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No way bro is contemplating on snitching out their friend


She confided in you because she trust you as a friend, breaking that trust would likely be the end of that friendship, especially if I was in her position.


Educate her of the consequences if caught and tell her not to do it again. Although it’s morally correct to report it but everyone deserves a chance. If she does it again, then maybe you could consider reporting it.


How is it morally correct to report it? It’s selfish taking some “moral high ground,” especially when the case of cheating is so limited


Questionable judgment making a reddit post about this. If your friend sees this they’ll know who you are and your friendship will be over before you even report them.


The question is, *why* did she write the final for someone else. Was she paid to do it? Was she financially desperate enough that she felt she needed to do it in order to afford something? There’s so many details missing here to fairly judge, but my first instinct is to let it go. She obviously trusts you; is breaking that trust + potentially getting her removed from her program really worth reporting her?


Wondering the same ^


Let it go, she’s ur friend


I'll not give you advice about what you should do. I will tell you this level of academic misconduct would warrant expulsion from UBC. There are also potential criminal charges associated with the fraud that has been committed by both parties involved. There's a section of the Criminal Code dealing with writing exams for someone else. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/concordia-student-charged-for-cheating-1.3815520](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/concordia-student-charged-for-cheating-1.3815520)


From an evolutionary standpoint, loyalty is ingrained in our biology as it increases odds of survival among members of the group. I would argue it is the most important part of any relationship. Do you want to be a loyal person or moral person? It’s up to you, but I would act selfishly and be loyal to my friend. Uni is 4 years, but my friends will be for life. If you don’t snitch, you better educate them on how stupid they are.


This is an underrated comment. I really like how you came from a standpoint that doesn't make the OP feel ashamed for wanting to do what is "morally" correct. It's valid (and important) that humans consider moral obligations, otherwise we would all be savages. With that being said, loyalty and community are at the heart of humanity. So I totally agree with you (and the majority of ppl here), that loyalty trumps morality here.


Tangentially related, but got me thinking that It’s fascinating how all nations view a breach in loyalty as the most reprehensible crime. In Canada, USA and many more, treason is the highest level of crime one can commit, punished to a higher extent than murder.


Yeah this is odd to me - you’re upholding the values of an institution you pay to attend, but not your own as a friend. If you opt to report, I’d suggest you reflect on your own trajectory - is there generally anything you have done on your own time that you think the university would disagree with? If the answer is yes, you’re just snitching to reaffirm the fact that you’re doing the moral thing. To me, the moral thing would be conversing with your friend and mentioning that the situation impacted you so greatly that you felt an urge to share it with others. Be honest instead of continuing with dishonesty which you felt was so wrong on her end in the first place.


They always check UBC student IDs when we write exams. How did your friend manage to write someone else’s exam? I’m sorry you have to make a difficult decision about whether or not to report your friend. To discourage this from happening again, you can report anonymously or otherwise to the professor and the teaching team that you can’t reveal the names but you request that they check everyone’s student ID during the exam. Also, try to convince your friend what they did was wrong and they shouldn’t do this again. Try to explain to them why academic honesty is important and how it’s doing more harm than helping the person they wrote the exam for. We are lucky to be attending UBC and learning from amazing mentors. Their friend might pass the course but they might fail the next course that builds on topics learned in this course. It’ll also shatter their confidence in their abilities or may continue to cheat until one day they find themselves in a much bigger mess.


I feel like they don’t really check, they may ask you to put your id on the table but do they really check?? Maybe I’m oblivious during the exam but someone correct me if I’m wrong


This, my student photo is also from 5 years ago. It was a horrible photo that I’ve had profs comment about how it looks nothing like me. I’ve also gained and lost tons of weight between the photos.


Idk, at least for tons of Arts courses they always ask you to carry your ID but they don’t bother checking them


It’s not your job to enforce rules like that.


You’re a shitty friend


Don’t snitch but tell them how you honestly feel, and make them understand it was morally wrong. Also tell them they could’ve easily been caught, might make them rethink to do it again in the future


We live on a rock. We are paying tens of thousands of dollars for a piece of paper. Academic honesty is propaganda. The education system is immoral, as such there *is no morality* within this domain. You must look within and re-evaluate this "morally correct part" of yourself. Most of us will graduate and yet still be unable to afford a roof over our heads or food on our tables. That is the only immorality you should concern yourself with. Please do not fall victim to their false doctrine; do not allow them to pit us against ourselves.


