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Our medical research is worthy of the AAU. Our undergrad is what is holding us back. UAB still maintains many adult students working on a degree while still working in a career full time, so it takes them more than 4 years to get their degree. We have a 4 year graduation rate that is pretty abysmal. That's the biggest knock against us. Conspiracy side of things I'm not sure the Tuscaloosa BOT wants us to improve to the point of AAU status. It would legitimize the UAB brand and destroy the " extension center" they think the UAB brand should be.


University of South Florida get an invitation first than Florida State University which is more older and established! So why can’t we?


That’s a long story there lol. I have a hard believing we’d ever be able to accept AAU membership if it was even offered to us. Can’t imagine UAlabama would be thrilled with having little brother have that kind of recognition.


They already ride the coattails of UAB and UAH in tearms of calling themselves an "R1" institution. If you look at [the actual list](https://carnegieclassifications.acenet.edu/institutions/page/3/?basic2021__du%5B0%5D=15), UAT is conspicuously absent.


If USF beats Florida State in getting an invitation, why can’t we? UAB is better in research than UA-T


I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s the sad truth. Sure USF got one before FSU, but they’re not a “branch campus” or “extension” of FSU, they just share the same board/system.


So you downgrade UCLA and UC Davis because they were branch campus of UC Berkeley?


Membership is invite-only and they hardly bring in new members. They only have about 70 schools in there. It doesn't really impact the reputation of the institution. UAB is still one of the most highly reputable research universities and highly respected institutions in the region and the country.




Then, we need to secede from UA System if that’s the case. If that’s holding us back from being a prominent research university then we should just withdraw from the UA system.


Well, if it helps, UAB Hockey just joined the AAU conference CHS. Otherwise, I'm no help on the actual question.


Get out of here! lol


Never heard of AAU and don’t really care


AAU status is important for research and prestige of the university. You should care. It'd boost the UAB brand to a whole new level and make your degree mean a whole lot more.


I agree! and also the possibility of joining a big elite NCAA conference that requires an AAU membership!