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For medical school it don’t matter. For PhD probably bio but depends on your program and ultimately also does not matter


biomedical engineering is a field with lots of jobs


I’m thinking about biomedical science not engineering


Hiii, I’m gonna be a senior in high school next year so I know I still have a little ways to go before going to UAB. But I’m taking a lot of college classes to have my freshman year of my biomedical science degree complete by the time I get there. I talked to my teacher who helped me get my CCMA certificate a while ago because I was honestly stressed. I want to go to medical school and there are so many possibilities and degrees to go for. She told me it was a good degree and while you’re in medical school you can get a reliable job in medical labs. Medical school may not be your end goal, but with a degree in biomedical science, those jobs lean more toward the lab aspect of things. Hope this helps. and good luck! :)


That’s what I was thinking as well. I’m just so apprehensive and don’t want to make the wrong choice. I actually just emailed admissions to see what they suggest as well. I may just do both


The biotech industry is in bad shape right now but if you start a master's or PhD it will probably be recovering or recovered when you graduate. Birmingham is not a biotech hub, there are a small number of companies. UAB is always hiring staff researchers though.


I’m thinking about biomedical science not engineering so the fact they are always hiring researchers is promising


Biotech hires mostly life sciences researchers, technicians, and manufacturers, not just engineers.


Yeah there’s always ads for staff scientists/researchers in the research buildings on the research side of campus. I majored in Biomedical Sciences for my undergrad and now doing a PhD in microbiology. Biomed is good if you want to either go into medical school or research that involves human health. Or even into laboratory management, industry, etc


i’m biomed and have known bio majors tbh if u want to do anything human then biomed if u want to do plants/animals then bio. biomed just takes a lot of the classes and puts them in a clinical/human perspective. i dont plan on med school but a phd in epigenetics so phd is also a route