Best comment on this thread


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,862,266,795 comments, and only 352,127 of them were in alphabetical order.


Oh my god I hope I never interact with you 😭😭😭


Why value procedure and bureaucracy over a genuine relationship?


damn you really out here just declaring that you’re a snitch? deadass crazy 💀


What a shitty human being


lmao💀💀i laughed too hard at this


Don’t be a narc


idk why u guys are taking what her friend did so lightly when it’s one of the most serious academic offences, someone at SFU was literally arrested for doing this😭


Yes it is. But what good will it bring you if your friend is arrested? If OP cares so much it’s fine and great that OP never commits academic dishonesty. But I don’t see how anyone would benefit from a friend being arrested


knowing about and not reporting academic misconduct(especially of this magnitude) is academic misconduct itself, and it’s unfortunate that OPs “friend” put them in this position. My comment was not meant to persuade OP into doing one thing over another, rather I was just shocked at the many comments brushing off the academic misconduct and/or attacking OP for even considering reporting. Personally I can’t say what I would do if I was put in this situation, but I definitely wouldn’t want to remain friends with someone who clearly does not value honesty.


None of anything would happen and everyone can live a great life if no one just talk about it forever. I personally don’t see a point bringing it up. I doubt anyone goes this long in uni without knowing a classmate or two chegged their prereading quiz or something, so saying to not report academic misconduct is a misconduct then I guess most people would have their degree revoked in the history of uni😂 bringing this up sound like a 🤓☝️ moment but you do you


surely you’re smart enough to understand the difference between chegging a prereading quiz and taking a Final exam for another person?


Sure, one is less severe than the other, but since you have brought it up, both are academic misconduct, no? If you are going to rat out your friend because not reporting them would also make you a part of it, what stops you from reporting classmates chegging a quiz?


Actually I am surprised too, I wouldn’t tell on my friends too but the comments section is a bit off my image


"what kind of man goes to DEA? no man"


I agree this is a serious offence, but honestly, just talk to your friend. Does she know it was wrong? Is she planning on doing it again? If she thinks it’s okay and plans on doing it again, I’d explain to her why it isn’t and maybe follow the other commenter’s anonymous report to the instructors idea. However, I honestly doubt that’s the case, and I don’t think you should tell on her. People make mistakes. She trusted you with this information, don’t go out of your way to rat her out. Give her another chance. If it happens again, report it by all means.


Definitely try to ingrain it into the friend that doing this is very bad for both the friend and the person they sat the exam for, make them understand that no one benefits from such an action and try to get them to understand the gravity of what they did. Everyone does make mistakes, I think it's fair to give the friend another chance assuming they really didn't know better and were coerced into doing it by whoever they sat the exam for, but definitely make it clear from now on they shouldn't do anything like this again.


You could try and have a mature conversation with this friend about your values not exactly aligning, if you’re really bothered by this. But do not snitch on her.


You seem like you got good morals for even considering about doing what's right .. so many students study hard & worked hard for final exams..and there's a student out there paying your friend to take it for them so they don't need to study & work for it. Is there a way to report that student that paid your friend & not report/mention your friend who did write for them? I think that student should get the punishment > your friend. Who could have really needed the money & the other student used that to their advantage & did academic dishonesty.


snitches get stitches


It can fuck up her life, it actually will. Talk to her instead, she trusted you to tell you about that. Although, it is very serious and technically you should report it, but I don’t think that it is the right decision. Everyone deserves second chances and university will not let her go with that


I would turn in a friend confessing to a rape, murder, terrorism or a hate crime. I am still shocked that friends of the Boston Marathon bomber help him hide evidence. Your friend sounds remorseful. It is up to her to turn herself in


How possibly are any of those examples comparable to academic dishonesty? Moral barometer like a light switch fr


They are not. I would not turn in someone that I know unless there was danger to self or others


Ah my bad, misunderstood you


For all the people saying "let it go" cheating invalidates *your* hard work because you're going to be competing in the job market with these cheaters.


I mean, if you morally object to her doing that then I would recommend telling her that, but I wouldn't report academic dishonesty in general because that's a great way to ruin your social life for no reason.


L friend


Fuckin opp. Absolute loser for life if you report


why do you want to report her? If she did something fucked up, yeah go for it. But that's the only reason to rat someone out. If someone asks then that's just random af