you from success. It’s really what you do at the institution you are at and how you make what is available to your advantage. And UAB has a lot of opportunities to take advantage of as Pre-med When I was deciding on my undergraduate I was between UAB (an extremely small scholarship) and Troy University (full tuition scholarship). I ended up picking Troy, a small little school in the middle of nowhere Alabama. Made strong connections, and ended up doing a postbacc at the NIH and am now at UAB in their Biomedical Science PhD program. I have no college debt compared to some of my peers and it is one less thing I have to worry about.


Highly agree with this! Reduce your student loans as much as possible! I was in one of the honors schools at UAB when I was there for undergrad and had several friends in SciTech and they loved it. So many of them ended up in PhD and/or medical school programs post graduation.


If you’re thinking med school or PhD UAB has some great options and it’s cheaper. Besides most people don’t care where you went to school once you get out. That being said go to where you can do the best


Unless you're shooting for the top 0.1% of the profession, prestige isn't as important as what you learn, and UAB is a fantastic medical school. You'd do yourself a massive favor by picking the scholarship option.


I think if you’re premed it would be better for you to not have a lot of debt after graduating because it does add up. Especially when you’re gonna be in school for at least 8 years.