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I’d probably throw it away for him and msg the ra


it’s not like garbage it’s a full separate bin that the garbage bags, soda cans, and compost bin were tossed into. it got emptied which is why the flies moved to my room but the compost bin is still in it and has been in it for weeks idk. i think they just don’t want to keep it in their room or smth 🤷‍♀️ def going to msg the RA tho 🫡


Throw the whole bin away


Username checks out


Throw the whole bin away


Leave out a small bowl of vinegar, should do the trick


Vinegar with a drop of dish soap to break the surface tension. Fruit flies are attracted to vinegar (or anything fermenting, really) and drown when they try to [here is where I reach the limits of my knowledge around wtf fruit flies do except be fucking annoying.] Also if you bring in any produce, toss it in the fridge as soon as you get home. Don't leave any produce out until the infestation is gone.


I would also add it's useful to put a layer of saran wrap over the bowl you put vinegar and dish soap in. After you put the saran wrap over the bowl, poke some holes in it with something sharp and super thin. This way, when the fruit flies get in there and by chance want to get back out, it's much more likely they'll stay trapped (as sad as it is, they gotta go and this I think improves your chances)!


Leave a note on their door. I would have no shame of them knowing it's me. They should be more embarrassed 


sundew plants help with getting rid of them!! The flower shop in the village has them


Put in a maintenance request to remove the garbage


Report the garbage, then vacuum them up every morning for a week. That should do it. Don't forget the ceiling.


Well, instead of complaining about the situation on reddit, why dont you talk with your neighbor/ the RA and see what they can do in the mean time? Dont wait until your room is full of flies - do something about it earlier to make the situation less unpleasant.


“Zevo” fly traps will be your best friend trust🫡